1 /*=========================================================================
3 Module: $RCSfile: bbtkInterpreter.cxx,v $
5 Date: $Date: 2010/09/14 07:18:46 $
6 Version: $Revision: 1.88 $
7 =========================================================================*/
9 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
11 * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
12 * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
14 * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
15 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
16 * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
17 * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
18 * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
19 * or in the file LICENSE.txt.
21 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
22 * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
23 * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
24 * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
27 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
28 * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
29 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
33 * \brief class Interpreter :
36 #include "bbtkInterpreterVirtual.h"
37 //#include "bbtkTranscriptor.h"
38 #include "bbtkConfigurationFile.h"
39 #include "bbtkUtilities.h"
40 //#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
41 //#include "bbtkWxBlackBox.h"
54 //=======================================================================
55 InterpreterVirtual::Pointer InterpreterVirtual::New()
57 bbtkDebugMessage("kernel",9,"InterpreterVirtual::New()"<<std::endl);
58 return MakePointer( new InterpreterVirtual() );
60 //=======================================================================
62 //=======================================================================
63 InterpreterVirtual::InterpreterVirtual()
67 //=======================================================================
70 //=======================================================================
71 void InterpreterVirtual::Init()
77 bbtk::MessageManager::RegisterMessageType("echo","Level>0 : Prints the output of the 'print' commands of the user.\n\tLevel>1 : Prints the command being interpreted",1);
78 bbtk::MessageManager::RegisterMessageType("Interpreter","Messages of the interpreter",0);
79 bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"InterpreterVirtual::Interpreter()" <<std::endl);
81 // For the time being, comment out previous line, and
82 // uncomment next line to check Transcriptor
84 //mVirtualExecuter = new bbtk::Transcriptor("GeneratedProgram.txt");
86 // Builds the commands dict
93 info.syntax = "new <type> <name>";
94 info.help = "Creates a new black box of type <type> with name <name>";
95 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
97 info.keyword = "delete";
101 info.syntax = "delete <box>";
102 info.help = "Deletes the black box of name <box>";
103 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
105 info.keyword = "clear";
109 info.syntax = "clear";
110 info.help = "Clears the currently defined complex box (deletes all its boxes and connections)";
111 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
113 info.keyword = "break";
117 info.syntax = "break";
118 info.help = "Breaks the current execution";
119 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
121 info.keyword = "newgui";
125 info.syntax = "newgui <box> <name>";
126 info.help = "Automatically creates a graphical user interface with name <name> for the black box <box> and connects it to the box inputs";
127 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
129 info.keyword = "connect";
132 info.code = cConnect;
133 info.syntax = "connect <box1.output> <box2.input>";
134 info.help = "Connects the ouput <output> of black box <box1> to the input <input> of black box <box2>";
135 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
137 info.keyword = "print";
141 info.syntax = "print <string>";
142 info.help = "Prints the string. Substitutes any token of the form '$box.output$' by the string adaptation of the output of the box (requires the right adaptor). No carriage return is issued at the end, use '\\n' to add carriage returns. The level of 'echo' messages must be greater than 1 (see the command 'message').";
143 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
145 info.keyword = "exec";
149 info.syntax = "exec <box | 'freeze' | 'unfreeze' | 'freeze_no_error' >";
150 info.help = "Executes the black box of name <box> (and connected boxes if needed). If the special keyword 'freeze' is given then freezes any further execution command. 'unfreeze' reverts to normal execution mode. 'freeze_no_error' is like freeze but also skips any error.";
151 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
153 info.keyword = "package";
156 info.code = cPackage;
157 info.syntax = "package <name>";
158 info.help = "Begins the definition of a package.";
159 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
161 info.keyword = "endpackage";
164 info.code = cEndPackage;
165 info.syntax = "endpackage";
166 info.help = "Ends the definition of a package.";
167 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
169 info.keyword = "define";
173 info.syntax = "define <type> [<package>]";
174 info.help = "Begins the definition of a new type of complex black box called <type>. If <package> is provided will create it in the given package.";
175 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
177 info.keyword = "endefine";
180 info.code = cEndDefine;
181 info.syntax = "endefine";
182 info.help = "Ends the definition of a new type of complex black box";
183 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
185 info.keyword = "kind";
190 info.help = "Sets the kind of the currently defined complex black box";
191 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
193 info.keyword = "input";
197 info.syntax = "input <name> <box.input> <help>";
198 info.help = "Defines the input <name> of the current working black box as being an alias for the input <input> of the black box <box>. <help> defines the help string for the newly created input";
199 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
201 info.keyword = "output";
205 info.syntax = "output <name> <box.output> <help>";
206 info.help = "Defines the output <name> of the current working black box as being an alias for the output <output> of the black box <box>. <help> defines the help string for the newly created output";
207 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
209 info.keyword = "set";
213 info.syntax = "set <box.input> <value>";
214 info.help = "Sets the value of the input <input> of the black box <box> to <value>. There must exist a string to the value type adaptor";
215 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
217 info.keyword = "config"; // JPR
221 info.syntax = "config";
222 info.help = "Prints the value of all configuration parameters";
