-# for CMake 2.6 corrected behaviour (see "cmake --help-policy CMP0003")
- COMMAND cmake_policy AND
- )
- COMMAND cmake_policy AND
- )
## ================
## = Project name =
-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## If compiling on UNIX-like OS, an error could arise when using ITKVtkGlue:
-## <command-line>:0:0: warning: "vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT" redefined
-## <command-line>:0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
-## This is avoided by not including the VTK_USE_FILE. Nevertheless, this fails
-## on MS-Win OS.
-## This is due to object factories. To avoid this, and let the project be
-## usable on UNIX-like and MS-Win, the way to find ITK and VTK differs
-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "ITKVtkGlue module is required but not available.")
- SET(Glue ItkVtkGlue)
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "ITKVtkGlue module is available. Please re-compile your ITK without it. It could lead to nasty compilation problems... Just waiting for Kitware to solve it.")
OPTION(USE_cpPlugins "Build cpPlugins based stuff" OFF)
- example_Image_Dijkstra_EndPointDetection_WithoutVTK
- )
- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${EX} FrontAlgorithms)
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_EndPointDetection_WithoutVTK
+# )
+# ADD_EXECUTABLE(${EX} ${EX}.cxx)
+# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${EX} FrontAlgorithms)
- example_Image_RegionGrow_GaussianModelEstimation
- example_Image_Dijkstra_CostFromInput
- example_Image_Dijkstra_CostFromRGBInput
- example_Image_Dijkstra_DanielssonCost
- example_Image_Dijkstra_DanielssonCost_TwoSeedsPath
+ example_Image_RegionGrow_ConnectedPixels
+ example_Image_RegionGrow_ConnectedRGBPixels
- example_Image_Dijkstra_LabelSkeleton
- example_ShowSkeleton
- )
+# example_Image_RegionGrow_GaussianModelEstimation
+# example_Image_IncrementalRegionGrow_Thresholds
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_CostFromInput
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_CostFromRGBInput
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_AbsoluteDifferenceCost
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_DanielssonCost
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_DanielssonCost_TwoSeedsPath
+# example_Image_Dijkstra_LabelSkeleton
+# example_ShowSkeleton
+# example_CircleOfWillis
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
+typedef short TPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dimension > TImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 3 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image input_seeds"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ std::string input_seeds_fn = argv[ 2 ];
+ // Read image
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::New( );
+ input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
+ try
+ {
+ input_image_reader->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error caugth: " << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ TImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::Pointer input_image_vtk =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::New( );
+ input_image_vtk->SetInput( input_image );
+ input_image_vtk->Update( );
+ // Read seeds
+ std::ifstream input_seeds_fs( input_seeds_fn.c_str( ) );
+ if( !input_seeds_fs )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error opening file \"" << input_seeds_fn << "\"" << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ // Read seed points
+ std::string str_val;
+ unsigned int number_of_points;
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val >> number_of_points;
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val; // X
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val; // Y
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val; // Z
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val; // value
+ input_seeds_fs >> str_val; // Label
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > input_seeds_points =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > input_seeds_cells =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > input_seeds_ids =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( );
+ input_seeds_ids->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 );
+ input_seeds_ids->SetNumberOfTuples( number_of_points );
+ double min_value = std::numeric_limits< double >::max( );
+ double max_value = double( 0 );
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_points; ++i )
+ {
+ unsigned int x, y, z;
+ double value;
+ input_seeds_fs >> x >> y >> z >> value >> str_val;
+ min_value = ( value < min_value )? value: min_value;
+ max_value = ( value > max_value )? value: max_value;
+ TImage::IndexType idx;
+ idx[ 0 ] = x;
+ idx[ 1 ] = y;
+ idx[ 2 ] = z;
+ TImage::PointType pnt;
+ input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( idx, pnt );
+ input_seeds_points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
+ input_seeds_cells->InsertNextCell( 1 );
+ input_seeds_cells->InsertCellPoint( i );
+ input_seeds_ids->SetTuple1(
+ i, double( i ) / double( number_of_points - 1 )
+ );
+ } // rof
+ input_seeds_fs.close( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > input_seeds =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
+ input_seeds->SetPoints( input_seeds_points );
+ input_seeds->SetVerts( input_seeds_cells );
+ input_seeds->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( input_seeds_ids );
+ // Show input image and let some interaction
+ fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
+ view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
+ view.SetSize( 600, 600 );
+ view.SetImage( input_image_vtk->GetOutput( ) );
+ view.SetWindowLevel(
+ max_value - min_value,
+ ( min_value + max_value ) / double( 2 )
+ );
+ view.AddPolyData( input_seeds );
+ view.Render( );
+ view.Start( );
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <vtkCamera.h>
+#include <vtkImageActor.h>
+#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
+#include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+#include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
+#include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Dijkstra.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image3DObserver.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 3;
+typedef float TInputPixel;
+typedef float TOutputPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TInputPixel, Dim > TInputImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TOutputPixel, Dim > TOutputImage;
+typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TInputImage > TVTKInputImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 8 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image input_seeds output_image"
+ << " neighborhood_order stop_at_one_front"
+ << " init_seed end_seed"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ std::string input_seeds_fn = argv[ 2 ];
+ std::string output_image_fn = argv[ 3 ];
+ unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 4 ] );
+ bool stop_at_one_front = ( std::atoi( argv[ 5 ] ) != 0 );
+ unsigned int init_seed = std::atoi( argv[ 6 ] );
+ unsigned int end_seed = std::atoi( argv[ 7 ] );
+ // Read image
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::New( );
+ input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
+ try
+ {
+ input_image_reader->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ TInputImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
+ TVTKInputImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ // Show input image and let some interaction
+ fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
+ view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
+ view.SetSize( 600, 600 );
+ view.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ // Allow some interaction
+ view.Render( );
+ view.Start( );
+ // Prepare region grow filter and cost function
+ typedef fpa::Image::Dijkstra< TInputImage, TOutputImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction< TFilter::TInputImage, TFilter::TResult >
+ TCost;
+ TCost::Pointer cost = TCost::New( );
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetCostFunction( cost );
+ filter->SetConversionFunction( NULL );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
+ filter->SetStopAtOneFront( stop_at_one_front );
+ // Get user-given seeds
+ std::ifstream input_seeds_str( input_seeds_fn.c_str( ) );
+ if( !input_seeds_str )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error opening \"" << input_seeds_fn << "\"" << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ unsigned int nSeeds;
+ input_seeds_str >> nSeeds;
+ std::vector< TInputImage::IndexType > input_seeds;
+ for( unsigned int s = 0; s < nSeeds; s++ )
+ {
+ TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ input_seeds_str >> idx[ 0 ] >> idx[ 1 ] >> idx[ 2 ];
+ input_seeds.push_back( idx );
+ } // rof
+ input_seeds_str.close( );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ init_seed ], 0 );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ end_seed ], 0 );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( view.GetWindow( ) );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.0001 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Save final total cost map
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::Pointer output_image_writer =
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::New( );
+ output_image_writer->SetFileName( output_image_fn );
+ output_image_writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput( ) );
+ try
+ {
+ output_image_writer->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while writing image to " << output_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <itkImage.h>
#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
-#include <itkMinimumMaximumImageCalculator.h>
-#include <itkShiftScaleImageFilter.h>
#include <itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
-#include <fpa/Image/DijkstraWithEndPointDetection.h>
#include <fpa/Base/Functors/InvertCostFunction.h>
-#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
-#include <fpa/VTK/Image3DObserver.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/DijkstraWithEndPointDetection.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image2DObserver.h>
#include <fpa/IO/MinimumSpanningTreeWriter.h>
#include <fpa/IO/UniqueValuesContainerWriter.h>
#include <fpa/IO/MatrixValuesContainerWriter.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter.h>
-#include <vtkCellArray.h>
-#include <vtkFloatArray.h>
-#include <vtkImageMarchingCubes.h>
-#include <vtkPoints.h>
-#include <vtkPolyData.h>
-#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include "fpa_Utility.h"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const unsigned int Dim = 3;
+const unsigned int Dim = 2;
typedef unsigned char TPixel;
typedef float TScalar;
-typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
-typedef itk::Image< TScalar, Dim > TScalarImage;
-typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage > TVTKInputImage;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I >
-void ReadImage( typename I::Pointer& image, const std::string& filename );
-template< class I >
-void SaveImage( const I* image, const std::string& filename );
-template< class I, class O >
-void DistanceMap(
- const typename I::Pointer& input, typename O::Pointer& output
- );
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TScalar, Dim > TScalarImage;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
- if( argc < 9 )
+ if( argc < 7 )
<< "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << std::endl
- << " input_image" << std::endl
- << " output_distancemap" << std::endl
- << " output_costmap" << std::endl
- << " output_labels" << std::endl
- << " output_minimum_spanning_tree" << std::endl
- << " output_endpoints" << std::endl
- << " output_bifurcations" << std::endl
- << " output_branches" << std::endl
+ << "\tinput_image" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_labels" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_minimum_spanning_tree" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_endpoints" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_bifurcations" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_branches" << std::endl
<< std::endl;
return( 1 );
} // fi
std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
