+ example_Image_Dijkstra_EndPointDetection
--- /dev/null
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
+#include <itkMinimumMaximumImageCalculator.h>
+#include <itkShiftScaleImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/DijkstraWithEndPointDetection.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/Functors/InvertCostFunction.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/ImageMPR.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image3DObserver.h>
+ #include <itkMinimumMaximumImageCalculator.h>
+ #include <itkInvertIntensityImageFilter.h>
+ #include <itkDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter.h>
+ #include <itkImageFileWriter.h>
+ #include <vtkCamera.h>
+ #include <vtkImageActor.h>
+ #include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
+ #include <vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D.h>
+ #include <vtkProperty.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderer.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
+ #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+ #include <vtkSeedRepresentation.h>
+ #include <vtkSeedWidget.h>
+ #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+ #include <fpa/Image/Dijkstra.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const unsigned int Dim = 3;
+typedef unsigned char TPixel;
+typedef float TScalar;
+typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage;
+typedef itk::Image< TScalar, Dim > TScalarImage;
+typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage > TVTKInputImage;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I >
+void ReadImage( typename I::Pointer& image, const std::string& filename );
+template< class I, class O >
+void DistanceMap(
+ const typename I::Pointer& input, typename O::Pointer& output
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if( argc < 2 )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ]
+ << " input_image"
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // fi
+ std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ];
+ // Read image
+ TImage::Pointer input_image;
+ try
+ {
+ ReadImage< TImage >( input_image, input_image_fn );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error caught while reading \""
+ << input_image_fn << "\": " << err
+ << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ TVTKInputImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKInputImage::New( );
+ vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image );
+ vtk_input_image->Update( );
+ // Show input image and let some interaction
+ fpa::VTK::ImageMPR view;
+ view.SetBackground( 0.3, 0.2, 0.8 );
+ view.SetSize( 800, 800 );
+ view.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) );
+ // Allow some interaction and wait for, at least, one seed
+ view.Render( );
+ while( view.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 )
+ view.Start( );
+ // Get seed
+ double p[ 3 ];
+ view.GetSeed( 0, p );
+ TImage::PointType pnt;
+ TImage::IndexType seed;
+ pnt[ 0 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 0 ] );
+ pnt[ 1 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 1 ] );
+ pnt[ 2 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( p[ 2 ] );
+ input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, seed );
+ // Compute squared distance map
+ TScalarImage::Pointer dmap;
+ DistanceMap< TImage, TScalarImage >( input_image, dmap );
+ // Prepare cost conversion function
+ typedef fpa::Base::Functors::InvertCostFunction< TScalar > TFunction;
+ TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
+ // Prepare Dijkstra filter
+ typedef fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< TScalarImage, TScalarImage > TFilter;
+ TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( );
+ filter->SetInput( dmap );
+ filter->SetConversionFunction( function );
+ filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( 2 );
+ filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( );
+ filter->AddSeed( seed, TScalar( 0 ) );
+ // Prepare graphical debugger
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
+ TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
+ debugger->SetRenderWindow( view.GetWindow( ) );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.0001 );
+ filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
+ filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
+ // Go!
+ std::clock_t start = std::clock( );
+ filter->Update( );
+ std::clock_t end = std::clock( );
+ std::cout
+ << "Extraction time = "
+ << ( double( end - start ) / double( CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) )
+ << " s." << std::endl;
+ /* TODO
+ // Save final total cost map
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::Pointer output_image_writer =
+ itk::ImageFileWriter< TOutputImage >::New( );
+ output_image_writer->SetFileName( output_image_fn );
+ output_image_writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput( ) );
+ try
+ {
+ output_image_writer->Update( );
+ }
+ catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "Error while writing image to " << output_image_fn << ": "
+ << err << std::endl;
+ return( 1 );
+ } // yrt
+ */
+ return( 0 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I >
+void ReadImage( typename I::Pointer& image, const std::string& filename )
+ typename itk::ImageFileReader< I >::Pointer reader =
+ itk::ImageFileReader< I >::New( );
+ reader->SetFileName( filename );
+ reader->Update( );
+ typename itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< I >::Pointer minmax =
+ itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< I >::New( );
+ minmax->SetImage( reader->GetOutput( ) );
+ minmax->Compute( );
+ double vmin = double( minmax->GetMinimum( ) );
+ double vmax = double( minmax->GetMaximum( ) );
+ typename itk::ShiftScaleImageFilter< I, I >::Pointer shift =
+ itk::ShiftScaleImageFilter< I, I >::New( );
+ shift->SetInput( reader->GetOutput( ) );
+ shift->SetScale( vmax - vmin );
+ shift->SetShift( vmin / ( vmax - vmin ) );
+ shift->Update( );
+ image = shift->GetOutput( );
+ image->DisconnectPipeline( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void DistanceMap(
+ const typename I::Pointer& input, typename O::Pointer& output
+ )
+ typename itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< I, O >::Pointer dmap =
+ itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< I, O >::New( );
+ dmap->SetInput( input );
+ dmap->SetBackgroundValue( ( typename I::PixelType )( 0 ) );
+ dmap->InsideIsPositiveOn( );
+ dmap->SquaredDistanceOn( );
+ dmap->UseImageSpacingOn( );
+ std::clock_t start = std::clock( );
+ dmap->Update( );
+ std::clock_t end = std::clock( );
+ std::cout
+ << "Distance map time = "
+ << ( double( end - start ) / double( CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) )
+ << " s." << std::endl;
+ output = dmap->GetOutput( );
+ output->DisconnectPipeline( );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger;
TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( );
debugger->SetRenderWindow( window );
- debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.001 );
+ debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 );
filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger );
filter->ThrowEventsOn( );
#ifndef __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__H__
#define __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__H__
+#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fpa/Base/Events.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/MinimumSpanningTree.h>
namespace fpa
* vertex could be marked as "visited", "in the front", "not yet there"
* or "freezed".
- * @param V Vertex type.
- * @param C Vertex value type.
- * @param R Result value type.
- * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
- * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
+ * @param V Vertex type.
+ * @param C Vertex value type.
+ * @param R Result value type.
