# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image
-# pour la Santé)
+# pour la Sant�)
# # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
mainWindow->SetSize(800, 600);
std::cout << "Crea DevManager opened." << std::endl;
return true;
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * AIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 115 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111822",
+"} c #272E36",
+"| c #262C35",
+"1 c #101820",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #182029",
+"8 c #1C232C",
+"9 c #1D242C",
+"0 c #282F38",
+"a c #F6F7F7",
+"b c #D9DBDC",
+"c c #222931",
+"d c #181F28",
+"e c #86898D",
+"f c #7E8387",
+"g c #192029",
+"h c #1D242D",
+"i c #161D27",
+"j c #8A8E92",
+"k c #FFFFFF",
+"l c #373D45",
+"m c #82858A",
+"n c #7D8086",
+"o c #161D26",
+"p c #9A9DA1",
+"q c #A7ABAE",
+"r c #141C25",
+"s c #7E8287",
+"t c #7E8187",
+"u c #5A5F65",
+"v c #484D55",
+"w c #AFB1B4",
+"x c #232A33",
+"y c #7C8186",
+"z c #1B222B",
+"A c #A4A6AA",
+"B c #F5F5F6",
+"C c #53585F",
+"D c #6B6F75",
+"E c #7D8186",
+"F c #808489",
+"G c #141B25",
+"H c #EFF0F0",
+"I c #E8E9EA",
+"J c #7F8388",
+"K c #8F9397",
+"L c #FBFBFB",
+"M c #B4B7BA",
+"N c #1A212A",
+"O c #808488",
+"P c #5A5E65",
+"Q c #19212A",
+"R c #7B8085",
+"S c #909499",
+"T c #7F8389",
+"U c #171E28",
+"V c #D9DADC",
+"W c #EDEEEF",
+"X c #0C141D",
+"Y c #5B5F66",
+"Z c #7A7E83",
+"` c #7D8286",
+" . c #353B43",
+".. c #F9F9F9",
+"+. c #9EA1A5",
+"@. c #E9EAEB",
+"#. c #8D9196",
+"$. c #141B24",
+"%. c #474D54",
+"&. c #C4C6C8",
+"*. c #BCBEC1",
+"=. c #2F353E",
+"-. c #8D9195",
+";. c #6B7075",
+">. c #B3B5B9",
+",. c #7A7F84",
+"'. c #808389",
+"). c #7F8488",
+"!. c #80858A",
+"~. c #797E83",
+"{. c #B0B3B6",
+"]. c #65696F",
+"^. c #8C9095",
+"/. c #8C9094",
+"(. c #64686E",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . + @ # # # # # # # # # # $ % & ",
+" * = - ; > > > > > > > > ; - , % ",
+" * ' ) ! ) ~ { ) ) ] ~ { ! ) ' ^ ",
+" > / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 / > ",
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+" # n g h h o k p k q r h h g s # ",
+" - t g h h u k v w k x h h g y # ",
+" # s g h z A B } C k D h h g E # ",
+" # F g h G H I J K L M N h g E # ",
+" # O g N P k k k k k L Q 8 g R S ",
+" # T g U V W X : [ Y k Z g g ` # ",
+" # s g ...+.z h 8 i @.I 8 g J # ",
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+" ;.k >.,.E '.'.).!.J F F ~.{.k ]. ",
+" N % ^.S # # # # # # # # S /.(.i ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * AIcon[] = {
+const static char * AIcon64[] = {
"64 64 228 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * ApIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 136 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #101721",
+"< c #09111A",
+"[ c #101821",
+"} c #121923",
+"| c #101720",
+"1 c #0E161F",
+"2 c #0F1620",
+"3 c #353C43",
+"4 c #84888D",
+"5 c #182029",
+"6 c #192029",
+"7 c #7F8388",
+"8 c #DFE0E1",
+"9 c #171D26",
+"0 c #1D242D",
+"a c #1C232C",
+"b c #181F28",
+"c c #86898D",
+"d c #7E8387",
+"e c #FFFFFF",
+"f c #4A4F57",
+"g c #1B222B",
+"h c #161D26",
+"i c #161D27",
+"j c #82858A",
+"k c #7D8086",
+"l c #42484F",
+"m c #F9FAFA",
+"n c #82858B",
+"o c #CDCED0",
+"p c #171E28",
+"q c #2B313A",
+"r c #979A9E",
+"s c #63686F",
+"t c #8E9196",
+"u c #3C424A",
+"v c #7E8287",
+"w c #7E8187",
+"x c #151C25",
+"y c #8B8E93",
+"z c #7D8187",
+"A c #252B34",
+"B c #FEFEFE",
+"C c #313740",
+"D c #373D45",
+"E c #FDFDFD",
+"F c #A3A6A9",
+"G c #94979C",
+"H c #62666C",
+"I c #7C8085",
+"J c #F0F0F1",
+"K c #61666C",
+"L c #353B43",
+"M c #FCFDFD",
+"N c #4B5158",
+"O c #C9CACD",
+"P c #BABCBF",
+"Q c #808488",
+"R c #585D63",
+"S c #30363E",
+"T c #272D36",
+"U c #7C8186",
+"V c #CDCED1",
+"W c #2B323A",
+"X c #494F56",
+"Y c #1A212A",
+"Z c #DCDDDE",
+"` c #9EA1A5",
+" . c #7C8185",
+".. c #808589",
+"+. c #CBCCCF",
+"@. c #A9ACAF",
+"#. c #262D35",
+"$. c #52575E",
+"%. c #F8F8F9",
+"&. c #E9EAEB",
+"*. c #F2F2F3",
+"=. c #C9CBCD",
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+",. c #7F8389",
+"'. c #111922",
+"). c #181F29",
+"!. c #141B24",
+"~. c #343A42",
+"{. c #484D54",
+"]. c #19202A",
+"^. c #7D8286",
+"/. c #FCFCFD",
+"(. c #4E545A",
+"_. c #8D9196",
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+"[. c #2C333B",
+"}. c #BFC1C4",
+"|. c #3E444B",
+"1. c #8D9195",
+"2. c #6B7075",
+"3. c #B3B5B9",
+"4. c #7A7F84",
+"5. c #808389",
+"6. c #7F8488",
+"7. c #80848A",
+"8. c #808489",
+"9. c #818589",
+"0. c #797E83",
+"a. c #B0B3B6",
+"b. c #65696F",
+"c. c #8C9095",
+"d. c #8C9094",
+"e. c #64686E",
+" ",
+" ",
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+" # v 1 J e e e K L M N b O P I # ",
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+" 2.e 3.4.v 8.9.0.a.e b. ",
+" Y % c.>.# # # # # # # # >.d.e.i ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * ApIcon[] = {
+const static char * ApIcon64[] = {
"64 64 247 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * BBIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 135 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #182029",
+"8 c #1C232C",
+"9 c #1D232C",
+"0 c #1D242D",
+"a c #181F28",
+"b c #86898D",
+"c c #7E8387",
+"d c #3E444B",
+"e c #4E545A",
+"f c #4E535A",
+"g c #323840",
+"h c #293038",
+"i c #4E545B",
+"j c #41464E",
+"k c #19202A",
+"l c #82858A",
+"m c #7C7F85",
+"n c #C4C6C8",
+"o c #FFFFFF",
+"p c #F5F5F6",
+"q c #686D73",
+"r c #1A212A",
+"s c #585D64",
+"t c #F4F4F4",
+"u c #FDFDFD",
+"v c #9FA2A6",
+"w c #131A23",
+"x c #7E8287",
+"y c #7D8086",
+"z c #C1C3C5",
+"A c #C2C4C6",
+"B c #131A24",
+"C c #989BA0",
+"D c #E4E5E6",
+"E c #161D26",
+"F c #575C63",
+"G c #050C16",
+"H c #3B424A",
+"I c #09111B",
+"J c #7C8186",
+"K c #7D8186",
+"L c #D9DADB",
+"M c #7B7F84",
+"N c #F2F2F3",
+"O c #8D9196",
+"P c #696E74",
+"Q c #D3D5D6",
+"R c #BFC1C3",
+"S c #141B24",
+"T c #7F8388",
+"U c #C8CACC",
+"V c #2D333C",
+"W c #787C82",
+"X c #FCFCFD",
+"Y c #464C53",
+"Z c #1F262E",
+"` c #50555C",
+" . c #EFF0F0",
+".. c #909499",
+"+. c #7C8185",
+"@. c #7F8387",
+"#. c #C5C7C9",
+"$. c #1F262F",
+"%. c #3E434B",
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+"=. c #DDDDDF",
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+"_. c #30363E",
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+"[. c #141C25",
+"}. c #8D9195",
+"|. c #6B7075",
+"1. c #B3B5B9",
+"2. c #7A7F84",
+"3. c #808389",
+"4. c #7F8488",
+"5. c #80858A",
+"6. c #818489",
+"7. c #818589",
+"8. c #797E83",
+"9. c #B0B3B6",
+"0. c #65696F",
+"a. c #8C9095",
+"b. c #8C9094",
+"c. c #64686E",
+"d. c #161D27",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . + @ # # # # # # # # # # $ % & ",
+" * = - ; > > > > > > > > ; - , % ",
+" * ' ) ! ) ~ { ) ) ] ~ { ! ) ' ^ ",
+" > / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 / > ",
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+" # c d e f g a 0 h i i j 7 k l # ",
+" # m n o p o q r s o t u v w x # ",