- std::string distancemap_fn = argv[ 2 ];
- std::string output_costmap_fn = argv[ 3 ];
- std::string output_labels_fn = argv[ 4 ];
- std::string mst_output_fn = argv[ 5 ];
- std::string endpoints_output_fn = argv[ 6 ];
- std::string bifurcations_output_fn = argv[ 7 ];
- std::string branches_output_fn = argv[ 8 ];
+ std::string output_labels_fn = argv[ 2 ];
+ std::string output_minimum_spanning_tree_fn = argv[ 3 ];
+ std::string output_endpoints_fn = argv[ 4 ];
+ std::string output_bifurcations_fn = argv[ 5 ];
+ std::string output_branches_fn = argv[ 6 ];
// Read image
TImage::Pointer input_image;
- try
+ std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
- ReadImage< TImage >( input_image, input_image_fn );
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
- {
- std::cerr
- << "Error caught while reading \""
- << input_image_fn << "\": " << err
- << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
return( 1 );
- } // yrt
+ } // fi
- TVTKInputImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::New( );
vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
vtk_input_image->Update( );
- // Show input image and let some interaction
- fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
- view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
- view.SetSize( 800, 800 );
- view.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageMarchingCubes > mc =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageMarchingCubes >::New( );
- mc->SetInputData( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
- mc->SetValue( 0, 1e-1 );
- mc->Update( );
- view.AddPolyData( mc->GetOutput( ), 1, 1, 1, 0.4 );
- // Allow some interaction and wait for, at least, one seed
- view.Render( );
- while( view.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
- view.Start( );
- // Get seed
- double p[ 3 ];
- view.GetSeed( 0, p );
- TImage::PointType pnt;
- TImage::IndexType seed;
- pnt[ 0 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 0 ] );
- pnt[ 1 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 1 ] );
- pnt[ 2 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 2 ] );
- input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, seed );
+ fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer;
+ viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ viewer.Start( );
// Compute squared distance map
- TScalarImage::Pointer dmap;
- DistanceMap< TImage, TScalarImage >( input_image, dmap );
+ typename
+ itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< TImage, TScalarImage >::Pointer
+ dmap =
+ itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< TImage, TScalarImage >::New( );
+ dmap->SetInput( input_image );
+ dmap->SetBackgroundValue( TPixel( 0 ) );
+ dmap->InsideIsPositiveOn( );
+ dmap->SquaredDistanceOn( );
+ dmap->UseImageSpacingOn( );
+ std::time_t start, end;
+ std::time( &start );
+ dmap->Update( );
+ std::time( &end );
+ std::cout
+ << "Distance map time = "
+ << std::difftime( end, start )
+ << "s." << std::endl;
// Prepare cost conversion function
- typedef fpa::Base::Functors::InvertCostFunction< TScalar > TFunction;
- TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::InvertCostFunction< TScalar > TCostFunction;
+ TCostFunction::Pointer cost_f = TCostFunction::New( );
// Prepare Dijkstra filter
- typedef fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< TScalarImage, TScalarImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::
+ DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< TScalarImage, TScalarImage > TFilter;
TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
- filter->SetInput( dmap );
- filter->SetConversionFunction( function );
+ filter->SetInput( dmap->GetOutput( ) );
+ filter->SetConversionFunction( cost_f );
filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( 2 );
filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( );
- filter->AddSeed( seed, TScalar( 0 ) );
+ // Associate seed
+ TImage::PointType pnt;
+ TImage::IndexType idx;
+ viewer.GetSeed( pnt, 0 );
+ if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
+ filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
// Prepare graphical debugger
- typedef fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
- debugger->SetRenderWindow( view.GetWindow( ) );
- debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.0001 );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
// Go!
- std::time_t start, end;
std::time( &start );
filter->Update( );
std::time( &end );
<< "Extraction time = "
<< std::difftime( end, start )
- << " s." << std::endl;
- // Outputs
- const TFilter::TOutputImage* accumulated_costs = filter->GetOutput( );
- const TFilter::TLabelImage* labeled_image = filter->GetLabelImage( );
- const TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = filter->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
- const TFilter::TUniqueVertices* endpoints = filter->GetEndPoints( );
- const TFilter::TUniqueVertices* bifurcations = filter->GetBifurcations( );
- const TFilter::TBranches* branches = filter->GetBranches( );
- unsigned long nBranches = filter->GetNumberOfBranches( );
- // Save outputs
- SaveImage( dmap.GetPointer( ), distancemap_fn );
- SaveImage( accumulated_costs, output_costmap_fn );
- SaveImage( labeled_image, output_labels_fn );
+ << "s." << std::endl;
+ // Create new actors
+ typedef vtkSmartPointer< fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices, TFilter::TInputImage > > TVertices2PD;
+ TVertices2PD endpoints2pd = TVertices2PD::New( );
+ endpoints2pd->SetInput( filter->GetEndPoints( ) );
+ endpoints2pd->SetImage( filter->GetInput( ) );
+ endpoints2pd->Update( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > endpoints_mapper =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
+ endpoints_mapper->SetInputConnection( endpoints2pd->GetOutputPort( ) );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > endpoints_actor =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( );
+ endpoints_actor->SetMapper( endpoints_mapper );
+ endpoints_actor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0, 1, 0 );
+ endpoints_actor->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 );
+ viewer.Renderer->AddActor( endpoints_actor );
+ TVertices2PD bifurcations2pd = TVertices2PD::New( );
+ bifurcations2pd->SetInput( filter->GetBifurcations( ) );
+ bifurcations2pd->SetImage( filter->GetInput( ) );
+ bifurcations2pd->Update( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > bifurcations_mapper =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
+ bifurcations_mapper->SetInputConnection( bifurcations2pd->GetOutputPort( ) );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > bifurcations_actor =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( );
+ bifurcations_actor->SetMapper( bifurcations_mapper );
+ bifurcations_actor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 );
+ bifurcations_actor->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 );
+ viewer.Renderer->AddActor( bifurcations_actor );
+ // Some more interaction and finish
+ viewer.Render( );
+ viewer.Start( );
+ // Save results
+ err = fpa_Utility::SaveImage( filter->GetLabelImage( ), output_labels_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
fpa::IO::MinimumSpanningTreeWriter< TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree >::Pointer
mst_writer =
fpa::IO::MinimumSpanningTreeWriter< TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree >::New( );
- mst_writer->SetInput( mst );
- mst_writer->SetFileName( mst_output_fn );
+ mst_writer->SetInput( filter->GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) );
+ mst_writer->SetFileName( output_minimum_spanning_tree_fn );
mst_writer->Update( );
fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::Pointer
endpoints_writer =
fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::New( );
- endpoints_writer->SetInput( endpoints );
- endpoints_writer->SetFileName( endpoints_output_fn );
+ endpoints_writer->SetInput( filter->GetEndPoints( ) );
+ endpoints_writer->SetFileName( output_endpoints_fn );
endpoints_writer->Update( );
fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::Pointer
bifurcations_writer =
fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::New( );
- bifurcations_writer->SetInput( bifurcations );
- bifurcations_writer->SetFileName( bifurcations_output_fn );
+ bifurcations_writer->SetInput( filter->GetBifurcations( ) );
+ bifurcations_writer->SetFileName( output_bifurcations_fn );
bifurcations_writer->Update( );
fpa::IO::MatrixValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TBranches >::Pointer
branches_writer =
fpa::IO::MatrixValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TBranches >::New( );
- branches_writer->SetInput( branches );
- branches_writer->SetFileName( branches_output_fn );
+ branches_writer->SetInput( filter->GetBranches( ) );
+ branches_writer->SetFileName( output_branches_fn );
branches_writer->Update( );
- // Show endpoints
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > endpoints_points =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > endpoints_cells =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- for(
- TFilter::TUniqueVertices::ConstIterator epIt = endpoints->Begin( );
- epIt != endpoints->End( );
- ++epIt
- )
- {
- TImage::PointType pnt;
- input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *epIt, pnt );
- endpoints_points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
- endpoints_cells->InsertNextCell( 1 );
- endpoints_cells->
- InsertCellPoint( endpoints_points->GetNumberOfPoints( ) - 1 );
- } // rof
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > endpoints_polydata =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- endpoints_polydata->SetPoints( endpoints_points );
- endpoints_polydata->SetVerts( endpoints_cells );
- view.AddPolyData( endpoints_polydata, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
- // Show bifurcations
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > bifurcations_points =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > bifurcations_cells =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- for(
- TFilter::TUniqueVertices::ConstIterator bfIt = bifurcations->Begin( );
- bfIt != bifurcations->End( );
- ++bfIt
- )
- {
- TImage::PointType pnt;
- input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *bfIt, pnt );
- bifurcations_points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
- bifurcations_cells->InsertNextCell( 1 );
- bifurcations_cells->
- InsertCellPoint( bifurcations_points->GetNumberOfPoints( ) - 1 );
- } // rof
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > bifurcations_polydata =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- bifurcations_polydata->SetPoints( bifurcations_points );
- bifurcations_polydata->SetVerts( bifurcations_cells );
- view.AddPolyData( bifurcations_polydata, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
- // Show branches (simple and detailed)
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > simple_branches_points =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > simple_branches_cells =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > detailed_branches_points =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > detailed_branches_cells =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > detailed_branches_scalars =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( );
- TFilter::TBranches::ConstIterator brIt = branches->Begin( );
- for( ; brIt != branches->End( ); ++brIt )
- {
- // Branch's first point
- TImage::PointType first_point;
- input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brIt->first, first_point );
- unsigned long first_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
- simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
- first_point[ 0 ], first_point[ 1 ], first_point[ 2 ]
- );
- TFilter::TBranches::ConstRowIterator brRowIt = branches->Begin( brIt );
- for( ; brRowIt != branches->End( brIt ); ++brRowIt )
- {
- // Branch's second point
- TImage::PointType second_point;
- input_image->
- TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brRowIt->first, second_point );
- unsigned long second_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
- simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
- second_point[ 0 ], second_point[ 1 ], second_point[ 2 ]
- );
- simple_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 );
- simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( first_id );
- simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( second_id );
- // Detailed path
- double pathId = double( brRowIt->second - 1 ) / double( nBranches - 1 );
- TFilter::TVertices path;
- mst->GetPath( path, brIt->first, brRowIt->first );
- TFilter::TVertices::const_iterator pIt = path.begin( );
- for( ; pIt != path.end( ); ++pIt )
- {
- TImage::PointType path_point;
- input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *pIt, path_point );
- detailed_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
- path_point[ 0 ], path_point[ 1 ], path_point[ 2 ]
- );
- detailed_branches_scalars->InsertNextTuple1( pathId );
- if( pIt != path.begin( ) )
- {
- unsigned long nPoints =
- detailed_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
- detailed_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 );
- detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 2 );
- detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 1 );
- } // fi
- } // rof
- } // rof
- } // rof
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > simple_branches_polydata =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- simple_branches_polydata->SetPoints( simple_branches_points );
- simple_branches_polydata->SetLines( simple_branches_cells );
- view.AddPolyData( simple_branches_polydata, 1, 0, 1, 1 );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > detailed_branches_polydata =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- detailed_branches_polydata->SetPoints( detailed_branches_points );
- detailed_branches_polydata->SetLines( detailed_branches_cells );
- detailed_branches_polydata->
- GetPointData( )->SetScalars( detailed_branches_scalars );
- view.AddPolyData( detailed_branches_polydata, 1 );
- // Let some more interaction
- view.Render( );
- view.Start( );
return( 0 );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I >
-void ReadImage( typename I::Pointer& image, const std::string& filename )
- typename itk::ImageFileReader< I >::Pointer reader =
- itk::ImageFileReader< I >::New( );
- reader->SetFileName( filename );
- reader->Update( );
- typename itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< I >::Pointer minmax =
- itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< I >::New( );
- minmax->SetImage( reader->GetOutput( ) );
- minmax->Compute( );
- double vmin = double( minmax->GetMinimum( ) );
- double vmax = double( minmax->GetMaximum( ) );
- typename itk::ShiftScaleImageFilter< I, I >::Pointer shift =
- itk::ShiftScaleImageFilter< I, I >::New( );
- shift->SetInput( reader->GetOutput( ) );
- shift->SetScale( vmax - vmin );
- shift->SetShift( vmin / ( vmax - vmin ) );
- shift->Update( );
- image = shift->GetOutput( );
- image->DisconnectPipeline( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I >
-void SaveImage( const I* image, const std::string& filename )
- typename itk::ImageFileWriter< I >::Pointer writer =
- itk::ImageFileWriter< I >::New( );
- writer->SetInput( image );
- writer->SetFileName( filename );
- try
- {
- writer->Update( );
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
- {
- std::cerr
- << "Error saving \"" << filename << "\": " << err
- << std::endl;
- } // yrt
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O >
-void DistanceMap(
- const typename I::Pointer& input, typename O::Pointer& output
- )
- typename itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< I, O >::Pointer dmap =
- itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< I, O >::New( );
- dmap->SetInput( input );
- dmap->SetBackgroundValue( ( typename I::PixelType )( 0 ) );
- dmap->InsideIsPositiveOn( );
- dmap->SquaredDistanceOn( );
- dmap->UseImageSpacingOn( );
- std::time_t start, end;
- std::time( &start );
- dmap->Update( );
- std::time( &end );
- std::cout
- << "Distance map time = "
- << std::difftime( end, start )
- << " s." << std::endl;
+// eof - $RCSfile$
- output = dmap->GetOutput( );
- output->DisconnectPipeline( );
+/* TODO
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > simple_branches_points =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > simple_branches_cells =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > detailed_branches_points =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > detailed_branches_cells =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > detailed_branches_scalars =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( );
+ TFilter::TBranches::ConstIterator brIt = branches->Begin( );
+ for( ; brIt != branches->End( ); ++brIt )
+ {
+ // Branch's first point
+ TImage::PointType first_point;
+ input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brIt->first, first_point );
+ unsigned long first_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
+ simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
+ first_point[ 0 ], first_point[ 1 ], first_point[ 2 ]
+ );
+ TFilter::TBranches::ConstRowIterator brRowIt = branches->Begin( brIt );
+ for( ; brRowIt != branches->End( brIt ); ++brRowIt )
+ {
+ // Branch's second point
+ TImage::PointType second_point;
+ input_image->
+ TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brRowIt->first, second_point );
+ unsigned long second_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
+ simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
+ second_point[ 0 ], second_point[ 1 ], second_point[ 2 ]
+ );
+ simple_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 );
+ simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( first_id );
+ simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( second_id );
+ // Detailed path
+ double pathId = double( brRowIt->second - 1 ) / double( nBranches - 1 );
+ TFilter::TVertices path;
+ mst->GetPath( path, brIt->first, brRowIt->first );
+ TFilter::TVertices::const_iterator pIt = path.begin( );
+ for( ; pIt != path.end( ); ++pIt )
+ {
+ TImage::PointType path_point;
+ input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *pIt, path_point );
+ detailed_branches_points->InsertNextPoint(
+ path_point[ 0 ], path_point[ 1 ], path_point[ 2 ]
+ );
+ detailed_branches_scalars->InsertNextTuple1( pathId );
+ if( pIt != path.begin( ) )
+ {
+ unsigned long nPoints =
+ detailed_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( );
+ detailed_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 );
+ detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 2 );
+ detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 1 );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > simple_branches_polydata =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
+ simple_branches_polydata->SetPoints( simple_branches_points );
+ simple_branches_polydata->SetLines( simple_branches_cells );
+ view.AddPolyData( simple_branches_polydata, 1, 0, 1, 1 );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > detailed_branches_polydata =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
+ detailed_branches_polydata->SetPoints( detailed_branches_points );
+ detailed_branches_polydata->SetLines( detailed_branches_cells );
+ detailed_branches_polydata->
+ GetPointData( )->SetScalars( detailed_branches_scalars );
+ view.AddPolyData( detailed_branches_polydata, 1 );
+ // Let some more interaction
+ view.Render( );
+ view.Start( );
+ return( 0 );
+ }
// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/IncrementalRegionGrow.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/RegionGrowThresholdFunction.h>
+ #include <vtkCamera.h>
+ #include <vtkImageActor.h>
+ #include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
+ #include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
+ #include <vtkProperty.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderer.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+ #include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
+ #include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
+ #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+ #include <fpa/Image/Functors/ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction.h>
+ #include <fpa/VTK/Image3DObserver.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 3;
+typedef short TInputPixel;
+typedef short TOutputPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TInputPixel, Dim > TInputImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TOutputPixel, Dim > TOutputImage;
+typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TInputImage > TVTKInputImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 8 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << std::endl
+ << "\tinput_image" << std::endl
+ << "\toutput_image" << std::endl
+ << "\tneighborhood_order" << std::endl
+ << "\tstop_at_one_front" << std::endl
+ << "\tinit_threshold" << std::endl
+ << "\tend_threshold" << std::endl
+ << "\tsamples" << std::endl
+ << "\t[input_seeds]" << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ std::string output_image_fn = argv[ 2 ];
+ unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 3 ] );
+ bool stop_at_one_front = ( std::atoi( argv[ 4 ] ) != 0 );
+ TInputPixel init_threshold = TInputPixel( std::atof( argv[ 5 ] ) );
+ TInputPixel end_threshold = TInputPixel( std::atof( argv[ 6 ] ) );
+ unsigned int samples = TInputPixel( std::atof( argv[ 7 ] ) );
+ std::string input_seeds_fn = ( argc >= 9 )? argv[ 8 ]: "";
+ // Read image
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::New( );
+ input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
+ try
+ {
+ input_image_reader->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ TInputImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
+ TVTKInputImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ // Show input image and let some interaction
+ fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
+ view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
+ view.SetSize( 600, 600 );
+ view.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ view.Render( );
+ // Read seeds
+ std::vector< TInputImage::IndexType > input_seeds;
+ if( input_seeds_fn != "" )
+ {
+ std::ifstream input_seeds_str( input_seeds_fn.c_str( ) );
+ if( input_seeds_str )
+ {
+ unsigned int nSeeds;
+ input_seeds_str >> nSeeds;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nSeeds; ++i )
+ {
+ TInputImage::PointType pnt;
+ input_seeds_str >> pnt[ 0 ] >> pnt[ 1 ] >> pnt[ 2 ];
+ TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ input_image_reader->GetOutput( )->
+ TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
+ input_seeds.push_back( idx );
+ view.AddSeed( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
+ } // rof
+ input_seeds_str.close( );
+ }
+ else
+ std::cerr << "Error reading \"" << input_seeds_fn << "\"" << std::endl;
+ } // fi
+ // Allow some interaction
+ view.Render( );
+ if( input_seeds.size( ) == 0 )
+ {
+ while( view.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ view.Start( );
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < view.GetNumberOfSeeds( ); ++i )
+ {
+ double p[ 3 ];
+ view.GetSeed( i, p );
+ TInputImage::PointType pnt;
+ pnt[ 0 ] = p[ 0 ];
+ pnt[ 1 ] = p[ 1 ];
+ pnt[ 2 ] = p[ 2 ];
+ TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ input_image_reader->GetOutput( )->
+ TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
+ input_seeds.push_back( idx );
+ } // rof
+ }
+ else
+ view.Start( );
+ // Prepare region grow filter and cost function
+ typedef fpa::Image::
+ IncrementalRegionGrow< TInputImage, TOutputImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ RegionGrowThresholdFunction< TInputImage > TFunction;
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image_reader->GetOutput( ) );
+ /*
+ typedef fpa::Image::Dijkstra< TInputImage, TOutputImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction< TFilter::TInputImage, TFilter::TResult >
+ TCost;
+ TCost::Pointer cost = TCost::New( );
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetCostFunction( cost );
+ filter->SetConversionFunction( NULL );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
+ filter->SetStopAtOneFront( stop_at_one_front );
+ // Get user-given seeds
+ std::ifstream input_seeds_str( input_seeds_fn.c_str( ) );
+ if( !input_seeds_str )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error opening \"" << input_seeds_fn << "\"" << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ unsigned int nSeeds;
+ input_seeds_str >> nSeeds;
+ std::vector< TInputImage::IndexType > input_seeds;