223 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
225 info.keyword = "index"; // LG
230 info.syntax = "index [<filename> ['Initials'(default)|'Packages'|'Categories'|'Adaptors']]";
231 info.help = "Creates an html index of known boxes. If filename is provided then save it to the file 'filename'. The default index entries are the initial letters of the names of the boxes. If 'Packages' or 'Categories' is provided then the entries are either the packages names or the categories. If 'Adaptors' is provided then an alphabetical index of all adaptors is created.";
232 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
234 info.keyword = "reset";
238 info.syntax = "reset";
239 info.help = "Deletes all boxes and unloads all packages (reset to start state)";
240 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
242 info.keyword = "author";
246 info.syntax = "author <string>";
247 info.help = "Adds the string <string> to the author information of the black box being defined";
248 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
250 info.keyword = "category"; //JP
253 info.code = cCategory;
254 info.syntax = "category <list of items, separated by ;>";
255 info.help = "Adds the string <string> to the category information of the black box being defined";
256 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
258 info.keyword = "description";
261 info.code = cDescription;
262 info.syntax = "description <string>";
263 info.help = "Adds the string <string> to the descriptive information of the black box being defined";
264 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
266 info.keyword = "help";
270 info.syntax = "help";
271 info.syntax = "\n (1) help \n (2) help <command name> \n (3) help packages [all]\n (4) help <package name> [all]\n (5) help <black box type> \n (6) help <black box name>";
272 info.help = "Effect :\n (1) Lists all available commands;\n (2) Prints help on a particular command; \n (3) Lists the packages loaded and their black boxes.\n Add 'all' to list adaptors; \n (4) Prints short help on the black boxes of a package.\n Add 'all' to include adaptors; \n (5) Prints full help on a black box type; \n (6) Prints information on the inputs, outputs and connections of a black box instance.";
273 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
275 info.keyword = "message";
278 info.code = cMessage;
279 info.syntax = "message <kind> <level>";
280 info.help = "Sets the level of the kind of messages <kind> to <level>.\n If kind='All' then sets the level for all kinds. If no kind nor level is passed then prints info on available kinds of messages and their current level.";
281 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
283 info.keyword = "include";
286 info.code = cInclude;
287 info.syntax = "include <filename> [source]";
288 info.help = "Includes the file <filename>.\n 'source' : If the keyword 'source' is provided then informs the interpreter that the included file is the source of the current box definition (Advanced; used to get the right 'Include' field in html doc of packages 'appli' scripts).";
289 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
291 info.keyword = "quit";
295 info.syntax = "quit";
296 info.help = "Quits the program (during script execution it stops the complete execution)";
297 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
299 info.keyword = "load";
303 info.syntax = "load <packagename>";
304 info.help = "Loads the black box package <packagename>";
305 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
307 info.keyword = "unload";
311 info.syntax = "unload <packagename>";
312 info.help = "Unloads the black box package <packagename>";
313 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
315 info.keyword = "graph";
319 info.syntax = "graph [ BlackBoxName [ Detail 0..1 [ Level 0..99999 [ Output html file [ Custom header [ Custom title ]]]]]] \n graph [ BlackBoxNameType [ Detail 0..1 [ Level 0..99999 [ Output html file [ Custom header [ Custom title ]]]]]]";
320 info.help = "Shows a graphical view of a bbtk pipeline.\n- BlackBoxName : name of the box to view. Default '.' : current box.\n- BlackBoxNameType : name of the type of box to view, ex : 'workspace')";
321 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
323 info.keyword = "debug";
327 info.syntax = "debug [expr|-C|-D]";
328 info.help = "Prints debug info on living bbtk objects containing the string 'expr' (default expr=''). -C checks the factory integrity. -D turns on objects debug info after main ends";
329 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
332 info.keyword = "workspace";
335 info.code = cWorkspace;
336 info.syntax = "workspace < ( freeze | unfreeze ) | ( rename <newname> ) >";
337 info.help = "Configures the workspace.\n 'freeze' allows to block execution commands while keeping definition commands active. 'unfreeze' turns back the worspace in 'normal' mode.\n 'rename' allow to set a new name to the workspace.";
338 mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info;
344 //=======================================================================
348 //=======================================================================
352 InterpreterVirtual::~InterpreterVirtual()
354 bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,"==> ~Interpreter()" <<std::endl);
356 //=======================================================================
359 //=======================================================================
360 InterpreterException::InterpreterException( const std::string& message,
362 const std::string& script_file,
365 : Exception("interpreter",0,message),
366 mInScriptFile(in_script_file),
367 mScriptFile(script_file),
368 mScriptLine(script_line)
371 //=======================================================================
372 //=======================================================================
373 InterpreterException::InterpreterException( const Exception& excep,
375 const std::string& script_file,
379 mInScriptFile(in_script_file),
380 mScriptFile(script_file),
381 mScriptLine(script_line)
384 //=======================================================================
387 //=======================================================================
388 void InterpreterVirtual::CatchInterpreterException( const InterpreterException& e )
390 //EED Borrame if (GetExecuter()->GetNoErrorMode())
392 //EED Borrame bbtkWarning("ERROR :"<<e.GetErrorMessage()
393 //EED Borrame <<" ("<<e.GetScriptFile()<<":"<<e.GetScriptLine()
394 //EED Borrame <<" skipped");
395 //EED Borrame return;
399 if (e.GetErrorMessage()!="break")
401 mStatus = Interpreter_ERROR;
404 throw InterpreterException(e);
406 std::stringstream mess;
407 mess << "* ERROR : "<<e.GetErrorMessage()<<std::endl;
408 if (e.IsInScriptFile())
410 mess << "* FILE : \""<<e.GetScriptFile()<<"\""<<std::endl;
411 mess << "* LINE : "<<e.GetScriptLine()<<std::endl;
414 std::cerr << mess.str();
