return newImage;
-/* EED Borrame
-void ReadMHDPlane::ReadNormalMHD()
+vtkImageData* ReadMHDPlane::ChangeOrientation(vtkImageData* imgOrg)
-// Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
-// And print out the output value
-// void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
-// const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const
-// Where :
-// * NAME is the name of the input/output
-// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
-// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
-// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
-// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
-// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
- std::string inputfilename;
- int slice;
- int width;
- long long dataSize;
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY")
- {
- inputfilename=bbGetInputFileName();
- } // if XY
- if ((bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ") || (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX"))
- {
- //-- Split FileName
- std::size_t found = bbGetInputFileName().find_last_of("/\\");
- std::string path = bbGetInputFileName().substr(0,found+1);
- std::string filename = bbGetInputFileName().substr(found+1);
-#ifdef _WIN32
- path=path+"YZ_ZX\\";
- path=path+"YZ_ZX/";
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ")
- {
- inputfilename = path+filename+"_YZ.mhd";
- } // if YZ
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX")
- {
- inputfilename = path+filename+"_ZX.mhd";
- } // XZ
- } // if YZ || XZ
- width = bbGetInputWidth();
- if (width<=0 ) { width=1; }
- slice = bbGetInputSlice();
- if (slice<0 ) { slice=0; }
- vtkImageData *newImage;
- long long newHeaderSize;
- std::string newFileName=inputfilename+"-OneSlice";
- int sx,sy,sz;
- char mystring[250];
- char strTmp[20];
- bool ok=true;
- FILE *ffIn = fopen(inputfilename.c_str(),"r");
- if (ffIn!=NULL)
- {
- FILE *ffOut = fopen(newFileName.c_str(),"w");
- while(!feof(ffIn))
- {
- strcpy(mystring,"\n");
- fgets(mystring,250,ffIn);
- if (strncmp("NDims",mystring,5)==0)
- {
- if (width==1)
- {
- strcpy(mystring,"NDims = 2\n");
- } else {
- strcpy(mystring,"NDims = 3\n");
- }
- }
- if (strncmp("DimSize",mystring,6)==0)
- {
- sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %d %d %d",strTmp, strTmp, &sx, &sy,&sz);
- if (width==1)
- {
- sprintf(mystring,"DimSize = %d %d\n",sx,sy);
- } else {
- sprintf(mystring,"DimSize = %d %d %d\n",sx,sy,width);
- }
- newHeaderSize = (long long int)sx*(long long int)sy*(long long int)slice;
- if (bbGetInputSlice()>=sz) {ok=false;}
- } // if
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_CHAR",mystring,22)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_CHAR",mystring,22)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_UCHAR",mystring,23)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR",mystring,31)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_USHORT",mystring,24)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT",mystring,32)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_SHORT",mystring,23)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_SHORT",mystring,23)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_UINT",mystring,22)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_INT",mystring,30)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(unsigned int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_INT",mystring,21)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_INT",mystring,21)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_FLOAT",mystring,23)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(float); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_FLOAT",mystring,23)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(float); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_LONG",mystring,22)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(long); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_LONG",mystring,22)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(long); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_DOUBLE",mystring,24)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(double); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_DOUBLE",mystring,24)==0) { dataSize=sizeof(double); }
