typedef _TMST TMinimumSpanningTree;
typedef typename _TMST::TVertex TVertex;
typedef std::pair< TVertex, TVertex > TBranch;
- typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< std::vector< TBranch > > TBranches;
+ typedef std::vector< TBranch > TBranches;
cpExtensions::DataStructures::ImageIndexesContainer< TVertex::Dimension >
TVertices* GetEndPoints( );
TVertices* GetBifurcations( );
TVertices* GetCollisions( );
- TBranches* GetBranches( );
virtual void Update( ) ITK_OVERRIDE
// Purposely not implemented
ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree( const Self& other );
Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ protected:
+ TBranches m_Branches;
} // ecapseman
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class _TMST >
-fpa::Base::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TMST >::
-fpa::Base::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TMST >::
-GetBranches( )
- return(
- dynamic_cast< TBranches* >( this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 3 ) )
- );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class _TMST >
fpa::Base::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TMST >::
typename TVertices::Pointer ep = TVertices::New( );
typename TVertices::Pointer bf = TVertices::New( );
typename TVertices::Pointer co = TVertices::New( );
- typename TBranches::Pointer br = TBranches::New( );
this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 0, ep.GetPointer( ) );
this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 1, bf.GetPointer( ) );
this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 2, co.GetPointer( ) );
- this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 3, br.GetPointer( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto endpoints = this->GetEndPoints( );
auto bifurcations = this->GetBifurcations( );
auto collisions = this->GetCollisions( );
- auto branches = this->GetBranches( );
endpoints->Get( ).clear( );
bifurcations->Get( ).clear( );
collisions->Get( ).clear( );
- branches->Get( ).clear( );
+ this->m_Branches.clear( );
// 1. Get priority queue
auto& q = mst->GetNodeQueue( );
// 2.3. Prepare new branch data and prepare new end-point
- branches->Get( ).push_back( _TBranch( vertex, vertex ) );
+ this->m_Branches.push_back( _TBranch( vertex, vertex ) );
endpoints->Get( ).push_back( vertex );
// 2.4. Backtracking
bifurcations->Get( ).push_back( *pIt );
// Reorder labels
- auto coll_branch = branches->Get( )[ mark ];
- branches->Get( )[ mark ] = _TBranch( coll_branch.first, *pIt );
- branches->Get( )[ label - 1 ] = _TBranch( qIt->second, *pIt );
- branches->Get( ).push_back( _TBranch( *pIt, coll_branch.second ) );
+ auto coll_branch = this->m_Branches[ mark ];
+ this->m_Branches[ mark ] = _TBranch( coll_branch.first, *pIt );
+ this->m_Branches[ label - 1 ] = _TBranch( qIt->second, *pIt );
+ this->m_Branches.push_back( _TBranch( *pIt, coll_branch.second ) );
// Mark skeleton (b,coll_branch_second) with the new label
double r = this->_Radius( *pIt );
this->_MarkSkeleton( *pIt, label );
this->_MarkSphere( *pIt, r, label );
- branches->Get( )[ label - 1 ].second = *pIt;
+ this->m_Branches[ label - 1 ].second = *pIt;
// 2.4.4. Is this a seed? -> add it to endpoints
auto sIt = pIt;
--- /dev/null
+#include <itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h>
+#include <cpExtensions/DataStructures/PolyLineParametricPath.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace Base
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class _TMST >
+ class ImageSkeleton
+ : public itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< std::map< typename _TMST::TVertex, std::map< typename _TMST::TVertex, typename cpExtensions::DataStructures::PolyLineParametricPath< _TMST::TVertex::Dimension >::Pointer, typename _TMST::TVertex::LexicographicCompare >, typename _TMST::TVertex::LexicographicCompare > >
+ {
+ public:
+ // Base types
+ typedef _TMST TMinimumSpanningTree;