417 //=======================================================================
419 //=======================================================================
420 void InterpreterVirtual::CatchBbtkException( const bbtk::Exception& e )
422 //EED Borrame if (GetExecuter()->GetNoErrorMode())
424 //EED Borrame std::string file("?");
425 //EED Borrame int line = 0;
426 //EED Borrame if (mFileName.size()) {
427 //EED Borrame file = mFileName.back();
428 //EED Borrame line = mLine.back();
430 //EED Borrame bbtkWarning("ERROR '"<<e.GetErrorMessage()
431 //EED Borrame <<"' ("<<file<<":"<<line<<") skipped");
432 //EED Borrame return;
435 mStatus = Interpreter_ERROR;
438 bool in_script = false;
439 std::string file("");
441 if (mFileName.size())
443 std::ifstream* fs = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream*>(mFile.back());
444 if (fs!=0) in_script = true;
445 file = mFileName.back();
448 if (e.GetErrorMessage()!="break")
450 throw InterpreterException(e,in_script,file,line);
452 std::stringstream mess;
453 mess << "* ERROR : "<<e.GetErrorMessage()<<std::endl;
454 if (mFileName.size())
456 mess << "* FILE : \""<<mFileName.back()<<"\""<<std::endl;
457 mess << "* LINE : "<<mLine.back()<<std::endl;
460 std::cerr << mess.str();
463 //=======================================================================
465 //=======================================================================
466 void InterpreterVirtual::CatchStdException( const std::exception& e )
468 //EED Borrame if (GetExecuter()->GetNoErrorMode())
470 //EED Borrame std::string file("?");
471 //EED Borrame int line = 0;
472 //EED Borrame if (mFileName.size()) {
473 //EED Borrame file = mFileName.back();
474 //EED Borrame line = mLine.back();
476 //EED Borrame bbtkWarning("ERROR '"<<e.what()
477 //EED Borrame <<"' ("<<file<<":"<<line<<") skipped");
478 //EED Borrame return;
481 mStatus = Interpreter_ERROR;
484 bool in_script = false;
485 std::string file("");
487 if (mFileName.size()) {
488 std::ifstream* fs = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream*>(mFile.back());
489 if (fs!=0) in_script = true;
490 file = mFileName.back();
494 throw InterpreterException(e.what(),in_script,file,line);
496 std::stringstream mess;
497 mess << "* ERROR : "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
498 if (mFileName.size())
500 mess << "* FILE : \""<<mFileName.back()<<"\""<<std::endl;
501 mess << "* LINE : "<<mLine.back()<<std::endl;
504 std::cerr << mess.str();
508 //=======================================================================
510 //=======================================================================
511 void InterpreterVirtual::CatchUnknownException()
513 //EED Borrame if (GetExecuter()->GetNoErrorMode())
515 //EED Borrame std::string file("?");
516 //EED Borrame int line = 0;
517 //EED Borrame if (mFileName.size()) {
518 //EED Borrame file = mFileName.back();
519 //EED Borrame line = mLine.back();
521 //EED Borrame bbtkWarning("UNDEFINED ERROR "
522 //EED Borrame <<"("<<file<<":"<<line<<") skipped");
523 //EED Borrame return;
525 mStatus = Interpreter_ERROR;
528 bool in_script = false;
529 std::string file("");
531 if (mFileName.size()) {
532 std::ifstream* fs = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream*>(mFile.back());
533 if (fs!=0) in_script = true;
534 file = mFileName.back();
538 throw InterpreterException("Unknown exception caught",
539 in_script,file,line);
543 std::stringstream mess;
544 mess << "* UNDEFINED ERROR (not a bbtk nor a std exception)"
546 if (mFileName.size()) {
547 mess << "* FILE : \""<<mFileName.back()<<"\""<<std::endl;
548 mess << "* LINE : "<<mLine.back()<<std::endl;
551 std::cerr << mess.str();
554 //=======================================================================
556 //=======================================================================
558 #define CATCH_MACRO \
559 catch (InterpreterException e) \
561 CatchInterpreterException(e); \
563 catch (bbtk::Exception e) \
565 CatchBbtkException(e); \
567 catch (std::exception& e) \
569 CatchStdException(e); \
573 CatchUnknownException(); \
575 //=======================================================================
578 //=======================================================================
579 InterpreterVirtual::ExitStatus InterpreterVirtual::InterpretFile( const std::string& filename, bool source )
581 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"==> InterpreterVirtual::InterpretFile(\""<<filename<<"\")"<<std::endl);
583 bool exm = mCommandLine;
584 mCommandLine = false;
588 mStatus = Interpreter_OK;
589 SwitchToFile(filename,source);
590 mInsideComment = false;
591 InterpretCurrentStreams();
595 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,
596 "<== InterpreterVirtual::InterpretFile(\""
597 <<filename<<"\")"<<std::endl);
604 //=======================================================================
607 //=======================================================================
608 InterpreterVirtual::ExitStatus
609 InterpreterVirtual::InterpretBuffer( std::stringstream* buffer )
611 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"==> InterpreterVirtual::InterpretBuffer()"<<std::endl);
613 bool exm = mCommandLine;
614 mCommandLine = false;
618 mStatus = Interpreter_OK;
619 SwitchToStream(buffer);
620 mInsideComment = false;
621 InterpretCurrentStreams();
626 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"<== InterpreterVirtual::InterpretBuffer()"<<std::endl);
632 //=======================================================================
634 //=======================================================================
635 /// Interprets the currently open streams
636 InterpreterVirtual::ExitStatus InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCurrentStreams()
638 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,
639 "==> InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCurrentStreams()"<<std::endl);
641 while (mFile.size()>0)
643 while (!mFile.back()->eof()) {
646 mFile.back()->getline(buf,500);
647 std::string str(buf);
648 //size 0 JCP 21-09-2009
649 int size=str.length();
651 if ( str[ size-1 ]==13 )
657 DoInterpretLine(str);
665 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,
666 "<== InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCurrentStreams()"<<std::endl);
670 //=======================================================================
672 //=======================================================================
673 /// Runs the interpretation of a command
674 InterpreterVirtual::ExitStatus InterpreterVirtual::InterpretLine( const std::string& line )
676 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",5,"==> InterpreterVirtual::InterpretLine('"<<line<<"')"<<std::endl);
680 mStatus = Interpreter_OK;
681 mInsideComment = false;
682 //std::cout<<"JCP bbtkInterpreter.cxx InterpreterVirtual::InterpretLine("<<std::endl;
683 DoInterpretLine(line );
