New set of boxes created. First Generates a single box from a single shared library. Second takes a complete directory and gnereates all boxes from shared libs within.
Apparently bbEditor does not recognizes the inputs for visualization....
#include "CreationTool.h"
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( float n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( double n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( long double n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( char n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( unsigned char n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( short n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( unsigned short n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( long int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( unsigned int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( unsigned long n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( unsigned long long n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return oss.str( );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return oss.str( ) ;
std::string Mthd::Aux::toString ( std::string n ) {
- return n;
+ return n ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( float n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( double n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( long double n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( char n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( unsigned char n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( short n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( unsigned short n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( long int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( unsigned int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( long unsigned int n ) {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << n;
- return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) );
+ std::ostringstream oss ;
+ oss << n ;
+ return const_cast < char* > ( oss.str( ).data( ) ) ;
char* Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray ( std::string n ) {
- return const_cast < char* > ( ) );
+ return const_cast < char* > ( ) ) ;
-std::string Mthd::Aux::replace_str ( std::string input, std::string old_str, std::string new_str ) {
- size_t found = input.find( old_str );
+std::string Mthd::Aux::replace_str ( std::string input , std::string old_str , std::string new_str ) {
+ size_t found = input.find( old_str ) ;
while ( found != std::string::npos ) {
- input.replace( found, old_str.length( ), new_str );
- found = input.find( old_str );
+ input.replace( found , old_str.length( ) , new_str ) ;
+ found = input.find( old_str ) ;
- return input;
+ return input ;
+bool Mthd::Aux::str_ends_with ( std::string total_str , std::string sub_str ) {
+ size_t found = total_str.find( sub_str ) ;
+ if ( found != std::string::npos ) {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ return false ;
static char* toCharArrray ( std::string n ) ;
- static std::string replace_str ( std::string input , std::string old_str , std::string new_str ) ;
+ static bool str_ends_with ( std::string total_str , std::string sub_str ) ;
+ static std::string replace_str ( std::string input , std::string old_str , std::string new_str ) ;
} ;
--- /dev/null
+#include "bbSlicerSlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc.h"
+#include "bbSlicerPackage.h"
+namespace bbSlicer {
+ BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE ( Slicer , SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc )
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ char* SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getModuleDescription ( const std::string lib ) {
+ void* handle = dlopen( lib.c_str( ) , RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL ) ;
+ if ( ! handle ) {
+ std::cerr << "CAN'T OPEN LIBRARY: " << dlerror( ) << '\n' ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ typedef char* ( *method_t )( void ) ;
+ dlerror( ) ;
+ method_t myMethod = ( method_t ) dlsym( handle , "GetXMLModuleDescription" ) ;
+ const char *dlsym_error = dlerror( ) ;
+ if ( dlsym_error ) {
+ std::cerr << "CAN'T LOAD SYMBOL 'GetXMLModuleDescription: " << dlsym_error << '\n' ;
+ dlclose( handle ) ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ char* descrption = myMethod( ) ;
+ //dlclose( handle ) ;
+ return descrption ;
+ }
+ /// FILE RELATED ///
+ void SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ saveFile ( const std::string content , const std::string file_name ) {
+ std::ofstream myfile ;
+ file_name.c_str( ) ) ;
+ myfile << content ;
+ myfile.close( ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadFile ( const std::string filename ) {
+ std::string line = std::string( "" ) ;
+ std::string content = std::string( "" ) ;
+ std::ifstream infile ;
+ filename.c_str( ) ) ;