+" - y z A B C D E F o G H o I J # ",
+" # K z L M N O r F o P Q R S K # ",
+" # T z U V W X Y F o Z ` ...+.# ",
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+" # ;.>.,.o u '.8 ).!.o u ~.r {.# ",
+" # x ].( ( ^.. 8 /.(.( _.k :.T # ",
+" O <.[.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.k S <.}. ",
+" |.o 1.2.x 0. ",
+" r % a...# # # # # # # # ..b.c.d. ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * BBIcon[] = {
+const static char * BBIcon64[] = {
"64 64 204 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * CIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 115 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #101721",
+"[ c #0E1620",
+"} c #0B131C",
+"| c #0B131D",
+"1 c #0A111B",
+"2 c #101821",
+"3 c #0F1620",
+"4 c #353C43",
+"5 c #84888D",
+"6 c #192029",
+"7 c #1C232C",
+"8 c #151C26",
+"9 c #555A61",
+"0 c #C4C6C8",
+"a c #E8E9E9",
+"b c #D4D5D7",
+"c c #81858A",
+"d c #232B33",
+"e c #181F28",
+"f c #86898D",
+"g c #808389",
+"h c #1D242D",
+"i c #171F28",
+"j c #BBBDBF",
+"k c #FFFFFF",
+"l c #E1E2E3",
+"m c #BCBEC0",
+"n c #C8CACC",
+"o c #FEFEFE",
+"p c #2B323A",
+"q c #82858A",
+"r c #A1A3A8",
+"s c #8B8F94",
+"t c #141C25",
+"u c #182029",
+"v c #151D26",
+"w c #7E8287",
+"x c #272D36",
+"y c #F6F6F6",
+"z c #BEC0C2",
+"A c #7D8186",
+"B c #7F8388",
+"C c #343A43",
+"D c #F7F8F8",
+"E c #19202A",
+"F c #7E8286",
+"G c #81848A",
+"H c #F5F6F6",
+"I c #B0B2B5",
+"J c #1A212A",
+"K c #808489",
+"L c #C5C6C9",
+"M c #63686E",
+"N c #121A23",
+"O c #161D26",
+"P c #7C8085",
+"Q c #7F8389",
+"R c #1B222B",
+"S c #EDEEEF",
+"T c #CFD0D1",
+"U c #868A8F",
+"V c #94989C",
+"W c #293038",
+"X c #7D8286",
+"Y c #2C333B",
+"Z c #92959A",
+"` c #EFF0F0",
+" . c #F5F5F6",
+".. c #AEB0B3",
+"+. c #383E46",
+"@. c #1B222C",
+"#. c #8D9196",
+"$. c #A4A6AA",
+"%. c #141B24",
+"&. c #09111A",
+"*. c #111922",
+"=. c #8D9195",
+"-. c #6B7075",
+";. c #B3B5B9",
+">. c #7A7F84",
+",. c #7F8488",
+"'. c #818589",
+"). c #797E83",
+"!. c #B0B3B6",
+"~. c #65696F",
+"{. c #8C9095",
+"]. c #909499",
+"^. c #8C9094",
+"/. c #64686E",
+"(. c #161D27",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . + @ # # # # # # # # # # $ % & ",
+" * = - ; > > > > > > > > ; - , % ",
+" * ' ) ! ) ~ { ) ) ] ~ { ! ) ' ^ ",
+" > / ( _ : < [ } | 1 | 2 3 4 / > ",
+" # 5 6 7 7 8 9 0 a b c d 7 e f # ",
+" # g 6 h i j k l m n o p 7 6 q # ",
+" # c 6 e r k s t 6 u v h h 6 w # ",
+" # c 6 x y z 8 h h h h h h 6 A # ",
+" # B 6 C D - 7 h h h h h 7 E F # ",
+" # G 6 p H I J h h h h h 7 6 B # ",
+" # K 6 e L k M N . O _ 7 h 6 P # ",
+" # Q 6 7 R S k T U V = W 7 6 X # ",
+" # w 6 h 7 Y Z ` k ...+.@.6 B # ",
+" #.$.t 6 6 E %.| &.} *.u E %.$.=. ",
+" -.k ;.>.w g g ,.c B G '.).!.k ~. ",
+" J % {.].# # # # # # # # ].^./.(. ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * Cicon[] = {
+const static char * CIcon64[] = {
"64 64 230 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * CMIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 134 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #182029",
+"8 c #1C232C",
+"9 c #1D232C",
+"0 c #1D242D",
+"a c #181F28",
+"b c #86898D",
+"c c #7E8387",
+"d c #192029",
+"e c #1A212A",
+"f c #111822",
+"g c #131A24",
+"h c #0D141E",
+"i c #131A23",
+"j c #82858B",
+"k c #7D8086",
+"l c #4F555C",
+"m c #DFE0E1",
+"n c #FAFAFA",
+"o c #BABCBE",
+"p c #FFFFFF",
+"q c #494E55",
+"r c #1B222B",
+"s c #C4C7C8",
+"t c #C9CACD",
+"u c #7D8186",
+"v c #7E8187",
+"w c #545960",
+"x c #EEEFEF",
+"y c #494F56",
+"z c #373D45",
+"A c #F1F1F2",
+"B c #313840",
+"C c #EEEEEF",
+"D c #C2C4C6",
+"E c #7B8085",
+"F c #BBBDC0",
+"G c #81858A",
+"H c #0C131D",
+"I c #F0F0F1",
+"J c #AEB1B4",
+"K c #73777D",
+"L c #C9CACC",
+"M c #8A8E92",
+"N c #C9CBCD",
+"O c #7C8085",
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+"S c #F5F6F6",
+"T c #1F262F",
+"U c #EDEDED",
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+"9. c #65696F",
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/* XPM */
-const static char * CMIcon[] = {
+const static char * CMIcon64[] = {
"64 64 238 2",
" c None",
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+++ /dev/null
-/* XPM */
-const static char * Cicon[] = {
-"64 64 230 2",
-" c None",
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-"} c #1B222B",
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-"1 c #777B81",
-"2 c #F6F7F7",
-"3 c #FFFFFF",
-"4 c #898C91",
-"5 c #161D26",
-"6 c #4C5158",
-"7 c #FBFBFC",
-"8 c #FDFDFD",
-"9 c #F4F4F5",
-"0 c #F1F1F2",
-"a c #565B62",
-"b c #141B24",
-"c c #A3A5AA",
-"d c #E1E1E3",
-"e c #898D92",
-"f c #4E535A",
-"g c #30373E",
-"h c #252C35",
-"i c #272D36",
-"j c #AAADB0",
-"k c #151C26",
-"l c #222831",
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-"x c #929599",
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-"z c #E9E9EA",
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-"F c #5F646A",
-"G c #ECECED",
-"H c #52575E",
-"I c #2F353D",
-"J c #DADCDD",
-"K c #6D7177",
-"L c #FAFAFA",
-"M c #F9F9F9",
-"N c #F2F2F3",
-"O c #EEEFEF",
-"P c #EDEEEF",
-"Q c #EFEFF0",
-"R c #EEEEEF",
-"S c #2D333C",
-"T c #E2E3E4",
-"U c #D5D7D8",
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-"1. c #262C35",
-"2. c #5E6369",
-"3. c #CCCED0",
-"4. c #DCDDDE",
-"5. c #9B9EA2",
-"6. c #4C5259",
-"7. c #2A3039",
-"8. c #40464D",
-"9. c #D1D2D4",
-"0. c #A0A3A7",
-"a. c #696E73",
-"b. c #4B5057",
-"c. c #6F7379",
-"d. c #EFF0F0",
-"e. c #D2D4D5",
-"f. c #BEC0C2",
-"g. c #BCBEC1",
-"h. c #C8C9CC",
-"i. c #D8DADB",
-"j. c #D8D9DA",
-"k. c #292F38",
-"l. c #F8F8F9",
-"m. c #9FA2A6",
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-"p. c #595E65",
-"q. c #8D9095",
-"r. c #C4C6C8",
-"s. c #808489",
-"t. c #E6E6E7",
-"u. c #363C44",
-"v. c #85898E",
-"w. c #ABAEB1",
-"x. c #C9CACC",
-"y. c #5B6067",
-"z. c #41474E",
-"A. c #B2B4B7",
-"B. c #CDCED0",
-"C. c #383E46",
-"D. c #F7F8F8",
-"E. c #DEDFE0",
-"F. c #444951",
-"G. c #7E8287",
-"H. c #92959A",
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-"J. c #242B33",
-"K. c #51565D",
-"L. c #63686E",
-"M. c #212830",
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-"O. c #E8E9EA",
-"P. c #20262F",
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-"R. c #E0E0E2",
-"S. c #6B6F75",
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-"U. c #232932",
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-"1+ c #131A23",
-"2+ c #5C6167",
-"3+ c #F0F1F1",
-"4+ c #F7F7F7",
-"5+ c #929699",
-"6+ c #F3F3F3",
-"7+ c #6E7378",
-"8+ c #161E27",
-"9+ c #5D6268",
-"0+ c #ABADB1",
-"a+ c #D6D6D8",
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-"c+ c #E7E8E9",
-"d+ c #CDCFD0",
-"e+ c #9DA0A4",
-"f+ c #454B52",
-"g+ c #1A222B",
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--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * FdIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 127 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
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+"$ c #8F9297",
