]> Creatis software - creaMaracasVisu.git/blob - lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/tcl/string_table.tcl
#3470 merge vtk8itk5wx3-mingw64
[creaMaracasVisu.git] / lib / maracasVisuLib / src / interface / tcl / string_table.tcl
2 namespace eval string_table {
4     variable str_3D_back_color                   {3D world background color:}
5     variable str_accept_changes                  {Accept changes?}
6     variable str_algorithm                       {Algorithm}
7     variable str_all_slices_selected             {All slices selected by default?}
8     variable str_area                            {Area}
9     variable str_avg                             {Average}
10     variable str_axial                           {Axial}
11     variable str_axis                            {Axis}
12     variable str_axis_color                      {Axis color:}
13     variable str_axis_step                       {Axis discret step (1/N):}
14     variable str_bright                          {bright}
15     variable str_browse                          {Browse...}
16     variable str_calculate_mip_default           {Calculate MIP default?}
17     variable str_calculated                      {Contour calculated}
18     variable str_cancel                          {Cancel}
19     variable str_choose_a_file                   {Choose a file}
20     variable str_choose_order                    {Choose order}
21     variable str_chooseadirectory                {chooseadirectory}
22     variable str_choose_a_name                   {Choose a name...}
23     variable str_clean                           {clean}
24     variable str_clean_contours                  {Recalculate contours}
25     variable str_coef_ballon                     {Ballon coeficient:}
26     variable str_coef_cell                       {Cell coeficient:}
27     variable str_coef_flex                       {Flexion coeficient:}
28     variable str_coef_extern                     {Extern coeficient:}
29     variable str_coef_grad                       {Gradient coeficient:}
30     variable str_coef_pas                        {Step coeficient (1/N):}
31     variable str_coef_tension                    {Tension coeficient:}
32     variable str_color                           {Color}
33     variable str_colormap                        {Colormap}
34     variable str_console_window_visible          {Console window visible?}
35     variable str_contour                         {Contour}
36     variable str_coronal                         {Coronal}
37     variable str_data_types                      {data types}
38     variable str_debug                           {Debug}
39     variable str_debug_window_visible            {Debug window visible?}
40     variable str_delta                           {Delta:}
41     variable str_description                     {Description}
42     variable str_diam_area                       {Diameter from area}
43     variable str_diam_avg                        {Average diameter}
44     variable str_diam_max                        {Maximum diameter}
45     variable str_diam_min                        {Minimum diameter}
46     variable str_diam_peri                       {Diameter from perimeter}
47     variable str_diameters                       {Diameters}
48     variable str_dim_voxel_x                     {Dimension VXx:}
49     variable str_dim_voxel_y                     {Dimension VXy:}
50     variable str_dim_voxel_z                     {Dimension VXz:}
51     variable str_directories                     {Configure Directories}
52     variable str_dist_int                        {Distance max. int:}
53     variable str_distance                        {Distance:}
54     variable str_distance_cdg                    {Distance cdg:}
55     variable str_edge                            {edge}
56     variable str_edge_points                     {Edge points}
57     variable str_erase_extracted_contours        {Delete extracted contours?}
58     variable str_erase_quant                     {Delete quantification}
59     variable str_erase_quant_q                   {Delete all quantification?}
60     variable str_filled_contour                  {Filled contour}
61     variable str_general                         {General}
62     variable str_generate_new_axis               {Generate a new axis?}
63     variable str_green_red                       {green red}
64     variable str_greyscale                       {Greyscale}
65     variable str_healthy_slice                   {Healthy slice}
66     variable str_if_name_exists_will_erase       {This name already exists. Remplace it?}
67     variable str_images_directory                {DICOM Images Directory:}
68     variable str_institution                     {Institution}
69     variable str_int                             {Intensity}
70     variable str_interpolation_type              {Interpolation type}
71     variable str_isocontour                      {IsoContour}
72     variable str_isocontours                     {IsoContours}
73     variable str_isoval                          {isoval}
74     variable str_isovalue                        {isovalue}
75     variable str_iter                            {No. iterations:}
76     variable str_maracas_title                   {MARACAS - MAgnetic Resonance Angiography Computer ASsisted analysis}
77     variable str_mask_size                       {Mask size:}
78     variable str_mass_power                      {Mass power:}
79     variable str_max                             {Maximum}
80     variable str_min                             {Minimum}
81     variable str_mip                             {MIP}
82     variable str_mip_controls                    {MIP controls}
83     variable str_mm_length                       {Length(mm)}
84     variable str_mpr_controls                    {MPR controls}
85     variable str_mpr_type                        {MPR type}
86     variable str_near_neighbor                   {Near neighbor}
87     variable str_new_axis_name                   {New axis name:}
88     variable str_no_name_choose_yet              {No name choose yet!}
