--- /dev/null
+# ----------------------------------
+# - BBTKGEditor v 1.6 BBG BlackBox Diagram file
+# - /Users/davila/Creatis/C23/creatools_source/creaContours/bbtk/bbs/boxes/HelpEditContour.bbg
+# ----------------------------------
+DESCRIPTION:Description ??
+AUTHOR:Author ??
+BoxTitle:"Edit Contour"
+In:"Edit Contour&&2P&& Double click over yellow contour"
+In:"Unselect contour&&2P&& Click outside contour"
+In:"Move key point&&2P&& Drag the yellow selected key point"
+In:"Delete key point&&2P&& Use delete key over yellow selected key point"
+In:"Add key point&&2P&& Click and drag aver the yellow line"
+In:"Add key point&&2P&& Comand key + Click in the new position"
+In:"Delete contour&&2P&& select contour and + delete key"
+In:"Move contour&&2P&& select contour and drag the contour"
--- /dev/null
+# ----------------------------------
+# - BBTKGEditor v 1.6 BBS BlackBox Script (Complex Box)
+# - /Users/davila/Creatis/C23/creatools_source/creaContours/bbtk/bbs/boxes/HelpEditContour.bbs
+# ----------------------------------
+include std
+include itkvtk
+include wx
+define HelpEditContour creaContours
+author "Author ??"
+description "Description ??"
+category "<VOID>"
+new wx:StaticBox Box00
+ set Box00.BoxTitle "Edit Contour"
+new wx:LayoutLine Box01
+new wx:OutputText Box02
+ set Box02.In "Edit Contour: Double click over yellow contour"
+new wx:OutputText Box03
+ set Box03.In "Unselect contour: Click outside contour"
+new wx:OutputText Box04
+ set Box04.In "Move key point: Drag the yellow selected key point"
+new wx:OutputText Box05
+ set Box05.In "Delete key point: Use delete key over yellow selected key point"
+new wx:OutputText Box06
+ set Box06.In "Add key point: Click and drag aver the yellow line"
+new wx:OutputText Box07
+ set Box07.In "Add key point: Comand key + Click in the new position"
+new wx:OutputText Box08
+ set Box08.In "Delete contour: select contour and + delete key"
+new wx:OutputText Box09
+ set Box09.In "Move contour: select contour and drag the contour"
+connect Box01.Widget Box00.BoxContent
+connect Box02.Widget Box01.Widget1
+connect Box03.Widget Box01.Widget2
+connect Box04.Widget Box01.Widget3
+connect Box05.Widget Box01.Widget4
+connect Box06.Widget Box01.Widget5
+connect Box07.Widget Box01.Widget6
+connect Box08.Widget Box01.Widget7
+connect Box09.Widget Box01.Widget8
+# Complex input ports
+# Complex output ports
+output _widget Box00.Widget " "