// same for Windows, with c:, d: ...
// lastname : string before the last / (if any), or user supplied name
if(name != ""){
// std::cout << (*it).first << " ";
// std::cout << std::endl;
if (iUnload != mPackageMap.end())
bbtkMessage("output",2,"["<< pkgname <<"] already loaded" << std::endl);
- // std::string path = Utilities::ExpandLibName(upath, false);
+ // std::string path = Utilities::ExpandLibName(upath, false);
std::string path = Utilities::ExpandLibName(name,false); // keep last item, here.
if (path != "")
} else // ----------------------------------------------------- iterate on the paths
- std::string path = ".";
+ std::string path = ".";
package_paths = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_package_paths();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
for (i=package_paths.begin();i!=package_paths.end();++i)
break; // we stop iterating even if error : have to signal it to user
} //------------------ // end for ( package_paths.begin();i!=package_paths.end() )
if( !ok ) // nothing was loaded