AirwaysTree& ConvertFilterToAirwaysTree( TInputImage* input_image, cpPlugins::Workspace& ws )
- /*
- typedef FilterType TFilter;
- typedef typename TFilter::TVertex TVertexFA;
- typedef typename TFilter::TVertices TVerticesFA;
- typedef typename TFilter::TUniqueVertices TUniqueVerticesFA;
- typedef typename TFilter::TVertexCompare TVertexCompareFA;
- typedef typename TFilter::TBranches TBranchesFA;
- typedef typename TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree TMst;
- */
fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< 3 > >
std::cout << "Starting conversion " << std::endl;
auto w_filter = ws.GetFilter( "eb" );
- auto branches = w_filter->GetOutputData( "Skeleton" )->GetITK< TFASkeleton >( );
- auto& endpoints = w_filter->GetOutputData( "EndPoints" )->GetITK< TVerticesFA >( )->Get( );
- auto& bifurcations = w_filter->GetOutputData( "Bifurcations" )->GetITK< TVerticesFA >( )->Get( );
- auto image = ws.GetFilter( "reader" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->GetITK< itk::ImageBase< 3 > >( );
- auto distance_map = ws.GetFilter( "dmap" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->GetITK< itk::Image< float, 3 > >( );
- /*
- TBranchesFA* branches = filter->GetBranches( );
- TMst* mst = filter->GetMinimumSpanningTree();
- */
- int leoTreeWeigth = endpoints.size()+bifurcations.size()+1;
- std::cout<< "Creates FA Tree with : "<<leoTreeWeigth << " nodes "<<std::endl;
- auto seed0 = ws.GetFilter( "seed" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->GetITK< TVerticesFA >( )->Get( )[ 0 ];
- //Fill vertex map. Gotta do it with bifurcations, endpoints and the root.
- //Do the root
- vertexMap[ seed0 ] = FAVertexToNode( seed0, image );
- //Do Endpoints
- auto eIt = endpoints.begin();
- for( ; eIt != endpoints.end(); ++eIt )
+ auto distance_map =
+ ws.GetFilter( "dmap" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->
+ GetITK< itk::Image< float, 3 > >( );
+ auto branches =
+ w_filter->GetOutputData( "Skeleton" )->GetITK< TFASkeleton >( );
+ auto sIt = branches->Get( ).begin( );
+ for( ; sIt!=branches->Get( ).end( ); ++sIt )
- vertexMap[*eIt]=FAVertexToNode( *eIt, image );
- }
- auto biIt = bifurcations.begin();
- for(; biIt != bifurcations.end(); ++biIt)
- {
- vertexMap[*biIt]=FAVertexToNode(*biIt,image);
- }
- //Now navigate branches to make the edges of the tree.
- auto bIt = branches->Get( ).begin();
- for(; bIt!=branches->Get( ).end(); ++bIt)
- {
- auto dVertex = bIt->first;
- TVertexAirways* destination = vertexMap[dVertex];
- if( destination == NULL )
- {
- vertexMap[dVertex]=FAVertexToNode(dVertex,image);
- destination = vertexMap[dVertex];
- }
- auto brIt = bIt->second.begin( );
- for( ; brIt != bIt->second.end( ); ++brIt )
+ auto srcIt = vertexMap.find( sIt->first );
+ if( srcIt == vertexMap.end( ) )
+ srcIt = vertexMap.insert(
+ VertexMap::value_type(
+ sIt->first, FAVertexToNode( sIt->first, input_image )
+ )
+ ).first;
+ auto eIt = sIt->second.begin( );
+ for( ; eIt != sIt->second.end( ); ++eIt )
- auto sVertex = brIt->first;
- TVertexAirways* source = vertexMap[sVertex];
- if( source == NULL )
- {
- vertexMap[sVertex]=FAVertexToNode(sVertex,image);
- source = vertexMap[sVertex];
- }
- destination->SetFather(source);
- source->AddChild(destination);
- TEdgeAirways* edge = new Edge();
- //Update path info for the edge. This is why we don't need to call UpdateEdges on the constructor of the tree.
- auto edgePath = brIt->second->GetVertexList( );
- for( unsigned int pIt = 0; pIt < edgePath->Size( ); ++pIt )
+ auto dstIt = vertexMap.find( eIt->first );
+ if( dstIt != vertexMap.end( ) )
+ continue;
+ dstIt = vertexMap.insert(
+ VertexMap::value_type(
+ eIt->first, FAVertexToNode( eIt->first, input_image )
+ )
+ ).first;
+ dstIt->second->SetFather( srcIt->second );
+ srcIt->second->AddChild( dstIt->second );
+ TEdgeAirways* edge = new Edge( );
+ auto path = eIt->second->GetVertexList( );
+ for( unsigned int pIt = 0; pIt < path->Size( ); ++pIt )
itk::ImageBase< 3 >::PointType pnt;
- auto cidx = edgePath->GetElement( pIt );
- image->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(cidx,pnt);
+ auto cidx = path->GetElement( pIt );
+ input_image->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( cidx, pnt );
TVertexFA idx;
- image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(pnt,idx);
- Vec3 coords = FAVertexToNode(idx,image)->GetCoords();
- pair_posVox_rad skPair(coords,distance_map->GetPixel(idx));
- edge->AddSkeletonPairInfo(skPair);
- }
- }
- }
- AirwaysTree* tree = new AirwaysTree( input_image, NULL, vertexMap[seed0], false);
+ input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx );
+ Vec3 coords = FAVertexToNode( idx, input_image )->GetCoords( );
+ pair_posVox_rad skPair( coords, distance_map->GetPixel( idx ) );
+ edge->AddSkeletonPairInfo( skPair );
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ } // rof
+ auto seed0 =
+ ws.GetFilter( "seed" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->
+ GetITK< TVerticesFA >( )->Get( )[ 0 ];
+ AirwaysTree* tree =
+ new AirwaysTree( input_image, NULL, vertexMap[ seed0 ], false );
- std::cout << input_image << std::endl;
std::cout << "Finished conversion. New AlfTree has weight: "<<tree->GetWeight()<<". Takes "<<(end-start)<<" s." << std::endl;
return *tree;