+ for( unsigned int s = 0; s < nSeeds; s++ )
+ {
+ TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ input_seeds_str >> idx[ 0 ] >> idx[ 1 ] >> idx[ 2 ];
+ input_seeds.push_back( idx );
+ } // rof
+ input_seeds_str.close( );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ init_seed ], 0 );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ end_seed ], 0 );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( view.GetWindow( ) );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.0001 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Save final total cost map
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::Pointer output_image_writer =
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::New( );
+ output_image_writer->SetFileName( output_image_fn );
+ output_image_writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput( ) );
+ try
+ {
+ output_image_writer->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while writing image to " << output_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ */
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <itkImage.h>
#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
-#include <vtkCamera.h>
-#include <vtkImageActor.h>
-#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
-#include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
-#include <vtkProperty.h>
-#include <vtkRenderer.h>
-#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
-#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
-#include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
-#include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
-#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <fpa/Image/RegionGrow.h>
-#include <fpa/Base/Functors/TautologyFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction.h>
#include <fpa/VTK/Image2DObserver.h>
+#include "fpa_Utility.h"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned int Dim = 2;
typedef unsigned char TPixel;
-typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
-typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage > TVTKImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
bool stop_at_one_front = ( std::atoi( argv[ 3 ] ) != 0 );
// Read image
- itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
- itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::New( );
- input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
- try
+ TImage::Pointer input_image;
+ std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
- input_image_reader->Update( );
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
- {
- std::cerr
- << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": "
- << err << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
return( 1 );
- } // yrt
- TImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
- TVTKImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKImage::New( );
+ } // fi
+ // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::New( );
vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
vtk_input_image->Update( );
- // VTK visualization
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > actor =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( );
- actor->SetInputData( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > renderer =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >::New( );
- renderer->SetBackground( 0.1, 0.2, 0.7 );
- renderer->AddActor( actor );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > window =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >::New( );
- window->SetSize( 800, 800 );
- window->AddRenderer( renderer );
- // Correct camera due to the loaded image
- vtkCamera* camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera( );
- camera->SetViewUp( 0, -1, 0 );
- camera->SetPosition( 0, 0, -1 );
- camera->SetFocalPoint( 0, 0, 0 );
- // VTK interaction
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage > imageStyle =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor > interactor =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >::New( );
- interactor->SetInteractorStyle( imageStyle );
- window->SetInteractor( interactor );
- // Create the widget and its representation
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D > handle =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D >::New( );
- handle->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation > rep =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation >::New( );
- rep->SetHandleRepresentation( handle );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget > widget =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget >::New( );
- widget->SetInteractor( interactor );
- widget->SetRepresentation( rep );
- // Let some interaction
- interactor->Initialize( );
- renderer->ResetCamera( );
- window->Render( );
- widget->On( );
- interactor->Start( );
+ fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer;
+ viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ viewer.Start( );
+ // Region growing types
+ typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction< TImage > TFunction;
// Prepare region grow function
- typedef fpa::Base::Functors::TautologyFunction< TImage::PixelType > TFunction;
TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
// Prepare region grow filter
- typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TImage, TImage > TFilter;
TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
filter->SetInput( input_image );
- filter->SetMembershipFunction( function );
+ filter->SetGrowingFunction( function );
filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
filter->SetOutsideValue( TPixel( 0 ) );
filter->SetInsideValue( std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::max( ) );
filter->SetStopAtOneFront( stop_at_one_front );
- // Get user-given seeds
- for( unsigned int s = 0; s < rep->GetNumberOfSeeds( ); s++ )
+ // Associate seeds
+ for( unsigned long s = 0; s < viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ); ++s )
- double pos[ 3 ];
- rep->GetSeedWorldPosition( s, pos );
TImage::PointType pnt;
- pnt[ 0 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 0 ] );
- pnt[ 1 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 1 ] );
TImage::IndexType idx;
+ viewer.GetSeed( pnt, s );
if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
// Prepare graphical debugger
typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
- debugger->SetRenderWindow( window );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window );
debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
// Go!
filter->Update( );
+ // Some more interaction and finish
+ viewer.Start( );
return( 0 );
#include <string>
#include <itkImage.h>
-#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
#include <itkRGBPixel.h>
-#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
-#include <vtkCamera.h>
-#include <vtkImageActor.h>
-#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
-#include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
-#include <vtkProperty.h>
-#include <vtkRenderer.h>
-#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
-#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
-#include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
-#include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
-#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
#include <fpa/Image/RegionGrow.h>
-#include <fpa/Base/Functors/TautologyFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction.h>
#include <fpa/VTK/Image2DObserver.h>
+#include "fpa_Utility.h"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned int Dim = 2;
typedef unsigned char TPixel;
typedef itk::Image< itk::RGBPixel< TPixel >, Dim > TColorImage;
typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
-typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage > TVTKImage;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
bool stop_at_one_front = ( std::atoi( argv[ 3 ] ) != 0 );
// Read image
- itk::ImageFileReader< TColorImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
- itk::ImageFileReader< TColorImage >::New( );
- input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
- try
+ TColorImage::Pointer input_image;
+ std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
- input_image_reader->Update( );
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
- {
- std::cerr
- << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": "
- << err << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
return( 1 );
- } // yrt
- TColorImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
- TVTKImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKImage::New( );
+ } // fi
+ // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage >::New( );
vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
vtk_input_image->Update( );
- // VTK visualization
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > actor =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( );
- actor->SetInputData( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > renderer =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >::New( );
- renderer->SetBackground( 0.1, 0.2, 0.7 );
- renderer->AddActor( actor );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > window =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >::New( );
- window->SetSize( 800, 800 );
- window->AddRenderer( renderer );
- // Correct camera due to the loaded image
- vtkCamera* camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera( );
- camera->SetViewUp( 0, -1, 0 );
- camera->SetPosition( 0, 0, -1 );
- camera->SetFocalPoint( 0, 0, 0 );
- // VTK interaction
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage > imageStyle =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor > interactor =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >::New( );
- interactor->SetInteractorStyle( imageStyle );
- window->SetInteractor( interactor );
- // Create the widget and its representation
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D > handle =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D >::New( );
- handle->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation > rep =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation >::New( );
- rep->SetHandleRepresentation( handle );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget > widget =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget >::New( );
- widget->SetInteractor( interactor );
- widget->SetRepresentation( rep );
- // Let some interaction
- interactor->Initialize( );
- renderer->ResetCamera( );
- window->Render( );
- widget->On( );
- interactor->Start( );
+ fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer;
+ viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ viewer.Start( );
+ // Region growing types
+ typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TColorImage, TImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction< TColorImage > TFunction;
// Prepare region grow function
- typedef fpa::Base::Functors::TautologyFunction< TColorImage::PixelType > TFunction;
TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
// Prepare region grow filter
- typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TColorImage, TImage > TFilter;
TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
filter->SetInput( input_image );
- filter->SetMembershipFunction( function );
+ filter->SetGrowingFunction( function );
filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
filter->SetOutsideValue( TPixel( 0 ) );
filter->SetInsideValue( std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::max( ) );
filter->SetStopAtOneFront( stop_at_one_front );
- // Get user-given seeds
- for( unsigned int s = 0; s < rep->GetNumberOfSeeds( ); s++ )
+ // Associate seeds
+ for( unsigned long s = 0; s < viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ); ++s )
- double pos[ 3 ];
- rep->GetSeedWorldPosition( s, pos );
TImage::PointType pnt;
- pnt[ 0 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 0 ] );
- pnt[ 1 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 1 ] );
TImage::IndexType idx;
+ viewer.GetSeed( pnt, s );
if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
// Prepare graphical debugger
typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
- debugger->SetRenderWindow( window );
- debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.001 );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
// Go!