688 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",5,"<== InterpreterVirtual::InterpretLine('"<<line<<"')"<<std::endl);
692 //=======================================================================
694 void InterpreterVirtual::commandNew(const std::string &boxType, const std::string &boxName) // virtual
698 void InterpreterVirtual::commandDelete(const std::string &boxName)
702 void InterpreterVirtual::commandConnection(const std::string &nodeFrom,const std::string &outputLabel,const std::string &nodeTo,const std::string &inputLabel)
706 void InterpreterVirtual::commandPackage(const std::string &packageName)
710 void InterpreterVirtual::commandEndPackage()
714 void InterpreterVirtual::commandDefine(const std::string &name,const std::string &pack,const std::string &scriptfilename)
718 void InterpreterVirtual::commandEndDefine()
722 void InterpreterVirtual::commandKind(const std::string &kind)
726 void InterpreterVirtual::commandPrint(const std::string &value)
731 void InterpreterVirtual::commandExec(const std::string &word)
736 void InterpreterVirtual::commandInput(const std::string &name,const std::string &box,const std::string &input,const std::string &help)
740 void InterpreterVirtual::commandOutput(const std::string &name,const std::string &box,const std::string &output,const std::string &help)
744 void InterpreterVirtual::commandSet(const std::string &box,const std::string &input,const std::string &value)
748 void InterpreterVirtual::commandAuthor(const std::string &author)
752 void InterpreterVirtual::commandCategory(const std::string &categorytype)
758 void InterpreterVirtual::commandDescription(const std::string &description)
763 void InterpreterVirtual::commandClear()
767 void InterpreterVirtual::commandInclude(const std::string &word, bool ok)
772 void InterpreterVirtual::commandLoad(const std::string &packageName)
776 void InterpreterVirtual::commandUnload(const std::string &packageName)
780 void InterpreterVirtual::commandBreak()
784 void InterpreterVirtual::commandQuit()
788 void InterpreterVirtual::commandMessage()
792 void InterpreterVirtual::commandMessage(const std::string &kind,const std::string &levelstr)
798 //=======================================================================
799 void InterpreterVirtual::DoInterpretLine( const std::string& line )
802 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",6,"==> InterpreterVirtual::DoInterpretLine(\""
803 <<line<<"\")"<<std::endl);
804 std::vector<std::string> words;
805 SplitLine(line,words);
812 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
816 // Single line comment : # or //
817 if ( words[0][0]=='#' || (words[0][0]=='/' && words[0][1]=='/') )
819 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
820 bbtkMessage("interpreter",9,"Comment"<<std::endl);
824 // Multi line comment ( /* ... */ ) -delimiters on different lines !-
826 if (words[0][0]=='/' && words[0][1]=='*')
828 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
829 bbtkMessage("interpreter",9,"In multiline comment"<<std::endl);
830 mInsideComment = true;
834 if (words[0][0]=='*' && words[0][1]=='/')
836 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
837 bbtkMessage("interpreter",9,"Out multiline comment"<<std::endl);
838 if ( !mInsideComment ) {
839 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
840 bbtkMessage("interpreter",9,"Comment mismatch : '*/' with no matching '/*'"<<std::endl);
842 mInsideComment = false;
848 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
849 bbtkMessage("interpreter",9,"Multiline Comment"<<std::endl);
855 CommandInfoType command;
856 InterpretCommand(words,command);
857 //std::cout<<"JCP bbtkInterpreter command.keyword ="<<command.keyword<<std::endl;
858 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,
859 "Command='"<<command.keyword
860 <<"' code="<<command.code<<std::endl);
862 std::string left,right,left2,right2;
863 std::string filename;
866 if (command.code==cMessage)
871 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->HelpMessages();
875 commandMessage(words[1],words[2]);
876 //EED Borrame sscanf(words[2].c_str(),"%d",&level);
877 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetMessageLevel(words[1],level);
883 bbtkMessage("echo",2,line<<std::endl);
886 // break and quit commands
887 if ((command.code==cBreak) || (command.code==cQuit))
889 bool in_script = false;
890 std::string file("");
893 if (mFileName.size())
895 std::ifstream* fs = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream*>(mFile.back());
896 if (fs!=0) in_script = true;
897 file = mFileName.back();
900 if (command.code==cBreak)
903 std::cout << "BreakException("
906 <<line<<")"<<std::endl;
909 //EED Borrame bbtkError("break");//,in_script,file,line);
910 // throw BreakException(in_script,file,line);
915 //EED Borrame bbtkError("quit");//,in_script,file,line);
916 //throw QuitException(in_script,file,line);
920 //std::cout<<" mVirtualExecuter->Create(words[1],words[2]); "<<line<<std::endl;
924 switch (command.code)
927 commandNew(words[1],words[2]);
928 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Create(words[1],words[2]);
932 commandDelete(words[1]);
933 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Destroy(words[1]);
937 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[1],left,right);
938 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[2],left2,right2);
939 commandConnection(left,right,left2,right2);
940 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Connect(left,right,left2,right2);
944 commandPackage(words[1]);
945 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->BeginPackage(words[1]);
950 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->EndPackage();
954 if (mFileName.size()>0)
956 //??? commandDefine(????);
957 filename = mFileName.back(); //mIncludeFileName.back(); //Utilities::get_file_name(mFileName.back());
961 std::string packTmp = "";
962 commandDefine(words[1],packTmp,filename);
963 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Define(words[1],"",filename);
967 commandDefine(words[1],words[2],filename);
968 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Define(words[1],words[2],filename);
974 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->EndDefine();
978 commandKind(words[1]);
979 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Kind(words[1]);
983 commandPrint(words[1]);
984 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Print(words[1]);
988 commandExec(words[1]);
989 //EED Borrame if (words[1]=="freeze")
991 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true);
992 //EED Borrame mThrow = false;
994 //EED Borrame else if (words[1]=="freeze_no_error")
996 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true);
997 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetNoErrorMode(true);
998 //EED Borrame mThrow = false;
1000 //EED Borrame else if (words[1]=="unfreeze")
1002 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(false);
