FILE *ff1 = fopen( bbGetInputFileName().c_str() , "r+" );
if (ff1!=NULL)
+ if (!feof(ff1))
+ fscanf(ff1,"%s",tmpValue);
while (!feof(ff1))
for( i=0 ; i<bbGetInputDimension() ; i++)
- fscanf(ff1,"%s",tmpValue);
vecData->push_back( atof(tmpValue) );
+ fscanf(ff1,"%s",tmpValue);
std::cout << "CM SphereList::Process i=" << i << " bbGetInputlstPointZ()[i]=" << bbGetInputlstPointZ()[i] << std::endl;
// If the vector Y or respectively the vector Z has a different size from the vector X, the position value py or respectively pz is set to 0.
- // Stops at iMax - 1 because of a bug of the box stdReadColumnsDouble creating an extra line at the end of the file.
- for ( int i=iMin ; i<iMax-1; i=i+1 )
+ for ( int i=iMin ; i<iMax; i=i+1 )
px = bbGetInputlstPointX()[i]*spc[0];
if (bbGetInputlstPointY().size() == bbGetInputlstPointX().size() )