- newHeaderSize=newHeaderSize*dataSize;
- if (strncmp("Offset",mystring,6)==0) {strcpy(mystring,"Offset = 0 0 0\n");}
- if (strncmp("HeaderSize",mystring,10)==0) {strcpy(mystring,"");}
- if (strncmp("ElementDataFile",mystring,15)==0)
- {
- fprintf(ffOut,"HeaderSize = %lld\n\n", newHeaderSize );
- } // if
- fprintf(ffOut,mystring);
- } // while
- fclose(ffIn);
- fclose(ffOut);
- if (ok==true)
- {
- vtkMetaImageReader * reader = vtkMetaImageReader::New();
- reader->SetFileName( newFileName.c_str() );
- reader->Update();
- newImage = reader->GetOutput();
- } // if ok
- } else {
- ok=false;
- printf("EED ERROR: Problem openin:%s\n", inputfilename.c_str() );
- }// if ffIn
- if (ok==false)
- {
- newImage=CreateDefaultImage();
- } // if ok
- bbSetOutputOut( newImage );
- bbSetOutputOut2( ChangeOrientation(newImage) );
+ int width = bbGetInputWidth();
+ int ext[6];
+ int sizeXOrg, sizeYOrg,sizeZOrg;
+ int sizeXDst, sizeYDst,sizeZDst;
+ imgOrg->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ int sizeLine;
+ sizeXOrg = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ sizeYOrg = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ sizeZOrg = ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
-vtkImageData* ReadMHDPlane::ChangeOrientation(vtkImageData* img)
- int ext[6];
- int sizeX, sizeY,sizeZ;
- img->GetWholeExtent(ext);
- int sizeLine;
if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY")
- sizeX = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- sizeY = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- sizeZ = 1;
+ sizeXDst = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ sizeYDst = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ sizeZDst = width;
} // XY
if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ")
- sizeX = 1;
- sizeY = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- sizeZ = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- sizeLine = sizeY;
+ sizeXDst = width;
+ sizeYDst = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ sizeZDst = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ sizeLine = sizeYDst;
} // YZ
if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX")
- sizeX = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- sizeY = 1;
- sizeZ = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- sizeLine = sizeX;
+ sizeXDst = ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ sizeYDst = width;
+ sizeZDst = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ sizeLine = sizeXDst;
} // ZX
- vtkImageData *newImageOrinted = vtkImageData::New();
- newImageOrinted->Initialize();
- newImageOrinted->SetScalarType( img->GetScalarType() );
- newImageOrinted->SetSpacing( img->GetSpacing() );
- newImageOrinted->SetDimensions( sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ );
- newImageOrinted->SetWholeExtent(0,sizeX-1,0,sizeY-1,0,sizeZ-1 );
- newImageOrinted->SetExtent(0,sizeX-1,0,sizeY-1,0,sizeZ-1 );
- newImageOrinted->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1);
- newImageOrinted->AllocateScalars();
- newImageOrinted->Update();
+ vtkImageData *imgDst = vtkImageData::New();
+ imgDst->Initialize();
+ imgDst->SetScalarType( imgOrg->GetScalarType() );
+ imgDst->SetSpacing( imgOrg->GetSpacing() );
+ imgDst->SetDimensions( sizeXDst,sizeYDst,sizeZDst );
+ imgDst->SetWholeExtent(0,sizeXDst-1,0,sizeYDst-1,0,sizeZDst-1 );
+ imgDst->SetExtent(0,sizeXDst-1,0,sizeYDst-1,0,sizeZDst-1 );
+ imgDst->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1);
+ imgDst->AllocateScalars();
+ imgDst->Update();
+ char *ptrDst,*ptrOrg;
+ int sizeBytes = imgOrg->GetScalarSize();
+ int sizeLineBytes = sizeLine*imgOrg->GetScalarSize();
+ int xx,yy,zz;
+ long int sizeXDstBytes = sizeXDst*sizeBytes;
+ long int sizeXYDstBytes = sizeXDst*sizeYDst*sizeBytes;
+ long int sizeXYDstBytes2 = sizeXDst*sizeYDst*sizeBytes*2;
+ long int sizeXYZDstBytes = sizeXDst*sizeYDst*sizeZDst*sizeBytes;
+ long int sizeXYZDstBytes1 = sizeXDst*sizeYDst*(sizeZDst-1)*sizeBytes;
+ ptrOrg = (char*)( imgOrg->GetScalarPointer() );
if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY")
