#include <cpExtensions/Visualization/ImageBlender.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
#include <vtkDataObject.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>
#include <vtkImageIterator.h>
<< std::endl;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageBlender::
+GetNumberOfImages( ) const
+ return( ( const_cast< Self* >( this ) )->GetNumberOfInputConnections( 0 ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const double& cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageBlender::
GetMaxWindow( ) const
b = c->second.B;
- r = g = b = double( 1 );
+ {
+ r = double( 1 );
+ g = b = double( 0 );
+ } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkInformationVector* outputVector
+ // Check number of inputs
int numInputs = this->GetNumberOfInputConnections( 0 );
if( numInputs == 0 )
return( 0 );
+ // Get input image
+ vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[ 0 ]->GetInformationObject( 0 );
+ if( inInfo == NULL )
+ return( 0 );
+ vtkImageData* inData = vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(
+ inInfo->Get( vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT( ) )
+ );
+ if( inData == NULL )
+ return( 0 );
+ // Configure buffer extent
+ inData->GetExtent( this->m_Extent );
+ this->m_Extent[ 1 ] -= this->m_Extent[ 0 ];
+ this->m_Extent[ 3 ] -= this->m_Extent[ 2 ];
+ this->m_Extent[ 5 ] -= this->m_Extent[ 4 ];
+ this->m_Extent[ 1 ] += 1;
+ this->m_Extent[ 3 ] += 1;
+ this->m_Extent[ 5 ] += 1;
+ // Configure window/level
+ double range[ 2 ];
+ inData->GetScalarRange( range );
+ this->m_MaxWindow = range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ];
+ this->m_MinWindow = this->m_MaxWindow * double( 1e-2 );
+ this->m_MinLevel = range[ 0 ];
+ this->m_MaxLevel = range[ 1 ];
+ if( this->m_Window < this->m_MinWindow )
+ this->m_Window = this->m_MinWindow;
+ if( this->m_Window > this->m_MaxWindow )
+ this->m_Window = this->m_MaxWindow;
+ if( this->m_Level < this->m_MinLevel )
+ this->m_Level = this->m_MinLevel;
+ if( this->m_Level > this->m_MaxLevel )
+ this->m_Level = this->m_MaxLevel;
+ this->m_WLSlope = double( 1 ) / this->m_Window;
+ this->m_WLOffset = double( 0.5 ) - ( this->m_Level / this->m_Window );
+ // Configure output type
outputVector->GetInformationObject( 0 ),
} // rof
- // Initialize window/level
- vtkImageData* main_image = inData[ 0 ][ 0 ];
- double range[ 2 ];
- main_image->GetScalarRange( range );
- this->m_MaxWindow = range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MinWindow = this->m_MaxWindow * double( 1e-2 );
- this->m_MinLevel = range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MaxLevel = range[ 1 ];
- // Update window/level
- if( this->m_Window < this->m_MinWindow )
- this->m_Window = this->m_MinWindow;
- if( this->m_Window > this->m_MaxWindow )
- this->m_Window = this->m_MaxWindow;
- if( this->m_Level < this->m_MinLevel )
- this->m_Level = this->m_MinLevel;
- if( this->m_Level > this->m_MaxLevel )
- this->m_Level = this->m_MaxLevel;
// Real update
this->_GenerateData( inData[ 0 ], numInputs, outData[ 0 ], outExt, id );
return( this->Superclass::FillInputPortInformation( i, info ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define cpExtensions_ImageBlender_Type( O, V, T, B ) \
+ O V = O( 0 ); \
+ switch( T ) \
+ { \
+ case VTK_CHAR: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< char* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ case VTK_SHORT: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< short* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ case VTK_INT: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< int* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ case VTK_LONG: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< long* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< unsigned short* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< unsigned int* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< unsigned long* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ case VTK_FLOAT: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< float* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ case VTK_DOUBLE: \
+ V = O( *( reinterpret_cast< double* >( B ) ) ); \
+ break; \
+ }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageBlender::
int id
- vtkImageIterator< unsigned char > inItsFast[ 256 ];
- unsigned char* inSIFast[ 256 ];
- vtkImageProgressIterator< unsigned char > outIt( outData, outExt, this, id );
- /*
- double *weights =
- static_cast<vtkDoubleArray *>(this->GetWeights())->GetPointer(0);
- double totalWeight = this->CalculateTotalWeight();
- int normalize = this->GetNormalizeByWeight();
- */
- vtkImageIterator< unsigned char > *inIts;
- unsigned char** inSI;
- if( numInputs < 256 )
- {
- inIts = inItsFast;
- inSI = inSIFast;
- }
- else
+ static const double _0 = double( 0 );
+ static const double _1 = double( 1 );
+ static const double _255 = double( 255 );
+ unsigned char* mBuffer =
+ reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( inDatas[ 0 ]->GetScalarPointer( ) );
+ unsigned char* oBuffer =
+ reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( outData->GetScalarPointer( ) );
+ int mType = inDatas[ 0 ]->GetScalarType( );
+ int mSize = inDatas[ 0 ]->GetScalarSize( );
+ double r, g, b, a;
+ int e13 = this->m_Extent[ 1 ] * this->m_Extent[ 3 ];
+ for( int k = outExt[ 4 ]; k <= outExt[ 5 ]; ++k )
- inIts = new vtkImageIterator< unsigned char >[ numInputs ];
- inSI = new unsigned char*[ numInputs ];
- } // fi
- // Loop through all input ImageData to initialize iterators
- for( int i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i )
- inIts[ i ].Initialize( inDatas[ i ], outExt );
