// Connect actions
ImageMPR_ConnectAction( OpenImage );
+ ImageMPR_ConnectAction( OpenDICOMSeries );
ImageMPR_ConnectAction( OpenSegmentation );
ImageMPR_ConnectAction( OpenPolyData );
ImageMPR_ConnectAction( SaveImage );
this->m_ImageLoaded = this->m_UI->MPR->LoadImage( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ImageMPR::
+_aOpenDICOMSeries( )
+ if( this->m_ImageLoaded != "" )
+ this->m_UI->MPR->ClearAll( );
+ this->m_ImageLoaded = this->m_UI->MPR->LoadDicomSeries( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ImageMPR::
_aOpenSegmentation( )
private slots:
void _aOpenImage( );
+ void _aOpenDICOMSeries( );
void _aOpenSegmentation( );
void _aOpenPolyData( );
void _aSaveImage( );
- <height>25</height>
+ <height>27</height>
<widget class="QMenu" name="MenuOptionFile">
<addaction name="aOpenImage"/>
+ <addaction name="aOpenDICOMSeries"/>
<addaction name="aOpenSegmentation"/>
<addaction name="aOpenPolyData"/>
<addaction name="separator"/>
+ <action name="aOpenDICOMSeries">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Open DICOM series</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="shortcut">
+ <string>Ctrl+D</string>
+ </property>
+ </action>
<layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
return( ret );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string cpPlugins::Interface::BaseMPRWindow::
+LoadDicomSeries( )
+ std::string msg = "";
+ std::string ret = "";
+ if( this->m_DicomSeriesReader.IsNull( ) )
+ msg = "No valid DICOM series reader. Please load a valid plugin file.";
+ if( this->m_DicomSeriesReader->ExecConfigurationDialog( this ) )
+ {
+ this->Block( );
+ msg = this->m_DicomSeriesReader->Update( );
+ if( msg == "" )
+ {
+ TImage::Pointer image =
+ this->m_DicomSeriesReader->GetOutput< TImage >( "Output" );
+ if( this->m_Images.size( ) == 0 )
+ ret = image->GetName( );
+ else
+ ret = "Segmentation";
+ this->m_Images[ ret ] = image;
+ this->m_DicomSeriesReader->DisconnectOutputs( );
+ this->m_DicomSeriesReader->GetParameters( )->
+ ClearStringList( "FileNames" );
+ vtkImageData* vtk_id = image->GetVTK< vtkImageData >( );
+ if( vtk_id != NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_MPRObjects->AddImage( vtk_id );
+ /*
+ MementoState(m_state, this->m_Image);
+ this->m_state++;
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ msg = "Read dicom series does not have a valid VTK converter.";
+ }
+ else
+ ret = "";
+ } // fi
+ // Show errors and return
+ this->Unblock( );
+ if( msg != "" )
+ QMessageBox::critical(
+ this, tr( "Error reading dicom series." ), tr( msg.c_str( ) )
+ );
+ return( ret );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string cpPlugins::Interface::BaseMPRWindow::
LoadMesh( )
this->m_MeshReader = o;
else if( category == "MeshWriter" )
this->m_MeshWriter = o;
+ else if( category == "DicomSeriesReader" )
+ this->m_DicomSeriesReader = o;
this->m_Filters[ category ].insert( name );
bool LoadPlugins( const std::string& fname );
void LoadPlugins( );
std::string LoadImage( );
+ std::string LoadDicomSeries( );
std::string LoadMesh( );
void ExecuteFilter(
TProcessObject::Pointer m_ImageWriter;
TProcessObject::Pointer m_MeshReader;
TProcessObject::Pointer m_MeshWriter;
+ TProcessObject::Pointer m_DicomSeriesReader;
TFilters m_Filters;
TImages m_Images;
--- /dev/null
+#include "DicomSeriesReader.h"
+#ifdef cpPlugins_Interface_QT4
+#include <queue>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QTreeWidget>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#endif // cpPlugins_Interface_QT4
+#include <itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool cpPlugins::IO::DicomSeriesReader::
+ExecConfigurationDialog( QWidget* parent )
+ bool r = false;
+#ifdef cpPlugins_Interface_QT4
+ // DICOM series analyzer
+ itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::GlobalWarningDisplayOff( );
+ itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::Pointer series =
+ itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::New( );
+ typedef std::map< std::string, TStringList > _TSeries;
+ typedef std::map< std::string, _TSeries > _TFilenames;
+ _TSeries found_series;
+ _TFilenames found_filenames;
+ // Show dialog and check if it was accepted
+ QFileDialog dialog( parent );
+ dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly );
+ dialog.setDirectory( QFileDialog::tr( "." ) );
+ if( dialog.exec( ) )
+ {
+ std::string dir_name = dialog.selectedFiles( ).begin( )->toStdString( );
+ std::queue< std::string > q;
+ q.push( dir_name );
+ while( !( q.empty( ) ) )
+ {
+ dir_name = q.front( );
+ q.pop( );
+ // Get DICOM information
+ series->SetUseSeriesDetails( true );
+ series->AddSeriesRestriction( "0008|0021" );
+ series->SetDirectory( dir_name );
+ const TStringList& seriesUID = series->GetSeriesUIDs( );
+ if( seriesUID.size( ) > 0 )
+ {
+ TStringList::const_iterator sIt = seriesUID.begin( );
+ for( ; sIt != seriesUID.end( ); ++sIt )
+ {
+ TStringList filenames = series->GetFileNames( *sIt );
+ if( filenames.size( ) > 0 )