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+"_ c #111821",
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+"< c #0F1721",
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+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #151C26",
+"8 c #181F28",
+"9 c #191F28",
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+"c c #151C25",
+"d c #86898D",
+"e c #7E8287",
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+"g c #CFD1D2",
+"h c #D4D6D7",
+"i c #D3D5D7",
+"j c #444A51",
+"k c #A0A3A6",
+"l c #81858A",
+"m c #7C7F85",
+"n c #C1C3C5",
+"o c #DDDEDF",
+"p c #7C8085",
+"q c #7D8086",
+"r c #313840",
+"s c #1A222B",
+"t c #C4C6C8",
+"u c #7D8186",
+"v c #BFC1C4",
+"w c #070F19",
+"x c #08101A",
+"y c #09111B",
+"z c #1B222B",
+"A c #1B222C",
+"B c #232A33",
+"C c #A3A6AA",
+"D c #C1C2C5",
+"E c #E8E8E9",
+"F c #7B8085",
+"G c #FFFFFF",
+"H c #2D343C",
+"I c #272E37",
+"J c #F7F7F7",
+"K c #D9DADC",
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+"N c #7F8388",
+"O c #C8CACC",
+"P c #2A3139",
+"Q c #2B323A",
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+"S c #1F262F",
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+"U c #1B232C",
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+"W c #1C222C",
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+"(. c #6B7075",
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+"2. c #B0B3B6",
+"3. c #65696F",
+"4. c #1A212A",
+"5. c #8C9095",
+"6. c #64686E",
+" ",
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+" 4.% 5.` # # # # # # # # ` -.6.X ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * FdIcon[] = {
+const static char * FdIcon64[] = {
"64 64 207 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * FlIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 118 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
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+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #192029",
+"8 c #131A23",
+"9 c #141B24",
+"0 c #141B25",
+"a c #1D242D",
+"b c #151D26",
+"c c #181F28",
+"d c #86898D",
+"e c #7E8387",
+"f c #070F19",
+"g c #FFFFFF",
+"h c #A1A4A7",
+"i c #D8DADB",
+"j c #FDFDFD",
+"k c #151C25",
+"l c #82858A",
+"m c #7D8086",
+"n c #08101A",
+"o c #A4A7AA",
+"p c #2D343C",
+"q c #343A42",
+"r c #343A43",
+"s c #283037",
+"t c #CDCFD1",
+"u c #F0F0F1",
+"v c #7E8287",
+"w c #7E8187",
+"x c #95999D",
+"y c #0C131D",
+"z c #131A24",
+"A c #1B222B",
+"B c #7C8186",
+"C c #DFDFE1",
+"D c #B4B7BA",
+"E c #B7B9BC",
+"F c #C0C2C4",
+"G c #272E37",
+"H c #7D8186",
+"I c #808489",
+"J c #D2D3D5",
+"K c #979A9E",
+"L c #9A9DA1",
+"M c #A1A5A8",
+"N c #252D35",
+"O c #808488",
+"P c #969A9E",
+"Q c #151C26",
+"R c #1C232C",
+"S c #7B8085",
+"T c #909499",
+"U c #7F8389",
+"V c #999DA0",
+"W c #CCCED0",
+"X c #F4F4F4",
+"Y c #393F47",
+"Z c #1F262F",
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+"$. c #161D26",
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+"*. c #0B121C",
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+"'. c #7F8488",
+"). c #80858A",
+"!. c #7F8388",
+"~. c #818489",
+"{. c #818589",
+"]. c #797E83",
+"^. c #B0B3B6",
+"/. c #65696F",
+"(. c #8C9095",
+"_. c #8C9094",
+":. c #64686E",
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+" - w n g x y z 8 A c t u b 7 B # ",
+" # v n g C D E F G c t u b 7 H # ",
+" # I n g J K L M N c t u b 7 H # ",
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+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * FlIcon[] = {
+const static char * FlIcon64[] = {
"64 64 180 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * LIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 88 1",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
+"; c #868B8F",
+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
+"] c #EBEBEC",
+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #121A23",
+"< c #2B323B",
+"[ c #1C232C",
+"} c #101721",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #0F1620",
+"4 c #353C43",
+"5 c #84888D",
+"6 c #182029",
+"7 c #141B24",
+"8 c #FFFFFF",
+"9 c #7F8388",
+"0 c #1A212A",
+"a c #1D242D",
+"b c #181F28",
+"c c #86898D",
+"d c #7E8387",
+"e c #192029",
+"f c #131B24",
+"g c #82868B",
+"h c #82858A",
+"i c #7D8086",
+"j c #7E8287",
+"k c #7E8187",
+"l c #7C8186",
+"m c #7D8186",
+"n c #808489",
+"o c #808488",
+"p c #7B8085",
+"q c #909499",
+"r c #7F8389",
+"s c #858A8E",
+"t c #1F262F",
+"u c #232A33",
+"v c #222931",
+"w c #7D8286",
+"x c #F0F0F1",
+"y c #E3E4E5",
+"z c #E4E5E6",
+"A c #BDBFC2",
+"B c #8D9196",
+"C c #A4A6AA",
+"D c #141C25",
+"E c #CBCDCF",
+"F c #C1C3C5",
+"G c #A0A3A7",
+"H c #151C26",
+"I c #19202A",
+"J c #8D9195",
+"K c #6B7075",
+"L c #B3B5B9",
+"M c #7A7F84",
+"N c #7F8288",
+"O c #7F8489",
+"P c #81858A",
+"Q c #797E83",
+"R c #B0B3B6",
+"S c #65696F",
+"T c #8C9095",
+"U c #8C9094",
+"V c #64686E",
+"W c #161D27",
+" ",
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+" #jeaf8xyzzAbae9# ",
+" K8LMjNNdOjnPQR8S ",
+" 0%Tq########qUVW ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * LIcon[] = {
+const static char * LIcon64[] = {
"64 64 166 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * LbIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 128 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
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+"> c #878B8F",
+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
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+"^ c #686C73",
+"/ c #ECEDEE",
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+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #151C26",
+"8 c #192029",
+"9 c #1C232C",
+"0 c #1D232C",
+"a c #1D242D",
+"b c #1A212B",
+"c c #1A212A",
+"d c #181F28",
+"e c #86898D",
+"f c #7E8287",
+"g c #9C9FA3",
+"h c #A0A3A6",
+"i c #1C242D",
+"j c #161D26",
+"k c #95989C",
+"l c #7F8388",
+"m c #82858A",
+"n c #7C7F85",
+"o c #C1C3C5",
+"p c #C4C6C8",
+"q c #1B232C",
+"r c #141B25",
+"s c #B7B9BC",
+"t c #9A9DA1",
+"u c #141C25",
+"v c #7D8086",
+"w c #B5B7BA",
+"x c #CBCCCE",
+"y c #B8BABC",
+"z c #ADAFB3",
+"A c #434950",
+"B c #7C8186",
+"C c #7D8186",
+"D c #B4B6B9",
+"E c #EAEAEB",
+"F c #AFB1B4",
+"G c #D2D3D5",
+"H c #FFFFFF",
+"I c #444A51",
+"J c #7C8086",
+"K c #1F262F",
+"L c #D2D4D5",
+"M c #B2B4B7",
+"N c #7C8185",
+"O c #7F8387",
+"P c #C2C4C7",
+"Q c #151C25",
+"R c #131A24",
+"S c #979A9E",
+"T c #CECFD1",
+"U c #B0B3B6",
+"V c #7B7F84",
+"W c #909499",
+"X c #7E8288",
+"Y c #E4E4E5",
+"Z c #94979C",
+"` c #93969A",
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+".. c #B5B8BA",
+"+. c #71767A",
+"@. c #ADB0B3",
+"#. c #444B51",
+"$. c #7E8286",
+"%. c #898D91",
+"&. c #B4B7B9",
+"*. c #B4B7BA",
+"=. c #323941",
+"-. c #83878C",
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+",. c #434951",
+"'. c #8D9196",
+"). c #A4A7AA",
+"!. c #111822",
+"~. c #111922",
+"{. c #131A23",
+"]. c #141B24",
+"^. c #A4A6AA",
+"/. c #8D9195",
+"(. c #6B7075",
+"_. c #B3B5B9",
+":. c #7A7F84",
