// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+//-- Alternativa con openmp --
+void ManualPaint_Model::LstPointOMPAnalice()
+//-- Alternativa con openmp --
+// A. Create copie of index original list => lst1
+// B. if list1 es not empty do..
+// B.1. Create copy of lst1 to lst2
+// B.2. For each element of lst2 (incrimental) check the distance of the rest of the list (decremental) and take it out
+// B.3. openmp sobre la La lst2 que queda (PaintImage)
+// B.4. Quitar los elementos de lst2 en lst1 y recomenzar desde el punto B;
+ double distMin,dist2Min;
+ if (bbGetInputTool()==0)
+ {
+ distMin=bbGetInputBrushSize();
+ } else {
+ distMin=bbGetInputDistanceFill();
+ }
+ dist2Min=distMin*distMin*1.2;
+// A. Create copie of index original list => lst1
+ std::vector<int> lst1;
+ int i1,size1 = bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size();
+ for (i1=0;i1<size1;i1++)
+ {
+ lst1.push_back(i1);
+ } // for i1
+// B. if list1 es not empty do..
+ int i2,i3,size2;
+ double dist2,dx,dy,dz;
+ while (lst1.size()!=0)
+ {
+// B.1. Create copy of lst1 to lst2
+ size1=lst1.size();
+ std::vector<int> lst2;
+ for (i1=0;i1<size1;i1++)
+ {
+ lst2.push_back( lst1[i1] );
+ } // for i1
+// B.2. For each element of lst2 (incrimental) check the distance of the rest of the list (decremental) and take it out
+ for (i2=0;i2<lst2.size();i2++)
+ {
+ size2=lst2.size();
+ for ( i3=size2-1 ; i3>i2 ; i3-- )
+ {
+ dx = bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[ lst2[i2] ]-bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[ lst2[i3] ];
+ dy = bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[ lst2[i2] ]-bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[ lst2[i3] ];
+ dz = bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[ lst2[i2] ]-bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[ lst2[i3] ];
+ dist2 = dx*dx +dy*dy + dz*dz ;
+ if (dist2<dist2Min)
+ {
+ lst2.erase( lst2.begin()+i3 );
+ } } // for i3
+ } // for i2
+// B.3. openmp sobre la La lst2 que queda (PaintImage)
+ size2=lst2.size();
+long int k1omp=(double)(size2-1)*0.0;
+long int k2omp=(double)(size2-1)*0.2;
+long int k3omp=(double)(size2-1)*0.4;
+long int k4omp=(double)(size2-1)*0.6;
+long int k5omp=(double)(size2-1)*0.8;
+long int k6omp=(double)(size2-1)*1.0;
+printf("EED ManualPaint_Model::LstPointOMPAnalice (with openmp)\n");
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (i2=0;i2<size2;i2++)
+ {
+if ( (k1omp==i2) || (k2omp==i2) || (k3omp==i2) ||
+ (k4omp==i2) || (k5omp==i2) || (k6omp==i2) )
+ if (size2==1)
+ {
+ printf(" 100% (just one element)\n");
+ } else {
+ printf(" %d%\n", (int)(((double)i2/(double)(size2-1))*100 ));
+ }
+}// if K#omp
+ manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[ lst2[i2] ] ,
+ bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[ lst2[i2] ] ,
+ bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[ lst2[i2] ] );
+ } // for i2
+// B.4. Quitar los elementos de lst2 en lst1 y recomenzar desde el punto B;
+ for (i2=0;i2<size2;i2++)
+ {
+ size1=lst1.size();
+ for (i1=0;i1<size1;i1++)
+ {
+ if (lst2[i2]==lst1[i1])
+ {
+ lst1.erase( lst1.begin()+i1 );
+ i1=size1;
+ } // if
+ } // for i1
+ } // for i2
+ } // while
void ManualPaint_Model::Process()
-// Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
-// And print out the output value
-// void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
-// const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const
-// Where :
-// * NAME is the name of the input/output
-// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
-// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
-// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
-// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
-// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
+/* Notas
+0. Quitar comentarion ByLstPoints openmp
+1. Falta openmp ByImagePoints
+2. Desligar cada PaintImage de la mascara
+ -pequeno bloque de memoria para cada PaintImage
+ -el resultado volverlo a colocar en la image2 original
+ -Si no existe image2 original y hay que colocarlo en la imagen de origien
+ hay que crear una imagen2 temporal y luego bajar la imagen
+3. Verificar el mecanismo de undo con ByLstPoints
