// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
+ std::vector<double> LstX;
+ std::vector<double> LstY;
+ std::vector<double> LstZ;
+ std::vector<int> LstIndexs;
if (bbGetInputFileNameRoi().compare("")==0)
printf("EED Warnning! ReadCreaContourFile::Process FileNameRoi EMPTY\n");
double x,y,z,zz;
int TypeModel;
int NumberOfControlPoints;
- std::vector<double> LstX;
- std::vector<double> LstY;
- std::vector<double> LstZ;
- std::vector<int> LstIndexs;
fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // version
fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); //
fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // ImageDimensions
} // for i NumberOfContours
- bbSetOutputLstX( LstX );
- bbSetOutputLstY( LstY );
- bbSetOutputLstZ( LstZ );
- bbSetOutputLstIndexs( LstIndexs );
} else {
printf("EED Warnning! ReadCreaContourFile::Process %s is not a creaContour .roi file\n",bbGetInputFileNameRoi().c_str() );
} // if --CreaContour--
} // if ff
} // if FileNameRoi
+ bbSetOutputLstX( LstX );
+ bbSetOutputLstY( LstY );
+ bbSetOutputLstZ( LstZ );
+ bbSetOutputLstIndexs( LstIndexs );
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
void ReadCreaContourFile::bbUserSetDefaultValues()