- // Loop through output pixels
- double m = double( 1 ) / this->m_Window;
- double c = double( 0.5 ) - ( this->m_Level / this->m_Window );
- while( !outIt.IsAtEnd( ) )
- {
- // Prepare all iterators
- for( int j = 0; j < numInputs; ++j )
- inSI[ j ] = inIts[ j ].BeginSpan( );
- unsigned char* outSI = outIt.BeginSpan( );
- unsigned char* outSIEnd = outIt.EndSpan( );
- // Pixel operation
- while( outSI != outSIEnd )
+ int dk = ( k - this->m_Extent[ 4 ] ) * e13;
+ for( int j = outExt[ 2 ]; j <= outExt[ 3 ]; ++j )
- // Window/Level value from main image
- double wl = ( *inSI[ 0 ] * m ) + c;
- if( wl < double( 0 ) ) wl = double( 0 );
- if( wl > double( 1 ) ) wl = double( 1 );
- // Prepare color values
- double r = wl;
- double g = wl;
- double b = wl;
- double a = double( 1 );
- /*
- double sum = 0.;
- for(int k=0; k < numInputs; ++k)
- {
- sum += weights[k] * *inSI[k];
- }
- */
- r *= double( 255 );
- g *= double( 255 );
- b *= double( 255 );
- a *= double( 255 );
- // Assign RGBA value
- *outSI = static_cast< unsigned char >( r ); outSI++;
- *outSI = static_cast< unsigned char >( g ); outSI++;
- *outSI = static_cast< unsigned char >( b ); outSI++;
- *outSI = static_cast< unsigned char >( a ); outSI++;
- // Advance inputs
- for( int l = 0; l < numInputs; ++l )
- inSI[ l ]++;
- } // elihw
- // Advance all iterators
- for( int j = 0; j < numInputs; ++j )
- inIts[ j ].NextSpan( );
- outIt.NextSpan( );
+ int dj = ( ( j - this->m_Extent[ 2 ] ) * this->m_Extent[ 3 ] ) + dk;
+ for( int i = outExt[ 0 ]; i <= outExt[ 1 ]; ++i )
+ {
+ int di = ( i - this->m_Extent[ 0 ] ) + dj;
+ // Get main value
+ cpExtensions_ImageBlender_Type(
+ double, v, mType, mBuffer + ( di * mSize )
+ );
+ v *= this->m_WLSlope;
+ v += this->m_WLOffset;
+ if( v < _0 ) v = _0;
+ if( v > _1 ) v = _1;
- } // elihw
+ // Prepare color
+ r = g = b = v;
+ a = _1;
- // Free auxiliary buffers
- if( numInputs >= 256 )
- {
- delete [] inIts;
- delete [] inSI;
+ // Blend colors
+ for( int i = 1; i < numInputs; ++i )
+ {
+ unsigned char* cBuffer =
+ reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >(
+ inDatas[ i ]->GetScalarPointer( )
+ );
+ int cType = inDatas[ i ]->GetScalarType( );
+ int cSize = inDatas[ i ]->GetScalarSize( );
+ cpExtensions_ImageBlender_Type(
+ double, c, cType, cBuffer + ( di * cSize )
+ );
+ if( c > double( 0 ) )
+ {
+ double cr, cg, cb;
+ this->GetColor( i, cr, cg, cb );
+ double n = std::sqrt( ( cr * cr ) + ( cg * cg ) + ( cb * cb ) );
+ r *= cr * n;
+ g *= cg * n;
+ b *= cb * n;
+ a = _1;
+ } // fi
+ } // rof
+ // Update color
+ int di4 = di << 2;
+ oBuffer[ di4 + 0 ] = static_cast< unsigned char >( r * _255 );
+ oBuffer[ di4 + 1 ] = static_cast< unsigned char >( g * _255 );
+ oBuffer[ di4 + 2 ] = static_cast< unsigned char >( b * _255 );
+ oBuffer[ di4 + 3 ] = static_cast< unsigned char >( a * _255 );
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
- } // fi
+ } // rof
// eof - $RCSfile$
#include <cpExtensions/Visualization/ImageSliceActors.h>
-#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <vtkAlgorithmOutput.h>
#include <vtkCamera.h>
#include <vtkCellArray.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>
-#include <vtkInformation.h>
-#include <vtkPlane.h>
#include <vtkPoints.h>
#include <vtkProperty.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
#include <vtkRendererCollection.h>
#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
-#include <vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h>
#include <vtkTextProperty.h>
-#include <vtkWindowLevelLookupTable.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
return( new Self( ) );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImageBlender* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
+GetBlender( )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const cpExtensions::Visualization::
+ImageBlender* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
+GetBlender( ) const
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
+SetBlender( ImageBlender* blender )
+ this->m_ImageBlender = blender;
+ // Create mapper and actors
+ this->m_ImageMapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSliceMapper >::New( );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->SetInputConnection(
+ this->m_ImageBlender->GetOutputPort( )
+ );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->SetOrientation( 0 );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->Update( );
+ // Create actor
+ this->m_ImageActor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( );
+ this->m_ImageActor->SetMapper( this->m_ImageMapper );
+ this->m_ImageActor->SetInterpolate( this->m_Interpolate );
+ this->m_ImageActor->Modified( );
+ if( this->m_Style.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ this->m_Style->AssociateImageActor( this->m_ImageActor );
+ this->AddItem( this->m_ImageActor );
+ this->SetSliceNumber( this->GetSliceNumberMinValue( ) );
+ this->ResetCursor( );
+ this->Modified( );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
+SetAxis( int axis )
+ this->m_ImageMapper->SetOrientation( axis );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->Update( );
+ this->SetSliceNumber( this->GetSliceNumberMinValue( ) );
+ this->m_ImageActor->Modified( );
+ this->Modified( );
+ this->ResetCamera( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-AddInputConnection( vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout, int axis )
+AddInputConnection( vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout )
// Get input vtkImageData
if( aout == NULL )
- vtkAlgorithm* producer = aout->GetProducer( );
- vtkImageData* data = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- producer->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- if( data == NULL )