+ * @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
+ * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
+ * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
class Algorithm
: public B
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef V TVertex;
- typedef C TValue;
- typedef R TResult;
+ typedef V TVertex;
+ typedef C TValue;
+ typedef R TResult;
+ typedef VC TVertexCompare;
fpa_Base_NewEvent( TStartEvent );
fpa_Base_NewEvent( TStartLoopEvent );
+ fpa_Base_NewEvent( TStartBacktrackingEvent );
fpa_Base_NewEvent( TEndEvent );
fpa_Base_NewEvent( TEndLoopEvent );
+ fpa_Base_NewEvent( TEndBacktrackingEvent );
fpa_Base_NewEventWithVertex( TAliveEvent, TVertex );
fpa_Base_NewEventWithVertex( TFrontEvent, TVertex );
fpa_Base_NewEventWithVertex( TFreezeEvent, TVertex );
+ fpa_Base_NewEventWithVertex( TBacktrackingEvent, TVertex );
typedef std::vector< TVertex > _TVertices;
virtual ~_TNode( );
- TVertex Vertex;
- TVertex Parent;
- TResult Result;
- long FrontId;
- _TNodeLabel Label;
+ TVertex Parent;
+ TResult Result;
+ short FrontId;
+ char Label;
- typedef std::vector< _TNode > _TNodes;
+ typedef std::map< TVertex, _TNode, TVertexCompare > _TNodes;
+ public:
+ typedef fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< TVertex, _TCollisions, TVertexCompare > TMinimumSpanningTree;
itkTypeMacro( Algorithm, B );
itkSetMacro( StopAtOneFront, bool );
+ TMinimumSpanningTree* GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
+ const TMinimumSpanningTree* GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const;
+ void GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj );
virtual void InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e );
virtual void InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const;
) const = 0;
virtual void _InitResults( ) = 0;
virtual const TResult& _Result( const TVertex& v ) const = 0;
- virtual void _SetResult( const TVertex& v, const TResult& r ) = 0;
+ virtual void _SetResult( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n ) = 0;
// Marks-related abstract methods
- virtual const _TNode& _Node( const TVertex& v ) const = 0;
- virtual void _InitMarks( ) = 0;
- virtual void _Mark( const _TNode& node ) = 0;
+ virtual _TNode& _Node( const TVertex& v );
+ virtual const _TNode& _Node( const TVertex& v ) const;
+ virtual void _InitMarks( );
+ virtual void _Mark( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& node );
// Queue-related abstract methods
virtual void _InitQueue( );
virtual bool _IsQueueEmpty( ) const = 0;
- virtual void _QueuePush( const _TNode& n ) = 0;
- virtual _TNode _QueuePop( ) = 0;
+ virtual void _QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n ) = 0;
+ virtual void _QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n ) = 0;
virtual void _QueueClear( ) = 0;
bool m_ThrowEvents;
bool m_StopAtOneFront;
_TNodes m_Seeds;
+ _TVertices m_SeedVertices;
+ _TNodes m_Marks;
_TCollisions m_Collisions;
+ unsigned int m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex;
} // ecapseman
#include <queue>
+#include <itkProcessObject.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::_TNode::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode::
_TNode( )
: Result( TResult( 0 ) ),
FrontId( -1 ),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::_TNode::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode::
~_TNode( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+GetMinimumSpanningTree( )
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 )
+ )
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< const TMinimumSpanningTree* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 )
+ )
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj )
+ TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >( obj );
+ if( mst != NULL )
+ this->GraftNthOutput( 1, mst );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e )
if( this->m_ThrowEvents )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const
if( this->m_ThrowEvents )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
AddSeed( const TVertex& s, const TResult& r )
_TNode ns;
- ns.Vertex = s;
ns.Parent = s;
ns.Result = r;
- ns.FrontId = this->m_Seeds.size( );
+ ns.FrontId = this->m_SeedVertices.size( );
ns.Label = Self::FrontLabel;
- this->m_Seeds.push_back( ns );
+ this->m_Seeds[ s ] = ns;
+ this->m_SeedVertices.push_back( s );
this->Modified( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
-TVertex& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+TVertex& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
GetSeed( const unsigned int& id ) const
- return( this->m_Seeds[ id ].Vertex );
+ return( this->m_SeedVertices[ id ] );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
ClearSeeds( )
this->m_Seeds.clear( );
+ this->m_SeedVertices.clear( );
this->Modified( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-unsigned long fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+unsigned long fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const
return( this->m_Seeds.size( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
Algorithm( )
: Superclass( ),
m_ThrowEvents( false ),
m_StopAtOneFront( false )
+ this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex = this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( );
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex + 1 );
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput(
+ this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex, TMinimumSpanningTree::New( )
+ );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
~Algorithm( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
GenerateData( )
unsigned long N = this->m_Seeds.size( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_Loop( )
this->InvokeEvent( TStartLoopEvent( ) );
while( !( this->_IsQueueEmpty( ) ) )
// Get next candidate
- _TNode candidate = this->_QueuePop( );
- if( this->_Node( candidate.Vertex ).Label == Self::AliveLabel )
+ TVertex vertex;
+ _TNode node;
+ this->_QueuePop( vertex, node );
+ if( this->_Node( vertex ).Label == Self::AliveLabel )
// Mark it as "Alive" and update final result
- candidate.Label = Self::AliveLabel;
- this->_Mark( candidate );
- this->_SetResult( candidate.Vertex, candidate.Result );
- this->InvokeEvent( TAliveEvent( candidate.Vertex, candidate.FrontId ) );
+ node.Label = Self::AliveLabel;
+ this->_Mark( vertex, node );
+ this->_SetResult( vertex, node );
+ this->InvokeEvent( TAliveEvent( vertex, node.FrontId ) );
// Check if a forced stop condition arises
if( !( this->_NeedToStop( ) ) )
// Compute neighborhood
_TVertices neighborhood;
- this->_Neighborhood( neighborhood, candidate.Vertex );
+ this->_Neighborhood( neighborhood, vertex );
// Iterate over neighbors
typename _TVertices::iterator nIt = neighborhood.begin( );
while( nIt != neighborhood.end( ) )
_TNode neighbor = this->_Node( *nIt );
- neighbor.Vertex = *nIt;
if( neighbor.Label == Self::AliveLabel )
// Update collisions
- if( this->_UpdateCollisions( candidate.Vertex, *nIt ) )
+ if( this->_UpdateCollisions( vertex, *nIt ) )
this->_QueueClear( );
nIt = neighborhood.end( );
// Add new candidate to queue
- if(
- this->_ComputeNeighborResult(
- neighbor.Result, *nIt, candidate.Vertex
- )
- )
+ if( this->_ComputeNeighborResult( neighbor.Result, *nIt, vertex ) )
- neighbor.FrontId = candidate.FrontId;
- neighbor.Parent = candidate.Vertex;
+ neighbor.FrontId = node.FrontId;
+ neighbor.Parent = vertex;
neighbor.Label = Self::FrontLabel;
- this->_QueuePush( neighbor );
- this->_Mark( neighbor );
- this->InvokeEvent( TFrontEvent( *nIt, candidate.FrontId ) );
+ this->_QueuePush( *nIt, neighbor );
+ this->_Mark( *nIt, neighbor );
+ this->InvokeEvent( TFrontEvent( *nIt, node.FrontId ) );
- this->InvokeEvent( TFreezeEvent( *nIt, candidate.FrontId ) );
+ this->InvokeEvent( TFreezeEvent( *nIt, node.FrontId ) );
} // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_BeforeGenerateData( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_AfterGenerateData( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_BeforeLoop( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_AfterLoop( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_UpdateCollisions( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b )
bool ret = false;
if( !exists )
- this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].first = na.Vertex;
+ this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].first = a;
this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].second = true;
- this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].first = nb.Vertex;
+ this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].first = b;
this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].second = true;
// Stop if one front is desired
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_NeedToStop( ) const
return( false );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_Node( const TVertex& v )
+ typename _TNodes::iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v );
+ if( vIt == this->m_Marks.end( ) )
+ {
+ _TNode new_node;
+ new_node.Parent = v;
+ new_node.Result = TResult( 0 );
+ new_node.FrontId = -1;
+ new_node.Label = Self::FarLabel;
+ this->m_Marks[ v ] = new_node;
+ vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v );
+ } // fi
+ return( vIt->second );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_Node( const TVertex& v ) const
+ typename _TNodes::const_iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v );
+ return( vIt->second );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_InitMarks( )
+ this->m_Marks.clear( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_Mark( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& node )
+ this->m_Marks[ v ] = node;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_InitQueue( )
this->_QueueClear( );
- this->_QueuePush( *sIt );
- this->_Mark( *sIt );
+ this->_QueuePush( sIt->first, sIt->second );
+ this->_Mark( sIt->first, sIt->second );
} // rof
* Dijkstra is a front propagation algorithm that minimizes costs
- * @param V Vertex type.