+"<. c #808389",
+"[. c #7F8488",
+"}. c #80858A",
+"|. c #818489",
+"1. c #818589",
+"2. c #797E83",
+"3. c #65696F",
+"4. c #8C9095",
+"5. c #8C9094",
+"6. c #64686E",
+"7. c #161D27",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . + @ # # # # # # # # # # $ % & ",
+" * = - ; > > > > > > > > ; - , % ",
+" * ' ) ! ) ~ { ) ) ] ~ { ! ) ' ^ ",
+" > / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 / > ",
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+" # f g h 9 a i j k l . a a 8 m # ",
+" # n o p q a a r s t u 9 9 8 f # ",
+" - v o p q a a r w x y z A j B # ",
+" # C o p q a a r D E F G H I J # ",
+" # l o p q a a r s t u K L M N # ",
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+" # $.%.&.s s *.=.-.f ;.>.,.7 l # ",
+" '.).2 !.!.!.!.d : j ~.{.8 ].^./. ",
+" (.H _.:.f <.<.[.}.l |.1.2.U H 3. ",
+" c % 4.W # # # # # # # # W 5.6.7. ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * LbIcon[] = {
+const static char * LbIcon64[] = {
"64 64 207 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+const static char * PkIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 133 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
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+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
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+"{ c #EAEBEC",
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+"/ c #ECEDEE",
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+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #121922",
+"8 c #141B24",
+"9 c #181E27",
+"0 c #1D242D",
+"a c #1C232D",
+"b c #1A222B",
+"c c #1C232C",
+"d c #181F28",
+"e c #86898D",
+"f c #7D8286",
+"g c #CBCDCF",
+"h c #FFFFFF",
+"i c #DFDFE1",
+"j c #3C424A",
+"k c #373E45",
+"l c #51575D",
+"m c #192029",
+"n c #82858A",
+"o c #7C7F85",
+"p c #C1C3C5",
+"q c #C2C4C6",
+"r c #131A24",
+"s c #222932",
+"t c #E7E7E8",
+"u c #A2A4A8",
+"v c #2F363E",
+"w c #FCFCFD",
+"x c #4E545A",
+"y c #182029",
+"z c #7E8287",
+"A c #7D8086",
+"B c #060E18",
+"C c #BDBFC2",
+"D c #4E545B",
+"E c #B8BABD",
+"F c #83868B",
+"G c #7D8186",
+"H c #B8BBBD",
+"I c #DFE1E2",
+"J c #4C5158",
+"K c #FCFDFD",
+"L c #565C62",
+"M c #D0D1D4",
+"N c #B1B3B6",
+"O c #0C131C",
+"P c #7F8388",
+"Q c #E5E6E7",
+"R c #94979B",
+"S c #777A81",
+"T c #2A3138",
+"U c #F8F9F9",
+"V c #F8F8F9",
+"W c #ADAFB2",
+"X c #7F8387",
+"Y c #C2C4C7",
+"Z c #151C25",
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+".. c #161D26",
+"+. c #7B8085",
+"@. c #909499",
+"#. c #7E8288",
+"$. c #C1C3C6",
+"%. c #C5C7C9",
+"&. c #1B232C",
+"*. c #363D44",
+"=. c #FDFDFD",
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+"!. c #293038",
+"~. c #1B222B",
+"{. c #4E535A",
+"]. c #474D54",
+"^. c #7F8488",
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+"(. c #A4A6AA",
+"_. c #141C25",
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+"[. c #6B7075",
+"}. c #B3B5B9",
+"|. c #7A7F84",
+"1. c #808389",
+"2. c #80858A",
+"3. c #818489",
+"4. c #818589",
+"5. c #797E83",
+"6. c #B0B3B6",
+"7. c #65696F",
+"8. c #1A212A",
+"9. c #8C9095",
+"0. c #8C9094",
+"a. c #64686E",
+"b. c #161D27",
+" ",
+" ",
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+" # z >.,.c 0 0 0 '.).!.~.{.].^.# ",
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+" [.h }.|.z 1.1.^.2.P 7. ",
+" 8.% 9.@.# # # # # # # # @.0.a.b. ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * PkIcon[] = {
+const static char * PkIcon64[] = {
"64 64 217 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
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+/* XPM */
+const static char * PrIcon20[] = {
+"20 20 125 2",
+" c None",
+". c #171E27",
+"+ c #666B71",
+"@ c #8E9297",
+"# c #909498",
+"$ c #8F9297",
+"% c #6A6F75",
+"& c #191F29",
+"* c #686C72",
+"= c #ECECED",
+"- c #909398",
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+", c #EBECEC",
+"' c #A6A9AC",
+") c #EAEBEB",
+"! c #EBEDED",
+"~ c #ECEDED",
+"{ c #EAEBEC",
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+"/ c #ECEDEE",
+"( c #363C44",
+"_ c #111821",
+": c #131B24",
+"< c #0F1721",
+"[ c #111721",
+"} c #101821",
+"| c #121923",
+"1 c #101720",
+"2 c #0E161F",
+"3 c #101721",
+"4 c #0F1620",
+"5 c #353C43",
+"6 c #84888D",
+"7 c #181F28",
+"8 c #1A2029",
+"9 c #1D242D",
+"0 c #1C232C",
+"a c #86898D",
+"b c #7E8287",
+"c c #545A60",
+"d c #D4D6D7",
+"e c #D3D4D6",
+"f c #BFC1C3",
+"g c #686D73",
+"h c #161D26",
+"i c #192029",
+"j c #82858A",
+"k c #7D8085",
+"l c #656A70",
+"m c #F8F8F9",
+"n c #818489",
+"o c #84888C",
+"p c #CACBCD",
+"q c #FFFFFF",
+"r c #393E46",
+"s c #7E8186",
+"t c #EDEDEE",
+"u c #202730",
+"v c #F2F3F3",
+"w c #5E6369",
+"x c #676C72",
+"y c #999CA0",
+"z c #ACAFB2",
+"A c #BDBEC1",
+"B c #4A5057",
+"C c #7C8086",
+"D c #7E8187",
+"E c #F4F4F5",
+"F c #5C6167",
+"G c #63676D",
+"H c #A8ABAE",
+"I c #232A33",
+"J c #82868A",
+"K c #C5C6C9",
+"L c #CDCFD1",
+"M c #3A4048",
+"N c #808488",
+"O c #656A6F",
+"P c #F8F8F8",
+"Q c #BFC1C4",
+"R c #383E46",
+"S c #82868B",
+"T c #D5D6D8",
+"U c #171F28",
+"V c #7D8186",
+"W c #7F8388",
+"X c #0F1720",
+"Y c #131A24",
+"Z c #1B222C",
+"` c #7B8085",
+" . c #909499",
+".. c #EEEEEF",
+"+. c #7D8286",
+"@. c #4C5158",
+"#. c #212831",
+"$. c #1A212A",
+"%. c #60656B",
+"&. c #969A9E",
+"*. c #19212A",
+"=. c #8D9196",
+"-. c #A4A7AA",
+";. c #111922",
+">. c #121922",
+",. c #151D26",
+"'. c #121A23",
+"). c #19202A",
+"!. c #141B24",
+"~. c #A4A6AA",
+"{. c #8D9195",
+"]. c #6B7075",
+"^. c #B3B5B9",
+"/. c #7A7F84",
+"(. c #808389",
+"_. c #7F8488",
+":. c #80858A",
+"<. c #818589",
+"[. c #797E83",
+"}. c #B0B3B6",
+"|. c #65696F",
+"1. c #8C9095",
+"2. c #8C9094",
+"3. c #64686E",
+"4. c #161D27",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . + @ # # # # # # # # # # $ % & ",
+" * = - ; > > > > > > > > ; - , % ",
+" * ' ) ! ) ~ { ) ) ] ~ { ! ) ' ^ ",
+" > / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 / > ",
+" # 6 . 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 0 0 0 7 a # ",
+" # b c d d e f g h 9 9 9 9 i j # ",
+" # k l m n o p q r 0 0 0 0 i b # ",
+" - s l t u 7 i v w x y z A B C # ",
+" # D l E F G H q I J q K L M C # ",
+" # N O q q P Q R 7 S T U 0 i V # ",
+" # W O = h X Y Z i S d 7 9 i ` . ",
+" # W l ..I 9 9 9 i S T 7 9 i +.# ",
+" # b @.H #.9 9 9 $.%.&.*.9 i W # ",
+" =.-.;.>.i i i i i ,.'.i ).!.~.{. ",
+" ].q ^./.b (.(._.:.W n <.[.}.q |. ",
+" $.% 1. .# # # # # # # # .2.3.4. ",
+" ",
+" "};
/* XPM */
-const static char * PrIcon[] = {
+const static char * PrIcon64[] = {
"64 64 209 2",
" c None",
". c #1D242D",
virtual const bool Refresh(std::string*& result);
bool HasCMakeLists();
+ modelCDMCMakeListsFile* CMakeLists;
std::vector<modelCDMFolder*> folders;
- modelCDMCMakeListsFile* CMakeLists;
#endif /* MODELCDMFOLDER_H_ */
#include "modelCDMIProjectTreeNode.h"
#include <algorithm>
+#include "wx/dir.h"
bool modelCDMIProjectTreeNode::CompareNodeItem(const modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* x, const modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* y)
