]> Creatis software - bbtk.git/commitdiff
#3063 BBTK Feature New Normal - New box VectorFilterDouble in std package
authorEduardo DAVILA <davila@localhost.localdomain>
Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:58:41 +0000 (15:58 +0100)
committerEduardo DAVILA <davila@localhost.localdomain>
Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:58:41 +0000 (15:58 +0100)
packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.cxx b/packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0fb6621
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#include "bbstdVectorFilterDouble.h"
+#include "bbstdPackage.h"
+namespace bbstd
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void VectorFilterDouble::Process()
+//   Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
+//   And print out the output value
+//    void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
+//    const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const 
+//    Where :
+//    * NAME is the name of the input/output
+//      (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
+//    * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
+//      (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
+       std::vector< std::vector<double> * >  pLstVec;  
+       std::vector< std::vector<double> * >  pLstVecOut;  
+       std::vector<double> In0 = bbGetInputIn0();
+       std::vector<double> In1 = bbGetInputIn1();
+       std::vector<double> In2 = bbGetInputIn2();
+       std::vector<double> In3 = bbGetInputIn3();
+       std::vector<double> In4 = bbGetInputIn4();
+       std::vector<double> In5 = bbGetInputIn5();
+       std::vector<double> In6 = bbGetInputIn6();
+       std::vector<double> In7 = bbGetInputIn7();
+       std::vector<double> In8 = bbGetInputIn8();
+       std::vector<double> In9 = bbGetInputIn9();
+       if (bbGetInputIn0().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In0 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn1().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In1 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn2().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In2 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn3().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In3 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn4().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In4 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn5().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In5 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn6().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In6 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn7().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In7 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn8().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In8 ); }
+       if (bbGetInputIn9().size()!=0) { pLstVec.push_back( &In9 ); }
+       std::vector<double> Out0;
+       std::vector<double> Out1;
+       std::vector<double> Out2;
+       std::vector<double> Out3;
+       std::vector<double> Out4;
+       std::vector<double> Out5;
+       std::vector<double> Out6;
+       std::vector<double> Out7;
+       std::vector<double> Out8;
+       std::vector<double> Out9;
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out0 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out1 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out2 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out3 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out4 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out5 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out6 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out7 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out8 );
+       pLstVecOut.push_back( &Out9 );
+       if (bbGetInputType()==0)  // Erase duplicate lines
+       {
+               bool okSizeVec=true;
+               int ipLstvec; 
+               for (ipLstvec=1;ipLstvec<pLstVec.size();ipLstvec++)
+               {
+                       if ( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec]).size()!=(*pLstVec[0]).size() )  { okSizeVec=false; }
+               }
+               if ( okSizeVec==false)
+               {
+                       printf("EED VectorFilterDouble::Process WARNING! vectors are not of the same size.\n");
+               } else {
+                       int iLine;
+                       int ipLstvec2; 
+                       bool okLine;
+                       for (iLine=0 ; iLine < (*pLstVec[0]).size() ; iLine++ ) 
+                       {
+                               okLine=false;
+                               for ( ipLstvec2=0 ; ipLstvec2<pLstVec.size() ; ipLstvec2++)
+                               {
+                                       if ( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec2])[iLine]!=(*pLstVec[ipLstvec2])[iLine-1] )  { okLine=true; }
+                               } // for ipLstVec2
+                               if ( (okLine==true) || (iLine==0) ) 
+                               {
+                                       for (ipLstvec2=0 ; ipLstvec2<pLstVec.size() ; ipLstvec2++)
+                                       {
+                                               (*pLstVecOut[ipLstvec2]).push_back( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec2])[iLine] );
+                                       } // for
+                               } // if okLine
+                       } // for iLine
+               } // if okSizeVec
+       } // Type==0
+       if (bbGetInputType()==1) // Resize vector
+       {
+               int             ipLstvec2;
+               double  iLine;
+               int     sizeLines       = (*pLstVec[0]).size();
+               double  step            = (double)sizeLines/(double)bbGetInputk1();
+               for (iLine=0 ; iLine<sizeLines ; iLine=iLine+step)
+               {
+                       for (ipLstvec2=0 ; ipLstvec2<pLstVec.size() ; ipLstvec2++)
+                       {
+                               (*pLstVecOut[ipLstvec2]).push_back( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec2])[(int)iLine] );
+                       } // for                        
+               } // for ipLstVec
+       } // Type==1
+       if (bbGetInputType()==2) // Insert intermediate pointss
+       {
+               int             ipLstvec;
+               int     i;
+               int     size;
+               double  result;
+               for (ipLstvec=0 ; ipLstvec<pLstVec.size() ; ipLstvec++)
+               {
+                       size=(*pLstVec[ipLstvec]).size();