+ while ( ! infile.eof( ) ) {
+ getline( infile , line ) ;
+ content += line + "\n" ;
+ line.clear( ) ;
+ }
+ infile.close( ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadDummyBody ( ) {
+ return loadFile( "bbSlicerDummy.dummy_cxx" ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadDummyHeader ( ) {
+ return loadFile( "bbSlicerDummy.dummy_h" ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxDescription ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string _header ) {
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_NNNNN_" , Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_AAAAA_" , module->GetContributor( ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_DDDDD_" , module->GetDescription( ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_CCCCC_" , module->GetCategory( ) ) ;
+ return _header ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxName ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) {
+ std::string _new_box_name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "Dummy" , _new_box_name ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getHeaderFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ std::string name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ return "bbSlicer" + name + ".h" ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getBodyFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ std::string name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ return "bbSlicer" + name + ".cxx" ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxInputs ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) {
+ std::string _cxx_inputs = std::string( "\n" ) ;
+ std::string _cxx_inputs_end = std::string( "\n" ) ;
+ std::string _box_name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ _cxx_inputs +=
+ mPara.GetName( ) + " , " +
+ mPara.GetCPPType( ) + " );\n" ;
+ _cxx_inputs_end +=
+ _box_name + " , " +
+ mPara.GetName( ) + " , " +
+ "\"" + mPara.GetName( ) + "\"" + " , " +
+ mPara.GetCPPType( ) + ", \"\");\n" ;
+ }
+ }
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_11111_" , _cxx_inputs ) ;
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_22222_" , _cxx_inputs_end ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ const int SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getNumberOfArguments ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ int number = 0 ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ number ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ return number ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateProcessMethod ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content , std::string lib ) {
+ int number = 0 ;
+ std::string arg_list = std::string( "" ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray( " ;
+ if ( mPara.GetFlag( ) != "" ) {
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( \"" ;
+ arg_list += "-" + mPara.GetFlag( ) + "\" " ;
+ arg_list += " ) + " ;
+ } else if ( mPara.GetLongFlag( ) != "" ) {
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( \"" ;
+ arg_list += "--" + mPara.GetLongFlag( ) + "\" " ;
+ arg_list += " ) + " ;
+ }
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( bbGetInput" + mPara.GetName( ) + "( ) )" ;
+ arg_list += " ),\n" ;
+ number ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ arg_list += "_EEENNNDDD_" ;
+ arg_list = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( arg_list , ",\n_EEENNNDDD_" , "" ) ;
+ std::string _argc = "\nint _argc =" + Mthd::Aux::toString( number ) + ";\n" ;
+ std::string _slib = "std::string lib = \"" + lib + "\";\n" ;
+ std::string _argv = "char * _argv[ ] = { " + arg_list + " };\n" ;
+ return Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_33333_" , _argc + _slib + _argv ) ;
+ }
+ std::vector < std::string > SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getFilesByExtention ( std::string dir , std::string ext ) {
+ std::vector < std::string > files ;
+ files.clear( ) ;
+ DIR *dp ;
+ struct dirent *dirp ;
+ if ( ( dp = opendir( dir.c_str( ) ) ) == NULL ) {
+ std::cout << "ERROR OPENING " << dir << std::endl ;
+ return files ;
+ }
+ while ( ( dirp = readdir( dp ) ) != NULL ) {
+ std::string file = std::string( dirp->d_name ) ;
+ if ( Mthd::Aux::str_ends_with( file , ext ) ) {
+ files.push_back( file ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir( dp ) ;
+ return files ;
+ }
+ void SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ Process ( ) {
+ const std::string dummy_body_str = loadDummyBody( ) ;
+ const std::string dummy_header_str = loadDummyHeader( ) ;
+ const std::string directory = bbGetInputLibDirectoryFullPath( ) ;
+ const std::vector < std::string > files = getFilesByExtention( directory , ".so" ) ;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < files.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ std::string gblib = directory + i ) ;
