1 function SG=Uscharfettergummel2(mesh,v,acoeff,bcoeff)
4 % SG=Ufastscharfettergummel2(mesh,v,acoeff,bcoeff)
7 % Builds the Scharfetter-Gummel matrix for the
8 % the discretization of the LHS
9 % of the Drift-Diffusion equation:
11 % $ -\div (a(x) (\grad (b(x) u) - b(x) u \grad v'(x) ))= f $
13 % where a(x) is piecewise constant
14 % and v(x),b(x) is piecewise linear, so that
15 % v'(x) is still piecewise constant
16 % and u is the unknown
20 % This file is part of
22 % SECS2D - A 2-D Drift--Diffusion Semiconductor Device Simulator
23 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
24 % Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Carlo de Falco
28 % SECS2D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
29 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
30 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
31 % (at your option) any later version.
33 % SECS2D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
34 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
36 % GNU General Public License for more details.
38 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
39 % along with SECS2D; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
42 Nnodes = length(mesh.p);
43 Nelements = length(mesh.t);
45 areak = reshape (sum( mesh.wjacdet,1),1,1,Nelements);
46 shg = mesh.shg(:,:,:);
47 M = reshape (acoeff,1,1,Nelements);
50 % build local Laplacian matrix
52 Lloc=zeros(3,3,Nelements);
57 ginode(inode,jnode,:)=mesh.t(inode,:);
58 gjnode(inode,jnode,:)=mesh.t(jnode,:);
59 Lloc(inode,jnode,:) = M .* sum( shg(:,inode,:) .* shg(:,jnode,:),1) .* areak;
64 vloc = v(mesh.t(1:3,:));
65 bloc = bcoeff(mesh.t(1:3,:));
67 blocm1 = Utemplogm(bloc(3,:),bloc(2,:));
68 blocm2 = Utemplogm(bloc(1,:),bloc(3,:));
69 blocm3 = Utemplogm(bloc(1,:),bloc(2,:));
71 [bp12,bm12] = Ubern(((vloc(2,:)-vloc(1,:))-(bloc(2,:)-bloc(1,:)))./blocm3);
72 [bp13,bm13] = Ubern(((vloc(3,:)-vloc(1,:))-(bloc(3,:)-bloc(1,:)))./blocm2);
73 [bp23,bm23] = Ubern(((vloc(3,:)-vloc(2,:))-(bloc(3,:)-bloc(2,:)))./blocm1);
75 bp12 = reshape(blocm3.*bp12,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(1,2,:);
76 bm12 = reshape(blocm3.*bm12,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(1,2,:);
77 bp13 = reshape(blocm2.*bp13,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(1,3,:);
78 bm13 = reshape(blocm2.*bm13,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(1,3,:);
79 bp23 = reshape(blocm1.*bp23,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(2,3,:);
80 bm23 = reshape(blocm1.*bm23,1,1,Nelements).*Lloc(2,3,:);
82 SGloc(1,1,:) = -bm12-bm13;
87 SGloc(2,2,:) = -bp12-bm23;
92 SGloc(3,3,:) = -bp13-bp23;
94 ##SGloc=[-bm12-bm13, bp12 , bp13
95 ## bm12 , -bp12-bm23, bp23
96 ## bm13 , bm23 , -bp13-bp23];
98 SG = sparse(ginode(:),gjnode(:),SGloc(:));