- return;
- // Try to infere if input comes from a color mapping filter
- vtkImageMapToColors* new_map =
- dynamic_cast< vtkImageMapToColors* >( producer );
- if( new_map == NULL )
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- // Configure LUT, if possible (NULL is returned if not)
- this->_ConfigureNewLUT( data );
- new_map = *( this->m_ImageMaps.rbegin( ) );
- if( new_map != NULL )
+ // Try to infere if input comes from a color mapping filter
+ vtkAlgorithm* producer = aout->GetProducer( );
+ vtkSmartPointer< ImageBlender > blender =
+ dynamic_cast< ImageBlender* >( producer );
+ if( blender.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- new_map->SetInputConnection( aout );
- new_map->Update( );
+ // Ok, create a new blender with default window level
+ vtkImageData* data = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
+ producer->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
+ );
+ double r[ 2 ];
+ data->GetScalarRange( r );
+ blender = vtkSmartPointer< ImageBlender >::New( );
+ blender->AddInputConnection( aout );
+ blender->SetWindow( r[ 1 ] - r[ 0 ] );
+ blender->SetLevel( ( r[ 1 ] + r[ 0 ] ) / double( 2 ) );
} // fi
+ this->SetBlender( blender );
- this->m_ImageMaps.push_back( new_map );
- // Update window level values
- if( new_map != NULL )
- {
- double range[ 2 ];
- dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( new_map->GetInput( ) )->
- GetScalarRange( range );
- this->m_MinWindow = double( 0 );
- this->m_MaxWindow = range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MinLevel = range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MaxLevel = range[ 1 ];
- } // fi
- // Create mapper and actors
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSliceMapper > mapper =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSliceMapper >::New( );
- if( new_map != NULL )
- mapper->SetInputConnection( new_map->GetOutputPort( ) );
- else
- mapper->SetInputConnection( aout );
- this->m_SliceMappers.push_back( mapper );
- this->_ConfigureNewInput( axis );
+ this->m_ImageBlender->AddInputConnection( aout );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-AddInputData( vtkImageData* data, int axis )
+AddInputData( vtkImageData* data )
- // Update window level values
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- {
- double range[ 2 ];
- data->GetScalarRange( range );
- this->m_MinWindow = double( 0 );
- this->m_MaxWindow = range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MinLevel = range[ 0 ];
- this->m_MaxLevel = range[ 1 ];
- } // fi
+ // Get input vtkImageData
+ if( data == NULL )
+ return;
- // Configure LUT, if possible (NULL is returned if not)
- this->_ConfigureNewLUT( data );
- vtkImageMapToColors* new_map = *( this->m_ImageMaps.rbegin( ) );
- if( new_map != NULL )
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- new_map->SetInputData( data );
- new_map->Update( );
- } // fi
- // Create mapper and actors
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSliceMapper > mapper =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageSliceMapper >::New( );
- if( new_map != NULL )
- mapper->SetInputConnection( new_map->GetOutputPort( ) );
+ // Create a new blender with default window level
+ double r[ 2 ];
+ data->GetScalarRange( r );
+ vtkSmartPointer< ImageBlender > blender =
+ vtkSmartPointer< ImageBlender >::New( );
+ blender->AddInputData( data );
+ blender->SetWindow( r[ 1 ] - r[ 0 ] );
+ blender->SetLevel( ( r[ 1 ] + r[ 0 ] ) / double( 2 ) );
+ this->SetBlender( blender );
+ }
- mapper->SetInputData( data );
- this->m_SliceMappers.push_back( mapper );
- this->_ConfigureNewInput( axis );
+ this->m_ImageBlender->AddInputData( data );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear( )
// Reset values
- this->m_MinWindow = double( 0 );
- this->m_MaxWindow = double( 0 );
- this->m_MinLevel = double( 0 );
- this->m_MaxLevel = double( 0 );
this->m_VisibleExtent[ 0 ] =
this->m_VisibleExtent[ 2 ] =
this->m_VisibleExtent[ 4 ] = -1;
this->RemoveAllItems( );
// Delete all images
- this->m_ImageMaps.clear( );
- this->m_SliceMappers.clear( );
- this->m_ImageActors.clear( );
+ this->m_ImageActor = NULL;
+ this->m_ImageMapper = NULL;
+ this->m_ImageBlender = NULL;
// Reconfigure unique objects
this->m_Cursor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( );
vtkImageData* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetInputImage( unsigned int id )
- vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout = this->m_ImageMaps[ id ]->GetOutputPort( );
- vtkImageData* image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- return( image );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( this->m_ImageBlender->GetInput( id ) )
+ );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const vtkImageData* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetInputImage( unsigned int id ) const
- vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout = this->m_ImageMaps[ id ]->GetOutputPort( );
- const vtkImageData* image = dynamic_cast< const vtkImageData* >(
- aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- return( image );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return(
+ dynamic_cast< const vtkImageData* >(
+ this->m_ImageBlender->GetInput( )
+ )
+ );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
else // if( axis == 2 )
- camera->SetPosition( double( 0 ), double( 0 ), double( -1 ) );
- camera->SetViewUp ( double( 0 ), double( -1 ), double( 0 ) );
+ camera->SetPosition( double( 0 ), double( 0 ), double( 1 ) );
+ camera->SetViewUp ( double( 0 ), double( -1 ), double( 0 ) );
} // fi
rwi->Render( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-GetNumberOfImageActors( ) const
