set baseProject=C:\Eduardo\Creatis
-set ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)
+set ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
;::set baseProject=C:\Users\davila\Creatools
::set ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
call %scriptsFolder%\base\configureVariables.bat
echo call Clean and Download-Sources
-::start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\base\downloadSources.bat
+start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\base\downloadSources.bat
echo %cd%
echo call gitcall.bat "%cd%\"
call gitcall.bat "%cd%\"
echo end of downloading creatools software
- nsis-3.03-setup.exe
- 7z
- - git ????? como donde instalarlo
+ - git Install Options
+ -No GUI
+ -Git from commandline Recommended
+ -OpenSSL
+ -Use Windows console
+ - git (ssh-agent ssh-add) configuration :
+ Move the scripts/bashrc to .bashrc in Windows-User-Home
- key ssh: copy the id_rsa version 2 in <Users>\.ssh (see mail ups rsa 2)
2. Clone creaToolsTools