- * @param C Vertex value type.
- * @param R Result value type.
- * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
- * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
+ * @param V Vertex type.
+ * @param C Vertex value type.
+ * @param R Result value type.
+ * @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
+ * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
+ * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
class Dijkstra
- : public Algorithm< V, C, R, B >
+ : public Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >
typedef Dijkstra Self;
- typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, B > Superclass;
+ typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
- typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartEvent TStartEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartLoopEvent TStartLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndEvent TEndEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndLoopEvent TEndLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TAliveEvent TAliveEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFrontEvent TFrontEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFreezeEvent TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartBacktrackingEvent TStartBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndBacktrackingEvent TEndBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TBacktrackingEvent TBacktrackingEvent;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
- typedef std::vector< _TNode > _TQueue;
- struct _TNodeCompare
+ struct _TQueueNode
+ TVertex Vertex;
+ _TNode Node;
// Make the min-heap behave as a max-heap
- bool operator()( const _TNode& a, const _TNode& b ) const
- { return( b.Result < a.Result ); }
+ bool operator<( const _TQueueNode& other ) const
+ { return( other.Node.Result < this->Node.Result ); }
+ typedef std::vector< _TQueueNode > _TQueue;
itkTypeMacro( Dijkstra, Algorithm );
// Queue-related abstract methods
virtual bool _IsQueueEmpty( ) const;
- virtual void _QueuePush( const _TNode& n );
- virtual _TNode _QueuePop( );
+ virtual void _QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n );
+ virtual void _QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n );
virtual void _QueueClear( );
_TQueue m_Queue;
- static _TNodeCompare m_NodeCompare;
} // ecapseman
#include <algorithm>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
Dijkstra( )
: Superclass( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
~Dijkstra( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
TResult& result, const TVertex& neighbor, const TVertex& parent
) const
result = this->_Cost( neighbor, parent );
result *= TResult( this->_Distance( neighbor, parent ) );
- _TNode pn = this->_Node( parent );
- if( pn.Label == Self::AliveLabel )
- result += pn.Result;
- return( true );
+ // WARNING: Dijkstra does not work on negative values!
+ if( result >= TResult( 0 ) )
+ {
+ _TNode pn = this->_Node( parent );
+ if( pn.Label == Self::AliveLabel )
+ result += pn.Result;
+ return( true );
+ }
+ else
+ return( false );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_IsQueueEmpty( ) const
return( this->m_Queue.empty( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
-_QueuePush( const _TNode& n )
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
- this->m_Queue.push_back( n );
- std::push_heap(
- this->m_Queue.begin( ), this->m_Queue.end( ), Self::m_NodeCompare
- );
+ _TQueueNode qn;
+ qn.Vertex = v;
+ qn.Node = n;
+ this->m_Queue.push_back( qn );
+ std::push_heap( this->m_Queue.begin( ), this->m_Queue.end( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-typename fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
-_TNode fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
-_QueuePop( )
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n )
- _TNode n = this->m_Queue.front( );
- std::pop_heap(
- this->m_Queue.begin( ), this->m_Queue.end( ), Self::m_NodeCompare
- );
+ _TQueueNode qn = this->m_Queue.front( );
+ std::pop_heap( this->m_Queue.begin( ), this->m_Queue.end( ) );
this->m_Queue.pop_back( );
- return( n );
+ v = qn.Vertex;
+ n = qn.Node;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::Dijkstra< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_QueueClear( )
this->m_Queue.clear( );
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
#include <vector>
+#include <itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h>
#include <itkSmartPointer.h>
namespace fpa
- template< class V, class C, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class VC >
class MinimumSpanningTree
- : public B
+ : public itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< std::map< V, std::pair< V, short >, VC > >
- typedef MinimumSpanningTree Self;
- typedef B Superclass;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef std::pair< V, short > TNodeInfo;
+ typedef std::map< V, TNodeInfo, VC > TDecorated;
+ typedef MinimumSpanningTree Self;
+ typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< TDecorated > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef V TVertex;
- typedef C TCollisions;
+ typedef V TVertex;
+ typedef C TCollisions;
+ typedef VC TVertexCompare;
typedef std::vector< unsigned long > _TRow;
typedef std::vector< _TRow > _TMatrix;
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
itkTypeMacro( MinimumSpanningTree, B );
itkGetConstMacro( Collisions, TCollisions );
void SetCollisions( const TCollisions& collisions );
+ void SetParent( const TVertex& v, const TVertex& p, const short& fid )
+ {
+ this->Get( )[ v ] = TNodeInfo( p, fid );
+ this->Modified( );
+ }
virtual void GetPath(
std::vector< V >& path, const V& a, const V& b
virtual ~MinimumSpanningTree( );
virtual void _Path( std::vector< V >& path, const V& a ) const;
- virtual long _FrontId( const V& v ) const = 0;
- virtual V _Parent( const V& v ) const = 0;
// Purposely not implemented
} // rof
} // rof
this->Modified( );
void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >::
GetPath( std::vector< V >& path, const V& a, const V& b ) const
- long fa = this->_FrontId( a );
- long fb = this->_FrontId( b );
+ typename TDecorated::const_iterator aIt = this->Get( ).find( a );
+ typename TDecorated::const_iterator bIt = this->Get( ).find( b );
+ if( aIt == this->Get( ).end( ) || bIt == this->Get( ).end( ) )
+ return;
+ short fa = aIt->second.second;
+ short fb = bIt->second.second;
if( fa == fb )
void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >::
_Path( std::vector< V >& path, const V& a ) const
- V it = a;
- do
+ typename TDecorated::const_iterator dIt = this->Get( ).find( a );
+ if( dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) )
- path.push_back( it );
- it = this->_Parent( it );
+ do
+ {
+ path.push_back( dIt->first );
+ dIt = this->Get( ).find( dIt->second.first );
- } while( it != this->_Parent( it ) );
- path.push_back( it );
+ } while( dIt->first != dIt->second.first && dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) );
+ if( dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) )
+ path.push_back( dIt->first );
+ } // fi
#define __FPA__BASE__REGIONGROW__H__
#include <queue>
+#include <utility>
#include <fpa/Base/Algorithm.h>
namespace fpa
* Region grow is a front propagation with no costs.