+ std::cout << "/// " << i ) << " ///" << std::endl ;
+ std::string des = getModuleDescription( gblib ) ;
+ std::cout << " getModuleDescription( gblib )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ ModuleDescription module ;
+ ModuleDescriptionParser parser ;
+ parser.Parse( des , module ) ;
+ std::cout << " parser.Parse( des , module )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ std::string _body = std::string( dummy_body_str ) ;
+ std::cout << " loadDummyBody( )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ std::string _header = std::string( dummy_header_str ) ;
+ std::cout << " loadDummyHeader( )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ _header = updateBoxName( &module , _header ) ;
+ std::cout << " updateBoxName( &module , _header )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ _header = updateBoxDescription( &module , _header ) ;
+ std::cout << " updateBoxDescription( &module , _header )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ _header = updateBoxInputs( &module , _header ) ;
+ std::cout << " updateBoxInputs( &module , _header )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ saveFile( _header , getHeaderFileName( &module ) ) ;
+ _body = updateBoxName( &module , _body ) ;
+ std::cout << " updateBoxName( &module , _body )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ _body = updateProcessMethod( &module , _body , gblib ) ;
+ std::cout << " updateProcessMethod( &module , _body , gblib )...OK" << std::endl ;
+ saveFile( _body , bbGetInputSrcDestinationDir( ) + "/" + getBodyFileName( &module ) ) ;
+ std::cout << "/// EO " << i ) << " ///" << std::endl << std::endl ;
+ gblib.clear( ) ;
+ des.clear( ) ;
+ //while ( getchar( ) != '\n' ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ void SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ bbUserSetDefaultValues ( ) {
+ }
+ void SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ bbUserInitializeProcessing ( ) {
+ }
+ void SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc::
+ bbUserFinalizeProcessing ( ) {
+ }
+// EO namespace bbSlicer
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __bbSlicerSlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbSlicerSlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbSlicer_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ModuleDescriptionParser.h>
+#include <ModuleParameterGroup.h>
+#include <ModuleDescription.h>
+#include <ModuleParameter.h>
+#include <ModuleDescriptionUtilities.h>
+#include "CreationTool.h"
+namespace bbSlicer {
+ class bbSlicer_EXPORT SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc
+ :
+ public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox {
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( LibDirectoryFullPath , std::string ) ;
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( SrcDestinationDir , std::string ) ;
+ BBTK_PROCESS ( Process ) ;
+ void Process ( ) ;
+ char* getModuleDescription ( const std::string lib ) ;
+ /// FILE RELATED ///
+ void saveFile ( const std::string content , const std::string file_name ) ;
+ std::string loadFile ( const std::string filename ) ;
+ std::string loadDummyBody ( ) ;
+ std::string loadDummyHeader ( ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxDescription ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string _header ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxName ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) ;
+ std::string getHeaderFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string getBodyFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxInputs ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) ;
+ const int getNumberOfArguments ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string updateProcessMethod ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content , std::string lib ) ;
+ std::vector < std::string > getFilesByExtention ( std::string dir , std::string ext ) ;
+ } ;
+ BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ BBTK_NAME ( "SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc" ) ;
+ BBTK_AUTHOR ( "Juan gabriel RIVEROS REYES" ) ;
+ BBTK_DESCRIPTION ( "Generates all C++ source code from all Slicers shared libs in a directory for later compilation" ) ;
+ BBTK_CATEGORY ( "" ) ;
+ BBTK_INPUT ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc , LibDirectoryFullPath , "Full path to shared libraries' directory" , std::string , "" ) ;
+ BBTK_INPUT ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc , SrcDestinationDir , "Source code destination directory" , std::string , "" ) ;
+ BBTK_END_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( SlicerLibDirToBlackBoxSrc ) ;
--- /dev/null
+#include "bbSlicerSlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc.h"
+#include "bbSlicerPackage.h"
+namespace bbSlicer {
+ BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE ( Slicer , SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc )
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ char* SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getModuleDescription ( const std::string lib ) {
+ void* handle = dlopen( lib.c_str( ) , RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL ) ;
+ if ( ! handle ) {
+ std::cerr << "CAN'T OPEN LIBRARY: " << dlerror( ) << '\n' ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ typedef char* ( *method_t )( void ) ;
+ dlerror( ) ;
+ method_t myMethod = ( method_t ) dlsym( handle , "GetXMLModuleDescription" ) ;
+ const char *dlsym_error = dlerror( ) ;
+ if ( dlsym_error ) {
+ std::cerr << "CAN'T LOAD SYMBOL 'GetXMLModuleDescription: " << dlsym_error << '\n' ;
+ dlclose( handle ) ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ char* descrption = myMethod( ) ;
+ //dlclose( handle ) ;
+ return descrption ;
+ }
+ /// FILE RELATED ///
+ void SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ saveFile ( const std::string content , const std::string file_name ) {
+ std::ofstream myfile ;
+ file_name.c_str( ) ) ;
+ myfile << content ;
+ myfile.close( ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadFile ( const std::string filename ) {
+ std::string line = std::string( "" ) ;
+ std::string content = std::string( "" ) ;
+ std::ifstream infile ;
+ filename.c_str( ) ) ;
+ while ( ! infile.eof( ) ) {
+ getline( infile , line ) ;
+ content += line + "\n" ;
+ line.clear( ) ;
+ }
+ infile.close( ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadDummyBody ( ) {
+ return loadFile( "bbSlicerDummy.dummy_cxx" ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ loadDummyHeader ( ) {
+ return loadFile( "bbSlicerDummy.dummy_h" ) ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxDescription ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string _header ) {
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_NNNNN_" , Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_AAAAA_" , module->GetContributor( ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_DDDDD_" , module->GetDescription( ) ) ;
+ _header = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( _header , "_CCCCC_" , module->GetCategory( ) ) ;
+ return _header ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxName ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) {
+ std::string _new_box_name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "Dummy" , _new_box_name ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getHeaderFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ std::string name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ return "bbSlicer" + name + ".h" ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getBodyFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ std::string name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ return "bbSlicer" + name + ".cxx" ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateBoxInputs ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) {
+ std::string _cxx_inputs = std::string( "\n" ) ;
+ std::string _cxx_inputs_end = std::string( "\n" ) ;
+ std::string _box_name = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( module->GetTitle( ) , " " , "" ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ _cxx_inputs +=
+ mPara.GetName( ) + " , " +
+ mPara.GetCPPType( ) + " );\n" ;
+ _cxx_inputs_end +=
+ _box_name + " , " +
+ mPara.GetName( ) + " , " +
+ "\"" + mPara.GetName( ) + "\"" + " , " +
+ mPara.GetCPPType( ) + ", \"\");\n" ;
+ }
+ }
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_11111_" , _cxx_inputs ) ;
+ content = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_22222_" , _cxx_inputs_end ) ;
+ return content ;
+ }
+ const int SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getNumberOfArguments ( const ModuleDescription* module ) {
+ int number = 0 ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ number ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ return number ;
+ }
+ std::string SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ updateProcessMethod ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content , std::string lib ) {
+ int number = 0 ;
+ std::string arg_list = std::string( "" ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int i = 0 ; i < module->GetParameterGroups( ).size( ) ; i ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameterGroup pGroup = module->GetParameterGroups( ).at( i ) ;
+ for ( unsigned long int j = 0 ; j < pGroup.GetParameters( ).size( ) ; j ++ ) {
+ ModuleParameter mPara = pGroup.GetParameters( ).at( j ) ;
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toCharArrray( " ;
+ if ( mPara.GetFlag( ) != "" ) {
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( \"" ;
+ arg_list += "-" + mPara.GetFlag( ) + "\" " ;
+ arg_list += " ) + " ;
+ } else if ( mPara.GetLongFlag( ) != "" ) {
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( \"" ;
