void interfConfigurationPanel::OnInterpolation(wxCommandEvent& event)
** Begin of information panel
interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel(wxWindow * parent)
-: wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
+//: wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
+: wxPanel(parent, -1)
//wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(parent,-1,wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
wxString lstOptions[4];
_grid = new wxGrid( this,
wxPoint( 0, 0 ),
- wxSize( 200, 500 ) );
+ wxSize( 200, 250 ) );
int i,gridCol=10,gridRow=sizeZ+2;
_grid->CreateGrid( 0, 0 );
sizer->Add( _mbarrangeSliceInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 2 );
sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this ,-1,_T("Gray Range")) , 1, wxALL , 0 );
sizer->Add( _mbarrangeRangeInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 2 );
- sizer->Add( sizerB , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
- sizer->Add( _staticTextInformation , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
+ sizer->Add( sizerB , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 0 );
+ sizer->Add( _staticTextInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 0 );
sizer->Add( _grid , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
this->SetSizer( sizer );
- this->SetSize( wxSize(1500,1500) );
- //this->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour(100,100,100) );
+// this->SetSize( wxSize(1500,1500) );
+// this->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour(100,100,100) );
this->SetAutoLayout( true );
//return panel;
_viewMaskImage = NULL;
_viewMaskImagePanel = NULL;
_viewThresholdImage = NULL;
- _viewThresholdImagePanel = NULL;
- _viewColorLayerImagePanel = NULL;
+ _viewThresholdImagePanel = NULL;
+ _viewColorLayerImagePanel = NULL;
+ _frameShowResultImages = NULL;
wxContourMainFrame :: wxContourMainFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,const wxString& title,const wxPoint& pos,const wxSize& size,std::vector<vtkImageData*> images, long style,std::string datadir)
_contourGroup = 1;
_creatingContoursActive = false;
_theViewPanel = NULL;
_instantPanel = NULL;
_refLineControl = NULL;
_refLineModel = NULL;
_viewMaskImage = NULL;
_viewMaskImagePanel = NULL;
_viewThresholdImage = NULL;
- _viewThresholdImagePanel = NULL;
- _viewColorLayerImagePanel = NULL;
+ _viewThresholdImagePanel = NULL;
+ _viewColorLayerImagePanel = NULL;
// set up default notebook style
- m_notebook_style =wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wxNO_BORDER;
- m_notebook_theme = 0;
+ m_notebook_style = wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wxNO_BORDER;
+ m_notebook_theme = 0;
//wxContour_ActionCommandsID a;
- _numberOfVariablesStatistics = 7;
- _datadir = datadir;
- inredo = 0;
- inundo = 0;
+ _numberOfVariablesStatistics= 7;
+ _datadir = datadir;
+ inredo = 0;
+ inundo = 0;
_pannew = interfMainPanel::getInstance(this,datadir+"/data/Icons");//, eventHandler);
_performingOperation = new PerformingOperation();
if(images.size() > 0)
_contourextractdata = NULL;
- wxFrame *frame = new wxFrame(this, -1,_T("Result image extracted.."),wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(600,600), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxSTAY_ON_TOP);
- wxAuiManager *m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult = new wxAuiManager();
- m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->SetManagedWindow(frame);
+ if (_frameShowResultImages==NULL)
+ {
+// wxFrame *_frameShowResultImages = new wxFrame(this, -1,_T("Result image extracted.."),wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(600,600), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxSTAY_ON_TOP);
+ _frameShowResultImages = new wxFrame(this, -1,_T("Result image extracted.."),wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(600,600),
+ wxAuiManager *m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult = new wxAuiManager();
+ m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->SetManagedWindow(_frameShowResultImages);
- wxAuiNotebook* noteBookViewerResult = new wxAuiNotebook(frame, -1, wxPoint(600, 600), wxSize(430,200), m_notebook_style);
- m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->AddPane(noteBookViewerResult, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("notebook_content")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(false));
+ wxAuiNotebook* noteBookViewerResult = new wxAuiNotebook(_frameShowResultImages, -1, wxPoint(600, 600), wxSize(430,200), m_notebook_style);
+ m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->AddPane(noteBookViewerResult, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("notebook_content")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(false));
- wxPanel *panelViewer1 = new wxMaracas_N_ViewersWidget(noteBookViewerResult, value,&nTypeView);
- wxPanel *panelViewer2 = new wxMaracas_N_ViewersWidget(noteBookViewerResult, mask,&nTypeView);
+ wxPanel *panelViewer1 = new wxMaracas_N_ViewersWidget(noteBookViewerResult, value,&nTypeView);
+ wxPanel *panelViewer2 = new wxMaracas_N_ViewersWidget(noteBookViewerResult, mask,&nTypeView);
- noteBookViewerResult->AddPage( panelViewer1, wxT("Image result") );
- noteBookViewerResult->AddPage( panelViewer2, wxT("Mask result") );
- m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->Update();
- frame->Show();
+ noteBookViewerResult->AddPage( panelViewer1, wxT("Image result") );
+ noteBookViewerResult->AddPage( panelViewer2, wxT("Mask result") );
+ m_mgr_noteBookViewerResult->Update();
+ _frameShowResultImages->Show();
+ } // if _frameShowResultImages
void wxContourMainFrame::SetZForAllContours(int pz)
- printf("EED wxContourMainFrame::SetZForAllContours\n");
//-- Normal Contours
- }
- else
- {
- vecX.push_back( p[0] );
- myfile <<p[0]<<","<<p[1]<<"\n";
- //std::cout<<" x Anterior "<<xAct<<" x actual "<<x<<std::endl;
- //std::cout<<" y Anterior "<<yAct<<" y actual "<<y<<std::endl;
- //std::cout<<" x "<<p[0]<<" y "<<p[1]<<std::endl;
- vecY.push_back( p[1] );
- vecZ.push_back( 900 );
- xAct=x;
- yAct=y;
- }
+ } else {
+ vecX.push_back( p[0] );
+ myfile <<p[0]<<","<<p[1]<<"\n";
+ //std::cout<<" x Anterior "<<xAct<<" x actual "<<x<<std::endl;
+ //std::cout<<" y Anterior "<<yAct<<" y actual "<<y<<std::endl;
+ //std::cout<<" x "<<p[0]<<" y "<<p[1]<<std::endl;
+ vecY.push_back( p[1] );
+//EED 2017-12-16
+ vecZ.push_back( -900 );
+ xAct = x;
+ yAct = y;
+ } // if xAct
//std::cout<<" x Siguiente "<<vecXo.back();
- vecZ.push_back( 900 );
+//EED 2017-12-16
+ vecZ.push_back( -900 );
// double y=p[1];
vecX.push_back( p[0] );
vecY.push_back( p[1] );
- vecZ.push_back( 900 );
+//EED 2017-12-16
+ vecZ.push_back( -900 );
// vecZ.push_back( p[2] );
int z;
int ii,sizeLstContourThings;
double totalZ;
double porcent;
-void wxContourMainFrame::SaveImageResult(std::string directory,std::string namefile, vtkImageData* mask,vtkImageData* value)
+std::string wxContourMainFrame::GetStringTypeImage( vtkImageData* image)
+ std::string result="";
+ if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_CHAR )
+ {
+ result="CHAR";
+ } else if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR ){
+ result="UCHAR";
+ } else if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_FLOAT ){
+ result="FLOAT";
+ } else if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_DOUBLE ){
+ result="DOUBLE";
+ } else if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_SHORT ){
+ result="SHORT";
+ } else if ( image->GetScalarType()==VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT ){
+ result="USHORT";
+ }
+ return result;
+void wxContourMainFrame::SaveImageResult(std::string directory,std::string namefile, vtkImageData* mask,vtkImageData* value)
+ std::string stringType;
double spc[3];
kernelManager->GetSpacing(spc,0); // returns the spacing of the first image
- std::string temp = directory + "/" + namefile + "-image-Value.mhd";
+ stringType = GetStringTypeImage(value);
+ std::string temp = directory + "/" + namefile + "-image-Value-"+stringType+".mhd";
wxString filename = crea::std2wx(temp);
writerValueImage->Write( );
// Image Mask
- temp = directory + "/" + namefile + "-image-Mask.mhd";