1003 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->SetNoErrorMode(false);
1007 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Execute(words[1]);
1013 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[2],left,right);
1014 commandInput(words[1],left,right,words[3]);
1015 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->DefineInput(words[1],left,right,words[3]);
1019 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[2],left,right);
1020 commandOutput(words[1],left,right,words[3]);
1021 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->DefineOutput(words[1],left,right,words[3]);
1025 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[1],left,right);
1026 commandSet(left,right,words[2]);
1027 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Set(left,right,words[2]);
1031 commandAuthor(words[1]);
1032 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Author(words[1]);
1036 commandNewGUI(words[1],words[2]);
1040 commandCategory(words[1]);
1041 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Category(words[1]);
1045 if (words.size()==1)
1046 commandIndex("tmp_index.html");
1047 else if (words.size()==2)
1048 commandIndex(words[1]);
1049 else if (words.size()==3)
1050 commandIndex(words[1],words[2]);
1054 commandDescription(words[1]);
1055 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Description(words[1]);
1064 commandGraph(words);
1077 //EED Borrame mVirtualExecuter->Clear();
1081 commandInclude( words[1] , (words.size()==3) );
1082 //EED Borrame // if 'source' was given (words.size()==3) then tell to set the
1083 //EED Borrame // source file name of the current complex box with the full file name included
1084 //EED Borrame if (mCommandLine)
1086 //EED Borrame InterpretFile(words[1],(words.size()==3));
1087 //EED Borrame } else{
1088 //EED Borrame SwitchToFile(words[1],(words.size()==3) );
1093 commandLoad( words[1] );
1094 //EED Borrame GetExecuter()->LoadPackage(words[1]);
1098 commandUnload( words[1] );
1099 //EED Borrame GetExecuter()->UnLoadPackage(words[1]);
1103 if (words.size()==2) commandDebug(words[1]);
1104 else commandDebug("");
1109 if (words.size() == 2)
1111 if (words[1]=="freeze") mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true);
1112 else if (words[1]=="unfreeze") mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(false);
1116 mVirtualExecuter->SetWorkspaceName(words[2]);
1121 bbtkInternalError("should not reach here !!!");
1124 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",6,"<== InterpreterVirtual::DoInterpretLine(\""
1125 <<line<<"\")"<<std::endl);
1128 //=======================================================================
1134 //=======================================================================
1135 void InterpreterVirtual::SplitLine ( const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
1137 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"==> InterpreterVirtual::SplitLine(\""<<str<<"\")"<<std::endl);
1139 std::string delimiters = "\"";
1140 std::vector<std::string> quote;
1141 Utilities::SplitString(str,delimiters,quote);
1144 std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
1145 for (i=quote.begin(); i!=quote.end(); )
1147 Utilities::SplitString(*i,delimiters,tokens);
1151 // bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",0,"\""<<*i<<"\""<<std::endl);
1152 tokens.push_back(*i);
1157 for (i=tokens.begin(); i!=tokens.end(); ++i)
1159 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"--["<<*i<<"]"<<std::endl);
1161 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"<== InterpreterVirtual::SplitLine(\""<<str<<"\")"<<std::endl);
1164 //=======================================================================
1167 //=======================================================================
1168 void InterpreterVirtual::commandReset()
1171 //=======================================================================
1173 //=======================================================================
1178 void InterpreterVirtual::Print( const std::string& str)
1180 if (mVirtualExecuter->GetNoExecMode()) return;
1182 bbtkDebugMessageInc("interpreter",9,"InterpreterVirtual::Print(\""<<str<<"\")"<<std::endl);
1185 // InterpretLine ("load std")
1186 // InterpretLine("new ConcatStrings _C_ ") -> trouver un nom unique : # commande
1187 // InterpretLine("new Print _P_")
1188 // InterpretLine("connect _C_.Out _P_.In")
1192 std::vector<std::string> chains;
1193 std::string delimiters("$");
1195 // Skip delimiters at beginning.
1196 std::string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
1197 bool is_text = true;
1198 if (lastPos>0) is_text = false;
1200 // Find first delimiter.
1201 std::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
1203 while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos)
1207 // Found a text token, add it to the vector.
1208 chains.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
1209 // std::string token = str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)
1210 // InterpretLine("set _C_.In%num% %token%")
1216 // is an output (between $$) : decode
1217 std::string tok,box,output;
1218 tok = str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);
1219 Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(tok,box,output);
1220 chains.push_back( mVirtualExecuter->Get(box,output) );
1222 // InterpretLine("connect %tok% _C_.In%num%")
1225 // Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of"
1226 lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
1227 // Find next delimiter
1228 pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
1233 // InterpretLine("exec _P_")
1234 // if (IS_IN_WORKSPACE) InterpretLine("delete _C_; delete _P_");
1236 std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
1237 for (i= chains.begin(); i!=chains.end(); ++i)
1240 Utilities::SubsBackslashN(*i);
1243 std::cout << std::endl;
1244 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
1248 //=======================================================================
1253 // =========================================================================
1254 void InterpreterVirtual::SwitchToFile( const std::string& name , bool source )
1256 // Note : in the following :
1257 // name : the user supplied name
1258 // - abreviated name e.g. scr scr.bbs
1259 // - relative full name e.g. ./scr.bbs ../../scr.bbs
1260 // - absolute full name e.g. /home/usrname/proj/dir/scr.bbs
1261 // same for Windows, with c:, d: ...
1263 // use ./directory/subdir/scrname.bbs
1266 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"==> InterpreterVirtual::SwitchToFile( \""
1267 <<name<<"\")"<<std::endl);
1269 std::vector<std::string> script_paths;
1270 std::string fullPathScriptName; // full path script name
1271 std::string pkgname; // e.g. <scriptname>.bbs
1272 std::vector<std::string> Filenames;
1274 // The following is *NOT* a debug time message :
1275 // It's a user intended message.
1276 // Please don't remove it.