- * @param V Vertex type.
- * @param C Vertex value type.
- * @param R Result value type.
- * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
- * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
+ * @param V Vertex type.
+ * @param C Vertex value type.
+ * @param R Result value type.
+ * @param VC Vertex lexicographical compare.
+ * @param B Base class for this algorithm. It should be any itk-based
+ * filter (itk::ProcessObject).
- template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
+ template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
class RegionGrow
- : public Algorithm< V, C, R, B >
+ : public Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >
typedef RegionGrow Self;
- typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, B > Superclass;
+ typedef Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
- typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
- typedef std::queue< _TNode > _TQueue;
+ typedef std::queue< std::pair< TVertex, _TNode > > _TQueue;
itkTypeMacro( RegionGrow, Algorithm );
// Queue-related abstract methods
virtual bool _IsQueueEmpty( ) const;
- virtual void _QueuePush( const _TNode& n );
- virtual _TNode _QueuePop( );
+ virtual void _QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n );
+ virtual void _QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n );
virtual void _QueueClear( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
RegionGrow( )
: Superclass( ),
m_InsideValue( TResult( 1 ) ),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
~RegionGrow( )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
TResult& result, const TVertex& neighbor, const TVertex& parent
) const
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+bool fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_IsQueueEmpty( ) const
return( this->m_Queue.empty( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
-_QueuePush( const _TNode& n )
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_QueuePush( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
- this->m_Queue.push( n );
+ this->m_Queue.push( std::pair< TVertex, _TNode >( v, n ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-typename fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
-_TNode fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
-_QueuePop( )
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
+_QueuePop( TVertex& v, _TNode& n )
- _TNode n = this->m_Queue.front( );
+ v = this->m_Queue.front( ).first;
+ n = this->m_Queue.front( ).second;
this->m_Queue.pop( );
- return( n );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class C, class R, class B >
-void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, B >::
+template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B >
+void fpa::Base::RegionGrow< V, C, R, VC, B >::
_QueueClear( )
while( this->m_Queue.size( ) > 0 )
#define __FPA__IMAGE__ALGORITHM__H__
#include <itkImage.h>
-#include <fpa/Image/MinimumSpanningTree.h>
namespace fpa
typedef I TInputImage;
typedef O TOutputImage;
- typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
- typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
- typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertexCompare TVertexCompare;
typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
- typedef fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< TVertex, _TNode, _TCollisions, I::ImageDimension, Self::AliveLabel > _TMarks;
- public:
- typedef _TMarks TMinimumSpanningTree;
itkTypeMacro( Algorithm, TAlgorithm );
itkGetConstMacro( NeighborhoodOrder, unsigned int );
itkSetMacro( NeighborhoodOrder, unsigned int );
- public:
- TMinimumSpanningTree* GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
- const TMinimumSpanningTree* GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const;
- void GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj );
Algorithm( );
virtual ~Algorithm( );
// Results-related abstract methods
virtual void _InitResults( );
virtual const TResult& _Result( const TVertex& v ) const;
- virtual void _SetResult( const TVertex& v, const TResult& r );
- // Marks-related abstract methods
- virtual const _TNode& _Node( const TVertex& v ) const;
- virtual void _InitMarks( );
- virtual void _Mark( const _TNode& node );
+ virtual void _SetResult( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n );
// Purposely not implemented
#include <cmath>
#include <itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-typename fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-GetMinimumSpanningTree( )
- return(
- dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >(
- this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 )
- )
- );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-const typename fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const
- return(
- dynamic_cast< const TMinimumSpanningTree* >(
- this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 )
- )
- );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-void fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj )
- TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >( obj );
- if( mst != NULL )
- this->GraftNthOutput( 1, mst );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I, class O, class A >
fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
: Superclass( ),
m_NeighborhoodOrder( 1 )
- this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( 2 );
- this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 0, O::New( ) );
- this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 1, TMinimumSpanningTree::New( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I, class O, class A >
void fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-_SetResult( const TVertex& v, const TResult& r )
- this->GetOutput( )->SetPixel( v, r );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-const typename fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-_TNode& fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-_Node( const TVertex& v ) const
- return( this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( )->GetPixel( v ) );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-void fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-_InitMarks( )
- _TNode far_node;
- far_node.Label = Self::FarLabel;
- this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( )->FillBuffer( far_node );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class O, class A >
-void fpa::Image::Algorithm< I, O, A >::
-_Mark( const _TNode& node )
+_SetResult( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
- this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( )->SetPixel( node.Vertex, node );
+ this->GetOutput( )->SetPixel( v, n.Result );
+ this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( )->SetParent( v, n.Parent, n.FrontId );
#endif // __FPA__IMAGE__ALGORITHM__HXX__
template< class I, class O >
class Dijkstra
- : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
+ : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
- typedef fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
+ typedef fpa::Base::Dijkstra< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
typedef Dijkstra Self;
typedef Algorithm< I, O, TBaseAlgorithm > Superclass;
typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartEvent TStartEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartLoopEvent TStartLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndEvent TEndEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndLoopEvent TEndLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TAliveEvent TAliveEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFrontEvent TFrontEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFreezeEvent TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartBacktrackingEvent TStartBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndBacktrackingEvent TEndBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TBacktrackingEvent TBacktrackingEvent;
typedef fpa::Image::Functors::ImageCostFunction< TInputImage, TResult > TCostFunction;
typedef itk::FunctionBase< TResult, TResult > TConversionFunction;
--- /dev/null
+#include <itkImage.h>
+#include <fpa/Image/Dijkstra.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Image
+ {
+ /**
+ * @param I Input image type
+ * @param O Output image type
+ */
+ template< class I, class O >
+ class DijkstraWithEndPointDetection
+ : public Dijkstra< I, O >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef DijkstraWithEndPointDetection Self;