- return( this->m_ImageActors.size( ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkImageActor* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-GetImageActor( unsigned int id )
+GetImageActor( )
- if( id < this->m_ImageActors.size( ) )
- return( this->m_ImageActors[ id ] );
- else
- return( NULL );
+ return( this->m_ImageActor );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const vtkImageActor* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-GetImageActor( unsigned int id ) const
+GetImageActor( ) const
- if( id < this->m_ImageActors.size( ) )
- return( this->m_ImageActors[ id ] );
- else
- return( NULL );
+ return( this->m_ImageActor );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkPlane* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetPlaneFunction( )
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSlicePlane( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetSlicePlane( ) );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const vtkPlane* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetPlaneFunction( ) const
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSlicePlane( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetSlicePlane( ) );
+ else
+ return( NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( this->m_Interpolate != v )
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_ImageActors.size( ); ++i )
- this->m_ImageActors[ i ]->SetInterpolate( v );
+ this->m_ImageActor->SetInterpolate( v );
this->m_Interpolate = v;
this->Modified( );
double* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetDisplayBounds( ) const
- if( this->m_ImageActors.size( ) > 0 )
- return( this->m_ImageActors[ 0 ]->GetDisplayBounds( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageActor.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageActor->GetDisplayBounds( ) );
return( NULL );
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetDisplayBounds( double bounds[ 6 ] ) const
- if( this->m_ImageActors.size( ) == 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageActor.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
bounds[ 0 ] = bounds[ 2 ] = bounds[ 4 ] = double( -1 );
bounds[ 1 ] = bounds[ 3 ] = bounds[ 5 ] = double( -1 );
- this->m_ImageActors[ 0 ]->GetDisplayBounds( bounds );
+ this->m_ImageActor->GetDisplayBounds( bounds );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
ResetCursor( )
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
double bounds[ 6 ];
- this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetInput( )->GetBounds( bounds );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->GetInput( )->GetBounds( bounds );
double pos[] =
this->m_VisibleBounds[ 0 ],
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetCursor( double pos[ 3 ] )
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) == 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
// Get ordered axes
this->m_CursorActor->Modified( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-vtkImageMapToColors* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-GetImageMap( unsigned int id )
- if( id < this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) )
- return( this->m_ImageMaps[ id ].GetPointer( ) );
- else
- return( NULL );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const vtkImageMapToColors* cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-GetImageMap( unsigned int id ) const
- if( id < this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) )
- return( this->m_ImageMaps[ id ].GetPointer( ) );
- else
- return( NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetMinWindow( ) const
- return( this->m_MinWindow );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetMinWindow( ) );
+ else
+ return( double( 0 ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetMaxWindow( ) const
- return( this->m_MaxWindow );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetMaxWindow( ) );
+ else
+ return( double( 0 ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetMinLevel( ) const
- return( this->m_MinLevel );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetMinLevel( ) );
+ else
+ return( double( 0 ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetMaxLevel( ) const
- return( this->m_MaxLevel );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetMaxLevel( ) );
+ else
+ return( double( 0 ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetWindow( ) const
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- return( double( 0 ) );
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ].GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- return( double( 0 ) );
- vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* lut =
- dynamic_cast< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* >(
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetLookupTable( )
- );
- if( lut != NULL )
- return( lut->GetWindow( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetWindow( ) );
return( double( 0 ) );
double cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetLevel( ) const
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- return( double( 0 ) );
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ].GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- return( double( 0 ) );
- vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* lut =
- dynamic_cast< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* >(
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetLookupTable( )
- );
- if( lut != NULL )
- return( lut->GetLevel( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageBlender->GetLevel( ) );
return( double( 0 ) );