1277 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,
1278 "look for : [" << name
1279 << "]" << std::endl);
1283 pkgname = Utilities::ExtractScriptName(name,upath);
1285 bbtkMessage("interpreter",3,
1286 "package name:[" << pkgname
1287 << "] path:[" << upath << "]" << std::endl);
1288 bool fullnameGiven = false;
1289 bool foundFile = false;
1291 // ==== "*" provided : load all scripts in given path
1292 // relative (e.g. std/boxes/*) or absolute
1296 std::stringstream* stream = new std::stringstream;
1297 //if (upath.size()!=0) // avoid troubles for "*"
1299 // ==== no path provided : look in root bbs path
1300 if (upath.size()==0)
1302 // bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,
1303 // LG : add all bbs path
1304 // script_paths.push_back( ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_root_bbs_path() );
1305 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i;
1306 for (i=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().begin();
1307 i!=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().end();
1310 script_paths.push_back(*i);
1313 // ==== absolute path provided
1314 else if (upath[0]=='/' || upath[1] == ':' )
1316 if ( Utilities::IsDirectory( upath ) )
1318 script_paths.push_back(upath);
1322 bbtkError("'"<<upath<<"' : directory does not exist");
1325 // ==== relative path provided : search all bbs path appended with
1326 // the relative path provided
1329 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i;
1330 for (i=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().begin();
1331 i!=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().end();
1334 std::string full_path(*i);
1335 // we *really* want '.' to be the current working directory
1336 if (full_path == ".")
1338 char buf[2048]; // for getcwd
1339 char * currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048);
1340 std::string cwd(currentDir);
1341 full_path = currentDir;
1344 full_path += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
1347 if ( Utilities::IsDirectory( full_path ) )
1349 script_paths.push_back(full_path);
1352 if (script_paths.empty())
1354 bbtkError("no '"<<upath<<"' subdir found in search paths"
1359 // === search paths list complete : now explore it
1361 // ==== relative name, iterate + load all .bbs/.bbp files
1362 std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
1363 for (i=script_paths.begin();i!=script_paths.end();i++)
1365 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,
1366 "--> Looking in '" << *i << "'" << std::endl);
1370 Utilities::Explore(*i, false, Filenames);
1372 for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator j = Filenames.begin();
1373 j!= Filenames.end(); ++j)
1375 int lgr = (*j).size();
1376 if (lgr < 5) continue;
1377 // ignore non .bbp file
1378 if ( (*j).substr(lgr-4, 4) != ".bbp") continue;
1380 (*stream) << "include \"" << *j << "\"\n";
1381 bbtkMessage("interpreter",2," --> Found '" << *j << "'" << std::endl);
1384 } // for (std::vector...
1385 } // for (i=script_...
1390 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,
1391 " --> No .bbp found"<< std::endl);
1395 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,
1396 " --> "<<nbBssFiles<<" .bbp found"<< std::endl);
1397 SwitchToStream(stream);
1401 //=============== end pkgname=="*" ===========
1404 // if name starts with a / or a . or contains : user is assumed to have passed a relative/absolute name
1405 // (not only a plain script name)
1406 // we trust him, and try to expland the directory name
1407 // WARNING : starting from current local directory : ./whatYouWant (./ mandatory!)
1409 if (name[0]=='/' || name[1] == ':' || name[0]=='.') // absolute path (linux/windows) or relative path
1412 // ===========================================================check user supplied location
1413 fullnameGiven = true;
1415 fullPathScriptName = Utilities::ExpandLibName(name, false);
1417 // allow user to always forget ".bbs"
1418 int l = fullPathScriptName.size();
1422 if ((fullPathScriptName.substr(l-4, 4) != ".bbs")&&
1423 (fullPathScriptName.substr(l-4, 4) != ".bbp"))
1425 std::string tfullPathScriptName = fullPathScriptName + ".bbs";
1426 if ( Utilities::FileExists(tfullPathScriptName) )
1428 fullPathScriptName = tfullPathScriptName;
1433 tfullPathScriptName = fullPathScriptName + ".bbp";
1434 if ( Utilities::FileExists(tfullPathScriptName) )
1436 fullPathScriptName = tfullPathScriptName;
1443 if ( Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName) )
1451 // =============================== iterate on the paths
1453 script_paths = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths();
1455 std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
1456 for (i=script_paths.begin();i!=script_paths.end();++i)
1459 // we *really* want '.' to be the current working directory
1462 char buf[2048]; // for getcwd
1463 char * currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048);
1464 std::string cwd(currentDir);
1468 std::string tfullPathScriptName = Utilities::MakePkgnameFromPath(path, name, false);
1469 //Addition JCP tfullPathScriptName.size()>=4
1470 if(tfullPathScriptName.size()>=4){
1471 if (tfullPathScriptName.substr(tfullPathScriptName.size()-4, 3)==".bb")
1473 fullPathScriptName = tfullPathScriptName;
1474 if ( ! Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName) )
1476 // The following is *NOT* a debug time message :
1477 // It's a user intended message.
1478 // Please don't remove it.
1479 bbtkMessage("interpreter",2,
1480 " [" <<fullPathScriptName <<"] : does not exist"
1482 continue; // try next path
1484 bbtkMessage("interpreter",2,
1485 " [" <<fullPathScriptName
1486 <<"] : found" <<std::endl);
1488 break; // a script was found; we stop iterating
1492 fullPathScriptName = tfullPathScriptName + ".bbs";
1493 // Check if library exists
1494 if ( ! Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName) )
1496 fullPathScriptName = tfullPathScriptName + ".bbp";
1497 if ( ! Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName) )
1499 // The following is *NOT* a debug time message :
1500 // It's a user intended message.
1501 // Please don't remove it.