+ typedef Dijkstra< I, O > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TInputImage TInputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TOutputImage TOutputImage;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TValue TValue;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TResult TResult;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TCostFunction TCostFunction;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TConversionFunction TConversionFunction;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices TVertices;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartEvent TStartEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartLoopEvent TStartLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndEvent TEndEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndLoopEvent TEndLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TAliveEvent TAliveEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFrontEvent TFrontEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TFreezeEvent TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TStartBacktrackingEvent TStartBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TEndBacktrackingEvent TEndBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename Superclass::TBacktrackingEvent TBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef unsigned short TLabel;
+ typedef itk::Image< TLabel, I::ImageDimension > TLabelImage;
+ protected:
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TVertices _TVertices;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollision _TCollision;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisionsRow _TCollisionsRow;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TCollisions _TCollisions;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNode _TNode;
+ typedef typename Superclass::_TNodes _TNodes;
+ typedef typename I::PixelType _TPixel;
+ typedef typename I::RegionType _TRegion;
+ typedef typename I::SizeType _TSize;
+ typedef std::pair< TResult, TVertex > _TCandidate;
+ typedef std::multimap< TResult, TVertex > _TCandidates;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( DijkstraWithEndPointDetection, Dijkstra );
+ itkGetConstMacro( EndPoints, TVertices );
+ itkGetConstMacro( BifurcationPoints, TVertices );
+ itkGetConstMacro( NumberOfBranches, unsigned long );
+ public:
+ TLabelImage* GetLabelImage( );
+ const TLabelImage* GetLabelImage( ) const;
+ void GraftLabelImage( itk::DataObject* obj );
+ protected:
+ DijkstraWithEndPointDetection( );
+ virtual ~DijkstraWithEndPointDetection( );
+ virtual void _BeforeGenerateData( );
+ virtual void _AfterGenerateData( );
+ virtual void _SetResult( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n );
+ _TRegion _Region( const TVertex& c, const double& r );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ DijkstraWithEndPointDetection( const Self& other );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ protected:
+ unsigned int m_LabelImageIndex;
+ _TCandidates m_Candidates;
+ TVertices m_BifurcationPoints;
+ TVertices m_EndPoints;
+ unsigned long m_NumberOfBranches;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/Image/DijkstraWithEndPointDetection.hxx>
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include <itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+typename fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+TLabelImage* fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+GetLabelImage( )
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< TLabelImage* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( this->m_LabelImageIndex )
+ )
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+const typename fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+TLabelImage* fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+GetLabelImage( ) const
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< const TLabelImage* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( this->m_LabelImageIndex )
+ )
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+GraftLabelImage( itk::DataObject* obj )
+ TLabelImage* lbl =
+ dynamic_cast< TLabelImage* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( this->m_LabelImageIndex )
+ );
+ if( lbl != NULL )
+ this->GraftNthOutput( this->m_LabelImageIndex, lbl );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+DijkstraWithEndPointDetection( )
+ : Superclass( )
+ this->m_LabelImageIndex = this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( );
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( this->m_LabelImageIndex + 1 );
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput(
+ this->m_LabelImageIndex, TLabelImage::New( )
+ );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+~DijkstraWithEndPointDetection( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+_BeforeGenerateData( )
+ // Correct seeds
+ /* TODO
+ for( unsigned int s = 0; s < this->m_Seeds.size( ); ++s )
+ {
+ _TNode seed = this->m_Seeds[ s ];
+ _TRegion region = this->_Region( seed.Vertex, max_spac );
+ itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( img, region );
+ iIt.GoToBegin( );
+ _TPixel max_value = iIt.Get( );
+ for( ++iIt; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt )
+ {
+ if( iIt.Get( ) > max_value )
+ {
+ seed.Vertex = iIt.GetIndex( );
+ seed.Parent = seed.Vertex;
+ max_value = iIt.Get( );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ this->m_Seeds[ s ] = seed;
+ } // rof
+ */
+ // End initialization
+ this->Superclass::_BeforeGenerateData( );
+ this->m_Candidates.clear( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+_AfterGenerateData( )
+ this->Superclass::_AfterGenerateData( );
+ // Finish base algorithm
+ /* TODO
+ this->m_FullTree.clear( );
+ this->m_ReducedTree.clear( );
+ */
+ this->m_EndPoints.clear( );
+ this->m_BifurcationPoints.clear( );
+ if( this->m_Candidates.size( ) == 0 )
+ return;
+ this->InvokeEvent( TEndEvent( ) );
+ this->InvokeEvent( TStartBacktrackingEvent( ) );
+ // Get some input values
+ const I* input = this->GetInput( );
+ typename I::SpacingType spac = input->GetSpacing( );
+ double max_spac = spac[ 0 ];
+ for( unsigned int d = 1; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d )
+ max_spac =
+ ( max_spac < double( spac[ d ] ) )? double( spac[ d ] ): max_spac;
+ max_spac *= double( 3 );
+ TLabelImage* label = this->GetLabelImage( );
+ label->FillBuffer( 0 );
+ // Prepare an object to hold marks
+ /* TODO
+ typename TMarkImage::Pointer marks = this->GetOutputMarkImage( );
+ marks->FillBuffer( 0 );
+ */
+ // Iterate over the candidates, starting from the candidates that
+ // are near thin branches
+ typename _TCandidates::const_reverse_iterator cIt =
+ this->m_Candidates.rbegin( );
+ this->m_NumberOfBranches = 1;
+ std::map< TLabel, std::pair< TVertex, TVertex > > branches;
+ for( ; cIt != this->m_Candidates.rend( ); ++cIt )
+ {
+ // If pixel hasn't been visited, continue
+ TVertex v = cIt->second;
+ if( label->GetPixel( v ) != 0 )
+ continue;
+ // Compute nearest start candidate
+ _TRegion region = this->_Region( v, max_spac );
+ itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( input, region );
+ iIt.GoToBegin( );
+ TVertex max_vertex = iIt.GetIndex( );
+ _TPixel max_value = iIt.Get( );
+ for( ++iIt; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt )
+ {
+ _TPixel value = iIt.Get( );
+ if( value > max_value )
+ {
+ max_value = value;
+ max_vertex = iIt.GetIndex( );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ // Keep endpoint
+ if( label->GetPixel( max_vertex ) != 0 )
+ continue;
+ this->m_EndPoints.push_back( max_vertex );
+ // Get the path all the way to seed
+ std::vector< TVertex > path;
+ this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( )->
+ GetPath( path, max_vertex, this->GetSeed( 0 ) );
+ // Mark branches
+ bool start = true;
+ bool change = false;
+ TVertex last_start = max_vertex;
+ typename std::vector< TVertex >::const_iterator pIt = path.begin( );
+ for( ; pIt != path.end( ); ++pIt )
+ {
+ this->InvokeEvent(
+ TBacktrackingEvent( *pIt, this->m_NumberOfBranches )
+ );
+ if( start )
+ {
+ TLabel lbl = label->GetPixel( *pIt );
+ if( lbl == 0 || lbl == this->m_NumberOfBranches )
+ {
+ // Mark a sphere around current point as visited
+ double dist = std::sqrt( double( input->GetPixel( *pIt ) ) );
+ region = this->_Region( max_vertex, dist * double( 1.1 ) );
+ itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TLabelImage >
+ lIt( label, region );
+ for( lIt.GoToBegin( ); !lIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++lIt )
+ {
+ if( lIt.Get( ) == 0 )
+ lIt.Set( this->m_NumberOfBranches );
+ } // rof
+ // Next vertex in current path
+ // TODO: this->InvokeEvent( TBacktrackingEvent( max_vertex, this->m_NumberOfBranches ) );
+ /*
+ this->m_FullTree[ max_vertex ] =
+ TTreeNode( this->_Parent( max_vertex ), this->m_NumberOfBranches );
+ std::cout << "New: " << this->m_NumberOfBranches << std::endl;
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A bifurcation point has been reached!
