vtkPoints *points = booleanOperation->GetOutput()->GetPoints();
if (points!=NULL)
- vtkFillHolesFilter *fillHolesFilter = vtkFillHolesFilter::New();
- fillHolesFilter->SetInputData( booleanOperation->GetOutput() );
- fillHolesFilter->SetHoleSize(100000.0);
- fillHolesFilter->Update();
- bbSetOutputOut( fillHolesFilter->GetOutput() );
-// bbSetOutputOut( booleanOperation->GetOutput() );
+// vtkFillHolesFilter *fillHolesFilter = vtkFillHolesFilter::New();
+// fillHolesFilter->SetInputData( booleanOperation->GetOutput() );
+// fillHolesFilter->SetHoleSize(100000.0);
+// fillHolesFilter->Update();
+// bbSetOutputOut( fillHolesFilter->GetOutput() );
+ bbSetOutputOut( booleanOperation->GetOutput() );
} else {
bbSetOutputOut( NULL );
} // if points!=NULL
// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
+ printf("EED PlaneWidget::Process 1 \n");
if ((bbGetInputIn()==NULL) || (bbGetInputRenderer()==NULL))
+ printf("EED PlaneWidget::Process 2 \n");
bbSetOutputOut( NULL );
std::vector<double> center;
std::vector<double> normal;
bbSetOutputCenter( center );
bbSetOutputNormal( normal );
} else {
+ if (bbGetInputOrigin().size()==3) printf("EED PlaneWidget::Process 3 Origin %f, %f, %f \n", bbGetInputOrigin()[0], bbGetInputOrigin()[1], bbGetInputOrigin()[2] );
+ else printf("EED PlaneWidget::Process 3 Origin -1 \n" );
_boxcreavtkplanewidget.SetActive( bbGetInputActive() );
_boxcreavtkplanewidget.SetImage( bbGetInputIn() );
_boxcreavtkplanewidget.SetResolution( bbGetInputResolution() );
boxPointPicker->bbSetOutputNormal( lstNormal );
} // if dataarray
} // if ClassName
+ printf("EED creaVtkCallbackPointPicker::Execute \n" );
} // if
} // if Active
// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
+ printf("EED PointPicker::Process %s\n", bbGetFullName().c_str() );
if (firsttime==true)
firsttime = false;
bbSetOutputNormal( lstNormal );
+ std::vector<double> point;
+ point.push_back(20);
+ point.push_back(20);
+ point.push_back(20);
+ bbSetOutputPoint( point );
std::vector<double> lstNormal;
std::vector<double> refPoint = bbGetInputPoint();
- printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 1\n");
if ((bbGetInputActive()==true) && ( bbGetInputMesh()!=NULL) && (refPoint.size()==3) )
double p[3];
} // if distMax
} // for i
- printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 3\n");
if (iBack>=0)
vtkPointData *pointdata = bbGetInputMesh()->GetPointData();
printf("EED creaVtkCallbackPointPicker::Execute dataarray=%s n=%ld p=%ld\n", dataarray->GetName(),dataarray->GetNumberOfValues() ,polydata->GetNumberOfPoints() );
} // for i
- printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 4\n");
dataarray = pointdata->GetNormals();
if (dataarray!=NULL)
pValue = dataarray->GetTuple3( iBack );
- printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 5\n");
} // if iBack
bbSetOutputPointId( iBack );
bbSetOutputNormal( lstNormal );
- printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 6 %ld\n", iBack);
std::vector<double> lstPointOut;
if (iBack>=0){
printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process 7 pointOut=%f %f %f\n", lstPointOut[0],lstPointOut[1],lstPointOut[2]);
}// if iBack
bbSetOutputPointOut( lstPointOut );
+ bbSignalOutputModification();
} else {
bbSetOutputPointId( -1 );
bbSetOutputNormal( lstNormal );
bbSetOutputPointOut( bbGetInputPoint() );
+ bbSignalOutputModification();
printf ("EED PointPickerNearest::Process END\n");
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)