bool returnValue;
if(xType != yType)
- if(xType == DT_DIR)
+ if(xType == wxDIR_DIRS)
returnValue = true;
returnValue = false;
#include "modelCDMLib.h"
#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
#include "CDMUtilities.h"
#include "creaWx.h"
if (dir.IsOpened())
wxString fileName;
+ //folders
bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&fileName, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DIRS);
while (cont)
cont = dir.GetNext(&fileName);
+ //files
+ cont = dir.GetFirst(&fileName, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES);
+ while (cont)
+ {
+ std::string stdfileName = crea::wx2std(fileName);
+ //if CMakeLists, create CMakeLists
+ if(stdfileName == "CMakeLists.txt")
+ {
+ this->CMakeLists = new modelCDMCMakeListsFile(pathFixed + "/" + stdfileName, this->level + 1);
+ this->children.push_back(this->CMakeLists);
+ }
+ //if is an unknown file, create file
+ else
+ {
+ this->children.push_back(new modelCDMFile(pathFixed + "/" + stdfileName, this->level + 1));
+ }
+ cont = dir.GetNext(&fileName);
+ }
result = new std::string("An error occurred while running '" + copyCommand + "'.");
return NULL;
- //TODO: set name of library in CMakeLists inside copied folder
+ //set name of library in CMakeLists inside copied folder
std::string line;
std::ifstream in((this->path + "/" + name + "/CMakeLists.txt").c_str());
if( !in.is_open())
+ this->SortChildren();
result = new std::string(this->path + "/" + name);
return library;
const bool modelCDMLib::Refresh(std::string*& result)
//TODO: implement method
+ this->type = wxDIR_DIRS;
+ this->name = "lib";
+ this->level = level;
+ this->path = path;
+ std::vector<bool> checked(this->children.size(), false);
+ std::vector<bool> checkedLibraries(this->libraries.size(), false);
+ //check all folders
+ wxDir dir(crea::std2wx((this->path).c_str()));
+ if (dir.IsOpened())
+ {
+ wxString fileName;
+ bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&fileName, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DIRS);
+ while (cont)
+ {
+ std::string stdfileName = crea::wx2std(fileName);
+ std::string libraryName = stdfileName;
+ //check if they already exist
+ bool found = false;
+ for (int i = 0;!found && i < this->libraries.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (this->libraries[i]->GetName() == libraryName)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ int pos = std::find(this->children.begin(), this->children.end(), this->libraries[i]) - this->children.begin();
+ checked[pos] = true;
+ checkedLibraries[i] = true;
+ if(!this->libraries[i]->Refresh(result))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ {
+ modelCDMLibrary* library = new modelCDMLibrary(this->path + "/" + stdfileName, this->level + 1);
+ this->libraries.push_back(library);
+ this->children.push_back(library);
+ }
+ cont = dir.GetNext(&fileName);
+ }
+ cont = dir.GetFirst(&fileName, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES);
+ while (cont)
+ {
+ std::string stdfileName = crea::wx2std(fileName);
+ //if CMakeLists, create CMakeLists
+ if(stdfileName == "CMakeLists.txt")
+ {
+ if (this->CMakeLists == NULL)
+ {
+ this->CMakeLists = new modelCDMCMakeListsFile(this->path + "/" + stdfileName, this->level + 1);
+ this->children.push_back(this->CMakeLists);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pos = std::find(this->children.begin(), this->children.end(), this->CMakeLists) - this->children.begin();
+ checked[pos] = true;
+ if(!this->CMakeLists->Refresh(result))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //if is an unknown file, create file
+ else
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i <!found && this->children.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (this->children[i]->GetName() == stdfileName)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ checked[i] = true;
+ if(!this->children[i]->Refresh(result))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ {
+ modelCDMFile* file = new modelCDMFile(this->path + "/" + stdfileName, this->level + 1);
+ this->children.push_back(file);
+ }
+ }
+ cont = dir.GetNext(&fileName);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < checkedLibraries.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(!checkedLibraries[i])
+ {
+ this->libraries.erase(this->libraries.begin()+i);
+ checkedLibraries.erase(checkedLibraries.begin()+i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < checked.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(!checked[i])
+ {
+ delete this->children[i];
+ this->children.erase(this->children.begin()+i);
+ checked.erase(checked.begin()+i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ this->SortChildren();
return true;
const bool modelCDMProject::Refresh(std::string*& result)
+ std::cout << "refreshing project" << std::endl;
//open makelists file
//TODO: set pathMakeLists for windows
std::string pathMakeLists = this->path + "/CMakeLists.txt";
modelCDMLib* lib;
modelCDMAppli* appli;
std::vector<modelCDMPackage*> packages;
- modelCDMCMakeListsFile* CMakeLists;
#include "wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/ApIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/ApIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_APPLICATION, wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateApplication)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Applications")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(ApIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(ApIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
wxStaticBox* actionsBox = new wxStaticBox(this, -1, _T("&Actions"));
#include "wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/AIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/AIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_FOLDER, wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateFolder)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Project")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(AIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(AIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//Project Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->application->GetNameApplication())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/BBIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/BBIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_OPEN_CXX, wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel::OnBtnOpenCxx)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Black Box")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(BBIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(BBIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//BlackBox Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->blackBox->GetNameBlackBox())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMCMakeListsDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/CMIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/CMIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMCMakeListsDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("File")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(CMIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(CMIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//File Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx("CMake