1502 bbtkMessage("interpreter",2,
1503 " [" <<tfullPathScriptName <<".bbs/.bbp] : do not exist"
1505 continue; // try next path
1508 bbtkMessage("interpreter",2,
1509 " [" <<fullPathScriptName
1510 <<"] : found" <<std::endl);
1512 break; // a script was found; we stop iterating
1515 } //------------------ // end for ( package_paths.begin();i!=package_paths.end() )
1521 if(fullPathScriptName == "")
1522 bbtkError("Path ["<<upath<<"] doesn't exist");
1524 bbtkError("Script ["<<fullPathScriptName<<"] not found");
1526 bbtkError("No ["<<pkgname<<".bbs/.bbp] script found");
1529 LoadScript(fullPathScriptName,name);
1530 //EED Borrame if (source) GetExecuter()->SetCurrentFileName(fullPathScriptName);
1531 if (source) SetCurrentFileName(fullPathScriptName);
1536 //=======================================================================
1538 //=======================================================================
1539 void InterpreterVirtual::SetCurrentFileName(const std::string &fullPathScriptName) // virtual
1542 //=======================================================================
1544 //=======================================================================
1545 void InterpreterVirtual::SwitchToStream( std::stringstream* stream )
1547 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"==> InterpreterVirtual::SwitchToStream()"
1549 mFile.push_back(stream);
1550 std::ostringstream buffer_name;
1552 buffer_name << "buffer_" ;
1554 if (mFileName.size()>0 )
1556 buffer_name << mFileName.back() << "_" << mLine.back();
1558 mFileName.push_back(buffer_name.str());
1559 mIncludeFileName.push_back(buffer_name.str());
1562 //=======================================================================
1564 //=======================================================================
1566 void InterpreterVirtual::LoadScript( std::string fullPathScriptName,
1567 std::string includeScriptName)
1569 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",4,"==> InterpreterVirtual::LoadScript("
1570 <<fullPathScriptName<<")"
1573 Utilities::replace( fullPathScriptName ,
1576 if (find(mFileNameHistory.begin(),
1577 mFileNameHistory.end(),
1578 fullPathScriptName)!=mFileNameHistory.end())
1584 s = new std::ifstream;
1585 s->open(fullPathScriptName.c_str());
1588 bbtkError("Could not open file ["<<fullPathScriptName<<"]");
1592 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1," -->[" << fullPathScriptName
1593 << "] found" << std::endl);
1596 mFileName.push_back(fullPathScriptName);
1597 mFileNameHistory.push_back(fullPathScriptName);
1598 mIncludeFileName.push_back(includeScriptName);
1603 //=======================================================================
1605 //=======================================================================
1606 void InterpreterVirtual::CloseCurrentFile()
1608 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"==> InterpreterVirtual::CloseCurrentFile()"
1611 if (mFile.size()==0)
1613 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9," -> no file left open"<<std::endl);
1617 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9," Closing file '"<<mFileName.back()<<"'"<<std::endl);
1619 std::ifstream* file = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream*>(mFile.back());
1620 if (file!=0) file->close();
1622 delete mFile.back();
1624 mFileName.pop_back();
1625 mIncludeFileName.pop_back();
1628 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9," Remains "
1630 <<" open"<<std::endl);
1631 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"<== InterpreterVirtual::CloseCurrentFile()"
1634 //=======================================================================
1636 //=======================================================================
1637 void InterpreterVirtual::CloseAllFiles()
1639 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"==> InterpreterVirtual::CloseAllFiles()"
1642 while (mFile.size() != 0)
1646 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"<== InterpreterVirtual::CloseAllFiles()"
1649 //=======================================================================
1653 //=======================================================================
1654 void InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCommand( const std::vector<std::string>& words,
1655 CommandInfoType& info )
1658 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"==> InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCommand(...)"<<std::endl);
1660 // searches the command keyword
1661 CommandDictType::iterator c;
1662 c = mCommandDict.find(words[0]);
1663 if ( c == mCommandDict.end() ) {
1664 bbtkError(words[0]<<" : unknown command");
1667 // tests the number of args
1668 if ( ( ((int)words.size())-1 < c->second.argmin ) ||
1669 ( ((int)words.size())-1 > c->second.argmax ) )
1672 //EED HelpCommand(words[0]);
1673 commandHelp(words[0]);
1674 bbtkError(words[0]<<" : wrong number of arguments");
1676 //std::cout<<"InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCommand( const std::vector<std::string>& words,"<<std::endl;
1678 bbtkDebugMessage("interpreter",9,"<== InterpreterVirtual::InterpretCommand(...)"<<std::endl);
1681 //=======================================================================
1684 //=======================================================================
1685 /// Displays help on all the commands
1686 void InterpreterVirtual::commandHelp(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
1689 //=======================================================================
1690 void InterpreterVirtual::commandHelp(const std::string &words)
1693 //=======================================================================
1695 //===================================================================
1696 /// Displays the Configuration
1697 void InterpreterVirtual::commandConfig() const
1700 //===================================================================
1704 //=======================================================================
1705 /// Fills the vector commands with the commands which
1706 /// have the first n chars of buf for prefix
1707 /// TODO : skip initial spaces in buf and also return the position of first
1708 /// non blank char in buf
1709 void InterpreterVirtual::FindCommandsWithPrefix( char* buf,
1711 std::vector<std::string>& commands )
1713 CommandDictType::const_iterator i;
1714 for (i=mCommandDict.begin(); i!=mCommandDict.end(); ++i)
1716 if ((i->first).find(buf,0,n) == 0)
1717 commands.push_back(i->first);
1720 //=======================================================================
1724 //=======================================================================
1727 inline void PrintChar(char c) { write(STDOUT_FILENO,&c,1); }
1728 inline void BackSpace() { write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\b \b",3); }
1732 // E.G. STORE THIS IN bbtk_config.xml
1733 #define BBTK_UP_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00415B1B
1734 #define BBTK_DOWN_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00425B1B
1735 #define BBTK_RIGHT_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00435B1B
1736 #define BBTK_LEFT_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00445B1B