+ {
+ found_series[ dir_name ].push_back( *sIt );
+ found_filenames[ dir_name ][ *sIt ] = filenames;
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ } // fi
+ // Update queue
+ QDir dir( dir_name.c_str( ) );
+ QFileInfoList contents = dir.entryInfoList( );
+ QFileInfoList::const_iterator i = contents.begin( );
+ for( ; i != contents.end( ); ++i )
+ {
+ if( i->isDir( ) )
+ {
+ std::string new_dir_name = i->absoluteFilePath( ).toStdString( );
+ if( new_dir_name.size( ) > dir_name.size( ) )
+ q.push( new_dir_name );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ } // elihw
+ } // fi
+ // Show second dialog
+ if( found_series.size( ) > 0 )
+ {
+ QDialog* tree_dialog = new QDialog( parent );
+ QLabel* title = new QLabel( tree_dialog );
+ title->setText( "Choose a DICOM series" );
+ QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout( tree_dialog );
+ QVBoxLayout* toolsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( );
+ toolsLayout->addWidget( title );
+ mainLayout->addLayout( toolsLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
+ QTreeWidget* tree = new QTreeWidget( tree_dialog );
+ QList< QTreeWidgetItem* > tree_items;
+ _TSeries::const_iterator fsIt = found_series.begin( );
+ for( ; fsIt != found_series.end( ); ++fsIt )
+ {
+ QTreeWidgetItem* new_item =
+ new QTreeWidgetItem(
+ ( QTreeWidgetItem* )( NULL ), QStringList( fsIt->first.c_str( ) )
+ );
+ TStringList::const_iterator sId = fsIt->second.begin( );
+ for( ; sId != fsIt->second.end( ); ++sId )
+ {
+ QTreeWidgetItem* new_leaf =
+ new QTreeWidgetItem( new_item, QStringList( sId->c_str( ) ) );
+ new_item->addChild( new_leaf );
+ } // rof
+ tree_items.append( new_item );
+ } // rof
+ tree->insertTopLevelItems( 0, tree_items );
+ toolsLayout->addWidget( tree );
+ QDialogButtonBox* bb = new QDialogButtonBox(
+ QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel
+ );
+ tree_dialog->connect( bb, SIGNAL( accepted( ) ), tree_dialog, SLOT( accept( ) ) );
+ tree_dialog->connect( bb, SIGNAL( rejected( ) ), tree_dialog, SLOT( reject( ) ) );
+ toolsLayout->addWidget( bb );
+ if( tree_dialog->exec( ) == 1 )
+ {
+ QTreeWidgetItem* item = tree->currentItem( );
+ QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent( );
+ if( parent != NULL )
+ {
+ std::string serie_dir = parent->text( 0 ).toStdString( );
+ std::string serie_id = item->text( 0 ).toStdString( );
+ this->m_Parameters->ClearStringList( "FileNames" );
+ const TStringList& filenames = found_filenames[ serie_dir ][ serie_id ];
+ for( unsigned int f = 0; f < filenames.size( ); ++f )
+ this->m_Parameters->AddToStringList( "FileNames", filenames[ f ] );
+ r = true;
+ } // fi
+ } // fi
+ } // fi
+ itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames::GlobalWarningDisplayOn( );
+#endif // cpPlugins_Interface_QT4
+ return( r );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DicomSeriesReader( )
+ : Superclass( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+~DicomSeriesReader( )
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include <cpPlugins/IO/cpPluginsIO_Export.h>
+#include <cpPlugins/Plugins/IO/ImageReader.h>
+namespace itk
+ class ImageIOBase;
+namespace cpPlugins
+ namespace IO
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ class cpPluginsIO_EXPORT DicomSeriesReader
+ : public ImageReader
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef DicomSeriesReader Self;
+ typedef ImageReader Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ typedef Superclass::TParameters TParameters;
+ typedef Superclass::TStringList TStringList;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( DicomSeriesReader, ImageReader );
+ cpPlugins_Id_Macro(
+ cpPlugins::IO::DicomSeriesReader, "DicomSeriesReader"
+ );
+ public:
+ virtual bool ExecConfigurationDialog( QWidget* parent );
+ protected:
+ DicomSeriesReader( );
+ virtual ~DicomSeriesReader( );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ DicomSeriesReader( const Self& );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& );
+ };
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include "ImageReader.h"
#include <cpPlugins/Interface/Image.h>
-#include <set>
#include <itkImageFileReader.h>
#include <itkImageSeriesReader.h>
else if( names.size( ) > 1 )
// Read image series
- std::set< std::string > ordered_names;
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size( ); ++i )
- ordered_names.insert( names[ i ] );
typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< I > _MR;
_MR* reader = this->_CreateITK< _MR >( );
- std::set< std::string >::const_iterator fnIt = ordered_names.begin( );
- for( ; fnIt != ordered_names.end( ); ++fnIt )
- reader->AddFileName( *fnIt );
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size( ); ++i )
+ reader->AddFileName( names[ i ] );
reader->Update( );
out->SetITK< I >( reader->GetOutput( ) );
- out->SetName( *( ordered_names.begin( ) ) );
+ out->SetName( names[ 0 ] );
catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )