// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
- if (bbGetInputPosition().size()==3 )
+ if ( bbGetInputPosition().size()==3 )
int x = bbGetInputPosition()[0];
int y = bbGetInputPosition()[1];
int z = bbGetInputPosition()[2];
- if ((backX!=x) || (backY!=y) || (backZ!=z) ) // this prevent to finish contour before start :-)
+ if ((backX!=x) || (backY!=y) || (backZ!=z) ) // this prevent to finish contour before start :-)
if (bbGetInputwxContourMainFrame()!=NULL)
slice = round( slice/bbGetInputJump() ) * bbGetInputJump() + bbGetInputShift();
bbGetInputwxContourMainFrame()->setConceptValue( "Axe Depth", slice );
+ printf("EED SetViewerPosition::Process flag2 %d %d %d\n",x,y,z);
} // if Direction1
if (bbGetInputDirection()==2)
- backX=x;
- backY=y;
- backZ=z;
+ backX = x;
+ backY = y;
+ backZ = z;
} // if bbGetInputPosition
} // if bbGetInputwxContourMainFrame
} // if backX backY backZ
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
- BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Type , int );
- BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Param1, std::vector<double> );
- BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Image , vtkImageData* );
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Type , int );
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Param1, std::vector<double> );
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT( Image , vtkImageData* );
+ BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT( Out , std::vector<std::string> );
BBTK_DESCRIPTION("No Description.");
- BBTK_INPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Type,"(default 0) Type 0:nothing 1:Isovalue segmentation of Image 2:Isovalue segmentation actual slice",int,"");
+ BBTK_INPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Type,"(default 0) Type 0:nothing 1:Isovalue segmentation of Image 2:Isovalue segmentation actual slice, 3:Reset Camera ",int,"");
BBTK_INPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Param1,"List of parameters Type1:[step,isovalue,sampling,method,x,y,min,max] Replace all old contours Type2:[isovalue,sampling,method,iSlice,x,y] Replace acutal slice ", std::vector<double>,"");
BBTK_INPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Image,"Image", vtkImageData*,"");
-// BBTK_OUTPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Out,"First output",double,"");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(wxContourMainFrame_tool,Out,"Type 4: Position of viewer ", std::vector<std::string>,"");
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
#include <vtkCommand.h>
-//#include "vtkMetaImageReader.h"
// Events declaration
std::string GetStringTypeImage( vtkImageData* image);
- void SetXY(int x,int y);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ResetCamera();
+ // Use by BBTK boxes
+ void SetXY(int x,int y);
+ void ResetCamera();