filter->Update( );
+ // Some more interaction and finish
+ viewer.Start( );
return( 0 );
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/RegionGrow.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/RegionGrowThresholdFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image2DObserver.h>
+#include "fpa_Utility.h"
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 2;
+typedef unsigned char TPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 3 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image neighborhood_order"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 2 ] );
+ // Read image
+ TImage::Pointer input_image;
+ std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
+ {
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer;
+ viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ viewer.Start( );
+ // Region growing types
+ typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ RegionGrowThresholdFunction< TImage > TFunction;
+ // Prepare region grow function
+ TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
+ // Prepare region grow filter
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetGrowingFunction( function );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
+ filter->SetOutsideValue( TPixel( 0 ) );
+ filter->SetInsideValue( std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::max( ) );
+ filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( );
+ // Associate seed
+ TImage::PointType pnt;
+ TImage::IndexType idx;
+ viewer.GetSeed( pnt, 0 );
+ if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
+ filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
+ function->SetLowerThreshold( input_image->GetPixel( idx ) );
+ function->SetUpperThreshold( input_image->GetPixel( idx ) );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Some more interaction and finish
+ viewer.Start( );
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkRGBPixel.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/RegionGrow.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/RegionGrowThresholdFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image2DObserver.h>
+#include "fpa_Utility.h"
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 2;
+typedef unsigned char TPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< itk::RGBPixel< TPixel >, Dim > TColorImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 3 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image neighborhood_order"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 2 ] );
+ // Read image
+ TColorImage::Pointer input_image;
+ std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ if( err != "" )
+ {
+ std::cerr << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image =
+ itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage >::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer;
+ viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ viewer.Start( );
+ // Region growing types
+ typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TColorImage, TImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ RegionGrowThresholdFunction< TColorImage > TFunction;
+ // Prepare region grow function
+ TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
+ // Prepare region grow filter
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetGrowingFunction( function );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
+ filter->SetOutsideValue( TPixel( 0 ) );
+ filter->SetInsideValue( std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::max( ) );
+ filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( );
+ // Associate seed
+ TImage::PointType pnt;
+ TImage::IndexType idx;
+ viewer.GetSeed( pnt, 0 );
+ if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) )
+ filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 );
+ function->SetLowerThreshold( input_image->GetPixel( idx ) );
+ function->SetUpperThreshold( input_image->GetPixel( idx ) );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Some more interaction and finish
+ viewer.Start( );
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <vtkCamera.h>
+#include <vtkImageActor.h>
+#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
+#include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+#include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
+#include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Dijkstra.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image3DObserver.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 3;
+typedef float TInputPixel;
+typedef float TOutputPixel;
+typedef itk::Image< TInputPixel, Dim > TInputImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TOutputPixel, Dim > TOutputImage;
+typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TInputImage > TVTKInputImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 8 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image input_seeds output_image"
+ << " neighborhood_order stop_at_one_front"
+ << " init_seed end_seed"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ std::string input_seeds_fn = argv[ 2 ];
+ std::string output_image_fn = argv[ 3 ];
+ unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 4 ] );
+ bool stop_at_one_front = ( std::atoi( argv[ 5 ] ) != 0 );
+ unsigned int init_seed = std::atoi( argv[ 6 ] );
+ unsigned int end_seed = std::atoi( argv[ 7 ] );
+ // Read image
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::Pointer input_image_reader =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< TInputImage >::New( );
+ input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn );
+ try
+ {
+ input_image_reader->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ TInputImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( );
+ TVTKInputImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ // Show input image and let some interaction
+ fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
+ view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
+ view.SetSize( 600, 600 );
+ view.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ // Allow some interaction
+ view.Render( );
+ view.Start( );
+ // Prepare region grow filter and cost function
+ typedef fpa::Image::Dijkstra< TInputImage, TOutputImage > TFilter;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::
+ ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction< TFilter::TInputImage, TFilter::TResult >
+ TCost;
+ TCost::Pointer cost = TCost::New( );
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( input_image );
+ filter->SetCostFunction( cost );
+ filter->SetConversionFunction( NULL );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order );
+ filter->SetStopAtOneFront( stop_at_one_front );
+ // Get user-given seeds
+ std::ifstream input_seeds_str( input_seeds_fn.c_str( ) );
+ if( !input_seeds_str )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error opening \"" << input_seeds_fn << "\"" << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ unsigned int nSeeds;
+ input_seeds_str >> nSeeds;
+ std::vector< TInputImage::IndexType > input_seeds;
+ for( unsigned int s = 0; s < nSeeds; s++ )
+ {
+ TInputImage::IndexType idx;
+ input_seeds_str >> idx[ 0 ] >> idx[ 1 ] >> idx[ 2 ];
+ input_seeds.push_back( idx );
+ } // rof
+ input_seeds_str.close( );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ init_seed ], 0 );
+ filter->AddSeed( input_seeds[ end_seed ], 0 );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( view.GetWindow( ) );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.0001 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ filter->Update( );
+ // Save final total cost map
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::Pointer output_image_writer =
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::New( );
+ output_image_writer->SetFileName( output_image_fn );
+ output_image_writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput( ) );
+ try
+ {
+ output_image_writer->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while writing image to " << output_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ return( 0 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __FPA__UTILITY__H__
+#define __FPA__UTILITY__H__
+#include <sstream>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <vtkCamera.h>
+#include <vtkImageActor.h>
+#include <vtkImageData.h>
+#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
+#include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+#include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
+#include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+namespace fpa_Utility
+ /**
+ */
+ struct Viewer2DWithSeeds
+ {
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > Image;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > ImageActor;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > Renderer;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > Window;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage > Style;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor > Interactor;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D > Handle;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation > Representation;
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget > Widget;
+ Viewer2DWithSeeds( )
+ {
+ this->ImageActor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( );
+ this->Renderer = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >::New( );
+ this->Window = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >::New( );
+ this->Style = vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage >::New( );
+ this->Interactor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >::New( );
+ this->Handle = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D >::New( );
+ this->Representation = vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation >::New( );
+ this->Widget = vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget >::New( );
+ this->Renderer->SetBackground( 0.1, 0.2, 0.7 );
+ this->Window->SetSize( 600, 600 );
+ this->Window->AddRenderer( this->Renderer );
+ this->Interactor->SetInteractorStyle( this->Style );
+ this->Window->SetInteractor( this->Interactor );
+ this->Handle->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 );
+ this->Representation->SetHandleRepresentation( this->Handle );
+ this->Widget->SetInteractor( this->Interactor );
+ this->Widget->SetRepresentation( this->Representation );
+ }
+ void SetImage( vtkImageData* image )
+ {
+ this->Image = image;
+ this->ImageActor->SetInputData( this->Image );
+ this->Renderer->AddActor( this->ImageActor );
+ // Correct camera due to the loaded image
+ vtkCamera* camera = this->Renderer->GetActiveCamera( );
+ camera->SetViewUp( 0, -1, 0 );
+ camera->SetPosition( 0, 0, -1 );
+ camera->SetFocalPoint( 0, 0, 0 );
+ // Prepare visualization
+ this->Interactor->Initialize( );
+ this->Renderer->ResetCamera( );
+ }
+ void Render( )
+ {
+ this->Window->Render( );
+ }
+ void Start( )
+ {
+ this->Window->Render( );
+ this->Widget->On( );
+ this->Interactor->Start( );
+ }
+ unsigned long GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const
+ {
+ return( this->Representation->GetNumberOfSeeds( ) );
+ }
+ template< class P >
+ bool GetSeed( P& seed, unsigned long i )
+ {
+ if( i < this->Representation->GetNumberOfSeeds( ) )
+ {
+ double pos[ 3 ];
+ this->Representation->GetSeedWorldPosition( i, pos );
+ seed[ 0 ] = ( typename P::ValueType )( pos[ 0 ] );
+ seed[ 1 ] = ( typename P::ValueType )( pos[ 1 ] );
+ return( true );
+ }
+ else
+ return( false );
+ }
+ };
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template< class Ip >
+ std::string ReadImage( Ip& image, const std::string& fname )
+ {
+ typename itk::ImageFileReader< typename Ip::ObjectType >::Pointer r =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< typename Ip::ObjectType >::New( );
+ r->SetFileName( fname );
+ try
+ {
+ r->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::stringstream str;
+ str << "Error while reading image from " << fname << ": " << err;
+ return( str.str( ) );
+ } // yrt
+ image = r->GetOutput( );
+ image->DisconnectPipeline( );
+ return( "" );
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template< class I >
+ std::string SaveImage( const I* image, const std::string& fname )
+ {
+ typename itk::ImageFileWriter< I >::Pointer w =
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< I >::New( );
+ w->SetInput( image );
+ w->SetFileName( fname );
+ try
+ {
+ w->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::stringstream str;
+ str << "Error while reading image from " << fname << ": " << err;
+ return( str.str( ) );
+ } // yrt
+ return( "" );
+ }
+} // ecapseman
+#endif // __FPA__UTILITY__H__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
+ vtkFiltersSources
+ vtkInteractionWidgets
+ vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL
+ vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL
+ vtkIOMPIImage
## =====================
- vtkInteractionWidgets
## eof - $RCSfile$
* @param V Vertex type.