+ typedef typename _TMST::TVertex TVertex;
+ typedef typename TVertex::LexicographicCompare TVertexCmp;
+ typedef
+ cpExtensions::DataStructures::PolyLineParametricPath< TVertex::Dimension >
+ TPath;
+ typedef
+ std::map< TVertex, typename TPath::Pointer, TVertexCmp >
+ TSkeletonRow;
+ typedef std::map< TVertex, TSkeletonRow, TVertexCmp > TSkeleton;
+ // ITK-related types
+ typedef ImageSkeleton Self;
+ typedef itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< TSkeleton > Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( ImageSkeleton, itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator );
+ itkGetConstObjectMacro( MinimumSpanningTree, _TMST );
+ itkSetConstObjectMacro( MinimumSpanningTree, _TMST );
+ public:
+ void AddBranch( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b );
+ const TPath* GetBranch( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) const;
+ protected:
+ ImageSkeleton( );
+ virtual ~ImageSkeleton( );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ ImageSkeleton( const Self& other );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& other );
+ protected:
+ typename _TMST::ConstPointer m_MinimumSpanningTree;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/Base/ImageSkeleton.hxx>
+#endif // __FPA__BASE__IMAGESKELETON__H__
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TMST >
+void fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST >::
+AddBranch( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b )
+ if( this->m_MinimumSpanningTree.IsNull( ) )
+ return;
+ // Check if the branch already exists
+ bool found = false;
+ auto arIt = this->Get( ).find( a );
+ if( arIt != this->Get( ).end( ) )
+ found = ( arIt->second.find( b ) != arIt->second.end( ) );
+ if( found )
+ return;
+ // Create path
+ auto vertices = this->m_MinimumSpanningTree->GetPath( a, b );
+ typename TPath::Pointer path = TPath::New( );
+ for( auto vIt = vertices.begin( ); vIt != vertices.end( ); ++vIt )
+ path->AddVertex( *vIt );
+ // Assign path vertices
+ path->SetReferenceImage( this->m_MinimumSpanningTree );
+ this->Get( )[ a ][ b ] = path;
+ // Create symmetric path
+ this->AddBranch( b, a );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TMST >
+const typename fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST >::
+TPath* fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST >::
+GetBranch( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) const
+ if( this->m_MinimumSpanningTree.IsNull( ) )
+ return( NULL );
+ auto aIt = this->Get( ).find( a );
+ if( aIt != this->Get( ).end( ) )
+ {
+ auto bIt = aIt->second.find( b );
+ if( bIt != aIt->second.end( ) )
+ return( bIt->second.GetPointer( ) );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TMST >
+fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST >::
+ImageSkeleton( )
+ : Superclass( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TMST >
+fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST >::
+~ImageSkeleton( )
+// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <fpa/Base/ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree.h>
+#include <fpa/Base/ImageSkeleton.h>
namespace fpa
typedef typename Superclass::TVertex TVertex;
typedef itk::Image< unsigned short, TImage::ImageDimension > TMarkImage;
+ typedef fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< _TMST > TSkeleton;
itkNewMacro( Self );
const TImage* GetCostsImage( );
const TImage* GetDistanceMap( );
+ TSkeleton* GetSkeleton( );
void SetCostsImage( TImage* image );
void SetDistanceMap( TImage* image );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TImage, class _TMST >
+fpa::Image::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TImage, _TMST >::
+fpa::Image::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TImage, _TMST >::
+GetSkeleton( )
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< TSkeleton* >(
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput(
