void OnRadioButtonZ(wxEvent& event);
void OnRadioButtonN(wxEvent& event);
void OnSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void Save(std::string filename);
void OnLoad(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void Load(std::string filename);
void OnReset(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnMoveDown(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnMoveUp(wxCommandEvent& event);
mMemoryMatrix->DeepCopy( t->GetMatrix() );
+void TransformWidgetPanel::Save(std::string filename)
+ FILE *ff;
+ ff = fopen( filename.c_str() , "w+" );
+ if (ff!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(ff,"ActualPoint:\n");
+ fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f\n",mActualPoint[0], mActualPoint[1], mActualPoint[2] );
+ vtkMatrix4x4 *m = t->GetMatrix();
+ fprintf(ff,"Transform:\n");
+ fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,0), m->GetElement(1,0), m->GetElement(2,0), m->GetElement(3,0) );
+ fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,1), m->GetElement(1,1), m->GetElement(2,1), m->GetElement(3,1) );
+ fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,2), m->GetElement(1,2), m->GetElement(2,2), m->GetElement(3,2) );
+ fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n\n",m->GetElement(0,3), m->GetElement(1,3), m->GetElement(2,3), m->GetElement(3,3) );
+ fclose(ff);
+ } else { // else ff
+ printf("TransformWidgetPanel::OnSave ...Error... creating file \n");
+ } //ff
void TransformWidgetPanel::OnSave(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxFileDialog* FD = new wxFileDialog( 0,
if (FD->GetReturnCode()==wxID_OK)
std::string filename= (const char*) ( FD->GetPath().mb_str() );
- FILE *ff;
- ff = fopen( filename.c_str() , "w+" );
- if (ff!=NULL)
- {
- fprintf(ff,"ActualPoint:\n");
- fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f\n",mActualPoint[0], mActualPoint[1], mActualPoint[2] );
- vtkMatrix4x4 *m = t->GetMatrix();
- fprintf(ff,"Transform:\n");
- fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,0), m->GetElement(1,0), m->GetElement(2,0), m->GetElement(3,0) );
- fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,1), m->GetElement(1,1), m->GetElement(2,1), m->GetElement(3,1) );
- fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f \n",m->GetElement(0,2), m->GetElement(1,2), m->GetElement(2,2), m->GetElement(3,2) );
- fprintf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n\n",m->GetElement(0,3), m->GetElement(1,3), m->GetElement(2,3), m->GetElement(3,3) );
- fclose(ff);
- } else { // else ff
- printf("TransformWidgetPanel::OnSave ...Error... creating file \n");
- } //ff
+ Save( filename );
} // dialog box
+void TransformWidgetPanel::Load(std::string filename)
+ FILE *ff;
+ ff = fopen( filename.c_str() , "r" );
+ if (ff!=NULL)
+ {
+ char tmpStr[128];
+ float t0,t1,t2,t3;
+ fscanf(ff,"%s\n",tmpStr); // ActualPoint:
+ fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2);
+ mActualPoint[0]=t0;
+ mActualPoint[1]=t1;
+ mActualPoint[2]=t2;
+ vtkMatrix4x4 *m = t->GetMatrix();
+ fscanf(ff,"%s\n",tmpStr); // Transform:
+ fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
+ m->SetElement(0,0,t0);
+ m->SetElement(1,0,t1);
+ m->SetElement(2,0,t2);
+ m->SetElement(3,0,t3);
+ fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
+ m->SetElement(0,1,t0);
+ m->SetElement(1,1,t1);
+ m->SetElement(2,1,t2);
+ m->SetElement(3,1,t3);
+ fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
+ m->SetElement(0,2,t0);
+ m->SetElement(1,2,t1);
+ m->SetElement(2,2,t2);
+ m->SetElement(3,2,t3);
+ fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
+ m->SetElement(0,3,t0);
+ m->SetElement(1,3,t1);
+ m->SetElement(2,3,t2);
+ m->SetElement(3,3,t3);
+ t->Update();
+ mBox->bbSetOutputActualPoint( mActualPoint );
+ mBox->bbSignalOutputModification(std::string("ActualPoint"));
+ mBox->bbSetOutputOut( t );
+ mBox->bbSignalOutputModification(std::string("Out"));
+ fclose(ff);
+ } else { // else ff
+ printf("TransformWidgetPanel::OnLoad ...Error... reading file \n");
+ } //ff
void TransformWidgetPanel::OnLoad(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxFileDialog* FD = new wxFileDialog( 0,
- _T("Load groups of points .."),
+ _T("Load configuration.."),
if (FD->GetReturnCode()==wxID_OK)
std::string filename= (const char*) ( FD->GetPath().mb_str() );
- FILE *ff;
- ff = fopen( filename.c_str() , "r" );
- if (ff!=NULL)
- {
- char tmpStr[128];
- float t0,t1,t2,t3;
- fscanf(ff,"%s\n",tmpStr); // ActualPoint:
- fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2);
- mActualPoint[0]=t0;
- mActualPoint[1]=t1;
- mActualPoint[2]=t2;
- vtkMatrix4x4 *m = t->GetMatrix();
