#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include "vtkIdList.h"
namespace bbcreaVtk
// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
-// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
-// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
std::string namascalararray="creaNumeration";
if (bbGetInputStreamLinesIn()!=NULL)
- vtkIdList *_vtkidlist = vtkIdList::New();
+ vtkIdList *_vtkidlist = vtkIdList::New();
vtkCellArray *vtkcellarray = bbGetInputStreamLinesIn()->GetLines();
long int nLinesCell = vtkcellarray->GetNumberOfCells();
long int ii,iLine;
bbSetOutputStreamLinesOut( bbGetInputStreamLinesIn() );
bbSetOutputNameOfScalarArray( namascalararray );
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
void creaVtkStreamLine::Process()
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process Start \n");
if (_polydata!=NULL)
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process 0 %p \n", _polydata);
if (GetTypeForm()==0)
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process 1 \n");
_tubefilter->SetInput( _polydata );
_tubefilter->SetRadius( GetScaleFactor() );
if (GetTypeForm()==1)
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process 2 \n");
_ribbonfilter->SetInput( _polydata );
_ribbonfilter->SetWidth( GetScaleFactor() );
_ribbonfilter->SetWidthFactor( GetScaleFactor()*10 );
if (GetTypeForm()==2)
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process 3 \n");
_streamMapper2->SetInput( _polydata );
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process 4 \n");
//EED _streamMapper2->SetLookupTable(vGreenToRedLut);
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process A \n" );
- vtkPointData *data = _polydata->GetPointData();
-printf("EED -------------------------------------------\n");
- _polydata->Print(std::cout);
-printf("EED -------------------------------------------\n");
- data->Print(std::cout);
-printf("EED -------------------------------------------\n");
// vtkFieldData *data = _polydata->GetFieldData();
// vtkDataArray *da = pointdata->GetArray("Normals");
- int i,sizeDa = data->GetNumberOfArrays();
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process sizeDa %d \n", sizeDa );
- for (i=0;i<sizeDa;i++)
- {
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process-name %d, %s \n", i, data->GetArrayName(i) );
- data->GetArray(i)->Print(std::cout);
-printf("EED -------------------------------------------\n");
- }
+// vtkPointData *data = _polydata->GetPointData();
+// int i,sizeDa = data->GetNumberOfArrays();
+// printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process sizeDa %d \n", sizeDa );
+// for (i=0;i<sizeDa;i++)
+// {
+// printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process-name %d, %s \n", i, data->GetArrayName(i) );
+// data->GetArray(i)->Print(std::cout);
+// }
} // polydata
- printf("EED creaVtkStreamLine::Process End \n");