#File clitkRelativePosition.ggo package "clitkRelativePosition" version "1.0" purpose "Constraint a given mask image relatively to another object and an orientation" section "General options" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "verboseStep" - "Verbose each step" flag off option "writeStep" w "Write image at each step" flag off option "verboseOptions" - "Display options values" flag off option "imagetypes" - "Display allowed image types" flag off section "Input/Output" option "input" i "Input mask image filename" string yes option "object" j "Input mask object filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Main options" option "orientation" r "L R A P I S (LeftRightAntPostInfSup)" string no multiple default="L" option "angle1" a "Angle 1 (deg)" double no default="0" option "angle2" b "Angle 2 (deg)" double no default="0" option "spacing" s "Resample before (faster) (-1 if not resampling" double default = "-1" no option "threshold" t "Fuzzy threshold" double no default="0.6" option "inverse" n "Not flag : inverse of the orientation" flag off option "doNotRemoveObject" - "if flag is on, do not remove the object" flag off option "noAutoCrop" c "No auto crop at the end if set" flag off option "combineWithOr" - "Combine relpos map and support with OR" flag off section "Slice by slice processing" option "sliceBySlice" - "Slice by slice relative position" flag off option "direction" d "If SbS, indicate the slice direction" int no default="2" option "uniqueCCL" u "Keep only one CC in each slice" flag off option "uniqueObjectCCL" - "Keep only one CC in each object slice" flag off