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetWindow( double w )
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- return;
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ].GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- return;
- vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* lut =
- dynamic_cast< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* >(
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetLookupTable( )
- );
- if( lut == NULL )
- return;
- if( w < this->m_MinWindow )
- w = this->m_MinWindow;
- if( w > this->m_MaxWindow )
- w = this->m_MaxWindow;
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_ImageBlender->SetWindow( w );
+ this->Modified( );
- lut->SetWindow( w );
- lut->Build( );
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->Modified( );
- this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetLevel( double l )
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- return;
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ].GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- return;
- vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* lut =
- dynamic_cast< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* >(
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetLookupTable( )
- );
- if( lut == NULL )
- return;
- if( l < this->m_MinLevel )
- l = this->m_MinLevel;
- if( l > this->m_MaxLevel )
- l = this->m_MaxLevel;
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ {
+ this->m_ImageBlender->SetLevel( l );
+ this->Modified( );
- lut->SetLevel( l );
- lut->Build( );
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->Modified( );
- this->Modified( );
+ } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetWindowLevel( double w, double l )
- if( this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) == 0 )
- return;
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ].GetPointer( ) == NULL )
- return;
- vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* lut =
- dynamic_cast< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable* >(
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetLookupTable( )
- );
- if( lut == NULL )
- return;
- if( w < this->m_MinWindow )
- w = this->m_MinWindow;
- if( w > this->m_MaxWindow )
- w = this->m_MaxWindow;
- if( l < this->m_MinLevel )
- l = this->m_MinLevel;
- if( l > this->m_MaxLevel )
- l = this->m_MaxLevel;
- lut->SetWindow( w );
- lut->SetLevel( l );
- lut->Build( );
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->Modified( );
- this->UpdateText( w, l );
- this->Modified( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-ResetWindowLevel( )
- static const double _2 = double( 2 );
- this->SetWindowLevel(
- this->m_MaxWindow, ( this->m_MaxLevel + this->m_MinLevel ) / _2
- );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-SetLookupTable( unsigned int id, vtkLookupTable* lut )
- if( id < this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) && id > 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageBlender.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ id ].GetPointer( ) != NULL )
- {
- this->m_ImageMaps[ id ]->SetLookupTable( lut );
- this->m_ImageMaps[ id ]->Modified( );
- this->Modified( );
- } // fi
+ this->m_ImageBlender->SetWindowLevel( w, l );
+ this->UpdateText( w, l );
+ this->Modified( );
} // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-SetLookupTableAsColor( unsigned int id, double r, double g, double b )
+ResetWindowLevel( )
- static const double _0 = double( 0 );
- static const double _2 = double( 2 );
- static const double _4 = double( 4 );
- static const double _6 = double( 6 );
- static const double _OPACITY = double( 0.6 );
- // Check ID consistency
- if( id == 0 || id >= this->m_ImageMaps.size( ) )
- return;
- // Get image scalar range
- vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout = this->m_ImageMaps[ id ]->GetOutputPort( );
- vtkImageData* image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- double range[ 2 ];
- image->GetScalarRange( range );
- // Get HSV from display color
- double cmax = ( r > g )? r: g; cmax = ( b > cmax )? b: cmax;
- double cmin = ( r < g )? r: g; cmin = ( b < cmin )? b: cmin;
- double d = cmax - cmin;
- double saturation = ( std::fabs( cmax ) > _0 )? d / cmax: _0;
- double value = cmax;
- double hue = _0;
- if( d > _0 )
- {
- if( r == cmax )
- hue = std::fmod( ( g - b ) / d, _6 );
- else if( g == cmax )
- hue = ( ( b - r ) / d ) + _2;
- else if( b == cmax )
- hue = ( ( r - g ) / d ) + _4;
- hue /= _6;
- } // fi
- // Define new lookup table
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > lut =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable >::New( );
- lut->SetScaleToLinear( );
- lut->SetNanColor( _0, _0, _0, _0 );
- lut->SetTableRange( range[ 0 ], range[ 1 ] );
- lut->SetAlphaRange( _0, _OPACITY );
- lut->SetHueRange( _0, hue );
- lut->SetSaturationRange( _0, saturation );
- lut->SetValueRange( _0, value );
- lut->Build( );
- this->SetLookupTable( id, lut );
+ std::cerr << "ACA Resetear" << std::endl;
+ std::exit( 1 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetAxis( ) const
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetOrientation( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetOrientation( ) );
return( -1 );
int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetSliceNumber( ) const
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSliceNumber( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetSliceNumber( ) );
return( -1 );
int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetSliceNumberMinValue( ) const
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSliceNumberMinValue( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetSliceNumberMinValue( ) );
