1 /*=========================================================================
4 Module: $RCSfile: TestMakeIcon.cxx,v $
6 Date: $Date: 2005/04/26 16:23:58 $
7 Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
9 Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
10 l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
11 http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
13 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
15 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
17 =========================================================================*/
18 #include "gdcmDebug.h"
19 #include "gdcmGlobal.h"
20 #include "gdcmCommon.h"
22 #include "gdcmFileHelper.h"
23 #include "gdcmSeqEntry.h"
24 #include "gdcmSQItem.h"
25 #include "gdcmValEntry.h"
26 #include "gdcmBinEntry.h"
28 // 0088 0200 SQ 1 Icon Image Sequence
30 int TestMakeIcon (int argc, char *argv[])
32 // hard coded small image name
33 std::string input = GDCM_DATA_ROOT;
35 input += "LIBIDO-8-ACR_NEMA-Lena_128_128.acr";
37 std::string output = "testIcon.dcm";
39 gdcm::Debug::DebugOn();
48 std::cout << " Usage: " << argv[0]
49 << " input filename.dcm output Filename.dcm" << std::endl;
52 gdcm::File *f1 = new gdcm::File( );
55 if ( ! f1->IsReadable() )
57 std::cout << " Failed to Open/Parse file" << input << std::endl;
61 gdcm::FileHelper *fh1 = new gdcm::FileHelper(f1);
62 uint8_t *pixels = fh1->GetImageData();
63 uint32_t lgth = fh1->GetImageDataSize();
65 gdcm::SeqEntry *icon = f1->InsertSeqEntry(0x0088, 0x0200);
66 gdcm::SQItem *sqi = new gdcm::SQItem(1);
67 icon->AddSQItem(sqi, 1);
69 // icone is just define like the image
70 // The purpose is NOT to imagine an icon,
71 // just check the stuff works
73 uint16_t binVal[3]={0x52f7,0xf358,0xad9b};
75 sqi->InsertValEntry( "MONOCHROME2", 0x0028,0x0004);
76 sqi->InsertValEntry( "128", 0x0028,0x0010);
77 sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0100);
78 sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0101);
79 sqi->InsertValEntry( "7", 0x0028,0x0102);
80 sqi->InsertValEntry( "0", 0x0028,0x0103);
81 sqi->InsertBinEntry( (uint8_t *)binVal, 3*2, 0x0005,0x0010,"OW");
82 sqi->InsertBinEntry( pixels, lgth, 0x7fe0,0x0010);
83 // just to see if it's stored a the right place
84 sqi->InsertValEntry( "128", 0x0028,0x0011);
86 fh1->WriteDcmExplVR(output);
90 f1 = new gdcm::File(output);
92 std::cout << "End of Print" << std::endl;
94 icon = f1->GetSeqEntry(0x0088, 0x0200);
97 std::cout << "Sequence 0088|0200 not found" << std::endl
98 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
103 std::cout << "Sequence 0088|0200 found" << std::endl;
105 sqi = icon->GetFirstSQItem();
109 std::cout << "Sequence 0088|0200 has no SQItem" << std::endl
110 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
116 std::cout << "First Item found" << std::endl;
118 // Test for entry 0028|0010
119 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010) )
121 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0010 not found" << std::endl
122 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
127 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0010 found" << std::endl;
128 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010)->GetValue() != "128" )
130 std::cout << "Value 0028|0010 don't match" << std::endl
131 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010)->GetValue()
132 << " - Expected : 128" << std::endl
133 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
139 // Test for entry 0028|0011
140 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011) )
142 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0011 not found" << std::endl
143 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
148 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0011 found" << std::endl;
149 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011)->GetValue() != "128" )
151 std::cout << "Value 0028|0011 don't match" << std::endl
152 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011)->GetValue()
153 << " - Expected : 128" << std::endl
154 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
160 // Test for entry 0028|0100
161 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100) )
163 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0100 not found" << std::endl
164 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
169 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0100 found" << std::endl;
170 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100)->GetValue() != "8" )
172 std::cout << "Value 0028|0100 don't match" << std::endl
173 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100)->GetValue()
174 << " - Expected : 8" << std::endl
175 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
181 // Test for entry 0028|0101
182 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101) )
184 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0101 not found" << std::endl
185 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
190 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0101 found" << std::endl;
191 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101)->GetValue() != "8" )
193 std::cout << "Value 0028|0101 don't match" << std::endl
194 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101)->GetValue()
195 << " - Expected : 8" << std::endl
196 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
202 // Test for entry 0028|0102
203 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102) )
205 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0102 not found" << std::endl
206 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
211 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0102 found" << std::endl;
212 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102)->GetValue() != "7" )
214 std::cout << "Value 0028|0102 don't match" << std::endl
215 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102)->GetValue()
216 << " - Expected : 7" << std::endl
217 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
223 // Test for entry 0028|0103
224 if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103) )
226 std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0010 not found" << std::endl
227 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
232 std::cout << "First Item ->ValEntry 0028|0103 found" << std::endl;
233 if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103)->GetValue() != "0" )
235 std::cout << "Value 0028|0103 don't match" << std::endl
236 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103)->GetValue()
237 << " - Expected : 0" << std::endl
238 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
244 // Test for entry 0005|0010
245 if ( !sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0005,0x0010) )
247 std::cout << "BinEntry 0005|0010 not found" << std::endl
248 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
253 std::cout << "First Item ->BinEntry 0005|0010 found" << std::endl;
254 if( sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetLength() != 6 )
256 std::cout << "BinEntry size 0005|0010 don't match" << std::endl
257 << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetLength()
258 << " - Expected : 6" << std::endl
259 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
265 std::cout << "Length BinEntry 0005|0010 OK" << std::endl;
267 if( memcmp(sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetBinArea(),binVal,6)!=0 )
269 std::cout << "Value 0005|0010 don't match (BinEntry)" << std::endl
270 << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
275 std::cout << "Value BinEntry 0005|0010 OK" << std::endl;
279 std::cout << " ... OK" << std::endl;