- fscanf(ff,"%s\n",tmpStr); // Transform:
- fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
- m->SetElement(0,0,t0);
- m->SetElement(1,0,t1);
- m->SetElement(2,0,t2);
- m->SetElement(3,0,t3);
- fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
- m->SetElement(0,1,t0);
- m->SetElement(1,1,t1);
- m->SetElement(2,1,t2);
- m->SetElement(3,1,t3);
- fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
- m->SetElement(0,2,t0);
- m->SetElement(1,2,t1);
- m->SetElement(2,2,t2);
- m->SetElement(3,2,t3);
- fscanf(ff,"%f %f %f %f\n",&t0,&t1,&t2,&t3);
- m->SetElement(0,3,t0);
- m->SetElement(1,3,t1);
- m->SetElement(2,3,t2);
- m->SetElement(3,3,t3);
- t->Update();
- mBox->bbSetOutputActualPoint( mActualPoint );
- mBox->bbSignalOutputModification(std::string("ActualPoint"));
- mBox->bbSetOutputOut( t );
- mBox->bbSignalOutputModification(std::string("Out"));
- fclose(ff);
- } else { // else ff
- printf("TransformWidgetPanel::OnLoad ...Error... reading file \n");
- } //ff
+ Load( filename );
} // dialog box
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void TransformWidget2::Save(std::string filename)
+ TransformWidgetPanel *w = (TransformWidgetPanel*) bbGetOutputWidget( );
+ w->Save(filename);
+void TransformWidget2::Load(std::string filename)
+ TransformWidgetPanel *w = (TransformWidgetPanel*) bbGetOutputWidget( );
+ w->Load(filename);
void TransformWidget2::Process()
TransformWidgetPanel *w = (TransformWidgetPanel*) bbGetOutputWidget( );
+ bbSetOutputBox_TransformWidget2(this);
}// if
+ bbSetOutputBox_TransformWidget2(NULL);
--- /dev/null
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#include "bbcreaMaracasVisuTransformWidget2_tool.h"
+#include "bbcreaMaracasVisuPackage.h"
+namespace bbcreaMaracasVisu
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void TransformWidget2_tool::Process()
+// Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
+// And print out the output value
+// void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
+// const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const
+// Where :
+// * NAME is the name of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
+// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
+// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
+// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
+ if (bbGetInputType()==1)
+ {
+ if (bbGetInputParam01().size()==1)
+ {
+ bbGetInputBox_TransformWidget2()->Save( bbGetInputParam01()[0] );
+ }
+ } // Type 1 Save
+ if (bbGetInputType()==2)
+ {
+ if (bbGetInputParam01().size()==1)
+ {
+ bbGetInputBox_TransformWidget2()->Load( bbGetInputParam01()[0] );
+ }
+ } // Type 2 Load
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void TransformWidget2_tool::bbUserSetDefaultValues()
+// Here we initialize the input 'In' to 0
+ bbSetInputType(0);
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void TransformWidget2_tool::bbUserInitializeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void TransformWidget2_tool::bbUserFinalizeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+// EO namespace bbcreaMaracasVisu
--- /dev/null
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#ifndef __bbcreaMaracasVisuTransformWidget2_tool_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbcreaMaracasVisuTransformWidget2_tool_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbcreaMaracasVisu_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include "bbcreaMaracasVisuTransformWidget2.h"
+namespace bbcreaMaracasVisu
+class bbcreaMaracasVisu_EXPORT TransformWidget2_tool
+ :
+ public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(TransformWidget2_tool,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Param01,std::vector<std::string>);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Box_TransformWidget2,TransformWidget2*);
+// BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out,double);
+ BBTK_PROCESS(Process);
+ void Process();
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+ BBTK_NAME("TransformWidget2_tool");
+ BBTK_AUTHOR("InfoDev");
+ BBTK_DESCRIPTION("No Description.");
+ BBTK_CATEGORY("empty");
+ BBTK_INPUT(TransformWidget2_tool,Type,"(default 0) 0:Nothing 1:Save file configuration 2:Load file configuration",int,"");
+ BBTK_INPUT(TransformWidget2_tool,Param01,"1:[FileName_save] 2:[FileName_load]",std::vector<std::string>,"");
+ BBTK_INPUT(TransformWidget2_tool,Box_TransformWidget2,"bbtk Box TransformWidget2",TransformWidget2*,"");
+// BBTK_OUTPUT(TransformWidget2_tool,Out,"First output",double,"");
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+// EO namespace bbcreaMaracasVisu
+#endif // __bbcreaMaracasVisuTransformWidget2_tool_h_INCLUDED__