+ this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( ) - 1
+ )
+ )
+ );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class _TImage, class _TMST >
m_SquaredDistanceMap( false )
this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( 3 );
+ unsigned int nOuts = this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( );
+ this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( nOuts + 1 );
+ typename TSkeleton::Pointer sk = TSkeleton::New( );
+ this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( nOuts, sk.GetPointer( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
fpa::Image::ExtractEndPointsAndBifurcationsFromMinimumSpanningTree< _TImage, _TMST >::
GenerateData( )
+ // Create auxiliary objects
auto image = this->GetCostsImage( );
this->m_MarkImage = TMarkImage::New( );
this->m_MarkImage->SetLargestPossibleRegion( image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ) );
this->m_MarkImage->SetRequestedRegion( image->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
this->m_MarkImage->SetSpacing( image->GetSpacing( ) );
this->m_MarkImage->Allocate( );
this->m_MarkImage->FillBuffer( 0 );
this->m_SkeletonImage = TMarkImage::New( );
this->m_SkeletonImage->SetLargestPossibleRegion( image->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ) );
this->m_SkeletonImage->SetRequestedRegion( image->GetRequestedRegion( ) );
this->m_SkeletonImage->Allocate( );
this->m_SkeletonImage->FillBuffer( 0 );
+ // Real execution
this->Superclass::GenerateData( );
+ // Build skeleton
+ auto sk = this->GetSkeleton( );
+ sk->SetMinimumSpanningTree( this->GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) );
+ auto bIt = this->m_Branches.begin( );
+ for( ; bIt != this->m_Branches.end( ); ++bIt )
+ sk->AddBranch( bIt->first, bIt->second );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+#include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
+namespace fpa
+ namespace VTK
+ {
+ namespace Image
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ template< class _TSkeleton >
+ class ImageSkeletonToPolyData
+ : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ImageSkeletonToPolyData Self;
+ typedef _TSkeleton TSkeleton;
+ public:
+ vtkTypeMacro( ImageSkeletonToPolyData, vtkPolyDataAlgorithm );
+ public:
+ static Self* New( );
+ const TSkeleton* GetInput( ) const;
+ void SetInput( const TSkeleton* sk );
+ protected:
+ ImageSkeletonToPolyData( );
+ virtual ~ImageSkeletonToPolyData( );
+ int RequestData(
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ );
+ int RequestInformation(
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ ImageSkeletonToPolyData( const Self& );
+ void operator=( const Self& );
+ protected:
+ const TSkeleton* m_Skeleton;
+ };
+ } // ecapseman
+ } // ecapseman
+} // ecapseman
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image/ImageSkeletonToPolyData.hxx>
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <vtkInformation.h>
+#include <vtkInformationVector.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+typename fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+Self* fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+New( )
+ return( new Self( ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+const _TSkeleton* fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+GetInput( ) const
+ return( this->m_Skeleton );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+void fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+SetInput( const _TSkeleton* sk )
+ if( this->m_Skeleton != sk )
+ {
+ this->m_Skeleton = sk;
+ this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+ImageSkeletonToPolyData( )
+ : vtkPolyDataAlgorithm( ),
+ m_Skeleton( NULL )
+ this->SetNumberOfInputPorts( 0 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+~ImageSkeletonToPolyData( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+int fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ )
+ typedef typename _TSkeleton::TVertex _TVertex;
+ typedef typename _TSkeleton::TVertexCmp _TCmp;
+ typedef itk::Point< double, _TVertex::Dimension > _TPoint;
+ typedef
+ std::map< _TVertex, std::map< _TVertex, bool, _TCmp >, _TCmp >
+ _TMarks;
+ static const unsigned int dim = _TVertex::Dimension;
+ if( this->m_Skeleton == NULL )
+ return( 0 );
+ // Get output
+ vtkInformation* info = output->GetInformationObject( 0 );
+ vtkPolyData* out = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
+ info->Get( vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT( ) )
+ );
+ // Prepare points and cells
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > lines =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( );
+ // Iterator over input data
+ auto& sk = this->m_Skeleton->Get( );
+ auto mst = this->m_Skeleton->GetMinimumSpanningTree( );
+ _TMarks marks;
+ for( auto i = sk.begin( ); i != sk.end( ); ++i )
+ {
+ for( auto j = i->second.begin( ); j != i->second.end( ); ++j )
+ {
+ if( !marks[ i->first ][ j->first ] )
+ {
+ auto path = j->second.GetPointer( );
+ if( path != NULL )
+ {
+ auto vertices = path->GetVertexList( );
+ for( unsigned int v = 0; v < vertices->Size( ); ++v )
+ {
+ auto idx = vertices->GetElement( v );
+ _TPoint pnt;
+ mst->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( idx, pnt );
+ if( dim == 1 )
+ points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], 0, 0 );
+ else if( dim == 2 )
+ points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], 0 );
+ else
+ points->InsertNextPoint( pnt[ 0 ], pnt[ 1 ], pnt[ 2 ] );
+ if( v > 0 )
+ {
+ lines->InsertNextCell( 2 );
+ lines->InsertCellPoint( points->GetNumberOfPoints( ) - 2 );
+ lines->InsertCellPoint( points->GetNumberOfPoints( ) - 1 );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ } // fi
+ // Mark path and its symmetric as visited
+ marks[ i->first ][ j->first ] = true;
+ marks[ j->first ][ i->first ] = true;
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ out->SetPoints( points );
+ out->SetLines( lines );
+ return( 1 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TSkeleton >
+int fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TSkeleton >::
+ vtkInformation* information,
+ vtkInformationVector** input,
+ vtkInformationVector* output
+ )
+ vtkInformation* info = output->GetInformationObject( 0 );
+ /* TODO
+ info->Set(
+ vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIECES( ), -1
+ );
+ */
+ if( this->m_Skeleton != NULL )
+ {
+ /* TODO
+ typename C::TScalar len = this->m_RGC->GetTotalLength( );
+ typename C::TScalar s0 = this->m_RGC->Gets0( );
+ typename C::TPoint p0 = this->m_RGC->Axis( s0 );
+ typename C::TPoint p1 = this->m_RGC->Axis( s0 + len );
+ info->Set(
+ vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_BOUNDING_BOX( ),
+ double( p0[ 0 ] ), double( p1[ 0 ] ),
+ double( p0[ 1 ] ), double( p1[ 1 ] ),
+ double( p0[ 2 ] ), double( p1[ 2 ] )
+ );
+ */
+ } // fi
+ return( 1 );
+// eof - $RCSfile$
t fpa/Image/MinimumSpanningTree.h
t fpa/IO/MinimumSpanningTreeReader.h
t fpa/IO/MinimumSpanningTreeWriter.h
+t fpa/Base/ImageSkeleton.h
+t fpa/VTK/Image/ImageSkeletonToPolyData.h
t itkImage.h
t itkImportImageContainer.h
t itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h
t itkImageConstIteratorWithIndex.h
+t itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h
d #dims=2;3
d #int=char;short;int;long
c itk::Image< #i::{#mst}Data< #dims >, #dims >
c #b::#mst< itk::Image< #i::{#mst}Data< #dims >, #dims >, itk::Index< #dims > >
c #i::#mst@{Data;{}}< #dims >
+c #b::ImageSkeleton< #i::#mst< #dims > >
c itk::ImageConstIteratorWithIndex< #i::#mst< #dims > >
c itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< #i::#mst< #dims > >
c fpa::IO::MinimumSpanningTree@{Reader;Writer}< #i::#mst< #dims > >
+* ========================
+* == Conversion filters ==
+* ========================
+c fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< #b::ImageSkeleton< #i::#mst< #dims > > >