+ branches[ this->m_NumberOfBranches ] = std::pair< TVertex, TVertex >( last_start, *pIt );
+ std::cout << "bif " << this->m_NumberOfBranches << std::endl;
+ last_start = *pIt;
+ this->m_BifurcationPoints.push_back( *pIt );
+ this->m_NumberOfBranches++;
+ start = false;
+ } // fi
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(
+ std::find(
+ this->m_BifurcationPoints.begin( ),
+ this->m_BifurcationPoints.end( ),
+ *pIt
+ ) == this->m_BifurcationPoints.end( )
+ )
+ {
+ // Mark a sphere around current point as visited
+ double dist = std::sqrt( double( input->GetPixel( max_vertex ) ) );
+ region = this->_Region( max_vertex, dist * double( 1.1 ) );
+ itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TLabelImage >
+ lIt( label, region );
+ for( lIt.GoToBegin( ); !lIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++lIt )
+ lIt.Set( this->m_NumberOfBranches );
+ // Next vertex in current path
+ /* TODO
+ this->InvokeEvent( TBacktrackingEvent( max_vertex, this->m_NumberOfBranches ) );
+ this->m_FullTree[ max_vertex ] =
+ TTreeNode( this->_Parent( max_vertex ), this->m_NumberOfBranches );
+ */
+ change = true;
+ // std::cout << "Change: " << this->m_NumberOfBranches << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A bifurcation point has been reached!
+ // TODO: this->m_BifurcationPoints.push_back( max_vertex );
+ branches[ this->m_NumberOfBranches ] = std::pair< TVertex, TVertex >( last_start, *pIt );
+ std::cout << "change " << this->m_NumberOfBranches << std::endl;
+ last_start = *pIt;
+ this->m_NumberOfBranches++;
+ /* TODO
+ this->m_FullTree[ max_vertex ] =
+ TTreeNode( this->_Parent( max_vertex ), this->m_NumberOfBranches );
+ */
+ // std::cout << "Change bifurcation: " << this->m_NumberOfBranches << std::endl;
+ } // fi
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ if( start || change )
+ this->m_NumberOfBranches++;
+ this->InvokeEvent( TEndBacktrackingEvent( ) );
+ /*
+ this->InvokeEvent( TEndBacktrackingEvent( ) );
+ */
+ } // rof
+ std::cout << this->m_NumberOfBranches << " " << branches.size( ) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << this->m_EndPoints.size( ) << " " << this->m_BifurcationPoints.size( ) << std::endl;
+ // Re-enumerate labels
+ /*
+ std::map< TLabel, unsigned long > histo;
+ for(
+ typename TTree::iterator treeIt = this->m_FullTree.begin( );
+ treeIt != this->m_FullTree.end( );
+ ++treeIt
+ )
+ histo[ treeIt->second.second ]++;
+ std::map< TMark, TMark > changes;
+ TMark last_change = 1;
+ for( TMark i = 1; i <= this->m_NumberOfBranches; ++i )
+ {
+ if( histo[ i ] != 0 )
+ changes[ i ] = last_change++;
+ } // rof
+ this->m_NumberOfBranches = changes.size( );
+ */
+ /*
+ for(
+ typename TTree::iterator treeIt = this->m_FullTree.begin( );
+ treeIt != this->m_FullTree.end( );
+ ++treeIt
+ )
+ {
+ TMark old = treeIt->second.second;
+ treeIt->second.second = changes[ old ];
+ } // fi
+ // Construct reduced tree
+ for(
+ typename TVertices::const_iterator eIt = this->m_EndPoints.begin( );
+ eIt != this->m_EndPoints.end( );
+ ++eIt
+ )
+ {
+ typename TTree::const_iterator tIt = this->m_FullTree.find( *eIt );
+ if( tIt != this->m_FullTree.end( ) )
+ {
+ TMark id = tIt->second.second;
+ do
+ {
+ tIt = this->m_FullTree.find( tIt->second.first );
+ if( tIt == this->m_FullTree.end( ) )
+ break;
+ } while( tIt->second.second == id );
+ this->m_ReducedTree[ *eIt ] = TTreeNode( tIt->first, id );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ for(
+ typename TVertices::const_iterator bIt = this->m_BifurcationPoints.begin( );
+ bIt != this->m_BifurcationPoints.end( );
+ ++bIt
+ )
+ {
+ typename TTree::const_iterator tIt = this->m_FullTree.find( *bIt );
+ if( tIt != this->m_FullTree.end( ) )
+ {
+ TMark id = tIt->second.second;
+ do
+ {
+ tIt = this->m_FullTree.find( tIt->second.first );
+ if( tIt == this->m_FullTree.end( ) )
+ break;
+ } while( tIt->second.second == id );
+ this->m_ReducedTree[ *bIt ] = TTreeNode( tIt->first, id );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ */
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+_SetResult( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& n )
+ this->Superclass::_SetResult( v, n );
+ TResult vv = TResult( this->_VertexValue( v ) );
+ if( TResult( 0 ) < vv )
+ this->m_Candidates.insert( _TCandidate( n.Result / vv, v ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I, class O >
+typename fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+_TRegion fpa::Image::DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< I, O >::
+_Region( const TVertex& c, const double& r )
+ typename I::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput( );
+ typename I::SpacingType spac = input->GetSpacing( );
+ _TRegion region = input->GetLargestPossibleRegion( );
+ typename I::IndexType idx0 = region.GetIndex( );
+ typename I::IndexType idx1 = idx0 + region.GetSize( );
+ // Compute region size and index
+ typename I::IndexType i0, i1;
+ _TSize size;
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d )
+ {
+ long s = long( std::ceil( r / double( spac[ d ] ) ) );
+ i0[ d ] = c[ d ] - s;
+ i1[ d ] = c[ d ] + s;
+ if( i0[ d ] < idx0[ d ] ) i0[ d ] = idx0[ d ];
+ if( i1[ d ] < idx0[ d ] ) i1[ d ] = idx0[ d ];
+ if( i0[ d ] > idx1[ d ] ) i0[ d ] = idx1[ d ];
+ if( i1[ d ] > idx1[ d ] ) i1[ d ] = idx1[ d ];
+ size[ d ] = i1[ d ] - i0[ d ];
+ } // rof
+ // Prepare region and return it
+ region.SetIndex( i0 );
+ region.SetSize( size );
+ return( region );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
+++ /dev/null
-#include <itkImage.h>
-#include <fpa/Base/MinimumSpanningTree.h>
-namespace fpa
- namespace Image
- {
- /**
- */
- template< class V, class N, class C, unsigned int D, unsigned long L >
- class MinimumSpanningTree
- : public fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, itk::Image< N, D > >
- {
- public:
- typedef fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, itk::Image< N, D > > Superclass;
- typedef MinimumSpanningTree Self;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
- typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
- typedef V TVertex;
- typedef C TCollisions;
- protected:
- typedef N _TNode;
- public:
- itkNewMacro( Self );
- itkTypeMacro( MinimumSpanningTree, fpa_Base_MinimumSpanningTree );
- protected:
- MinimumSpanningTree( );
- virtual ~MinimumSpanningTree( );
- virtual long _FrontId( const V& v ) const;
- virtual V _Parent( const V& v ) const;
- private:
- // Purposely not implemented
- MinimumSpanningTree( const Self& other );
- Self& operator=( const Self& other );
- };
- } // ecapseman
-} // ecapseman
-#include <fpa/Image/MinimumSpanningTree.hxx>
-// eof - $RCSfile$
+++ /dev/null
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class N, class C, unsigned int D, unsigned long L >
-fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< V, N, C, D, L >::
-MinimumSpanningTree( )
- : Superclass( )
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class N, class C, unsigned int D, unsigned long L >
-fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< V, N, C, D, L >::
