#include <limits>
+#include <itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I >
void fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
AddThresholds( const TPixel& t0, const TPixel& t1, const unsigned int& s )
- double o = ( double( t1 ) - double( t0 ) ) / ( double( s ) - double( 1 ) );
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < s; i++ )
- this->AddThreshold( TPixel( ( double( i ) * o ) + double( t0 ) ) );
+ for( TPixel t = t0; t <= t1; t += TPixel( s ) )
+ this->AddThreshold( t );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds( )
: Superclass( ),
- m_DerivativeThreshold( double( 3 ) )
+ m_DifferenceThreshold( double( 3 ) ),
+ m_TotalCount( 0 ),
+ m_LastDiff( double( 0 ) ),
+ m_StopForced( false ),
+ m_StopThreshold( TPixel( 0 ) )
const I* img = this->GetInput( );
+ // Clear all states
this->ClearMembershipFunctions( );
+ this->m_Histogram.clear( );
+ this->m_TotalCount = img->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ).GetNumberOfPixels( );
+ this->m_LastDiff = double( -1 );
+ this->m_StopForced = false;
+ // Initialize thresholding functors
typename TThresholds::const_iterator tIt = this->m_Thresholds.begin( );
- TPixel min_thr = *tIt;
- for( ++tIt; tIt != this->m_Thresholds.end( ); ++tIt )
+ TPixel min_thr = std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::min( );
+ for( ; tIt != this->m_Thresholds.end( ); ++tIt )
typename TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( );
function->SetInputImage( img );
} // rof
+ // Correct seeds
+ typename I::SizeType radius;
+ radius.Fill( 3 );
+ itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< I > it(
+ radius, img, img->GetRequestedRegion( )
+ );
+ for( unsigned int s = 0; s < this->m_Seeds.size( ); ++s )
+ {
+ _TNode seed = this->m_Seeds[ s ];
+ it.SetLocation( seed.Vertex );
+ typename I::SizeType size = it.GetSize( );
+ unsigned int nN = 1;
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d )
+ nN *= size[ d ];
+ TPixel min_value = img->GetPixel( seed.Vertex );
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nN; ++i )
+ {
+ if( it.GetPixel( i ) < min_value )
+ {
+ seed.Vertex = it.GetIndex( i );
+ min_value = it.GetPixel( i );
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ this->m_Seeds[ s ] = seed;
+ } // rof
+ // Continue all initializations
this->Superclass::_BeforeMainLoop( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I >
+void fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
+_AfterMainLoop( )
+ this->Superclass::_AfterMainLoop( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I >
void fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
TFunction* f =
dynamic_cast< TFunction* >( this->m_ActualFunction->GetPointer( ) );
- // std::cout << f->GetUpperThreshold( ) << " " << this->m_Marks.size( ) << std::endl;
+ this->m_Histogram[ f->GetUpperThreshold( ) ] = this->m_Marks.size( );
+ /* TODO: code to print the signal for demo purposes
+ std::cout
+ << f->GetUpperThreshold( ) << " "
+ << this->m_Marks.size( )
+ << std::endl;
+ */
+ // Get the two last complete count, if any, and compute last
+ // finite difference
+ if( this->m_Histogram.size( ) > 1 )
+ {
+ typename THistogram::const_reverse_iterator hIt =
+ this->m_Histogram.rbegin( );
+ typename THistogram::const_reverse_iterator gIt = hIt;
+ gIt++;
+ this->m_LastDiff = double( hIt->second ) - double( gIt->second );
+ this->m_LastDiff /= double( hIt->first ) - double( gIt->first );
+ this->m_LastDiff *= m_DifferenceThreshold;
+ }
+ else
+ this->m_LastDiff = double( -1 );
} // fi
this->Superclass::_AfterLoop( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I >
-void fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
-_AfterMainLoop( )
- this->Superclass::_AfterMainLoop( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class I >
bool fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
_UpdateResult( _TNode& n )
- #error ACA VOY -> explicar esto!!!! cambiar salida por una especie de curva de nivel
+ // Here, the output is changed to the threshold used to compute the
+ // growing condition of the actual vertex n
bool ret = this->Superclass::_UpdateResult( n );
if( this->m_ActualFunction != this->m_Functions.end( ) )
TFunction* f =
dynamic_cast< TFunction* >( this->m_ActualFunction->GetPointer( ) );
- this->GetOutput( )->SetPixel( n.Vertex, f->GetUpperThreshold( ) );
+ if( f != NULL )
+ this->GetOutput( )->SetPixel( n.Vertex, f->GetUpperThreshold( ) );
} // fi
return( ret );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I >
+void fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
+_Mark( const _TNode& n )
+ this->Superclass::_Mark( n );
+ // Check if the histogram's support is enough
+ if( this->m_Histogram.size( ) < 2 )
+ return;
+ typename THistogram::const_reverse_iterator hIt =
+ this->m_Histogram.rbegin( );
+ // Get the actual function
+ TFunction* f =
+ dynamic_cast< TFunction* >( this->m_ActualFunction->GetPointer( ) );
+ if( f == NULL )
+ return;
+ // Previous pixel count
+ unsigned long prev_aCount = hIt->second;
+ double prev_p = double( prev_aCount ) / double( this->m_TotalCount );
+ // Actual pixel count
+ unsigned long aCount = this->m_Marks.size( );
+ double p = double( aCount ) / double( this->m_TotalCount );
+ // Loop over, at least, 0.1% of the total number of pixels before
+ // performing stop analysis
+ if( double( 1e-3 ) < p && double( 1e-3 ) < prev_p )
+ {
+ // Does the difference is worthy to be analyzed?
+ if( aCount > hIt->second )
+ {
+ // Compute finite difference and compare it to the previous one
+ double diff = double( aCount ) - double( hIt->second );
+ diff /= double( f->GetUpperThreshold( ) ) - double( hIt->first );
+ if( diff > this->m_LastDiff )
+ {
+ this->m_StopForced = true;
+ this->m_StopThreshold = hIt->first;
+ } // fi
+ } // fi
+ } // fi
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template< class I >
+bool fpa::Image::RegionGrowWithMultipleThresholds< I >::
+_CheckStopCondition( )
+ return( this->m_StopForced );
// eof - $RCSfile$