- memcpy ( newImageOrinted->GetScalarPointer(), img->GetScalarPointer(), sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ*img->GetScalarSize() );
- } else {
- int yy;
- int dimY=ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- int sizeByte=sizeLine*img->GetScalarSize();
- char *ptrDst=(char*)(newImageOrinted->GetScalarPointer()) + sizeByte*dimY;
- char *ptrOrg=(char*)(img->GetScalarPointer());
- for (yy=0 ; yy<dimY; yy++)
- {
- ptrDst=ptrDst-sizeByte;
- memcpy ( ptrDst, ptrOrg , sizeByte );
- ptrOrg=ptrOrg+sizeByte;
- }// for
- }
- return newImageOrinted;
+ memcpy ( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(), ptrOrg , sizeXDst*sizeYDst*sizeZDst*(imgOrg->GetScalarSize()) );
+ } // if XY
-/* EED Borrame
-void ReadMHDPlane::Read64lseek()
- int slice;
- int width;
- width = bbGetInputWidth();
- if (width<=0 ) { width=1; }
- slice = bbGetInputSlice();
- if (slice<0 ) { slice=0; }
- int dimX=-1,dimY=-1,dimZ=-1;
- int dim=-1;
- std::string formattype("VOID");
- std::string elementdatafile("VOID");
- float spcX=-1,spcY=-1,spcZ=-1;
- float ox=-1,oy=-1,oz=-1;
- long int headersize=0;
- vtkImageData *newImage=NULL;
- char mystring[250];
- char strTmp[30];
- char strTmp2[30];
- FILE *ffIn = fopen(bbGetInputFileName().c_str(),"r");
- long long dataSize;
- if (ffIn!=NULL)
+ if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX")
- newImage = vtkImageData::New();
- while(!feof(ffIn))
+ ptrDst = (char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(0,0,sizeYOrg-00-1) );
+ for( zz=0 ; zz<sizeZOrg ; zz++)
- strcpy(mystring,"\n");
- fgets(mystring,250,ffIn);
- if (strncmp("NDims",mystring,5)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %d" ,strTmp, strTmp, &dim); }
- if (strncmp("DimSize",mystring,6)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %d %d %d" ,strTmp, strTmp, &dimX, &dimY,&dimZ); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType",mystring,11)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %s" ,strTmp, strTmp, strTmp2); formattype=strTmp2; }
- if (strncmp("ElementSpacing",mystring,14)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %f %f %f" ,strTmp, strTmp, &spcX,&spcY,&spcZ); }
- if (strncmp("ElementSize",mystring,11)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %f %f %f" ,strTmp, strTmp, &spcX,&spcY,&spcZ); }
- if (strncmp("Offset",mystring,6)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %f %f %f" ,strTmp, strTmp, &ox, &oy, &oz); }
- if (strncmp("HeaderSize",mystring,10)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %ld" ,strTmp, strTmp, &headersize); }
- if (strncmp("ElementDataFile",mystring,15)==0) { sscanf(mystring,"%s %s %s" ,strTmp, strTmp, strTmp2); elementdatafile=strTmp2; }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_CHAR",mystring,22)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToChar(); dataSize=sizeof(char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_CHAR",mystring,22)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToChar(); dataSize=sizeof(char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_UCHAR",mystring,23)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR",mystring,31)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned char); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_USHORT",mystring,24)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedShort(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned short);}
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT",mystring,32)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedShort(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned short);}
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_SHORT",mystring,23)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToShort(); dataSize=sizeof(short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_SHORT",mystring,23)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToShort(); dataSize=sizeof(short); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_UINT",mystring,22)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedInt(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_UNSIGNED_INT",mystring,30)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedInt(); dataSize=sizeof(unsigned