* eof - $RCSfile$
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ImageSkeleton.cxx
#include <fpa_Instances/Backtracking.h>
#include <cpPlugins/Image.h>
#include <cpPlugins/ImageIndexesContainer.h>
+#include <plugins/fpa/ImageSkeleton.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
this->_AddOutput< cpPlugins::ImageIndexesContainer >( "EndPoints" );
this->_AddOutput< cpPlugins::ImageIndexesContainer >( "Bifurcations" );
this->_AddOutput< cpPlugins::ImageIndexesContainer >( "Collisions" );
+ this->_AddOutput< fpaPlugins::ImageSkeleton >( "Skeleton" );
this->m_Parameters.ConfigureAsBool( "SquaredDistanceMap" );
this->m_Parameters.SetBool( "SquaredDistanceMap", false );
this->GetOutputData( "EndPoints" )->SetITK( filter->GetEndPoints( ) );
this->GetOutputData( "Bifurcations" )->SetITK( filter->GetBifurcations( ) );
this->GetOutputData( "Collisions" )->SetITK( filter->GetCollisions( ) );
+ this->GetOutputData( "Skeleton" )->SetITK( filter->GetSkeleton( ) );
return( "" );
--- /dev/null
+#include <plugins/fpa/ImageSkeleton.h>
+#include <fpa_Instances/Instances.h>
+#include <fpa/VTK/Image/ImageSkeletonToPolyData.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void fpaPlugins::ImageSkeleton::
+SetITK( itk::LightObject* o )
+ typedef
+ fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< 2 > > _I2;
+ typedef
+ fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< 3 > > _I3;
+ bool r = this->_SetITK< _I2 >( o );
+ if( !r ) r = this->_SetITK< _I3 >( o );
+ if( !r )
+ this->Superclass::SetITK( NULL );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void fpaPlugins::ImageSkeleton::
+SetVTK( vtkObjectBase* o )
+ // Do nothing: this only has sense in ITK
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImageSkeleton( )
+ : Superclass( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+~ImageSkeleton( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class _TMST >
+bool fpaPlugins::ImageSkeleton::
+_SetITK( itk::LightObject* o )
+ typedef fpa::VTK::Image::ImageSkeletonToPolyData< _TMST > _TFilter;
+ _TMST* mst = dynamic_cast< _TMST* >( o );
+ if( mst != NULL )
+ {
+ _TFilter* f = dynamic_cast< _TFilter* >( this->m_ITKvVTK.GetPointer( ) );
+ if( f == NULL )
+ {
+ vtkSmartPointer< _TFilter > nf = _TFilter::New( );
+ this->m_ITKvVTK = nf.GetPointer( );
+ f = nf.GetPointer( );
+ } // fi
+ f->SetInput( mst );
+ f->Update( );
+ // Keep object track
+ this->m_ITKObject = o;
+ this->m_VTKObject = f->GetOutput( );
+ return( true );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->Superclass::SetITK( NULL );
+ this->Superclass::SetVTK( NULL );
+ return( false );
+ } // fi
+// eof - $RCSfile$
--- /dev/null
+#include <fpa/fpaPlugins_Export.h>
+#include <cpPlugins/DataObject.h>
+#include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace fpaPlugins
+ /**
+ */
+ class fpaPlugins_EXPORT ImageSkeleton
+ : public cpPlugins::DataObject
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ImageSkeleton Self;
+ typedef cpPlugins::DataObject Superclass;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
+ typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
+ public:
+ itkNewMacro( Self );
+ itkTypeMacro( ImageSkeleton, cpPlugins::DataObject );
+ cpPlugins_Id_Macro( ImageSkeleton, ImageSkeleton );
+ public:
+ virtual void SetITK( itk::LightObject* o ) override;
+ virtual void SetVTK( vtkObjectBase* o ) override;
+ protected:
+ ImageSkeleton( );
+ virtual ~ImageSkeleton( );
+ template< class _TMST >
+ inline bool _SetITK( itk::LightObject* o );
+ private:
+ // Purposely not implemented
+ ImageSkeleton( const Self& );
+ Self& operator=( const Self& );
+ protected:
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataAlgorithm > m_ITKvVTK;
+ };
+} // ecapseman
+// eof - $RCSfile$
virtual ~MinimumSpanningTree( );
template< class _TMST >
- bool _SetITK( itk::LightObject* o );
+ inline bool _SetITK( itk::LightObject* o );
// Purposely not implemented