void interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed()
- printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed Start\n");
// Statistics frame
- if(infoWin ==NULL){
+ if(infoWin ==NULL)
+ {
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.1\n");
infoWin = new wxFrame (this, -1,_T(" Statistics "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION | wxCLIP_CHILDREN |wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wxRESIZE_BORDER );
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.2\n");
infoWin->SetSize( wxSize(825,650) );
wxSize sizepanel(825,675);
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.3\n");
informationPanel = new interfInformationPanel(infoWin);//contourevent->getInformationPanel(infoWin);
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.3a\n");
- wxBoxSizer * sizerPanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ // Borrame wxBoxSizer * sizerPanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ wxFlexGridSizer * sizerPanel = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
sizerPanel -> Add( informationPanel, 1, wxEXPAND ,0);
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.4\n");
infoWin->SetSizer( sizerPanel );
- printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.41\n");
-// infoWin->SetAutoLayout( true );
+ infoWin->SetAutoLayout( true );
- printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.42\n");
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.43\n");
}else {
+printf("EED interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed 0.5\n");
if (infoWin->IsShown()==true)
** Begin of information panel
interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel(wxWindow * parent)
- : wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
+ //: wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
+ : wxPanel(parent, -1)
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel Start\n");
//wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(parent,-1,wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
wxString lstOptions[4];
lstOptions[0]=_T("Current Slice");
_grid = new wxGrid( this,
wxPoint( 0, 0 ),
- wxSize( 200, 500 ) );
+ wxSize( 200, 250 ) );
int i,gridCol=10,gridRow=sizeZ+2;
_grid->CreateGrid( 0, 0 );
sizerB->Add( showResultImagesBtn, 1, wxALL, 2 );
sizerB->Add( saveResultsBtn, 1, wxALL, 2 );
+//EED 2017-09-16 Migration wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0
+#if wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2
wxFlexGridSizer * sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1,8);
+ wxFlexGridSizer * sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(20,1,0,0);
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5\n");
sizer->Add( sizerA , 1, wxALL , 0 );
- sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this ,-1,_T("Slice Range")) , 1, wxALL , 0 );
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.1\n");
+ sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this ,1,_T("Slice Range")) , 1, wxALL , 0 );
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.2\n");
sizer->Add( _mbarrangeSliceInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 2 );
- sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this ,-1,_T("Gray Range")) , 1, wxALL , 0 );
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.3\n");
+ sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this ,1,_T("Gray Range")) , 1, wxALL , 0 );
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.4\n");
sizer->Add( _mbarrangeRangeInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 2 );
- printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.5\n");
- sizer->Add( sizerB , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 0 );
- sizer->Add( _staticTextInformation , 1, wxALL|wxGROW , 0 );
+ sizer->Add( sizerB , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
- printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.6\n");
+ sizer->Add( _staticTextInformation , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
- printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.7\n");
sizer->Add( _grid , 1, wxEXPAND , 0 );
- printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.8\n");
this->SetSizer( sizer );
- printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.9\n");
-// this->SetSize( wxSize(1500,1500) );
-// this->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour(100,100,100) );
+ this->SetSize( wxSize(1500,1500) );
- //this->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour(100,100,100) );
this->SetAutoLayout( true );
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel 5.10\n");
//return panel;
+printf("EED interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel End\n");
_viewThresholdImage = NULL;
_viewThresholdImagePanel = NULL;
_viewColorLayerImagePanel = NULL;
+ _frameShowResultImages = NULL;
- wxContourMainFrame :: wxContourMainFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,const wxString& title,const wxPoint& pos,const wxSize& size,std::vector<vtkImageData*> images, long style,std::string datadir)
+ wxContourMainFrame::wxContourMainFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,const wxString& title,const wxPoint& pos,const wxSize& size,std::vector<vtkImageData*> images, long style,std::string datadir)
: wxPanel(parent, id, pos, size, style)
inredo = 0;
inundo = 0;
_pannew = interfMainPanel::getInstance(this,datadir+"/data/Icons");//, eventHandler);
- _performingOperation = new PerformingOperation();
- _performingOperation = new PerformingOperation();
++ _performingOperation = new PerformingOperation();
if(images.size() > 0)