// ------------------ Setting Default Values
// Checks the size consistency of vectors _base_color and _grey_level_boundary.
// In case of inconsistency, an exception should be thrown. Instead, the default values are set.
if (GetBaseColorNb() == 0)
} else { // If at least one color has been set, set the grey level boundaries to build an equipartition of the image grey levels, keeping the base colors defined.
if (_color_type==true) // Plain
if (GetBaseColorNb() != (int)_grey_level_boundary.size()-1)
// ------------------ Defining the Threshold Table
vtkLookupTable* thresholdTable = GetThresholdTable();
end = GrayLevel_TO_colorTableIndex( GetGreyLevelBoundaries(iColor+1) );
t1 = _transparence_level_boundary[iColor];
t2 = _transparence_level_boundary[iColor+1];
+printf("EED ColorLayerImageView::ConfigLookupTable Make something with transparence \n");
FillColorTable( start,end, r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, t1,t2 );
}// for
} //if
thresholdTable->Build( );