+ arg_list += "--" + mPara.GetLongFlag( ) + "\" " ;
+ arg_list += " ) + " ;
+ }
+ arg_list += "Mthd::Aux::toString( bbGetInput" + mPara.GetName( ) + "( ) )" ;
+ arg_list += " ),\n" ;
+ number ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ arg_list += "_EEENNNDDD_" ;
+ arg_list = Mthd::Aux::replace_str( arg_list , ",\n_EEENNNDDD_" , "" ) ;
+ std::string _argc = "\nint _argc =" + Mthd::Aux::toString( number ) + ";\n" ;
+ std::string _slib = "std::string lib = \"" + lib + "\";\n" ;
+ std::string _argv = "char * _argv[ ] = { " + arg_list + " };\n" ;
+ return Mthd::Aux::replace_str( content , "_33333_" , _argc + _slib + _argv ) ;
+ }
+ std::vector < std::string > SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::
+ getFilesByExtention ( std::string dir , std::string ext ) {
+ std::vector < std::string > files ;
+ files.clear( ) ;
+ DIR *dp ;
+ struct dirent *dirp ;
+ if ( ( dp = opendir( dir.c_str( ) ) ) == NULL ) {
+ std::cout << "ERROR OPENING " << dir << std::endl ;
+ return files ;
+ }
+ while ( ( dirp = readdir( dp ) ) != NULL ) {
+ std::string file = std::string( dirp->d_name ) ;
+ if ( Mthd::Aux::str_ends_with( file , ext ) ) {
+ files.push_back( file ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir( dp ) ;
+ return files ;
+ }
+ void SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::Process ( ) {
+ std::string gblib = bbGetInputLibFullPath( ) ;
+ std::string des = getModuleDescription( gblib ) ;
+ ModuleDescription module ;
+ ModuleDescriptionParser parser ;
+ parser.Parse( des , module ) ;
+ std::string _body = loadDummyBody( ) ;
+ std::string _header = loadDummyHeader( ) ;
+ _header = updateBoxName( &module , _header ) ;
+ _header = updateBoxDescription( &module , _header ) ;
+ _header = updateBoxInputs( &module , _header ) ;
+ saveFile( _header , getHeaderFileName( &module ) ) ;
+ _body = updateBoxName( &module , _body ) ;
+ _body = updateProcessMethod( &module , _body , gblib ) ;
+ saveFile( _body , bbGetInputSrcDestinationDir( ) + "/" + getBodyFileName( &module ) ) ;
+ }
+ void SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::bbUserSetDefaultValues ( ) {
+ }
+ void SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::bbUserInitializeProcessing ( ) {
+ }
+ void SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc::bbUserFinalizeProcessing ( ) {
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __bbSlicerSlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbSlicerSlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbSlicer_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ModuleDescriptionParser.h>
+#include <ModuleParameterGroup.h>
+#include <ModuleDescription.h>
+#include <ModuleParameter.h>
+#include <ModuleDescriptionUtilities.h>
+#include "CreationTool.h"
+namespace bbSlicer {
+ class bbSlicer_EXPORT SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc
+ :
+ public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox {
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( LibFullPath , std::string ) ;
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( SrcDestinationDir , std::string ) ;
+ BBTK_PROCESS ( Process ) ;
+ void Process ( ) ;
+ char* getModuleDescription ( const std::string lib ) ;
+ /// FILE RELATED ///
+ void saveFile ( const std::string content , const std::string file_name ) ;
+ std::string loadFile ( const std::string filename ) ;
+ std::string loadDummyBody ( ) ;
+ std::string loadDummyHeader ( ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxDescription ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string _header ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxName ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) ;
+ std::string getHeaderFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string getBodyFileName ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string updateBoxInputs ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content ) ;
+ const int getNumberOfArguments ( const ModuleDescription* module ) ;
+ std::string updateProcessMethod ( const ModuleDescription* module , std::string content , std::string lib ) ;
+ std::vector < std::string > getFilesByExtention ( std::string dir , std::string ext ) ;
+ } ;
+ BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ;
+ BBTK_NAME ( "SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc" ) ;
+ BBTK_AUTHOR ( "Juan Gabriel RIVEROS REYES" ) ;
+ BBTK_DESCRIPTION ( "Creates a sigle bbtk box from a single slicers shared library The code generated by this box is intended for later compilation and plug in" ) ;
+ BBTK_CATEGORY ( "" ) ;
+ BBTK_INPUT ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc , LibFullPath , "Library full path" , std::string , "" ) ;
+ BBTK_INPUT ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc , SrcDestinationDir , "Source code destination directory" , std::string , "" ) ;
+ BBTK_END_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( SlicerLibToBlackBoxSrc ) ;