89     variable str_nro_pix                         {Number of pixels}
90     variable str_ok                              {Ok}
91     variable str_opacity                         {Opacity}
92     variable str_opaque                          {Opaque}
93     variable str_partial_axis_delete             {partial axis delete}
94     variable str_patient_id                      {Patient ID}
95     variable str_patient_name                    {Patient Name}
96     variable str_pause                           {Pause}
97     variable str_peri                            {Perimeter}
98     variable str_perpendicular_section           {Perpendicular section}
99     variable str_play                            {Play}
100     variable str_please_select_a_different_point {please select a different point}
101     variable str_please_select_a_point           {please select a point}
102     variable str_quantification                  {Quantification}
103     variable str_quant_will_be_erased            {Quantification will be erased}
104     variable str_rec_surface                     {Reconstructed surface}
105     variable str_recalculate_contours            {Recalculate any contour?}
106     variable str_red_blue                        {red blue}
107     variable str_refresh                         {Refresh}
108     variable str_rings_visible                   {Visible rings}
109     variable str_roi_dim                         {ROI dimension:}
110     variable str_sagital                         {Sagital}
111     variable str_sample                          {Sample:}
112     variable str_scale                           {Scale:}
113     variable str_select_the_segment_to_delete    {select the segment to delete}
114     variable str_serie                           {Serie}
115     variable str_serie_bodypart                  {Body Part}
116     variable str_serie_date                      {Date}
117     variable str_serie_description               {Description}
118     variable str_serie_diagnostic                {Diagnostic}
119     variable str_serie_modality                  {Modality}
120     variable str_serie_name                      {Name}
121     variable str_serie_number                    {Number}
122     variable str_serie_time                      {Time}
123     variable str_series                          {Series}
124     variable str_showtype                        {Show type:}
125     variable str_show_surf                       {Show surface}
126     variable str_sigma                           {Sigma:}
127     variable str_slice                           {Slice}
128     variable str_slices                          {Slices}
129     variable str_snake                           {Snake}
130     variable str_snake_der                       {Snake + Deriche}
131     variable str_snake_iso                       {Snake + IsoContour}
132     variable str_std                             {Standard deviation}
133     variable str_stenosis_type                   {Stenosis type}
134     variable str_stenosis                        {Stenosis}
135     variable str_step                            {Step:}
136     variable str_stop_quantification             {Stop quantification?}
137     variable str_study_date                      {Study Date}
138     variable str_study_id                        {Study ID}
139     variable str_study_name                      {Study Name}
140     variable str_study_time                      {Study Time}
141     variable str_subtract_series                 {subtract series}
142     variable str_sure_to_stop                    {sure to stop \n(stop/pause/continue)}
143     variable str_surface                         {Surface}
144     variable str_surface_color                   {Surface color:}
145     variable str_surface_values                  {Surface values}
146     variable str_threshold                       {Threshold:}
147     variable str_title_params                    {Parameters for MARACAS...}
148     variable str_transparent                     {Transparent}
149     variable str_trilinear                       {Trilinear}
150     variable str_user_defined                    {User configuration}
151     variable str_work_directory                  {Work Directory:}
152     variable str_renal                           {Renal}
153     variable str_aorta                           {Aorta}
154     variable str_carotid                         {Carotid}
155     variable str_llimbs                          {Lower Limbs}
156     variable str_yes                             {Yes}
157     variable str_no                              {No}
159     variable str_postcontour_wizard              {Post-Contour Wizard...}
161     variable str_postaxis_wizard                 {Post-Axis Wizard...}
162     variable str_artery_types                    {Artery types}
163     variable str_questions                       {Questions}
164     variable str_other                           {Other}
165     variable str_correct_result                  {Correct results?}
166     variable str_out_of_lumen                    {Out of lumen?}
167     variable str_not_centered                    {Not centered?}
168     variable str_zig_zag_axis                    {Zig-zag axis?}
169     variable str_out_of_bifurcation              {Out of bifurcation?}
170     variable str_out_of_curve                    {Out of curve?}
171     variable str_jump_to_vein                    {Jump to vein?}
172     variable str_overestimated                   {Over-estimated?}
173     variable str_underestimated                  {Under-estimated?}
174     variable str_extraconcave                    {Extraconcave?}
175     variable str_more_than_one_artery            {More than one artery?}
176     variable str_minimum_voxel                   {Minimum voxel}
177     variable str_normal_voxel                    {Normal voxel}
179     variable str_coef_cell_max_int               {Cell Max. Int. Coef (1/N):}
180     variable str_show_cell                       {Show cell?}
181     variable str_show_i_cell                     {Show intensity cell?}
183 }
185 # EOF - string_table.tcl