+void ShowNPoints_Tools::SaveCollection()
+ WidgetShowNPoints* wsp = bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints();
+ if ((wsp!=NULL) && (bbGetInputParamsStr().size()==1))
+ {
+ std::string filename = bbGetInputParamsStr()[0];
+ wsp->OnSaveCollections_( filename );
+ }
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
} // if Type
+ if(bbGetInputType()==501)
+ {
+ SaveCollection();
+ } // if Type
} // if bbGetInputWidgetShowNPoints
void SetMesh();
void SeparateSplines();
void LoadCollection();
+ void SaveCollection();
std::vector<double> GetProjectionPointOnAxis(double pointToProject[3], double originAxis[3], double axisDir[3]);
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> GetOrderedPointsAroundPlane(std::vector<double> planeOrigin, std::vector<double> planeNormal, std::vector<double> rotAxis, std::vector<double> pX, std::vector<double> pY, std::vector<double> pZ);
std::vector<double> GetPlaneNormalFromPointsRefPoint(std::vector<double> pointsX, std::vector<double> pointsY, std::vector<double> pointsZ, std::vector<double> refPoint);
BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools,Spacing,"(default [1,1,1] )Spacing",std::vector<double>,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools,Mesh,"Mesh en format vtkPolyData ",vtkPolyData*,"");
- BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools,Type,"(default 0) 0:Nothing 1:Auto add poits 5:Add Point 10:Insert Point 20:TrackPoint 30:Set nearest point 40:Erase point 50:Deleta all points 100:Insert group after 110:Delete group 120:Reset collection 200:Tool 3 or 4 points to patch surface - Create Mesh (based on 1 group and 3 or 4 points) 205:Tool 3 or 4 points to volume surface - Create Mesh (based on 1 group and 3 or 4 points) 210: Invert points 220: Move patch center (param is the step ex [-1] or [1]) 230: Move point in normal of surface (Params [-1] or [1]) 235: ChangeCurrentPoint (Params [-1] or [1]) 240: Join all start-end points to the start-end points on selected spline 250: Set Mesh SPC (Params: [0]:Patch [1]:CloseSpline1 [2]:CloseSpline2) 300: Create expanded surface 310: Create wide expanded surface 320: Expand Surface, 330: Widen surface, 340: Expand patch, 400: Separate and Order Splines given a rotation origin, 500:Load collection (ParamStr filenaname.xls)",int,"");
+ BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools,Type,"(default 0) 0:Nothing 1:Auto add poits 5:Add Point 10:Insert Point 20:TrackPoint 30:Set nearest point 40:Erase point 50:Deleta all points 100:Insert group after 110:Delete group 120:Reset collection 200:Tool 3 or 4 points to patch surface - Create Mesh (based on 1 group and 3 or 4 points) 205:Tool 3 or 4 points to volume surface - Create Mesh (based on 1 group and 3 or 4 points) 210: Invert points 220: Move patch center (param is the step ex [-1] or [1]) 230: Move point in normal of surface (Params [-1] or [1]) 235: ChangeCurrentPoint (Params [-1] or [1]) 240: Join all start-end points to the start-end points on selected spline 250: Set Mesh SPC (Params: [0]:Patch [1]:CloseSpline1 [2]:CloseSpline2) 300: Create expanded surface 310: Create wide expanded surface 320: Expand Surface, 330: Widen surface, 340: Expand patch, 400: Separate and Order Splines given a rotation origin, 500:Load collection (ParamStr filenaname.xls 501:Save collection (ParamStr filenaname.xls)",int,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools, Params,"Optional params for the tools, required for 200: normal and direction, 320: centroid and direction, 330: normal and direction, 340: centroid and direction, 400: reference point", std::vector<double>,"");
BBTK_INPUT(ShowNPoints_Tools, ParamsStr,"Optional params for the tools, required for 500:filename.xls", std::vector<std::string>,"");