Configuration File (CMakeLists.txt)")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/FlIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/FlIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMFileDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_OPEN_FOLDER, wxCDMFileDescriptionPanel::OnBtnOpenContainingFolder)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("File")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(FlIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(FlIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//BlackBox Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->file->GetName())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/FdIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/FdIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_OPEN_FOLDER, wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel::OnBtnOpenInExplorer)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Folder")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(FdIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(FdIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->folder->GetName())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel.h"
+#include "wxCDMMainFrame.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/LbIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/LbIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
-EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_LIBRARY, wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateLibrary)
+EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_LIBRARY, wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateLibrary)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Libraries")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(LbIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(LbIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
wxStaticBox* actionsBox = new wxStaticBox(this, -1, _T("&Actions"));
//TODO: implement method
std::cerr << "Event OnBtnCreateLibrary not implemented" << std::endl;
+ //get name
+ wxString libraryName = wxGetTextFromUser(
+ _T("Enter the new library name"),
+ _T("New Library - creaDevManager"),
+ _T("")
+ );
+ //check name
+ if(libraryName.Len() > 0)
+ {
+ std::string* result;
+ //create library
+ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* library = this->lib->CreateLibrary(crea::wx2std(libraryName),result);
+ //check library created
+ if(library == NULL)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx(*result),_T("New Library - Error!"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx("Library successfully created."),_T("New Library - Success!"),wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ //refreshing tree and description
+ //send event instead of calling parent to avoid crashing
+ ((wxCDMMainFrame*)this->GetParent())->RefreshProject();
+ wxCommandEvent* newEvent = new wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_DISPLAY_CHANGED);
+ newEvent->SetInt(library->GetId());
+ wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), *newEvent);
+ event.Skip();
+ }
void wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel::OnBtnEditCMakeLists(wxCommandEvent& event)
#include "wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/LIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/LIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_FOLDER, wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateFolder)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Library")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(LIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(LIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//Project Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->library->GetNameLibrary())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/Cicon.xpm"
+#include "images/CIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_MENU_NEW_PROJECT, wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel::OnBtnNewProject)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Welcome")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(Cicon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(CIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//Crea Development Manager
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Crea Development Manager")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
wxMessageBox( crea::std2wx(result->c_str()), wxT("Refresh Project - Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ this->tree_Projects->BuildTree(this->model->GetModelElements(), this->model->GetProject());
+ this->auiManager.Update();
//TODO: Show possible problems in CMakeLists files
//TODO get element type
modelCDMProject* elementProject = dynamic_cast<modelCDMProject*>(element);
+ wxPanel* description;
if(elementProject != NULL)
//create element description
- wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel(
+ description = new wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel(
wxSize(300, 400),
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //appli
- modelCDMAppli* elementAppli = dynamic_cast<modelCDMAppli*>(element);
- if(elementAppli != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementAppli,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //application
- modelCDMApplication* elementApplication = dynamic_cast<modelCDMApplication*>(element);
- if(elementApplication != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementApplication,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //lib
- modelCDMLib* elementLib = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLib*>(element);
- if(elementLib != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementLib,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //library
- modelCDMLibrary* elementLibrary = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLibrary*>(element);
- if(elementLibrary != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementLibrary,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //package
- modelCDMPackage* elementPackage = dynamic_cast<modelCDMPackage*>(element);
- if(elementPackage != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementPackage,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- //black box
- modelCDMBlackBox* elementBlackBox = dynamic_cast<modelCDMBlackBox*>(element);
- if(elementBlackBox != NULL)
+ else
- //create element description
- wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementBlackBox,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
+ //appli
+ modelCDMAppli* elementAppli = dynamic_cast<modelCDMAppli*>(element);