+ stringType = GetStringTypeImage(mask);
+ temp = directory + "/" + namefile + "-image-Mask-"+stringType+".mhd";
// LG 14/01/09 : using crea
filename = crea::std2wx(temp);
wxPanel *wxContourMainFrame::getMaskImageViewPanel(wxWindow *parent)
if (_viewMaskImagePanel==NULL)
_contourextractdata = new ContourExtractData(true);
// _theViewPanel->getImageData()->GetScalarRange(range);
//int min = (int)floor (range[0]);
//int max = (int)ceil (range[1]);
+//EED 2017-12-17
int min = 254;
int max = 256;
- _viewMaskImagePanel = new ThresholdImageViewPanel( parent, -1, -1 , 0);
+ _viewMaskImagePanel = new ThresholdImageViewPanel( parent, -1, -1 , -1,-1, 0);
_viewMaskImage = new ThresholdImageView();
- _viewMaskImage->SetImage(_contourextractdata->GetVtkImageMaskResult() );
+ _viewMaskImage->SetImage( _contourextractdata->GetVtkImageMaskResult() );
_viewMaskImage->SetminMaxValue( min, max);
_viewMaskImage->SetBaseColor( 0,0,1 );
+ std::vector<int> colorbarposition;
+ colorbarposition.push_back( -999 );
+ colorbarposition.push_back( -999 );
+ _viewMaskImage->SetColorBarPosition( colorbarposition );
+ double spc[3];
+ _viewMaskImage->SetSpcBase( _theViewPanel->getImageData()->GetSpacing() );
+ _viewMaskImage->SetNewSpacingLayer( _theViewPanel->getImageData()->GetSpacing() );
_viewMaskImagePanel->SetThresholdImageView( _viewMaskImage );
_viewMaskImage->SetwxVtkBaseView( _theViewPanel->getWxVtkBaseView() );
+ _viewMaskImage->onThresholdChangeOpacity( 25 );
return _viewMaskImagePanel;
int max = (int)ceil (range[1]);
_viewColorLayerImagePanel = new ColorLayerImageViewPanel( parent, min, max, 100, 1);
_viewColorLayerImagePanel->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetwxVtkBaseView( 0 , _theViewPanel->getWxVtkBaseView() );
+ // std::vector<double> range = bbGetInputlstRangeForColorBar();
+ // clivp->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetRangeForColorBar( range );
+ std::vector<int> colorbarposition;
+ colorbarposition.push_back( 50 );
+ colorbarposition.push_back( 105 );
+ _viewColorLayerImagePanel->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetColorBarPosition( colorbarposition );
+ // std::vector<double> base_color;
+ // _viewColorLayerImagePanel->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetBaseColors( base_color );
+ // std::vector<double> grey_level_boundaries;
+ // clivp->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetGreyLevelBoundaries( grey_level_boundaries );
+ std::vector<double> transparence_level_boundaries;
+ transparence_level_boundaries.push_back(0);
+ _viewColorLayerImagePanel->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetBaseTransparence( transparence_level_boundaries );
+ _viewColorLayerImagePanel->GetColorLayerImageViewManager()->SetPlainOrGradientColor( false );
+// _viewColorLayerImagePanel->SetFittingMode( 3 );
return _viewColorLayerImagePanel;
int min = (int)floor (range[0]);
int max = (int)ceil (range[1]);
- _viewThresholdImagePanel = new ThresholdImageViewPanel( parent, min, max , 1);
+ int start= (max+min)/2 - (max-min)*0.25;
+ int end= (max+min)/2 + (max-min)*0.25;
+ _viewThresholdImagePanel = new ThresholdImageViewPanel( parent, min, max, start, end , 1);
_viewThresholdImage = new ThresholdImageView();
+ _viewThresholdImage->SetminMaxValue(start,end);
_viewThresholdImage->SetImage( _theViewPanel->getImageData() );
- _viewThresholdImage->SetminMaxValue( min, max);
+ std::vector<int> colorbarposition;
+ colorbarposition.push_back( 10 );
+ colorbarposition.push_back( 105 );
+ _viewThresholdImage->SetColorBarPosition( colorbarposition );
+ double spc[3];
+ _viewThresholdImage->SetSpcBase( _theViewPanel->getImageData()->GetSpacing() );
+ _viewThresholdImage->SetNewSpacingLayer( _theViewPanel->getImageData()->GetSpacing() );
_viewThresholdImage->SetBaseColor( 1,0,0 );
_viewThresholdImagePanel->SetThresholdImageView( _viewThresholdImage );
_viewThresholdImage->SetwxVtkBaseView( _theViewPanel->getWxVtkBaseView() );
+ _viewThresholdImage->onThresholdChangeOpacity( 25 );
+ RefreshInterface();
return _viewThresholdImagePanel;