+4. Verificar el mecanismo de undo con ByImagePoints
if (bbGetInputActive()==true)
if (bbGetInputImage()!=NULL)
} // if Points
if ( bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size()!=0 )
+ //-- Alternativa con openmp --
+ LstPointOMPAnalice();
+/* -- Original ByLstPoints sin openmp --
int i,size = bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size();
for (i=0;i<size;i++)
manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[i] );
- // _manualPaintModel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
+ //_manualPaintModel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
} // for
+ -- Original ByLstPoints sin openmp --*/
}// if ByLstPointsX
if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
+ // -- Alternativa con openmp --
+ // Calcular numero de cuadrantes
+ // Recorrer el primer cuadrante
+ // Sacar la lista de todos los cuadrantes con el iElement Listo para analizar
+ // Recorrer la lista con openmp y ejecutar PaintImage
+///* -------------------- Original ByImagePoints sin openmp----------------------------
// int ia,ja,ka;
// int ii,jj,kk;
int ext[6];
int dimZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- //#pragma omp parallel for
int i,j,k;
+ //#pragma omp parallel for
for (k=0;k<dimZ;k++)
if (k%50==0)
}// for j
}// for k
printf("ManualPaint_Model %d%\n", 100 );
+//------- Original ByImagePoints sin openmp-------- */
} // if ByImagePoints
} else {
- printf("EED Warning: ByImagePoints or Image2 not set. Box creaMaracasVisu::ManualPaint_Model (BBTK) \n");
- } // if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
+ printf("EED Warning!! creaMaracasVisu::ManualPaint_Model (BBTK) bbInputImage not set. \n");
+ } // if (bbGetInputImage()!=NULL)
} // if active
if (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL)
#include "bbmaracasvisuAxeVolume.h"
#include "bbcreaMaracasVisuPackage.h"
+#include "creaVtk_MACROS.h"
namespace bbcreaMaracasVisu
void AxeVolume::Process()
- if ( mimage!=NULL )
- {
- mimage->Delete();
- }
- int ext[6];
- bbGetInputIn()->GetExtent(ext);
- int sizeX=ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- int sizeY=ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- int sizeZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- double spc[3];
- bbGetInputIn()->GetSpacing(spc);
- double invSpc[3];
- invSpc[0] = 1/spc[0];
- invSpc[1] = 1/spc[1];
- invSpc[2] = 1/spc[2];
- int outputformat = GetTypeFormat( bbGetInputOutputFormat() , bbGetInputIn() );
- mimage = vtkImageData::New();
- mimage->SetSpacing(bbGetInputIn()->GetSpacing());
- mimage->SetDimensions(bbGetInputIn()->GetDimensions());
- mimage->SetExtent(bbGetInputIn()->GetExtent());
- mimage->SetOrigin(bbGetInputIn()->GetOrigin());
-//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
- mimage->SetScalarType( outputformat );
- mimage->AllocateScalars();
- mimage->AllocateScalars( outputformat , 1);
- int sizeLstPointR = bbGetInputlstPointR().size();
- int iAxe,sizeAxe = bbGetInputlstPointX().size();
- int ii;
- int sizeImage = sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ;
- unsigned short *p;
- // Clean image
- p = (unsigned short*)mimage->GetScalarPointer (0, 0, 0);
- for ( ii=0 ; ii<sizeImage ; ii++)
+ if (bbGetInputIn()!=NULL)
- *p = 0;
- p++;
- }
-#pragma omp parallel for
- for (iAxe=0 ; iAxe<sizeAxe; iAxe++)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- double rx,ry,rz;
- double r,rr;
- double px,py,pz;
- double px1,py1,pz1;
- double px2,py2,pz2;
- printf("AxeVolume %d/%d\n ",iAxe,sizeAxe);
- if (iAxe<sizeLstPointR)
+ if ( mimage!=NULL )
- r = bbGetInputlstPointR()[ iAxe ]* invSpc[0];
- } else {
- if (bbGetInputlstPointR().size()>=1)
+ mimage->Delete();
+ }
+ int ext[6];
+ bbGetInputIn()->GetExtent(ext);
+ int sizeX=ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ int sizeY=ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ int sizeZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+ double spc[3];
+ bbGetInputIn()->GetSpacing(spc);
+ double invSpc[3];
+ invSpc[0] = 1/spc[0];
+ invSpc[1] = 1/spc[1];
+ invSpc[2] = 1/spc[2];
+ int outputformat = GetTypeFormat( bbGetInputOutputFormat() , bbGetInputIn() );
+ mimage = vtkImageData::New();