return( -1 );
int cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
GetSliceNumberMaxValue( ) const
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
- return( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSliceNumberMaxValue( ) );
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
+ return( this->m_ImageMapper->GetSliceNumberMaxValue( ) );
return( -1 );
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetSliceNumber( const int& slice )
- unsigned int nImages = this->m_SliceMappers.size( );
- if( nImages == 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) == NULL )
int axis = this->GetAxis( );
double prev_pos = this->m_VisibleBounds[ axis << 1 ];
- // Change visualization extent
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nImages; ++i )
- {
- // Update mappers and display bounds
- this->m_SliceMappers[ i ]->SetSliceNumber( slice );
- this->m_SliceMappers[ i ]->Modified( );
- this->m_ImageActors[ i ]->Modified( );
- this->m_SliceMappers[ i ]->Update( );
- // Update display extent (this isn't done automatically)
- if( i == 0 )
- {
- this->m_SliceMappers[ i ]->GetInput( )->
- GetExtent( this->m_VisibleExtent );
- this->m_VisibleExtent[ axis << 1 ] = slice;
- this->m_VisibleExtent[ ( axis << 1 ) + 1 ] = slice;
- } // fi
- this->m_ImageActors[ i ]->SetDisplayExtent( this->m_VisibleExtent );
+ // Update mappers and display bounds
+ this->m_ImageMapper->SetSliceNumber( slice );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->Modified( );
+ this->m_ImageActor->Modified( );
+ this->m_ImageMapper->Update( );
- } // rof
+ // Update display extent (this isn't done automatically)
+ this->m_ImageMapper->GetInput( )->GetExtent( this->m_VisibleExtent );
+ this->m_VisibleExtent[ axis << 1 ] = slice;
+ this->m_VisibleExtent[ ( axis << 1 ) + 1 ] = slice;
+ this->m_ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent( this->m_VisibleExtent );
- this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetBounds( this->m_VisibleBounds );
+ // Prepare plane data
+ this->m_ImageMapper->GetBounds( this->m_VisibleBounds );
double x0[][ 3 ] =
- {
- {
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 0 ],
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 2 ],
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 4 ]
- },
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 1 ],
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 3 ],
- this->m_VisibleBounds[ 5 ]
- }
- };
+ {
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 0 ],
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 2 ],
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 4 ]
+ },
+ {
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 1 ],
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 3 ],
+ this->m_VisibleBounds[ 5 ]
+ }
+ };
double p0[ 2 ][ 3 ];
- vtkPlane* plane = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSlicePlane( );
+ vtkPlane* plane = this->m_ImageMapper->GetSlicePlane( );
plane->GeneralizedProjectPoint( x0[ 0 ], p0[ 0 ] );
plane->GeneralizedProjectPoint( x0[ 1 ], p0[ 1 ] );
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
SetSlice( double* pos )
- vtkImageData* image;
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ] != NULL )
- image =
- dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetInput( ) );
- else
- image = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetInput( );
+ vtkImageData* image = this->GetInputImage( 0 );
+ if( image == NULL )
+ return;
int ijk[ 3 ];
double pcoords[ 3 ];
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
UpdateText( )
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
char axis;
- int axId = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetOrientation( );
+ int axId = this->m_ImageMapper->GetOrientation( );
if ( axId == 0 ) axis = 'X';
else if( axId == 1 ) axis = 'Y';
else if( axId == 2 ) axis = 'Z';
this->m_TextBuffer, "Axis: %c (%d)",
- axis, this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSliceNumber( )
+ axis, this->m_ImageMapper->GetSliceNumber( )
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
UpdateText( double pos[ 3 ] )
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
char axis;
- int axId = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetOrientation( );
+ int axId = this->m_ImageMapper->GetOrientation( );
if ( axId == 0 ) axis = 'X';
else if( axId == 1 ) axis = 'Y';
else if( axId == 2 ) axis = 'Z';
int slice = this->GetSliceNumber( );
- vtkImageData* image;
- if( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ] != NULL )
- image =
- dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->GetInput( ) );
- else
- image = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetInput( );
+ vtkImageData* image = this->GetInputImage( 0 );
int ijk[ 3 ];
double pcoords[ 3 ];
image->ComputeStructuredCoordinates( pos, ijk, pcoords );
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
UpdateText( const double& w, const double& l )
- if( this->m_SliceMappers.size( ) > 0 )
+ if( this->m_ImageMapper.GetPointer( ) != NULL )
char axis;
- int axId = this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetOrientation( );
+ int axId = this->m_ImageMapper->GetOrientation( );
if ( axId == 0 ) axis = 'X';
else if( axId == 1 ) axis = 'Y';
else if( axId == 2 ) axis = 'Z';
this->m_TextBuffer, "Axis: %c (%d)\nW/L (%.2f/%.2f)",
- axis, this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetSliceNumber( ), w, l
+ axis, this->m_ImageMapper->GetSliceNumber( ), w, l
this->m_Style->AddLeaveCommand( Self::_LeaveCommand, this );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-_ConfigureNewLUT( vtkImageData* data )
- // Does the new LUT is a window-level one?
