#File clitkMorphoReconstruction.ggo package "clitkMorphoReconstruction" version "1.0" purpose "Morphological reconstruction: restore a marker image by preserving regions and using a mask image. For opening and closing, the mask is the original image." option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Morpho parameters" option "type" t "0=Erode, 1=Dilate, 2=Close (erode(dilate(x))), 3=Open (dilate(erode(x)))" int no default="0" option "mask" m "0-1: Mask image filename" string no option "full" - "2-3: Use full connectivity" flag off option "int" - "2-3: Preserve intensities" flag off option "radius" r "2-3: Preserve intensities" double no default="1.0"