* @param C Vertex value type.
* @param R Result value type.
+ * @param S Space type where vertices are.
* @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
* @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
* filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
class Algorithm
: public B
typedef V TVertex;
typedef C TValue;
typedef R TResult;
+ typedef S TSpace;
typedef VC TVertexCompare;
fpa_Base_NewEvent( TStartEvent );
#include <itkProcessObject.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::_TNode::
_TNode( )
: Result( TResult( 0 ) ),
FrontId( -1 ),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::_TNode::
~_TNode( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
-TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GetMinimumSpanningTree( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
-TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj )
TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >( obj );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e )
if( this->m_ThrowEvents )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const
if( this->m_ThrowEvents )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
AddSeed( const TVertex& s, const TResult& r )
_TNode ns;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
-TVertex& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+TVertex& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GetSeed( const unsigned int& id ) const
return( this->m_SeedVertices[ id ] );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
ClearSeeds( )
this->m_Seeds.clear( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-unsigned long fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+unsigned long fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const
return( this->m_Seeds.size( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
Algorithm( )
: Superclass( ),
m_ThrowEvents( false ),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
~Algorithm( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
GenerateData( )
unsigned long N = this->m_Seeds.size( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_Loop( )
this->InvokeEvent( TStartLoopEvent( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_BeforeGenerateData( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_AfterGenerateData( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_BeforeLoop( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_AfterLoop( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_UpdateCollisions( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b )
bool ret = false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_NeedToStop( ) const
return( false );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
-_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_Node( const TVertex& v )
typename _TNodes::iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
-_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_Node( const TVertex& v ) const
typename _TNodes::const_iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_InitMarks( )
this->m_Marks.clear( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_Mark( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& node )
this->m_Marks[ v ] = node;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_InitQueue( )
this->_QueueClear( );
* @param V Vertex type.
* @param C Vertex value type.
* @param R Result value type.
+ * @param S Space type where vertices are.
* @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
* @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
* filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
class Dijkstra
- : public Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >
+ : public Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >
typedef Dijkstra Self;
- typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B > Superclass;
+ typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
typedef typename Superclass::TMinimumSpanningTree TMinimumSpanningTree;
itkTypeMacro( Dijkstra, Algorithm );
+ itkBooleanMacro( LocalCosts );
+ itkGetConstMacro( LocalCosts, bool );
+ itkSetMacro( LocalCosts, bool );
Dijkstra( );
virtual ~Dijkstra( );
Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ bool m_LocalCosts;
_TQueue m_Queue;
#include <algorithm>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
Dijkstra( )
- : Superclass( )
+ : Superclass( ),
+ m_LocalCosts( false )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
~Dijkstra( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
TResult& result, const TVertex& neighbor, const TVertex& parent
) const
if( result >= TResult( 0 ) )
_TNode pn = this->_Node( parent );
- if( pn.Label == Self::AliveLabel )
+ if( pn.Label == Self::AliveLabel && !this->m_LocalCosts )
result += pn.Result;
return( true );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_IsQueueEmpty( ) const
return( this->m_Queue.empty( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
_TQueueNode qn;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n )
_TQueueNode qn = this->m_Queue.front( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueueClear( )
this->m_Queue.clear( );
- template< class V >
+ template< class S, class V >
class TautologyFunction
: public itk::FunctionBase< V, bool >
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef S TSpace;
+ typedef V TVertex;
itkNewMacro( Self );
itkTypeMacro( TautologyFunction, itkFunctionBase );
+ itkGetConstObjectMacro( Space, TSpace );
+ itkSetConstObjectMacro( Space, TSpace );
- virtual bool Evaluate( const V& input ) const
+ virtual bool Evaluate( const TVertex& input ) const
{ return( true ); }
// Purposely not implemented
TautologyFunction( const Self& );
void operator=( const Self& );
+ protected:
+ typename TSpace::ConstPointer m_Space;
} // ecapseman
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkFunctionBase.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/RegionGrow.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Base
+ {
+ /**
+ * Region grow is a front propagation with no costs.
+ */
+ template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+ class IncrementalRegionGrow
+ : public RegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Standard class typdedefs
+ typedef IncrementalRegionGrow Self;
+ typedef RegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TGrowingFunction TGrowingFunction;
+ typedef std::vector< typename TGrowingFunction::Pointer > TFunctions;
+ typedef std::vector< unsigned long > TVolumes;
+ protected:
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollision _TCollision;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisionsRow _TCollisionsRow;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisions _TCollisions;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TQueue _TQueue;
+ public:
+ itkTypeMacro( IncrementalRegionGrow, RegionGrow );
+ public:
+ TGrowingFunction* GetGrowingFunction( unsigned int i );
+ const TGrowingFunction* GetGrowingFunction( unsigned int i ) const;
+ unsigned long GetGrowingFunctionVolume( unsigned int i ) const;
+ unsigned int GetNumberOfGrowingFunctions( ) const;
+ void ClearGrowingFunctions( );
+ unsigned int AddGrowingFunction( TGrowingFunction* function );
+ protected:
+ IncrementalRegionGrow( );
+ virtual ~IncrementalRegionGrow( );
+ virtual void _BeforeGenerateData( );
+ virtual void _AfterLoop( );
+ virtual void _Loop( );
+ virtual bool _CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const;
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented.
+ IncrementalRegionGrow( const Self& );
+ void operator=( const Self& );
+ protected:
+ mutable _TQueue m_AuxiliaryQueue;
+ TFunctions m_Functions;
+ TVolumes m_Volumes;
+ unsigned int m_ActualFunction;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/Base/IncrementalRegionGrow.hxx>
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+typename fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+TGrowingFunction* fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+GetGrowingFunction( unsigned int i )
+ if( i < this->m_Functions.size( ) )
+ return( this->m_Functions[ i ] );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+TGrowingFunction* fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+GetGrowingFunction( unsigned int i ) const
+ if( i < this->m_Functions.size( ) )
+ return( this->m_Functions[ i ] );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+unsigned long fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+GetGrowingFunctionVolume( unsigned int i ) const
+ if( i < this->m_Volumes.size( ) )
+ return( this->m_Volumes[ i ] );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+unsigned int fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+GetNumberOfGrowingFunctions( ) const
+ return( this->m_Functions.size( ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+ClearGrowingFunctions( )
+ this->m_Functions.clear( );
+ this->m_Volumes.clear( );
+ this->Modified( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+unsigned int fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+AddGrowingFunction( TGrowingFunction* function )
+ this->m_Functions.push_back( function );
+ this->m_Volumes.push_back( 0 );
+ this->Modified( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+IncrementalRegionGrow( )
+ : Superclass( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+~IncrementalRegionGrow( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+_BeforeGenerateData( )
+ this->Superclass::_BeforeGenerateData( );
+ this->m_ActualFunction = 0;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+_AfterLoop( )
+ /* TODO
+ this->Superclass::_AfterLoop( );
+ // Replace queue
+ this->_QueueClear( );
+ while( !( this->m_AuxiliaryQueue.empty( ) ) )
+ {
+ // Get node
+ _TNode node = this->m_AuxiliaryQueue.front( );
+ this->m_AuxiliaryQueue.pop( );
+ this->_QueuePush( node );
+ // Unmark it
+ typename _TMarks::iterator mIt = this->m_Marks.find( node.Vertex );
+ if( mIt != this->m_Marks.end( ) )
+ this->m_Marks.erase( mIt );
+ } // elihw
+ // Move to next function
+ this->m_ActualFunction++;
+ */
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+_Loop( )
+ while( this->m_ActualFunction < this->m_Functions.size( ) )
+ this->Superclass::_Loop( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class R, class VV, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< V, R, VV, VC, B >::
+_CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const
+ /* TODO
+ if( this->m_ActualFunction < this->m_Functions.size( ) )
+ {
+ bool ret =
+ this->m_Functions[ this->m_ActualFunction ]->Evaluate( v );
+ if( !ret )
+ this->m_AuxiliaryQueue.push( n );
+ else
+ this->m_Volumes[ this->m_ActualFunction ]++;
+ return( ret );
+ }
+ else
+ return( false );
+ return( false );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <fpa/Base/Algorithm.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/Functors/TautologyFunction.h>
namespace fpa
* @param V Vertex type.
* @param C Vertex value type.
* @param R Result value type.
+ * @param S Space type where vertices are.