int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_INT",mystring,21)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToInt(); dataSize=sizeof(int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_INT",mystring,21)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToInt(); dataSize=sizeof(int); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_FLOAT",mystring,23)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToFloat(); dataSize=sizeof(float); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_FLOAT",mystring,23)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToFloat(); dataSize=sizeof(float); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_LONG",mystring,22)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToLong(); dataSize=sizeof(long); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_LONG",mystring,22)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToLong(); dataSize=sizeof(long); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = MET_DOUBLE",mystring,24)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToDouble(); dataSize=sizeof(double); }
- if (strncmp("ElementType = VTK_DOUBLE",mystring,24)==0) { newImage->SetScalarTypeToDouble(); dataSize=sizeof(double); }
- } // while
- fclose(ffIn);
- newImage->Initialize();
- int fd;
- long long ret;
- std::size_t found;
- std::string filename;
- found = bbGetInputFileName().find_last_of("/\\");
- filename = bbGetInputFileName().substr(0,found+1) + elementdatafile ;
- long long pos;
- long long lsize = dimX*dimY*width *dataSize;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- _sopen_s( &fd, filename.c_str(), _O_RDONLY, _SH_DENYNO, 0 );
- fd = open ( filename.c_str() , O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE );
-#endif // defined(_WIN32)
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- printf("EED ReadMHDPlane::Read64lseek WARNNING! raw file not exist\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
- newImage=CreateDefaultImage();
-// exit(1);
- }
- if ((bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY") && (fd>=0))
- {
- newImage->SetSpacing( spcX,spcY,spcZ );
- newImage->SetDimensions( dimX,dimY,width );
- newImage->SetWholeExtent(0, dimX-1,0,dimY-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetExtent(0, dimX-1,0,dimY-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1);
- newImage->AllocateScalars();
- newImage->Update();
- pos = dimX*dimY*(long long)slice*dataSize;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- if (_lseeki64( fd, pos, SEEK_SET ) < 0)
- if (lseek64(fd, pos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
-#endif // defined(_WIN32)
+// ptrDst=(char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(0,zz,sizeYOrg-00-1) );
+ for( yy=0 ; yy<sizeYOrg ; yy++)
- printf("EED ReadMHDPlane::Read64lseek \n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed seeking to %lld, %s\n", pos, strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((ret = read(fd, newImage->GetScalarPointer() , lsize)) < 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed reading: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- } // if PLANE XY
- if ((bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX") && (fd>=0))
- {
- newImage->SetSpacing( spcX,spcZ,spcY );
- newImage->SetDimensions( dimX,dimZ,width );
- newImage->SetWholeExtent(0, dimX-1,0,dimZ-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetExtent(0, dimX-1,0,dimZ-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1);
- newImage->AllocateScalars();
- newImage->Update();
- int iWidth;
- for (iWidth=0;iWidth<width;iWidth++)
- {
- copy_ZX_plane(fd,newImage,slice+iWidth,iWidth,dimX,dimY,dimZ,dataSize);
- }
- } // if PLANE XZ
- if ((bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ") && (fd>=0))
- {
- newImage->SetSpacing( spcY,spcZ,spcX );
- newImage->SetDimensions( dimY,dimZ,width );
- newImage->SetWholeExtent(0, dimY-1,0,dimZ-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetExtent(0, dimY-1,0,dimZ-1,0,width-1 );
- newImage->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1);
- newImage->AllocateScalars();
- newImage->Update();
- int iWidth;
- for (iWidth=0;iWidth<width;iWidth++)
+// ptrOrg=(char*)( imgOrg->GetScalarPointer(0,yy,zz) );