1737 #define BBTK_BACKSPACE_KBCODE 0x00000008
1738 #define BBTK_DEL_KBCODE 0x0000007F
1739 #define BBTK_SPACE_KBCODE 0x00000020
1741 //=======================================================================
1742 void InterpreterVirtual::GetLineFromPrompt(std::string& s)
1747 unsigned int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 160;
1748 unsigned int MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 100;
1750 char* newline = new char[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
1751 memset(newline,0,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
1752 char* histline = new char[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
1753 memset(histline,0,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
1755 char* line = newline;
1756 unsigned int hist = mHistory.size();
1762 read ( STDIN_FILENO, &c, 4) ;
1764 bbtkDebugMessage("debug",9,"[0x"<<std::hex<<c<<"]\n");
1766 // Printable character
1767 if ( (ind<MAX_LINE_SIZE-1) &&
1768 ( c >= BBTK_SPACE_KBCODE ) &&
1769 ( c < BBTK_DEL_KBCODE ))
1777 // delete the unused line
1783 // empty lines are not stored in from history
1786 // if history too long : delete oldest command
1787 if (mHistory.size()>MAX_HISTORY_SIZE)
1789 delete mHistory.front();
1790 mHistory.pop_front();
1792 mHistory.push_back(line);
1797 else if ( (ind>0) &&
1799 (c == BBTK_DEL_KBCODE)) )
1807 // TODO : Command completion
1808 std::vector<std::string> commands;
1809 FindCommandsWithPrefix( line,ind,commands);
1810 if (commands.size()==1)
1812 std::string com = *commands.begin();
1813 for (; ind<com.size(); ++ind)
1815 PrintChar(com[ind]);
1821 else if (commands.size()>1)
1823 std::vector<std::string>::iterator i;
1825 for (i=commands.begin();i!=commands.end();++i)
1827 write(STDOUT_FILENO,(*i).c_str(),strlen((*i).c_str()));
1830 write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\n> ",3);
1831 //for (int j=0;j<ind;++j)
1833 write(STDOUT_FILENO,line,ind);
1837 // Arrow up : back in history
1838 else if (c==BBTK_UP_ARROW_KBCODE)
1842 // erase current line
1843 while (ind--) BackSpace();
1847 strcpy(histline,mHistory[hist]);
1851 write(STDOUT_FILENO,line,ind);
1854 // Arrow down : down in history
1855 else if (c==BBTK_DOWN_ARROW_KBCODE)
1857 if (hist<mHistory.size()-1)
1859 // erase current line
1860 while (ind--) BackSpace();
1864 strcpy(histline,mHistory[hist]);
1868 write(STDOUT_FILENO,line,ind);
1870 // end of history : switch back to newline
1871 else if (hist==mHistory.size()-1)
1873 // erase current line
1874 while (ind--) BackSpace();
1881 write(STDOUT_FILENO,line,ind);
1885 else if (line[ind]!=0 && c==BBTK_RIGHT_ARROW_KBCODE)
1887 PrintChar(line[ind]);
1892 else if (ind>0 && c==BBTK_LEFT_ARROW_KBCODE)
1900 write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\n\r",2);
1908 //=======================================================================
1909 void InterpreterVirtual::GetLineFromPrompt(std::string& s)
1935 //=======================================================================
1941 //=======================================================================
1942 void InterpreterVirtual::CommandLineInterpreter()
1944 bbtkDebugMessageInc("interpreter",9,
1945 "InterpreterVirtual::CommandLineInterpreter()"<<std::endl);
1948 // Initialise the tty in non canonical mode with no echo
1949 // oter remembers the previous settings to restore them after
1950 struct termios ter,oter;
1953 ter.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
1954 ter.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
1957 tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&ter);
1960 mCommandLine = true;
1962 // bool insideComment = false; // for multiline comment
1963 mInsideComment = false;
1969 GetLineFromPrompt(line);
1970 DoInterpretLine(line); //, insideComment);
1973 catch (QuitException e)
1975 bbtkMessage("interpreter",1,"Interpreter : Quit"<<std::endl);
1979 catch (bbtk::Exception e)
1983 catch (std::exception& e)
1985 std::cerr << "* ERROR :: "<<e.what()<<" (not in bbtk)"<<std::endl;
1989 std::cerr << "* UNDEFINED ERROR (not a bbtk nor a std exception)"<<std::endl;
1995 tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&oter);
1998 std::cout << "Good bye !" << std::endl;
2000 bbtkDebugDecTab("interpreter",9);
2003 //=======================================================================
2004 void InterpreterVirtual::commandGraph(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
2007 //=======================================================================
2010 //=======================================================================
2011 void InterpreterVirtual::commandIndex(const std::string& filename, const std::string& type)
2014 //=======================================================================
2017 //=======================================================================
2018 void InterpreterVirtual::commandNewGUI(const std::string& boxname,const std::string& instanceName)
2021 //=======================================================================
2025 //==========================================================================
2026 void InterpreterVirtual::commandDebug(const std::string& name)
2029 //==========================================================================
2032 //==========================================================================
2033 // Adds a callback when 'break' command issued
2034 void InterpreterVirtual::AddBreakObserver( BreakCallbackType c )
2036 mBreakSignal.connect(c);
2038 //==========================================================================
2041 //==========================================================================
2042 std::string InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectName() const
2044 return std::string("InterpreterVirtual");
2046 //==========================================================================
2048 //==========================================================================
2049 std::string InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectInfo() const
2051 std::stringstream i;
2054 //==========================================================================
2056 //==========================================================================
2057 size_t InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectSize() const
2059 size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectSize();
2060 s += InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectInternalSize();
2063 //==========================================================================
2064 //==========================================================================
2065 size_t InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectInternalSize() const
2067 size_t s = sizeof(InterpreterVirtual);
2070 //==========================================================================
2071 //==========================================================================
2072 size_t InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectRecursiveSize() const
2074 size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectRecursiveSize();
2075 s += InterpreterVirtual::GetObjectInternalSize();
2078 //==========================================================================