/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template clitk::RelativePositionList:: RelativePositionList() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::RelativePositionList:: Read(std::string filename) { /* The goal here is to read a text file that contains options for the RelativePosition filter. The text file contains options in the same form of the config file of the clitkRelativePosition tool. In this text file, each time a "object" option is found, a new set of options is considered. */ // Open the file std::ifstream is; openFileForReading(is, filename); // Read input -> the structure name that will be used as input // (initial support) skipComment(is); std::string s; is >> s; if (s != "input") { FATAL("while reading RelativePositionList file. This file must start with 'input = '"); exit(0); } is >> s; if (s != "=") { FATAL("while reading RelativePositionList file. This file must start with 'input = '"); exit(0); } std::string name; is >> name; skipComment(is); // Create a temporary filename char n[] = "tmp_clitkRelativePosition_XXXXXX"; mkstemp(n); // tmpnam(n); std::string tmpfilename(n); // Loop on the file text ; Every time we see a "object" token, we // split the file. while (is) { bool stop=false; std::ostringstream ss; // first part of ss is the last 'object = ' found, stored in s ss << s << std::endl; while (!stop) { skipComment(is); if (!is) stop = true; else { std::getline(is, s); if (s.find("object") != std::string::npos) stop=true; else ss << s << std::endl; if (!is) stop = true; } } std::string text = ss.str(); if (text.size() > 10) { // if too small, it is not a list of option std::ofstream os; openFileForWriting(os, tmpfilename); os << text; os.close(); // Create a struct to store options. I use two step to allow to // fill the args values with de default and then check // automatically the options. ArgsInfoType args_info; std::vector writable(tmpfilename.size() + 1); std::copy(tmpfilename.begin(), tmpfilename.end(), writable.begin()); char ** argv = new char*[1]; argv[0] = new char[1]; cmdline_parser_clitkRelativePosition2(1, argv, &args_info, 1, 1, 0); args_info.input_given = 1; args_info.input_arg = new char[1]; args_info.output_given = 1; args_info.output_arg = new char[1]; cmdline_parser_clitkRelativePosition_configfile(&writable[0], &args_info, 0, 0, 1); // Store the args mArgsInfoList.push_back(args_info); // Delete the temporary file std::remove(tmpfilename.c_str()); } } // Set the main input name SetInputName(name); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::RelativePositionList:: GenerateInputRequestedRegion() { // Call default itk::ImageToImageFilter::GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); // Get input pointers and set requested region to common region ImagePointer input1 = dynamic_cast(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0)); input1->SetRequestedRegion(input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::RelativePositionList:: GenerateOutputInformation() { // Get input m_working_input = dynamic_cast(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0)); // Loop on RelativePositionList of operations std::string s = GetInputName(); for(uint i=0; iSetDirection(2); // Set SbS specific options f->SetUniqueConnectedComponentBySliceFlag(mArgsInfoList[i].uniqueCCL_flag); f->SetObjectCCLSelectionFlag(mArgsInfoList[i].uniqueObjectCCL_flag); f->IgnoreEmptySliceObjectFlagOn(); //f->SetObjectCCLSelectionDimension(0); //f->SetObjectCCLSelectionDirection(-1); //f->SetAutoCropFlag(false); // Print if needed if (mArgsInfoList[i].verboseOptions_flag) f->PrintOptions(); } else { relPosFilter = clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter::New(); SetFilterOptions(relPosFilter, mArgsInfoList[i]); // Print if needed if (mArgsInfoList[i].verboseOptions_flag) relPosFilter->PrintOptions(); } // Set input relPosFilter->SetInput(m_working_input); // Run the filter relPosFilter->Update(); m_working_input = relPosFilter->GetOutput(); StopCurrentStep(m_working_input); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::RelativePositionList:: GenerateData() { // Final Step -> set output this->GraftOutput(m_working_input); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::RelativePositionList:: SetFilterOptions(typename RelPosFilterType::Pointer filter, ArgsInfoType & options) { if (options.orientation_given > 1) { clitkExceptionMacro("Error in the RelPos options. I need a single --orientation (for the moment)." << " Current options are for obj = '" << options.object_arg << "', threshold = " << options.threshold_arg << std::endl); } ImagePointer object = GetAFDB()->template GetImage(options.object_arg); filter->SetInputObject(object); filter->WriteStepFlagOff(); filter->SetVerboseImageSizeFlag(GetVerboseImageSizeFlag()); filter->SetFuzzyThreshold(options.threshold_arg); filter->SetInverseOrientationFlag(options.inverse_flag); // MUST BE BEFORE AddOrientationTypeString if (options.orientation_given == 1) { for(uint i=0; iAddOrientationTypeString(options.orientation_arg[i]); } else { if (options.angle1_given && options.angle2_given) { filter->AddAnglesInDeg(options.angle1_arg, options.angle2_arg); } else { clitkExceptionMacro("Error in the RelPos options. I need --orientation or (--angle1 and --angle2)." << " Current options are for obj = '" << options.object_arg << "', threshold = " << options.threshold_arg << std::endl); } } filter->SetIntermediateSpacing(options.spacing_arg); if (options.spacing_arg == -1) filter->IntermediateSpacingFlagOff(); else filter->IntermediateSpacingFlagOn(); filter->SetVerboseStepFlag(options.verboseStep_flag); filter->SetAutoCropFlag(!options.noAutoCrop_flag); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------