wxString i_title,
const std::string i_namedescp ,
const std::string i_namedb)
- : wxDialog(parent, -1,_T("SELECT IMAGE(S)"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(230,150))
+ : wxDialog(parent, -1,_T("SELECT IMAGE(S)"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500,300))
namedescp = i_namedescp;
namedb = i_namedb;
// Button to select file(s)
- wxButton *fileBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select a single file"), wxPoint(10,7) );
+ wxButton *fileBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select a single file"), wxPoint(10,10) );
Connect( fileBut->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , (wxObjectEventFunction) &WxSimpleDlg::OnReadFile );
// Button to select directory
- wxButton *directoryBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select all the files in a directory"), wxPoint(10,40) );
+ wxButton *directoryBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select all the files in a directory"), wxPoint(10,50) );
Connect( directoryBut->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , (wxObjectEventFunction) &WxSimpleDlg::OnReadDirectory );
// button to select creaImageIO
- wxButton *gimmickBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select thru Dicom browser"), wxPoint(10,70) );
+ wxButton *gimmickBut = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("Select thru Dicom browser"), wxPoint(10,90) );
Connect( gimmickBut->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , (wxObjectEventFunction) &WxSimpleDlg::OnReadGimmick );
/// \TODO Button to select Bruker directory