* @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
* @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
* filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
class RegionGrow
- : public Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >
+ : public Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B >
typedef RegionGrow Self;
- typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B > Superclass;
+ typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, S, VC, B > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::TautologyFunction< S, V > TGrowingFunction;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
typedef typename Superclass::_TCollision _TCollision;
itkGetConstMacro( InsideValue, TResult );
itkGetConstMacro( OutsideValue, TResult );
+ itkGetObjectMacro( GrowingFunction, TGrowingFunction );
+ itkGetConstObjectMacro( GrowingFunction, TGrowingFunction );
itkSetMacro( InsideValue, TResult );
itkSetMacro( OutsideValue, TResult );
+ itkSetObjectMacro( GrowingFunction, TGrowingFunction );
RegionGrow( );
virtual ~RegionGrow( );
- virtual bool _CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const = 0;
+ virtual bool _CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const;
// Results-related abstract methods
virtual bool _ComputeNeighborResult(
TResult m_InsideValue;
TResult m_OutsideValue;
_TQueue m_Queue;
+ typename TGrowingFunction::Pointer m_GrowingFunction;
} // ecapseman
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
RegionGrow( )
: Superclass( ),
m_InsideValue( TResult( 1 ) ),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
~RegionGrow( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
+_CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const
+ if( this->m_GrowingFunction.IsNotNull( ) )
+ return( this->m_GrowingFunction->Evaluate( v ) );
+ else
+ return( false );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
TResult& result, const TVertex& neighbor, const TVertex& parent
) const
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_IsQueueEmpty( ) const
return( this->m_Queue.empty( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
this->m_Queue.push( std::pair< TVertex, _TNode >( v, n ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n )
v = this->m_Queue.front( ).first;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
-void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class S, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, S, VC, B >::
_QueueClear( )
while( this->m_Queue.size( ) > 0 )
{ return( this->Get( ).begin( ) ); }
ConstIterator End( ) const
{ return( this->Get( ).end( ) ); }
+ unsigned long Size( ) const
+ { return( this->Get( ).size( ) ); }
UniqueValuesContainer( )
typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
typedef typename Superclass::TMinimumSpanningTree TMinimumSpanningTree;
* @param I Input image type
* @param O Output image type
- template< class I, class O >
+ template< class I, class O = I >
class Dijkstra
- : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
+ : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, I, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
- typedef fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, I, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
typedef Dijkstra Self;
typedef Algorithm< I, O, TBaseAlgorithm > Superclass;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
typedef typename Superclass::TMinimumSpanningTree TMinimumSpanningTree;
typedef typename Superclass::TStartEvent TStartEvent;
typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
typedef typename Superclass::TMinimumSpanningTree TMinimumSpanningTree;
typedef typename Superclass::TCostFunction TCostFunction;
typedef typename Superclass::TConversionFunction TConversionFunction;
typedef unsigned short TLabel;
typedef itk::Image< TLabel, I::ImageDimension > TLabelImage;
- typedef fpa::Base::UniqueValuesContainer< TVertex, TVertexCompare > TUniqueVertices;
- typedef fpa::Base::MatrixValuesContainer< TVertex, TLabel, TVertexCompare > TBranches;
+ typedef fpa::Base::
+ UniqueValuesContainer< TVertex, TVertexCompare > TUniqueVertices;
+ typedef fpa::Base::
+ MatrixValuesContainer< TVertex, TLabel, TVertexCompare > TBranches;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
// Configure and obtain inputs
const I* input = this->GetInput( );
const TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
+ const TUniqueVertices* bifurcations = this->GetBifurcations( );
TBranches* branches = this->GetBranches( );
TLabelImage* label = this->GetLabelImage( );
label->FillBuffer( 0 );
this->m_NumberOfBranches = actual_label;
// Label bifurcations
- /* TODO: Is this necessary?
- typename TUniqueVertices::const_iterator bifIt =
- this->m_Bifurcations.begin( );
- for( ; bifIt != this->m_Bifurcations.end( ); ++bifIt )
- {
- actual_label++;
- double d = std::sqrt( double( input->GetPixel( *bifIt ) ) );
- _TRegion region = this->_Region( *bifIt, d );
- itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( input, region );
- itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TLabelImage > lIt( label, region );
- iIt.GoToBegin( );
- lIt.GoToBegin( );
- for( ; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt, ++lIt )
- {
- // Mask real input image
- if( !( iIt.Get( ) < ( typename I::PixelType )( 0 ) ) )
- lIt.Set( actual_label );
- } // rof
- } // rof
- */
+ typename TUniqueVertices::ConstIterator bifIt =
+ bifurcations->Begin( );
+ for( ; bifIt != bifurcations->End( ); ++bifIt )
+ {
+ actual_label++;
+ double d = std::sqrt( double( input->GetPixel( *bifIt ) ) );
+ _TRegion region = this->_Region( *bifIt, d * 1.5 );
+ itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( input, region );
+ itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TLabelImage > lIt( label, region );
+ iIt.GoToBegin( );
+ lIt.GoToBegin( );
+ for( ; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt, ++lIt )
+ {
+ // Mask real input image
+ if( !( iIt.Get( ) < ( typename I::PixelType )( 0 ) ) )
+ lIt.Set( actual_label );
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+#include <fpa/Image/Functors/ImageCostFunction.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Image
+ {
+ namespace Functors
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class I, class R >
+ class ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction
+ : public fpa::Image::Functors::ImageCostFunction< I, R >
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Type-related and pointers
+ typedef ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction Self;
+ typedef fpa::Image::Functors::ImageCostFunction< I, R > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TIndex TIndex;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction, itkObject );
+ public:
+ virtual R Evaluate( const TIndex& v, const TIndex& p ) const
+ {
+ typedef typename I::PixelType _TPixel;
+ typedef typename itk::NumericTraits< _TPixel > _TTraits;
+ typedef typename _TTraits::MeasurementVectorType _TVector;
+ typedef typename _TTraits::ValueType _TValue;
+ if( this->m_InputImage.IsNotNull( ) )
+ {
+ _TPixel pix = this->m_InputImage->GetPixel( v );
+ pix -= this->m_InputImage->GetPixel( p );
+ if( typeid( _TPixel ) != typeid( _TValue ) )
+ {
+ _TVector* a = reinterpret_cast< _TVector* >( &pix );
+ unsigned int n =
+ this->m_InputImage->GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel( );
+ double sum = double( 0 );
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ sum += ( double( ( *a )[ i ] ) * double( ( *a )[ i ] ) );
+ return( R( std::sqrt( sum ) ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double pix_val =
+ double( *( reinterpret_cast< _TValue* >( &pix ) ) );
+ return( R( std::fabs( pix_val ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return( std::numeric_limits< R >::max( ) );
+ }
+ protected:
+ ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction( )
+ : Superclass( )
+ { }
+ virtual ~ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction( )
+ { }
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ ImageAbsoluteDifferenceCostFunction( const Self& );
+ void operator=( const Self& );
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+// eof - $RCSfile$
-#include <fpa/Image/Functors/ImageFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/Functors/TautologyFunction.h>
namespace fpa
template< class I >
class RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction
- : public fpa::Image::Functors::ImageFunction< I, bool >
+ : public fpa::Base::Functors::TautologyFunction< I, typename I::IndexType >
/// Type-related and pointers
- typedef RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction Self;
- typedef fpa::Image::Functors::ImageFunction< I, bool > Superclass;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction Self;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::
+ TautologyFunction< I, typename I::IndexType >
+ Superclass;
// Superclass' types
- typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
- typedef typename Superclass::TOutputValue TOutputValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TIndex TIndex;
+ typedef I TInputImage;
+ typedef typename I::IndexType TIndex;
itkNewMacro( Self );
itkTypeMacro( RegionGrowAllBelongsFunction, itkImageFunction );
- virtual TOutputValue Evaluate( const TIndex& idx ) const
+ virtual bool Evaluate( const TIndex& v ) const
{ return( true ); }
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
// Superclass' types
- typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
- typedef typename Superclass::TOutputValue TOutputValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TIndex TIndex;
- typedef typename I::PixelType TPixel;
+ typedef I TInputImage;
+ typedef typename I::IndexType TIndex;
+ typedef typename I::PixelType TPixel;
itkNewMacro( Self );
itkSetMacro( UpperThreshold, TPixel );
- virtual TOutputValue Evaluate( const TIndex& idx ) const
+ virtual bool Evaluate( const TIndex& idx ) const
- const I* img = this->GetInputImage( );
+ const I* img = this->GetSpace( );
if( img != NULL )
TPixel v = img->GetPixel( idx );
- this->m_LowerThreshold <= v && v < this->m_UpperThreshold
+ !( v < this->m_LowerThreshold || this->m_UpperThreshold < v )
} // fi
--- /dev/null
+#include <itkFunctionBase.h>
+#include <itkImageToImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkIndex.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/IncrementalRegionGrow.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Algorithm.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Image
+ {
+ /**
+ * @param I Input image type
+ * @param O Output image type
+ */
+ template< class I, class O >
+ class IncrementalRegionGrow
+ : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef fpa::Base::IncrementalRegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
+ typedef IncrementalRegionGrow Self;
+ typedef Algorithm< I, O, TBaseAlgorithm > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TOutputImage TOutputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TGrowingFunction TGrowingFunction;
+ protected:
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollision _TCollision;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisionsRow _TCollisionsRow;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisions _TCollisions;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( IncrementalRegionGrow, Algorithm );
+ protected:
+ IncrementalRegionGrow( );
+ virtual ~IncrementalRegionGrow( );
+ virtual void _InitResults( );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ IncrementalRegionGrow( const Self& other );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/Image/IncrementalRegionGrow.hxx>
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+fpa::Image::IncrementalRegionGrow< I, O >::
+IncrementalRegionGrow( )