+                       if (size>=2)
+                       {
+                               for (i=0;i<size-1;i++)
+                               {
+                                       (*pLstVecOut[ipLstvec]).push_back( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec])[i] );   // First item                   
+                                       result=((*pLstVec[ipLstvec])[i] + (*pLstVec[ipLstvec])[i+1]  ) / 2;
+                                       (*pLstVecOut[ipLstvec]).push_back( result );                            
+                               }// for size
+                               (*pLstVecOut[ipLstvec]).push_back( (*pLstVec[ipLstvec])[size-1] );      // Last item            
+                       } // if size>=2
+               } // for pLstVec                
+       } // Type==2
+       bbSetOutputOut0( Out0 );
+       bbSetOutputOut1( Out1 );
+       bbSetOutputOut2( Out2 );
+       bbSetOutputOut3( Out3 );
+       bbSetOutputOut4( Out4 );
+       bbSetOutputOut5( Out5 );
+       bbSetOutputOut6( Out6 );
+       bbSetOutputOut7( Out7 );
+       bbSetOutputOut8( Out8 );
+       bbSetOutputOut9( Out9 );
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void VectorFilterDouble::bbUserSetDefaultValues()
+//    Here we initialize the input 'In' to 0
+   bbSetInputType(0);
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void VectorFilterDouble::bbUserInitializeProcessing()
+//    Here does nothing 
+//    but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers 
+//    if any 
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void VectorFilterDouble::bbUserFinalizeProcessing()
+//    Here does nothing 
+//    but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers 
+//    if any
+// EO namespace bbstd
diff --git a/packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.h b/packages/std/src/bbstdVectorFilterDouble.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e2e685d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#ifndef __bbstdVectorFilterDouble_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbstdVectorFilterDouble_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbstd_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include "iostream"
+namespace bbstd
+class bbstd_EXPORT VectorFilterDouble
+ : 
+   public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
+  BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(VectorFilterDouble,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(k1,double);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In0,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In1,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In2,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In3,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In4,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In5,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In6,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In7,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In8,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In9,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out0,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out1,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out2,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out3,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out4,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out5,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out6,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out7,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out8,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out9,std::vector<double>);
+  BBTK_PROCESS(Process);
+  void Process();
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+  BBTK_NAME("VectorFilterDouble");
+  BBTK_AUTHOR("InfoDev");
+  BBTK_DESCRIPTION("No Description.");
+  BBTK_CATEGORY("empty");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Type,"default (0)  0=Erase duplicated lines, 1=Redimention Vectors, 2=Insert intermediat points",int,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,k1,"default (0)  nothing (Type0), k1=new size vectors (Type 1)   , ",double,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In0,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In1,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In2,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In3,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In4,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In5,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In6,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In7,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In8,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_INPUT(VectorFilterDouble,In9,"Input vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out0,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out1,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out2,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out3,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out4,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out5,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out6,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out7,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out8,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+  BBTK_OUTPUT(VectorFilterDouble,Out9,"Output vector",std::vector<double>,"");
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+// EO namespace bbstd
+#endif // __bbstdVectorFilterDouble_h_INCLUDED__
index 7b91170bf59b48e61c527d83ddbfaac29afbf8d6..616f088d4b5093246a909ec71b00e15bcad69b65 100644 (file)
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ void SphereList::GetPoint(int i, double &px,double &py,double &pz)
                pz = bbGetInputlstPointZ()[i]*spc[2];
-printf("EED SphereList::GetPoint() %f %f %f\n",px,py,pz);
@@ -99,104 +98,91 @@ void SphereList::GetColor(int i, double &cr,double &cg,double &cb)
 void SphereList::Process()
-printf ("EED SphereList::Process Start\n");
-        int iMin, iMax;
-       double px = 0.0;
-       double py = 0.0;
-       double pz = 0.0;
-       double cr = 0.0;
-       double cg = 0.0;
-       double cb = 0.0;
-== igualar la lista de objetos 
-     si la lista es igual nada que hacer
-     si la nueva lista es las corta que la lista existente borrar los actores
-     si la lista es mas larga que la lista existente crear los actores
-== acualizar la lista de objetos
        if (bbGetInputRenderer()!=NULL)
-// If it is not the first time Process is executed, the actors have already been created. The only thing to do is to update the opacity. 