-~MinimumSpanningTree( )
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class N, class C, unsigned int D, unsigned long L >
-long fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< V, N, C, D, L >::
-_FrontId( const V& v ) const
- return( this->GetPixel( v ).FrontId );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class V, class N, class C, unsigned int D, unsigned long L >
-V fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< V, N, C, D, L >::
-_Parent( const V& v ) const
- _TNode n = this->GetPixel( v );
- if( n.Label == L )
- return( n.Parent );
- else
- return( v );
-// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <itkFunctionBase.h>
#include <itkImageToImageFilter.h>
+#include <itkIndex.h>
#include <fpa/Base/RegionGrow.h>
#include <fpa/Image/Algorithm.h>
template< class I, class O >
class RegionGrow
- : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
+ : public Algorithm< I, O, fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > >
- typedef fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
+ typedef fpa::Base::RegionGrow< typename I::IndexType, typename I::PixelType, typename O::PixelType, itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< I::ImageDimension >, itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, O > > TBaseAlgorithm;
typedef RegionGrow Self;
typedef Algorithm< I, O, TBaseAlgorithm > Superclass;
SetRenderWindow( R* rw )
this->m_RenderWindow = rw;
- /* TODO
- this->m_Image = img;
- unsigned int minD = TImage::ImageDimension;
- minD = ( minD < 3 )? minD: 3;
- int e[ 6 ] = { 0 };
- typename TImage::RegionType reg = this->m_Image->GetRequestedRegion( );
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < minD; i++ )
- {
- e[ ( i << 1 ) + 0 ] = reg.GetIndex( )[ i ];
- e[ ( i << 1 ) + 1 ] = reg.GetIndex( )[ i ] + reg.GetSize( )[ i ] - 1;
- } // rof
- typename TImage::SpacingType spac = this->m_Image->GetSpacing( );
- double s[ 3 ] = { 1, 1, 1 };
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < minD; i++ )
- s[ i ] = double( spac[ i ] );
- typename TImage::PointType orig = this->m_Image->GetOrigin( );
- double o[ 3 ] = { 0 };
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < minD; i++ )
- o[ i ] = double( orig[ i ] );
- this->m_Stencil->SetExtent( e );
- this->m_Stencil->SetSpacing( s );
- this->m_Stencil->SetOrigin( o );
- this->m_Stencil->AllocateScalars( VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 4 );
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- this->m_Stencil->GetPointData( )->
- GetScalars( )->FillComponent( i, 255 );
- this->m_Stencil->GetPointData( )->GetScalars( )->FillComponent( 3, 0 );
- this->m_StencilActor->SetInputData( this->m_Stencil );
- this->m_StencilActor->InterpolateOff( );
- double nPix =
- double( this->m_Image->GetRequestedRegion( ).GetNumberOfPixels( ) );
- this->m_Percentage = ( unsigned long )( nPix * 0.01 );
- this->m_Number = 0;
- if( this->m_RenderWindow != NULL )
- {
- vtkRenderer* ren =
- this->m_RenderWindow->GetRenderers( )->GetFirstRenderer( );
- ren->AddActor( this->m_StencilActor );
- this->Render( );
- } // fi
- */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< F, R >::
Execute( const itk::Object* c, const itk::EventObject& e )
- typedef typename F::TStartEvent TStartEvent;
- typedef typename F::TStartLoopEvent TStartLoopEvent;
- typedef typename F::TEndEvent TEndEvent;
- typedef typename F::TEndLoopEvent TEndLoopEvent;
- typedef typename F::TAliveEvent TAliveEvent;
- typedef typename F::TFrontEvent TFrontEvent;
- typedef typename F::TFreezeEvent TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TStartEvent _TStartEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TStartLoopEvent _TStartLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TEndEvent _TEndEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TEndLoopEvent _TEndLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TAliveEvent _TAliveEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TFrontEvent _TFrontEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TFreezeEvent _TFreezeEvent;
static unsigned char Colors[][4] =
if( this->m_RenderWindow == NULL || filter == NULL )
- const TStartEvent* startEvt = dynamic_cast< const TStartEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TStartEvent* startEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TStartEvent* >( &e );
if( startEvt != NULL )
const typename F::TInputImage* img = filter->GetInput( );
} // fi
- const TAliveEvent* aliveEvt = dynamic_cast< const TAliveEvent* >( &e );
- const TFrontEvent* frontEvt = dynamic_cast< const TFrontEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TAliveEvent* aliveEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TAliveEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TFrontEvent* frontEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TFrontEvent* >( &e );
if( aliveEvt != NULL || frontEvt != NULL )
if( aliveEvt != NULL )
} // fi
- const TEndEvent* endEvt = dynamic_cast< const TEndEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TEndEvent* endEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TEndEvent* >( &e );
if( endEvt != NULL )
vtkRenderer* ren =
void fpa::VTK::Image3DObserver< F, R >::
Execute( const itk::Object* c, const itk::EventObject& e )
- typedef itk::ImageBase< 3 > _TImage;
- typedef typename F::TEvent _TEvent;
- typedef typename F::TFrontEvent _TFrontEvent;
- typedef typename F::TMarkEvent _TMarkEvent;
- typedef typename F::TCollisionEvent _TCollisionEvent;
- typedef typename F::TEndEvent _TEndEvent;
- typedef typename F::TBacktrackingEvent _TBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef itk::ImageBase< 3 > _TImage;
+ typedef typename F::TStartEvent _TStartEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TStartLoopEvent _TStartLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TEndEvent _TEndEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TEndLoopEvent _TEndLoopEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TAliveEvent _TAliveEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TFrontEvent _TFrontEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TFreezeEvent _TFreezeEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TStartBacktrackingEvent _TStartBacktrackingEvent;
typedef typename F::TEndBacktrackingEvent _TEndBacktrackingEvent;
+ typedef typename F::TBacktrackingEvent _TBacktrackingEvent;
// Check inputs
if( this->m_RenderWindow == NULL )
if( image == NULL )
- // Create actor
- _TImage::RegionType reg = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( );
- _TImage::SizeType siz = reg.GetSize( );
- if( this->m_Data.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
+ const _TStartEvent* startEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TStartEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TStartBacktrackingEvent* startBackEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TStartBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ if( startEvt != NULL || startBackEvt != NULL )
- this->m_Data = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
