--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+set creatoolsGeneration=E:\creatis\creaToolsCompilation4
+set docGeneration=OFF
+cd scripts
+call All.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docGeneration%
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+start /wait install_generate_thirdparty-x64Release.bat
+start /wait install_generate_thirdparty-x64Debug.bat
+start /wait install_generate_thirdparty-x86Release.bat
+start /wait install_generate_thirdparty-x86Debug.bat
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+echo -----------------------------------
+echo ---Setting Environment Variables---
+echo -----------------------------------
+set thirdpartyGeneration=e:\creatis\creaThirdPartyComplation\All-x64-D
+set buildType=debug
+::Set the following line ON if you want to force x86 compilation
+set forcex86=OFF
+call scripts/tpl_variables.bat
+call scripts/makeAll.bat
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+echo -----------------------------------
+echo ---Setting Environment Variables---
+echo -----------------------------------
+set thirdpartyGeneration=E:\creatis\creaThirdPartyComplation\All-x64-R
+set buildType=release
+::Set the following line ON if you want to force x86 compilation
+set forcex86=OFF
+call scripts/tpl_variables.bat
+call scripts/makeAll.bat
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+echo -----------------------------------
+echo ---Setting Environment Variables---
+echo -----------------------------------
+set thirdpartyGeneration=E:\creatis\creaThirdPartyComplation\All-x86-D
+set buildType=debug
+::Set the following line ON if you want to force x86 compilation
+set forcex86=ON
+call scripts/tpl_variables.bat
+call scripts/makeAll.bat
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+echo -----------------------------------
+echo ---Setting Environment Variables---
+echo -----------------------------------
+set thirdpartyGeneration=e:\creatis\creaThirdPartyComplation\All-x86-R
+set buildType=release
+::The following line sets wxWidgets version. Set it ON if you want to compile wxWidgets 2.8.12
+::The following line set swxWidgets version. Set it OFF if you want to compile wxWidgets 2.9.3
+set wxStable=ON
+::Set the following line ON if you want to force x86 compilation
+set forcex86=ON
+call scripts/tpl_variables.bat
+call scripts/makeAll.bat