-               if (sphereActor.size() != 0)
-               {
-               for (int i = 0; i < sphereActor.size(); i++)
+               int sizeLstX=bbGetInputlstPointX().size();      
+               int sizeLstY=bbGetInputlstPointY().size();
+               int sizeLstZ=bbGetInputlstPointZ().size();
+               int sizeLstActors=sphereActor.size();
+               if ((sizeLstX==sizeLstY) &&(sizeLstX==sizeLstZ))
+               {
+                       if (sizeLstActors>sizeLstX)
+                       {
+                               int i;
+                               int diff=sizeLstActors-sizeLstX;
+                               for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
+                               {
+                                       bbGetInputRenderer()->RemoveActor( sphereActor[0] );
+                                       vtkspheresourceLst[0]->Delete();
+                                       sphereActor[0]->Delete();
+                                       vtkspheresourceLst.erase( vtkspheresourceLst.begin() );
+                                       sphereActor.erase( sphereActor.begin() );
+                               } // for 
+                       } // if size
+                       if (sizeLstActors<sizeLstX)
+                       {
+                               int i;
+                               int diff=sizeLstX-sizeLstActors;
+                               for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
+                               {
+                                       // Sphere
+                                       vtkSphereSource * newSphere = vtkSphereSource::New();
+                                       vtkspheresourceLst.push_back(newSphere);
+                                       newSphere -> SetThetaResolution(20);
+                                       newSphere -> SetPhiResolution(20);
+                                       newSphere -> SetRadius( 1 ); 
+                                       vtkPolyDataMapper * newMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+                                       newMapper -> SetInput( newSphere -> GetOutput() );      
+                                       vtkActor * newActor = vtkActor::New();
+                                       sphereActor.push_back(newActor);
+                                       newActor -> SetMapper(newMapper);
+                                       newActor -> SetOrigin(0, 0, 0);                         
+                                       if ( bbGetInputTransform()!=NULL )
+                                       {
+                                               newActor->SetUserTransform( bbGetInputTransform() );
+                                       }
+                                       bbGetInputRenderer()->AddActor( newActor );
+                               } // for
+                       } // if size
+                       // Refresh data
+               for (int i = 0; i < sphereActor.size() ; i++)
+                               double px = 0.0;
+                               double py = 0.0;
+                               double pz = 0.0;
+                               double cr = 0.0;
+                               double cg = 0.0;
+                               double cb = 0.0;
                                GetPoint(i, px,py,pz);
                                GetColor(i, cr,cg,cb);
                                sphereActor[i] ->SetPosition( px,py,pz );
-printf("EED SphereList::Process() %f %f %f\n",px,py,pz);
                 sphereActor[i] -> GetProperty() -> SetOpacity( bbGetInputOpacity() );
                 sphereActor[i] -> GetProperty() -> SetColor( cr,cg,cb );
                 vtkspheresourceLst[i] -> SetRadius( GetRadio(i) ); 
                } // for i
-               } else {
-                       iMin=0;
-            iMax=bbGetInputlstPointX().size();
-//                    printf("EED SphereList::Process   iMax=%d \n", iMax);
-//                    for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
-//                      {
-//                        std::cout << "CM SphereList::Process i=" <<  i  << " bbGetInputlstPointX()[i]=" << bbGetInputlstPointX()[i] << std::endl;
-//                        std::cout << "CM SphereList::Process i=" <<  i  << " bbGetInputlstPointY()[i]=" << bbGetInputlstPointY()[i] << std::endl;
-//                        std::cout << "CM SphereList::Process i=" <<  i  << " bbGetInputlstPointZ()[i]=" << bbGetInputlstPointZ()[i] << std::endl;
-//                      } // for i
-                   // If the vector Y or respectively the vector Z has a different size from the vector X, the position value py or respectively pz is set to 0.
-               for ( int i=iMin ; i<iMax; i=i+1 )
-               {
-               GetPoint(i, px,py,pz);
-                               GetColor(i, cr,cg,cb);
-                               // Sphere
-                               vtkSphereSource * newSphere = vtkSphereSource::New();
-                               vtkspheresourceLst.push_back(newSphere);
-                               newSphere -> SetThetaResolution(20);
-                               newSphere -> SetPhiResolution(20);
-                               newSphere -> SetRadius( GetRadio(i) ); 
-                               vtkPolyDataMapper * newMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
-                               newMapper -> SetInput( newSphere -> GetOutput() );
-                               vtkActor * newActor = vtkActor::New();
-                               sphereActor.push_back(newActor);
-                               newActor -> SetMapper(newMapper);
-                               newActor -> SetOrigin(0, 0, 0);                 
-                               newActor -> GetProperty() -> SetColor(cr,cg,cb);
-                               newActor -> GetProperty() -> SetOpacity( bbGetInputOpacity() );
-                               newActor -> SetPosition( px,py,pz );
-                               if ( bbGetInputTransform()!=NULL )
-                               {
-                                       newActor->SetUserTransform( bbGetInputTransform() );
-                               }
-                               if (bbGetInputRenderer()!=NULL)
-                               {
-                                   bbGetInputRenderer() -> AddActor( newActor );
-                               }
-                       } // for
-            if (sphereActor.size() != 0)
+               if (sphereActor.size() != 0)
                // Sets the output.
-               } // if (sphereActor.size() != 0)
-       } // if (bbGetInputRenderer()!=NULL)
+               } else {
+                       printf("EED Warning!  SphereList::Process Lst XYZ are not of the same size.\n");
+               }// if sizeLst
+       } else {
+                       printf("EED Warning!  SphereList::Process Render not assigned.\n");             
+       }// if Renderer
-printf ("EED SphereList::Process END\n");
 void SphereList::bbUserSetDefaultValues()