--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -l
+function unziptar {
+ zipname=`echo $1 | grep '\.zip'`
+ echo $zipname
+ tarname=`echo $1 | grep '\.tar'`
+ echo $tarname
+ tgzname=`echo $1 | grep '\.tgz'`
+ echo $tgzname
+ if [ "x$zipname" != "x" ]
+ then
+ echo "ZIP File"
+ unzip -j $1 -d data
+ else
+ if [ "x$tarname" != "x" ]
+ then
+ echo "TAR File"
+ COMP=`tar -tvf $1 | awk 'END{print}' | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'/' '{print NF-1}'`
+ tar -xvf $1 --strip-components=${COMP} -C data
+ else
+ if [ "x$tgzname" != "x" ]
+ then
+ echo "TGZ File"
+ COMP=`tar -tvf $1 | awk 'END{print}' | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'/' '{print NF-1}'`
+ tar -zxvf $1 --strip-components=${COMP} -C data
+ else
+ echo "Unknown File Type"
+ exit 6
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $? != 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "A problem occurred while untargzing the input: giving up!"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+function checkdir {
+ lfc-ls $1 > /dev/null
+ if [ $? != 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Directory $1 not found, creating it!"
+ lfc-mkdir -p $1
+ #exit 6
+ fi
+function downloadDir {
+ checkdir $1
+ LOCALDIR=`basename $1`
+ mkdir -p ${LOCALDIR}
+ for i in `lfc-ls $1 | grep -v garbage`
+ do
+ lcg-cp -v lfn:$1/$i file:$PWD/${LOCALDIR}/$i
+ if [ $? != 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "lcg-cp failed: trying once more"
+ lcg-cp -v lfn:$1/$i file:$PWD/${LOCALDIR}/$i
+ if [ $? != 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Unable to download file lfn:$1/$i: giving up."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+PRO=`basename $PROPATH`
+SMP=`basename $SMPPATH`
+if [ "${SELMODE}" != "Disabled" ] && [ "${SELMODE}" != "Permissive" ]
+ chcon -t textrel_shlib_t v*/bin/*/*.so
+ chcon -t textrel_shlib_t v*/bin/*/*.so*
+#export LFC_HOST=lfc-biomed.in2p3.fr
+#export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=cclcgtopbdii02.in2p3.fr:2170
+#echo "whoami, Printing env"
+tar -zxvf odin-release.tgz
+OUTNAME=`echo ${SMP%.smp}`
+#launching program odinfispexe
+echo "executing ${ODINSEQ} simulate -magsi -s $SMP -p $PRO"
+./${ODINSEQ} simulate -magsi -s $SMP -p $PRO
+if [ ${CODE} != 0 ]
+ echo "Execution failed: exiting with code ${CODE}"
+ #exit ${CODE}
+ echo "Done"
+#launching program odinrecopexe
+echo "executing odinrecopexe -o $OUTNAME"
+./odinrecoexe -o $OUTNAME
+if [ ${CODE} != 0 ]
+ echo "Execution failed: exiting with code ${CODE}"
+ #exit ${CODE}
+ echo "Done"
+test -f ${JDX}
+if [ ${CODE} != 0 ]
+ echo "No JDX produced, exit 6"
+ exit 6
+ echo "Uploading $JDX to lfn:${LFN}"
+ lfc-ls ${LFN}
+ if [ $? = 0 ]
+ then
+ lcg-del -a lfn:/${LFN}
+ if [ $? != 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "not able to lcg-del lfn:/${LFN}, renaming it"
+ d=`date -d "" +%s`
+ lfc-rename ${LFN} ${LFN}-garbage-${d}
+ fi
+ fi
+lcg-cr -v -d ccsrm02.in2p3.fr -l lfn:${LFN} file:$PWD/$JDX
+if [ ${CODE} != 0 ]
+ echo "JDX upload failed"
+ exit 6
--- /dev/null
+ <executable name="odin.sh">
+ <access type="LFN" cached="true">
+ </access>
+ <value value="[BIN_DIR]/odin.sh"/>
+ <input name="proc" option="no1">
+ <access type="LFN" cached="true">
+ </access>
+ </input>
+ <input name="smp" option="no2">
+ <access type="LFN" cached="true">
+ </access>
+ </input>
+ <input name="result_dir" option="no3">
+ </input>
+ <input name="odin_seq" option="no4">
+ </input>
+ <sandbox name="executable">
+ <access type="LFN" cached="true">
+ </access>
+ <value value="[BIN_DIR]/odin-release.tgz"/>
+ </sandbox>
+ </executable>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<workflow name="odin" version="0.1">
+ <description>There is no description for this application. Please contact the developers to know what it is about.</description>
+ <interface>
+ <source name="ProData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Pro file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="SmpData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Smp file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="ResultsDirectory" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: add description here...