+// ptrDst=(char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(0,zz,sizeYOrg-yy-1) );
+ memcpy ( ptrDst, ptrOrg , sizeLineBytes );
+ ptrOrg = ptrOrg + sizeLineBytes;
+ ptrDst = ptrDst - sizeXYDstBytes;
+ } // for yy
+ ptrDst = ptrDst + sizeXDstBytes;
+ ptrDst = ptrDst + sizeXYZDstBytes;
+ } // for zz
+ } // ZX
+ if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ")
+ {
+ ptrDst = (char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(0,0,sizeYOrg-0-1) );
+ for( zz=0 ; zz<sizeZOrg ; zz++)
+ {
+ ptrDst=(char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(zz,0,sizeYOrg-0-1) );
+ for( yy=0 ; yy<sizeYOrg ; yy++)
- copy_YZ_plane(fd,newImage,slice+iWidth,iWidth,dimX,dimY,dimZ,dataSize);
- }
- } // if PLANE YZ
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- _close (fd);
- close (fd);
-#endif // defined(_WIN32)
- } else {
- newImage=CreateDefaultImage();
- } // if ffIn
- bbSetOutputOut( newImage );
- bbSetOutputOut2( ChangeOrientation(newImage) );
+// ptrDst=(char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(zz,0,sizeYOrg-yy-1) );
+ for( xx=0 ; xx<sizeXOrg ; xx++)
+ {
+// ptrOrg=(char*)( imgOrg->GetScalarPointer(xx,yy,zz) );
+// ptrDst=(char*)( imgDst->GetScalarPointer(zz,xx,sizeYOrg-yy-1) );
+ memcpy ( ptrDst, ptrOrg , sizeBytes );
+ ptrOrg+= sizeBytes;
+ ptrDst+= sizeXDstBytes;
+ } /// for xx
+ ptrDst = ptrDst - sizeXYDstBytes2;
+ } // for yy
+ ptrDst = ptrDst + sizeXYZDstBytes;
+// ptrDst++;
+ } // for zz
+ } // ZX
+ return imgDst;
void ReadMHDPlane::Read64lseek(std::string fileNameIn, std::string plane)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed seeking to %lld, %s\n", pos, strerror(errno));
if ((ret = read(fd, pImage , dimX*dataSize)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed reading: %s\n", strerror(errno));
} // for j
void ReadMHDPlane::Process()
- if (bbGetInputType()==0)
+ if (bbGetInputActive()==true)
- //-- Split FileName
- std::string inputfilename;
- std::size_t found = bbGetInputFileName().find_last_of("/\\");
- std::string path = bbGetInputFileName().substr(0,found+1);
- std::string filename = bbGetInputFileName().substr(found+1);
-#ifdef _WIN32
- path=path+"YZ_ZX\\";
- path=path+"YZ_ZX/";
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY") { inputfilename = bbGetInputFileName(); } // if XY
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ") { inputfilename = path+filename+"_YZ.mhd"; } // if YZ
- if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX") { inputfilename = path+filename+"_ZX.mhd"; } // if XZ
- Read64lseek( inputfilename ,"XY");
- }
- if (bbGetInputType()==1)
- {
- Read64lseek( bbGetInputFileName(), bbGetInputDirectionPlane() );
- }
+printf("EED ReadMHDPlane::Process %d \n", bbGetInputSlice() );
+ if (bbGetInputType()==0)
+ {
+ //-- Split FileName
+ std::string inputfilename;
+ std::size_t found = bbGetInputFileName().find_last_of("/\\");
+ std::string path = bbGetInputFileName().substr(0,found+1);
+ std::string filename = bbGetInputFileName().substr(found+1);
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ path=path+"YZ_ZX\\";
+ #else
+ path=path+"YZ_ZX/";
+ #endif
+ if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="XY") { inputfilename = bbGetInputFileName(); } // if XY
+ if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="YZ") { inputfilename = path+filename+"_YZ.mhd"; } // if YZ
+ if (bbGetInputDirectionPlane()=="ZX") { inputfilename = path+filename+"_ZX.mhd"; } // if XZ
+ Read64lseek( inputfilename ,"XY");
+ }
+ if (bbGetInputType()==1)
+ {
+ Read64lseek( bbGetInputFileName(), bbGetInputDirectionPlane() );
+ }
+ } // if active
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
void ReadMHDPlane::bbUserSetDefaultValues()
// Here we initialize the input 'In' to 0
+ bbSetInputActive(true);
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
void ReadMHDPlane::bbUserInitializeProcessing()
// Here does nothing
// but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers
// if any
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
void ReadMHDPlane::bbUserFinalizeProcessing()
// Here does nothing
// but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers
-// if any
+// if any
-// EO namespace bbcreaVtk
+} // EO namespace bbcreaVtk