- unsigned int nImgs = this->m_ImageMaps.size( );
- unsigned int nCmps = data->GetNumberOfScalarComponents( );
- if( nCmps > 1 )
- {
- this->m_ImageMaps.push_back( NULL );
- return;
- } // fi
- // Create LUT filter
- this->m_ImageMaps.push_back( vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageMapToColors >::New( ) );
- if( nImgs == 0 )
- {
- double range[ 2 ];
- data->GetScalarRange( range );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable > lut =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable >::New( );
- lut->SetScaleToLinear( );
- lut->SetTableRange( range );
- lut->SetWindow( range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ] );
- lut->SetLevel( ( range[ 1 ] + range[ 0 ] ) / double( 2 ) );
- lut->Build( );
- this->m_ImageMaps[ 0 ]->SetLookupTable( lut );
- }
- else
- this->SetLookupTableAsColor( nImgs, 1, 0, 0 );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
-_ConfigureNewInput( int axis )
- unsigned int nImages = this->m_ImageActors.size( );
- // Configure mapper
- vtkImageSliceMapper* mapper = this->m_SliceMappers[ nImages ];
- if( nImages == 0 )
- mapper->SetOrientation( axis );
- else
- mapper->SetOrientation( this->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetOrientation( ) );
- mapper->Update( );
- // Create actor
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > actor =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( );
- this->m_ImageActors.push_back( actor );
- actor->SetMapper( mapper );
- actor->SetInterpolate( this->m_Interpolate );
- actor->Modified( );
- if( nImages == 0 )
- this->m_Style->AssociateImageActor( actor );
- this->AddItem( actor );
- if( nImages > 1 )
- this->SetSliceNumber( this->GetSliceNumber( ) );
- else
- this->SetSliceNumber( this->GetSliceNumberMaxValue( ) );
- this->ResetCursor( );
- this->Modified( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::ImageSliceActors::
// Change image window level
double bounds[ 6 ];
- actors->m_SliceMappers[ 0 ]->GetBounds( bounds );
+ actors->m_ImageMapper->GetBounds( bounds );
int a0 = actors->GetAxis( );
int a1 = ( a0 + 1 ) % 3;
int cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
AddInputConnection( vtkAlgorithmOutput* aout )
- int N = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetNumberOfImageActors( );
- if( N == 0 )
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender == NULL )
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputConnection( aout, 0 );
- vtkImageMapToColors* imap = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( 0 );
+ this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputConnection( aout );
+ blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
+ {
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+ {
if( i != 0 || j != 0 )
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputConnection(
- ( ( imap != NULL )? imap->GetOutputPort( ): aout ), j
- );
- // Create bounding box
- vtkImageData* new_image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
+ this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->SetBlender( blender );
+ this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->SetAxis( j );
- // Create 3D outline
- double bb[ 6 ];
- new_image->GetBounds( bb );
+ } // rof
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource > img_ol =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource >::New( );
- img_ol->SetBounds( bb );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > img_ol_mapper =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
- img_ol_mapper->SetInputConnection( img_ol->GetOutputPort( ) );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->SetMapper( img_ol_mapper );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 1, 1 );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 1 );
- this->AddItem( this->ImageOutlineActor );
+ } // rof
+ this->_CreateBoundingBox( );
- {
- // Check if the image share the same space
- vtkImageData* new_image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- if( new_image != NULL )
- {
- vtkAlgorithmOutput* ref_aout =
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( 0 )->GetOutputPort( );
- vtkImageData* ref_image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- ref_aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( ref_aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- if( ref_image != NULL )
- {
- int ref_ext[ 6 ], new_ext[ 6 ];
- ref_image->GetExtent( ref_ext );
- new_image->GetExtent( new_ext );
- if(
- ref_ext[ 0 ] == new_ext[ 0 ] && ref_ext[ 1 ] == new_ext[ 1 ] &&
- ref_ext[ 2 ] == new_ext[ 2 ] && ref_ext[ 3 ] == new_ext[ 3 ] &&
- ref_ext[ 4 ] == new_ext[ 4 ] && ref_ext[ 5 ] == new_ext[ 5 ]
- )
- {
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputConnection( aout, 0 );
- vtkImageMapToColors* imap = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( N );
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
- for( unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
- if( i != 0 || j != 0 )
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputConnection(
- ( ( imap != NULL )? imap->GetOutputPort( ): aout ), j
- );
- }
- else
- N = -1;
- }
- else
- N = -1;
- }
- else
- N = -1;
- } // fi
- return( N );
+ blender->AddInputConnection( aout );
+ return( blender->GetNumberOfImages( ) - 1 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
AddInputData( vtkImageData* new_image )
- int N = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetNumberOfImageActors( );
- if( N == 0 )
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender == NULL )
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputData( new_image, 0 );
- vtkImageMapToColors* imap = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( 0 );
+ this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputData( new_image );
+ blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
+ {
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+ {
if( i != 0 || j != 0 )
- {
- if( imap != NULL )
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputConnection(
- imap->GetOutputPort( ), j
- );
- else
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputData( new_image, j );
- } // fi
- // Create 3D outline
- double bb[ 6 ];
- new_image->GetBounds( bb );
+ this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->SetBlender( blender );
+ this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->SetAxis( j );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource > img_ol =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource >::New( );
- img_ol->SetBounds( bb );
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > img_ol_mapper =
- vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
- img_ol_mapper->SetInputConnection( img_ol->GetOutputPort( ) );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->SetMapper( img_ol_mapper );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 1, 1 );
- this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 1 );
+ } // rof
- this->AddItem( this->ImageOutlineActor );
+ } // rof
+ this->_CreateBoundingBox( );
- {
- // Check if the image share the same space
- vtkAlgorithmOutput* ref_aout =
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( 0 )->GetOutputPort( );
- vtkImageData* ref_image = dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >(
- ref_aout->GetProducer( )->GetOutputDataObject( ref_aout->GetIndex( ) )
- );
- if( ref_image != NULL )
- {
- int ref_ext[ 6 ], new_ext[ 6 ];
- ref_image->GetExtent( ref_ext );
- new_image->GetExtent( new_ext );
- if(
- ref_ext[ 0 ] == new_ext[ 0 ] && ref_ext[ 1 ] == new_ext[ 1 ] &&
- ref_ext[ 2 ] == new_ext[ 2 ] && ref_ext[ 3 ] == new_ext[ 3 ] &&
- ref_ext[ 4 ] == new_ext[ 4 ] && ref_ext[ 5 ] == new_ext[ 5 ]
- )
- {
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->AddInputData( new_image, 0 );
- vtkImageMapToColors* imap = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetImageMap( N );
- for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
- for( unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
- if( i != 0 || j != 0 )
- {
- if( imap != NULL )
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputConnection(
- imap->GetOutputPort( ), j
- );
- else
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->AddInputData( new_image, j );
- } // fi
- }
- else
- N = -1;
- }
- else
- N = -1;
- } // fi
- return( N );
+ blender->AddInputData( new_image );
+ return( blender->GetNumberOfImages( ) - 1 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
GetNumberOfImages( ) const
- return( this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetNumberOfImageActors( ) );
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender != NULL )
+ return( blender->GetNumberOfImages( ) );
+ else
+ return( 0 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
this->Slices[ 1 ][ 2 ]->Clear( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
-SetLookupTableAsColor( unsigned int i, double r, double g, double b )
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->SetLookupTableAsColor( 0, r, g, b );
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 1 ]->Modified( );
- this->Slices[ 0 ][ 2 ]->Modified( );
- this->Slices[ 1 ][ 0 ]->Modified( );
- this->Slices[ 1 ][ 1 ]->Modified( );
- this->Slices[ 1 ][ 2 ]->Modified( );
- this->Modified( );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
double cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
GetWindow( )
void cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
SetSlice( const int& axis, const int& slice )
- vtkImageData* image = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetInputImage( 0 );
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender == NULL )
+ return;
+ vtkImageData* image =
+ dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( blender->GetInput( ) );
if( image == NULL )
void cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
SetSlice( const int& axis, const double& slice )
- vtkImageData* image = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetInputImage( 0 );
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender == NULL )
+ return;
+ vtkImageData* image =
+ dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( blender->GetInput( ) );
if( image == NULL )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->SetSliceNumber(
- this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->GetSliceNumberMaxValue( )
+ this->Slices[ i ][ j ]->GetSliceNumberMinValue( )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
+_CreateBoundingBox( )
+ ImageBlender* blender = this->Slices[ 0 ][ 0 ]->GetBlender( );
+ if( blender == NULL )
+ return;
+ if( blender->GetNumberOfImages( ) == 1 )
+ {
+ vtkImageData* image =
+ dynamic_cast< vtkImageData* >( blender->GetInput( ) );
+ // Create 3D outline
+ double bb[ 6 ];
+ image->GetBounds( bb );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource > img_ol =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkOutlineSource >::New( );
+ img_ol->SetBounds( bb );
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > img_ol_mapper =
+ vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( );
+ img_ol_mapper->SetInputConnection( img_ol->GetOutputPort( ) );
+ this->ImageOutlineActor->SetMapper( img_ol_mapper );
+ this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 1, 1 );
+ this->ImageOutlineActor->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 1 );
+ this->AddItem( this->ImageOutlineActor );
+ } // fi
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cpExtensions::Visualization::MPRActors::
_SlicesCommand( double* pos, int axis, void* data )