+ if(elementAppli != NULL)
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMAppliDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementAppli,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //CMakeLists
- modelCDMCMakeListsFile* elementCMakeLists = dynamic_cast<modelCDMCMakeListsFile*>(element);
- if(elementCMakeLists != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMCMakeListsDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMCMakeListsDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementCMakeLists,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
+ else
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //folder
- modelCDMFolder* elementFolder = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFolder*>(element);
- if(elementFolder != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementFolder,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
- }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- //TODO: file
- modelCDMFile* elementFile = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFile*>(element);
- if(elementFile != NULL)
- {
- //create element description
- wxCDMFileDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMFileDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- elementFile,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
- //delete old view
- if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
- {
- this->panel_Properties->Hide();
- this->panel_Properties->Destroy();
- auiManager.DetachPane(this->panel_Properties);
+ //application
+ modelCDMApplication* elementApplication = dynamic_cast<modelCDMApplication*>(element);
+ if(elementApplication != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMApplicationDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementApplication,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //lib
+ modelCDMLib* elementLib = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLib*>(element);
+ if(elementLib != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMLibDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementLib,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //library
+ modelCDMLibrary* elementLibrary = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLibrary*>(element);
+ if(elementLibrary != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMLibraryDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementLibrary,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //package
+ modelCDMPackage* elementPackage = dynamic_cast<modelCDMPackage*>(element);
+ if(elementPackage != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementPackage,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //black box
+ modelCDMBlackBox* elementBlackBox = dynamic_cast<modelCDMBlackBox*>(element);
+ if(elementBlackBox != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMBlackBoxDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementBlackBox,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //CMakeLists
+ modelCDMCMakeListsFile* elementCMakeLists = dynamic_cast<modelCDMCMakeListsFile*>(element);
+ if(elementCMakeLists != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMCMakeListsDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementCMakeLists,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //folder
+ modelCDMFolder* elementFolder = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFolder*>(element);
+ if(elementFolder != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMFolderDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementFolder,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //file
+ modelCDMFile* elementFile = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFile*>(element);
+ if(elementFile != NULL)
+ {
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMFileDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ elementFile,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //main if not any
+ //create element description
+ description = new wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel(
+ this,
+ wxT("Description Panel"),
+ wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(300, 400),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- //set new view
- this->panel_Properties = description;
- auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
- auiManager.Update();
- event.Skip();
- return;
- //main if not any
- //create element description
- wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel* description = new wxCDMMainDescriptionPanel(
- this,
- wxT("Description Panel"),
- wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(300, 400),
- 0
- );
+ description->Hide();
//delete old view
if(this->panel_Properties!= NULL)
//set new view
this->panel_Properties = description;
auiManager.AddPane(panel_Properties, wxCENTER, wxT("Properties"));
+ this->panel_Properties->Show(true);
#include "wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/PkIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/PkIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_MENU(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_BLACKBOX, wxCDMPackageDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateBlackBox)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Package")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(PkIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(PkIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//Project Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->package->GetNamePackage())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
#include "wxCDMMainFrame.h"
#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
-#include "images/PrIcon.xpm"
+#include "images/PrIcon64.xpm"
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel, wxPanel)
EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_CREATE_PACKAGE, wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreatePackage)
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Project")),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
- sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(PrIcon)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
+ sizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap(PrIcon64)),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
//Project Name
sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, crea::std2wx(this->project->GetName())),0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0);
void wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateLibrary(wxCommandEvent& event)
- //implement method
- std::cerr << "Event OnBtnCreatePackage not implemented" << std::endl;
+ //get name
wxString libraryName = wxGetTextFromUser(
_T("Enter the new library name"),
_T("New Library - creaDevManager"),
- std::string* result;
- modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* library = this->project->CreateLibrary(crea::wx2std(libraryName),result);
- if(library == NULL)
+ //check name
+ if(libraryName.Len() > 0)
- wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx(*result),_T("New Library - Error!"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ std::string* result;
+ //create library
+ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* library = this->project->CreateLibrary(crea::wx2std(libraryName),result);
+ //check library created
+ if(library == NULL)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx(*result),_T("New Library - Error!"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx("Library successfully created."),_T("New Library - Success!"),wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ //refreshing tree and description
+ //send event instead of calling parent to avoid crashing
+ ((wxCDMMainFrame*)this->GetParent())->RefreshProject();
+ wxCommandEvent* newEvent = new wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_DISPLAY_CHANGED);
+ newEvent->SetInt(library->GetId());
+ wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), *newEvent);
- return;
- wxMessageBox(crea::std2wx("Library successfully created."),_T("New Library - Success!"),wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
- //send event instead of calling parent to avoid crashing
- ((wxCDMMainFrame*)this->GetParent())->RefreshProject();
- wxCommandEvent* newEvent = new wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_DISPLAY_CHANGED);
- newEvent->SetInt(library->GetId());
- wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), *newEvent);
- event.Skip();
void wxCDMProjectDescriptionPanel::OnBtnCreateApplication(wxCommandEvent& event)
#include "wxCDMProjectsTreeCtrl.h"
-#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
#include <vector>
+#include <wx/imaglist.h>
+#include "creaDevManagerIds.h"
+#include "images/AIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/ApIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/BBIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/CIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/CMIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/FdIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/FlIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/LbIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/LIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/PrIcon20.xpm"
+#include "images/PkIcon20.xpm"
wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
wxTreeCtrl::Create (parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name);
- wxTreeItemId rootIndex = this-> AddRoot(_("No Open Project"));
+ wxImageList* images = new wxImageList(20, 20, true);
+ this->ID_AIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(AIcon20));
+ this->ID_ApIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(ApIcon20));
+ this->ID_BBIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(BBIcon20));
+ this->ID_Cicon = images->Add(wxIcon(CIcon20));
+ this->ID_CMIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(CMIcon20));
+ this->ID_FdIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(FdIcon20));
+ this->ID_FlIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(FlIcon20));
+ this->ID_LbIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(LbIcon20));
+ this->ID_LIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(LIcon20));
+ this->ID_PrIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(PrIcon20));
+ this->ID_PkIcon = images->Add(wxIcon(PkIcon20));
+ this->AssignImageList(images);
+ wxTreeItemId rootIndex = this-> AddRoot(_("No Open Project"), this->ID_Cicon, this->ID_Cicon);
return TRUE;
void wxCDMProjectsTreeCtrl::BuildTree(std::map< wxTreeItemId, modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* >& modelElements, modelCDMProject* projectTree)
+ std::cout << "building tree" << std::endl;
if(projectTree != NULL)
wxTreeItemId rootIndex;
- rootIndex= this-> AddRoot(crea::std2wx(projectTree->GetName()));
+ rootIndex= this-> AddRoot(crea::std2wx(projectTree->GetName()), this->ID_PrIcon, this->ID_PrIcon);
modelElements[rootIndex] = projectTree;
wxTreeItemId parentNodeIndex;
if(treeNodes[i] != NULL)
+ int idIcon = GetIconId(treeNodes[i]);
wxString nodeName((treeNodes[i]->GetName()).c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
- parentNodeIndex = this->AppendItem(parent, nodeName);
+ parentNodeIndex = this->AppendItem(parent, nodeName, idIcon, idIcon);
modelElements[parentNodeIndex] = treeNodes[i];
+int wxCDMProjectsTreeCtrl::GetIconId(modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* node)
+ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMProject*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_PrIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMAppli*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_ApIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMApplication*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_AIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLib*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_LbIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMLibrary*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_LbIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMPackage*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_PkIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMBlackBox*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_BBIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMCMakeListsFile*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_CMIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFolder*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_FdIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element = dynamic_cast<modelCDMFile*>(node);
+ if(element != NULL)
+ {
+ return this->ID_FlIcon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return this->ID_Cicon;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
bool Create(
- wxWindow *parent,
- wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY,
- const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize,
- long style=wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE,
- const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString &name=_("Projects tree")
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY,
+ const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize,
+ long style=wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE,
+ const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString &name=_("Projects tree")
void BuildTree(std::map< wxTreeItemId, modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* >& modelElements, modelCDMProject* tree = NULL);
+ int ID_AIcon;
+ int ID_ApIcon;
+ int ID_BBIcon;
+ int ID_Cicon;
+ int ID_CMIcon;
+ int ID_FdIcon;
+ int ID_FlIcon;
+ int ID_LbIcon;
+ int ID_LIcon;
+ int ID_PrIcon;
+ int ID_PkIcon;
void BuildTree(const std::vector<modelCDMIProjectTreeNode*>& tree, std::map< wxTreeItemId, modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* >& modelElements, wxTreeItemId parent);
+ int GetIconId(modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* node);