+ mimage->SetSpacing(bbGetInputIn()->GetSpacing());
+ mimage->SetDimensions(bbGetInputIn()->GetDimensions());
+ mimage->SetExtent(bbGetInputIn()->GetExtent());
+ mimage->SetOrigin(bbGetInputIn()->GetOrigin());
+ //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ mimage->SetScalarType( outputformat );
+ mimage->AllocateScalars();
+ #else
+ mimage->AllocateScalars( outputformat , 1);
+ #endif
+ int sizeLstPointR = bbGetInputlstPointR().size();
+ int iAxe,sizeAxe = bbGetInputlstPointX().size();
+ int ii;
+ int sizeImage = sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ;
+ // unsigned short *p;
+ // Clean image
+ memset( (char*)mimage->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0) , 0, sizeImage*(mimage->GetScalarSize()) );
+ // p = (unsigned short*)mimage->GetScalarPointer (0, 0, 0);
+ // for ( ii=0 ; ii<sizeImage ; ii++)
+ // {
+ // *p = 0;
+ // p++;
+ // }
+ int k1omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*0.0;
+ int k2omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*0.2;
+ int k3omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*0.4;
+ int k4omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*0.6;
+ int k5omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*0.8;
+ int k6omp=(double)(sizeAxe-1)*1.0;
+ printf("EED AxeVolume::Process (with openmp)\n");
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for (iAxe=0 ; iAxe<sizeAxe; iAxe++)
+ {
+ if ( (k1omp==iAxe) || (k2omp==iAxe) || (k3omp==iAxe) ||
+ (k4omp==iAxe) || (k5omp==iAxe) || (k6omp==iAxe) ) { printf(" %d%\n", (int)(((double)iAxe/(double)(sizeAxe-1))*100 )); }
+ int i,j,k;
+ double rx,ry,rz;
+ double r,rr;
+ double px,py,pz;
+ double px1,py1,pz1;
+ double px2,py2,pz2;
+ double vItmpOMP;
+ if (iAxe<sizeLstPointR)
- r = bbGetInputlstPointR()[ bbGetInputlstPointR().size()-1 ] * invSpc[0];
+ r = bbGetInputlstPointR()[ iAxe ]* invSpc[0];
} else {
- r = 1;
- }
- }
- px = bbGetInputlstPointX()[iAxe] * invSpc[0];
- py = bbGetInputlstPointY()[iAxe] * invSpc[1];
- pz = bbGetInputlstPointZ()[iAxe] * invSpc[2];
- px1 = px - r;
- py1 = py - r;
- pz1 = pz - r;
- px2 = px + r;
- py2 = py + r;
- pz2 = pz + r;
- rr=r*r;
- for ( i=px1 ; i<=px2 ; i++ )
- {
- rx = i - px;
- rx = rx*rx;
- for ( j=py1 ; j<py2 ; j++ )
+ if (bbGetInputlstPointR().size()>=1)
+ {
+ r = bbGetInputlstPointR()[ bbGetInputlstPointR().size()-1 ] * invSpc[0];
+ } else {
+ r = 1;
+ }
+ } // if iAxe sizeLstPointR
+ px = bbGetInputlstPointX()[iAxe] * invSpc[0];
+ py = bbGetInputlstPointY()[iAxe] * invSpc[1];
+ pz = bbGetInputlstPointZ()[iAxe] * invSpc[2];
+ px1 = px - r;
+ py1 = py - r;
+ pz1 = pz - r;
+ px2 = px + r;
+ py2 = py + r;
+ pz2 = pz + r;
+ rr=r*r;
+ long int index;
+ for ( i=px1 ; i<=px2 ; i++ )
- ry = j - py;
- ry = ry*ry;
- for ( k=pz1 ; k<pz2 ; k++ )
+ rx = i - px;
+ rx = rx*rx;
+ for ( j=py1 ; j<py2 ; j++ )
- if ( (i>=0) && (i<sizeX) && (j>=0) && (j<sizeY) &&(k>=0) && (k<sizeZ) )
+ ry = j - py;
+ ry = ry*ry;
+ for ( k=pz1 ; k<pz2 ; k++ )
-// p = (unsigned short*)mimage->GetScalarPointer (i, j, k);
-// if (*p==0)
- if ( mimage->GetScalarComponentAsDouble(i,j,k,0)==0 )
+ if ( (i>=0) && (i<sizeX) && (j>=0) && (j<sizeY) &&(k>=0) && (k<sizeZ) )
- rz = k - pz;
- rz = rz*rz;
- if ( rx + ry + rz <= rr )
+ // p = (unsigned short*)mimage->GetScalarPointer (i, j, k);
+ // if (*p==0)
+ index=i+j*sizeX+k*sizeX*sizeY;
+ GETVALUE2_VTK_CREA(vItmpOMP,pI,stI,index)
+ // EED2020-04-25 if ( mimage->GetScalarComponentAsDouble(i,j,k,0)==0 )
+ if ( vI==0 )
-// *p=255;
- mimage->SetScalarComponentFromDouble (i,j,k,0, bbGetInputValue() );
- }
- } // *p==0
- } // if inside point
- } //for k
- } //for j
- } //for i
- } // for iAxe
- bbSetOutputOut( mimage );
+ rz = k - pz;
+ rz = rz*rz;
+ if ( rx + ry + rz <= rr )
+ {
+ // *p=255;
+ vItmpOMP=bbGetInputValue();
+ SETVALUE2_VTK_CREA(vItmpOMP,pI,stI,index)
+ // EED2020-04-25 mimage->SetScalarComponentFromDouble (i,j,k,0, bbGetInputValue() );
+ }
+ } // *p==0
+ } // if inside point
+ } //for k
+ } //for j
+ } //for i
+ } // for iAxe
+ bbSetOutputOut( mimage );
+ } else {
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("EED Warnning!! AxeVolume::Process The Input In is not set.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }// if bbGetInputIn()