- this->m_Mapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
- this->m_Actor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > vertices =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > scalars =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( );
- this->m_Data->SetPoints( points );
- this->m_Data->SetVerts( vertices );
- this->m_Data->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( scalars );
- this->m_Mapper->SetInputData( this->m_Data );
- this->m_Actor->SetMapper( this->m_Mapper );
- ren->AddActor( this->m_Actor );
- this->m_Marks = TMarks::New( );
- this->m_Marks->SetLargestPossibleRegion(
- image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( )
- );
- this->m_Marks->SetRequestedRegion( image->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
- this->m_Marks->SetBufferedRegion( image->GetBufferedRegion( ) );
- this->m_Marks->SetOrigin( image->GetOrigin( ) );
- this->m_Marks->SetSpacing( image->GetSpacing( ) );
- this->m_Marks->SetDirection( image->GetDirection( ) );
- this->m_Marks->Allocate( );
- this->m_Marks->FillBuffer( -1 );
- this->m_Count = 0;
- this->m_RenderCount = reg.GetNumberOfPixels( );
+ // Create actor
+ _TImage::RegionType reg = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( );
+ _TImage::SizeType siz = reg.GetSize( );
+ if( this->m_Data.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_Data = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
+ this->m_Mapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
+ this->m_Actor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > vertices =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > scalars =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( );
+ this->m_Data->SetPoints( points );
+ this->m_Data->SetVerts( vertices );
+ this->m_Data->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( scalars );
+ this->m_Mapper->SetInputData( this->m_Data );
+ this->m_Actor->SetMapper( this->m_Mapper );
+ ren->AddActor( this->m_Actor );
+ this->m_Marks = TMarks::New( );
+ this->m_Marks->SetLargestPossibleRegion(
+ image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( )
+ );
+ this->m_Marks->SetRequestedRegion( image->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
+ this->m_Marks->SetBufferedRegion( image->GetBufferedRegion( ) );
+ this->m_Marks->SetOrigin( image->GetOrigin( ) );
+ this->m_Marks->SetSpacing( image->GetSpacing( ) );
+ this->m_Marks->SetDirection( image->GetDirection( ) );
+ this->m_Marks->Allocate( );
+ this->m_Marks->FillBuffer( -1 );
+ this->m_Count = 0;
+ this->m_RenderCount = reg.GetNumberOfPixels( );
- } // fi
+ } // fi
+ return;
- // Get possible events
- const _TEvent* evt = dynamic_cast< const _TEvent* >( &e );
- _TFrontEvent fevt;
- _TMarkEvent mevt;
- _TCollisionEvent cevt;
- _TEndEvent eevt;
+ } // fi
- if( evt != NULL )
+ const _TAliveEvent* aliveEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TAliveEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TFrontEvent* frontEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TFrontEvent* >( &e );
+ if( aliveEvt != NULL || frontEvt != NULL )
- if( fevt.CheckEvent( evt ) )
- {
- if( this->m_Marks->GetPixel( evt->Node.Vertex ) == -1 )
- {
- typename _TImage::PointType pnt;
- image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( evt->Node.Vertex, pnt );
- long pId = this->m_Data->GetNumberOfPoints( );
- this->m_Data->GetVerts( )->InsertNextCell( 1 );
- this->m_Data->GetVerts( )->InsertCellPoint( pId );
- this->m_Data->GetPoints( )->
- InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
- this->m_Data->GetPointData( )->
- GetScalars( )->InsertNextTuple1( 0.5 );
- this->m_Data->Modified( );
- this->m_Marks->SetPixel( evt->Node.Vertex, pId );
- this->m_Count++;
- // Render visual debug
- double per = double( this->m_RenderCount ) * this->m_RenderPercentage;
- if( double( this->m_Count ) >= per )
- this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
- if( double( this->m_Count ) >= per )
- this->m_Count = 0;
- } // fi
- return;
- }
- else if( mevt.CheckEvent( evt ) )
+ _TImage::IndexType vertex;
+ if( aliveEvt != NULL )
+ vertex = aliveEvt->Vertex;
+ else if( frontEvt != NULL )
+ vertex = frontEvt->Vertex;
+ if( this->m_Marks->GetPixel( vertex ) == -1 )
- // TODO: std::cout << "mark" << std::endl;
- return;
+ typename _TImage::PointType pnt;
+ image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( vertex, pnt );
- } // fi
+ long pId = this->m_Data->GetNumberOfPoints( );
+ this->m_Data->GetVerts( )->InsertNextCell( 1 );
+ this->m_Data->GetVerts( )->InsertCellPoint( pId );
+ this->m_Data->GetPoints( )->
+ InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
+ this->m_Data->GetPointData( )->
+ GetScalars( )->InsertNextTuple1( 0.5 );
+ this->m_Data->Modified( );
- if( cevt.CheckEvent( evt ) )
- {
- // TODO: std::cout << "collision" << std::endl;
- return;
+ this->m_Marks->SetPixel( vertex, pId );
+ this->m_Count++;
+ // Render visual debug
+ double per = double( this->m_RenderCount ) * this->m_RenderPercentage;
+ if( double( this->m_Count ) >= per )
+ this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
+ if( double( this->m_Count ) >= per )
+ this->m_Count = 0;
} // fi
+ return;
- if( eevt.CheckEvent( evt ) )
- {
- this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
- ren->RemoveActor( this->m_Actor );
- this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
- this->m_Marks = NULL;
- this->m_Data = NULL;
- this->m_Mapper = NULL;
- this->m_Actor = NULL;
- return;
+ } // fi
- } // fi
- }
- else
+ const _TEndEvent* endEvt = dynamic_cast< const _TEndEvent* >( &e );
+ if( endEvt != NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
+ ren->RemoveActor( this->m_Actor );
+ this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
+ this->m_Marks = NULL;
+ this->m_Data = NULL;
+ this->m_Mapper = NULL;
+ this->m_Actor = NULL;
+ return;
+ } // fi
+ const _TBacktrackingEvent* backEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* endBackEvt =
+ dynamic_cast< const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
+ if( backEvt != NULL )
- const _TBacktrackingEvent* bevt =
- dynamic_cast< const _TBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
- const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* ebevt =
- dynamic_cast< const _TEndBacktrackingEvent* >( &e );
- if( bevt != NULL )
- {
static const unsigned long nColors = 10;
- double back_id = double( bevt->BackId % nColors ) / double( nColors );
+ double back_id =
+ double( backEvt->FrontId % nColors ) / double( nColors );
typename _TImage::PointType pnt;
- image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( bevt->Node, pnt );
+ image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( backEvt->Vertex, pnt );
long pId = this->m_Data->GetNumberOfPoints( );
this->m_Data->GetVerts( )->InsertNextCell( 1 );
} // fi
- if( ebevt != NULL )
+ if( endBackEvt != NULL )
this->m_RenderWindow->Render( );
+ std::cout << "Press enter: " << std::ends;
+ int aux;
+ std::cin >> aux;
+ */
} // fi
- } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------