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ </interface>
+ <processors>
+ <processor name="odin" >
+ <in name="input2" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input1" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input0" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <iterationstrategy>
+ <cross>
+ <port name="input0" />
+ <port name="input1" />
+ <port name="input2" />
+ </cross>
+ </iterationstrategy>
+ <gasw descriptor="[GASW_DIR]/odin.xml"/>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-date" >
+ <in name="dir" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <out name="result" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+ import java.text.DateFormat;
+ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+ import java.util.Date;
+DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:ss");
+String result = dir.toString()+"/"+(dateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+/*------------End of Beanshell------------*/
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ </processors>
+ <links>
+ <link from="SmpData" to="odin:input1" />
+ <link from="ProData" to="odin:input0" />
+ <link from="ResultsDirectory" to="append-date:dir" />
+ <link from="append-date:result" to="odin:input2" />
+ </links>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<workflow name="odin" version="0.1">
+ <description>There is no description for this application. Please contact the developers to know what it is about.</description>
+ <interface>
+ <source name="ProData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Pro file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="SmpData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Smp file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="ResultsDirectory" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: add description here...
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <constant name="OdinSeq" type="string" value="odinepiexe" cardinality="scalar" />
+ </interface>
+ <processors>
+ <processor name="odin" >
+ <in name="input3" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input2" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input1" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input0" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <iterationstrategy>
+ <cross>
+ <port name="input0" />
+ <port name="input1" />
+ <port name="input2" />
+ <port name="input3" />
+ </cross>
+ </iterationstrategy>
+ <gasw descriptor="[GASW_DIR]/odin.xml"/>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-date" >
+ <in name="dir" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <out name="result" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+ import java.text.DateFormat;
+ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+ import java.util.Date;
+DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:ss");
+String result = dir.toString()+"/"+(dateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+/*------------End of Beanshell------------*/
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ </processors>
+ <links>
+ <link from="SmpData" to="odin:input1" />
+ <link from="ProData" to="odin:input0" />
+ <link from="ResultsDirectory" to="append-date:dir" />
+ <link from="append-date:result" to="odin:input2" />
+ <link from="OdinSeq" to="odin:input3" />
+ </links>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<workflow name="odin" version="0.1">
+ <description>There is no description for this application. Please contact the developers to know what it is about.</description>
+ <interface>
+ <source name="ProData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Pro file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="SmpData" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: Smp file
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <source name="ResultsDirectory" type="uri">
+ <source-comment><b><font color="blue">new input</font></b>: add description here...
+ </source-comment>
+ </source>
+ <constant name="OdinSeq" type="string" value="odinfispexe" cardinality="scalar" />
+ </interface>
+ <processors>
+ <processor name="odin" >
+ <in name="input3" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input2" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input1" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <in name="input0" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <iterationstrategy>
+ <cross>
+ <port name="input0" />
+ <port name="input1" />
+ <port name="input2" />
+ <port name="input3" />
+ </cross>
+ </iterationstrategy>
+ <gasw descriptor="[GASW_DIR]/odin.xml"/>
+ </processor>
+ <processor name="append-date" >
+ <in name="dir" type="uri" depth="0" />
+ <out name="result" type="string" depth="0" />
+ <beanshell>/*----------Beginning of Beanshell------------*/
+ import java.text.DateFormat;
+ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+ import java.util.Date;
+DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:ss");
+String result = dir.toString()+"/"+(dateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+/*------------End of Beanshell------------*/
+ </beanshell>
+ </processor>
+ </processors>
+ <links>
+ <link from="SmpData" to="odin:input1" />
+ <link from="ProData" to="odin:input0" />
+ <link from="ResultsDirectory" to="append-date:dir" />
+ <link from="append-date:result" to="odin:input2" />
+ <link from="OdinSeq" to="odin:input3" />
+ </links>