+ : Superclass( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+fpa::Image::IncrementalRegionGrow< I, O >::
+~IncrementalRegionGrow( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void fpa::Image::IncrementalRegionGrow< I, O >::
+_InitResults( )
+ this->Superclass::_InitResults( );
+ this->GetOutput( )->FillBuffer( this->m_OutsideValue );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
* @param I Input image type
* @param O Output image type
- template< class I, class O >
+ template< class I, class O = I >
class RegionGrow
- : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
+ : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, I, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
- typedef fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
+ typedef fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, I, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
typedef RegionGrow Self;
typedef Algorithm< I, O, TBaseAlgorithm > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
- typedef typename Superclass::TOutputImage TOutputImage;
- typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
- typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
- typedef itk::FunctionBase< TValue, bool > TMembershipFunction;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TOutputImage TOutputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TSpace TSpace;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TGrowingFunction TGrowingFunction;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
itkNewMacro( Self );
itkTypeMacro( RegionGrow, Algorithm );
- itkGetObjectMacro( MembershipFunction, TMembershipFunction );
- itkGetConstObjectMacro( MembershipFunction, TMembershipFunction );
- itkSetObjectMacro( MembershipFunction, TMembershipFunction );
RegionGrow( );
virtual ~RegionGrow( );
- virtual bool _CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const;
virtual void _InitResults( );
// Purposely not implemented
RegionGrow( const Self& other );
Self& operator=( const Self& other );
- protected:
- typename TMembershipFunction::Pointer m_MembershipFunction;
} // ecapseman
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O >
-bool fpa::Image::RegionGrow< I, O >::
-_CheckMembership( const TVertex& v ) const
- if( this->m_MembershipFunction.IsNotNull( ) )
- return( this->m_MembershipFunction->Evaluate( this->_VertexValue( v ) ) );
- else
- return( false );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I, class O >
void fpa::Image::RegionGrow< I, O >::
_InitResults( )
this->Superclass::_InitResults( );
+ this->m_GrowingFunction->SetSpace( this->GetInput( ) );
this->GetOutput( )->FillBuffer( this->m_OutsideValue );
typedef typename F::TFrontEvent _TFrontEvent;
typedef typename F::TFreezeEvent _TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TStartBacktrackingEvent _TStartBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TEndBacktrackingEvent _TEndBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TBacktrackingEvent _TBacktrackingEvent;
static unsigned char Colors[][4] =
{ 0, 0, 127, 127 },
const _TStartEvent* startEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TStartEvent* >( &e );
- if( startEvt != NULL )
+ const _TStartBacktrackingEvent* startBackEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TStartBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ if( startEvt != NULL || startBackEvt != NULL )
const typename F::TInputImage* img = filter->GetInput( );
unsigned int minD = F::TInputImage::ImageDimension;
} // fi
+ const _TBacktrackingEvent* backEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* endBackEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ if( backEvt != NULL )
+ {
+ this->SetPixel( backEvt->Vertex, 0, 0, 255, 255 );
+ return;
+ } // fi
+ if( endBackEvt != NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
+ std::cout << "Press enter: " << std::ends;
+ int aux;
+ std::cin >> aux;
+ */
+ return;
+ } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // fi
const _TBacktrackingEvent* backEvt =
dynamic_cast< const _TBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* endBackEvt =
this->m_Window->SetSize( w, h );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void fpa::VTK::ImageMPR::
+SetWindowLevel( double w, double l )
+ this->m_WidgetX->SetWindowLevel( w, l );
+ this->m_WidgetY->SetWindowLevel( w, l );
+ this->m_WidgetZ->SetWindowLevel( w, l );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void fpa::VTK::ImageMPR::
AddPolyData( vtkPolyData* pd, double opacity )
this->m_Actors[ i ]->SetMapper( this->m_Mappers[ i ] );
this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetOpacity( opacity );
this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 3 );
- this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 10 );
+ this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 );
this->m_Renderer->AddActor( this->m_Actors[ i ] );
this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetColor( r, g, b );
this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetOpacity( opacity );
this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 3 );
- this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 10 );
+ this->m_Actors[ i ]->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 );
this->m_Renderer->AddActor( this->m_Actors[ i ] );
hRep->GetWorldPosition( s );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int fpa::VTK::ImageMPR::
+AddSeed( const double& x, const double& y, const double& z ) const
+ double pos[ 3 ] = { x, y, z };
+ int hnd_id = this->m_SeedRepresentation->CreateHandle( pos );
+ vtkHandleWidget* hnd = this->m_SeedWidget->CreateNewHandle( );
+ vtkHandleWidget::ComputeWorldToDisplay( this->m_Renderer, x, y, z, pos );
+ this->m_SeedRepresentation->SetSeedDisplayPosition( hnd_id, pos );
+ hnd->SetEnabled( 1 );
+ return( this->GetNumberOfSeeds( ) - 1 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkRenderWindow* fpa::VTK::ImageMPR::
GetWindow( ) const
void SetImage( vtkImageData* image );
void SetBackground( double r, double g, double b );
void SetSize( unsigned int w, unsigned int h );
+ void SetWindowLevel( double w, double l );
void AddPolyData( vtkPolyData* pd, double opacity = double( 1 ) );
void AddPolyData(
unsigned int GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const;
void GetSeed( int n, double* s ) const;
+ unsigned int AddSeed(
+ const double& x, const double& y, const double& z
+ ) const;
vtkRenderWindow* GetWindow( ) const;
vtkRenderer* GetRenderer( ) const;
--- /dev/null
+#include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace VTK
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class U, class I >
+ class UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter
+ : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter Self;
+ public:
+ vtkTypeMacro( UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter,vtkPolyDataAlgorithm );
+ public:
+ static Self* New( );
+ const U* GetInput( ) const;
+ void SetInput( const U* c );
+ const I* GetImage( ) const;
+ void SetImage( const I* i );
+ virtual unsigned long GetMTime( );
+ protected:
+ UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter( );
+ virtual ~UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter( );
+ int RequestData(
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ );
+ int RequestInformation(
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter( const Self& );
+ void operator=( const Self& );
+ protected:
+ typename U::ConstPointer m_Container;
+ typename I::ConstPointer m_Image;
+ unsigned long m_LastContainerModifiedTime;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/VTK/UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter.hxx>
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <vtkInformation.h>
+#include <vtkInformationVector.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+typename fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+Self* fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+New( )
+ return( new Self( ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+const U* fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+GetInput( ) const
+ return( this->m_Container );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+void fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+SetInput( const U* c )
+ if( this->m_Container.GetPointer( ) != c )
+ {
+ this->m_Container = c;
+ this->m_LastContainerModifiedTime = this->m_Container->GetMTime( );
+ this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+const I* fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+GetImage( ) const
+ return( this->m_Image );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+void fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+SetImage( const I* i )
+ if( this->m_Image.GetPointer( ) != i )
+ {
+ this->m_Image = i;
+ this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+unsigned long fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+GetMTime( )
+ unsigned long ctime = this->m_Container->GetMTime( );
+ if( ctime > this->m_LastContainerModifiedTime )
+ {
+ this->m_LastContainerModifiedTime = ctime;
+ this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
+ return( this->Superclass::GetMTime( ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter( )
+ : vtkPolyDataAlgorithm( )
+ this->SetNumberOfInputPorts( 0 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+~UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+int fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ )
+ if( this->m_Container.IsNull( ) || this->m_Image.IsNull( ) )
+ return( 0 );
+ // Get output
+ vtkInformation* info = output->GetInformationObject( 0 );
+ vtkPolyData* out = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
+ info->Get( vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT( ) )
+ );
+ // Prepare points
+ vtkPoints* points = out->GetPoints( );
+ if( points == NULL )
+ {
+ points = vtkPoints::New( );
+ out->SetPoints( points );
+ points->Delete( );
+ } // fi
+ points->SetNumberOfPoints( this->m_Container->Size( ) );
+ // Prepare cells
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > cells =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ unsigned int pId = 0;
+ for(
+ typename U::ConstIterator it = this->m_Container->Begin( );
+ it != this->m_Container->End( );
+ ++it, ++pId
+ )
+ {
+ typename I::PointType pnt;
+ this->m_Image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *it, pnt );
+ if( I::ImageDimension == 1 )
+ points->SetPoint( pId, pnt[ 0 ], 0, 0 );
+ else if( I::ImageDimension == 2 )
+ points->SetPoint( pId, pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], 0 );
+ else
+ points->SetPoint( pId, pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
+ cells->InsertNextCell( 1 );
+ cells->InsertCellPoint( pId );
+ } // rof
+ out->SetPoints( points );
+ out->SetVerts( cells );
+ return( 1 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class U, class I >
+int fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< U, I >::
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ )
+ vtkInformation* info = output->GetInformationObject( 0 );
+ /* TODO
+ info->Set(
+ vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIECES( ), -1
+ );
+ */
+ if( this->m_Container.IsNotNull( ) && this->m_Image.IsNotNull( ) )
+ {
+ /* TODO
+ typename C::TScalar len = this->m_RGC->GetTotalLength( );
+ typename C::TScalar s0 = this->m_RGC->Gets0( );
+ typename C::TPoint p0 = this->m_RGC->Axis( s0 );
+ typename C::TPoint p1 = this->m_RGC->Axis( s0 + len );
+ info->Set(
+ vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_BOUNDING_BOX( ),
+ double( p0[ 0 ] ), double( p1[ 0 ] ),
+ double( p0[ 1 ] ), double( p1[ 1 ] ),
+ double( p0[ 2 ] ), double( p1[ 2 ] )
+ );
+ */
+ } // fi
+ return( 1 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$