1 // xImaWnd.cpp : Windows functions
2 /* 07/08/2001 v1.00 - Davide Pizzolato - www.xdp.it
3 * CxImage version 6.0.0 02/Feb/2008
8 #include "ximaiter.h"
11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #if defined (_WIN32_WCE)
15 #define DEFAULT_GUI_FONT 17
18 #ifndef PROOF_QUALITY
19 #define PROOF_QUALITY 2
22 struct DIBINFO : public BITMAPINFO
24 RGBQUAD arColors[255]; // Color table info - adds an extra 255 entries to palette
25 operator LPBITMAPINFO() { return (LPBITMAPINFO) this; }
26 operator LPBITMAPINFOHEADER() { return &bmiHeader; }
27 RGBQUAD* ColorTable() { return bmiColors; }
30 int BytesPerLine(int nWidth, int nBitsPerPixel)
32 return ( (nWidth * nBitsPerPixel + 31) & (~31) ) / 8;
35 int NumColorEntries(int nBitsPerPixel, int nCompression, DWORD biClrUsed)
38 switch (nBitsPerPixel)
43 nColors = 4; break; // winCE only
45 nColors = 16; break;
47 nColors =256; break;
52 nColors = 3; break; // I've found that PocketPCs need this regardless of BI_RGB or BI_BITFIELDS
56 // If biClrUsed is provided, and it is a legal value, use it
57 if (biClrUsed > 0 && biClrUsed <= (DWORD)nColors)
64 HDC hdc, // handle to DC
65 HBITMAP hbmp, // handle to bitmap
66 UINT uStartScan, // first scan line to set
67 UINT cScanLines, // number of scan lines to copy
68 LPVOID lpvBits, // array for bitmap bits
69 LPBITMAPINFO lpbi, // bitmap data buffer
70 UINT uUsage // RGB or palette index
73 UINT iColorTableSize = 0;
78 // Get dimensions of bitmap
80 if (!::GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(bm),(LPVOID)&bm))
83 //3. Creating new bitmap and receive pointer to it's bits.
84 HBITMAP hTargetBitmap;
87 //3.1 Initilize DIBINFO structure
89 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
90 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
91 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
92 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
93 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = bm.bmHeight;
94 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
95 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = 40;
96 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bm.bmHeight*BytesPerLine(bm.bmWidth,24);
97 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = bm.bmWidth;
98 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 3780;
99 dibInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 3780;
100 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = 0;
101 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = 0;
102 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbRed = 0;
103 dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0;
105 //3.2 Create bitmap and receive pointer to points into pBuffer
106 HDC hDC = ::GetDC(NULL);
108 hTargetBitmap = CreateDIBSection(
110 (const BITMAPINFO*)dibInfo,
116 ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
118 //4. Copy source bitmap into the target bitmap.
120 //4.1 Create 2 device contexts
121 HDC memDc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
126 HDC targetDc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
131 //4.2 Select source bitmap into one DC, target into another
132 HBITMAP hOldBitmap1 = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(memDc, hbmp);
133 HBITMAP hOldBitmap2 = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(targetDc, hTargetBitmap);
135 //4.3 Copy source bitmap into the target one
136 BitBlt(targetDc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, memDc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
138 //4.4 Restore device contexts
139 ::SelectObject(memDc, hOldBitmap1);
140 ::SelectObject(targetDc, hOldBitmap2);
142 DeleteDC(targetDc);
144 //Here we can bitmap bits: pBuffer. Note:
145 // 1. pBuffer contains 3 bytes per point
146 // 2. Lines ane from the bottom to the top!
147 // 3. Points in the line are from the left to the right
148 // 4. Bytes in one point are BGR (blue, green, red) not RGB
149 // 5. Don't delete pBuffer, it will be automatically deleted
150 // when delete hTargetBitmap
153 DeleteObject(hbmp);
154 //DeleteObject(hTargetBitmap);
160 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
162 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
163 long CxImage::Blt(HDC pDC, long x, long y)
165 if((pDib==0)||(pDC==0)||(!info.bEnabled)) return 0;
167 HBRUSH brImage = CreateDIBPatternBrushPt(pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
169 SetBrushOrgEx(pDC,x,y,&pt); //<RT>
170 HBRUSH brOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(pDC, brImage);
171 PatBlt(pDC, x, y, head.biWidth, head.biHeight, PATCOPY);
172 SelectObject(pDC, brOld);
173 SetBrushOrgEx(pDC,pt.x,pt.y,NULL);
174 DeleteObject(brImage);
177 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179 * Transfer the image in a global bitmap handle (clipboard copy)
181 HANDLE CxImage::CopyToHandle()
185 hMem= GlobalAlloc(GHND, GetSize());
187 BYTE* pDst=(BYTE*)GlobalLock(hMem);
189 memcpy(pDst,pDib,GetSize());
191 GlobalUnlock(hMem);
196 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
198 * Global object (clipboard paste) constructor
199 * \param hMem: source bitmap object, the clipboard format must be CF_DIB
200 * \return true if everything is ok
202 bool CxImage::CreateFromHANDLE(HANDLE hMem)
207 DWORD dwSize = GlobalSize(hMem);
208 if (!dwSize) return false;
210 BYTE *lpVoid; //pointer to the bitmap
211 lpVoid = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hMem);
212 BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHead; //pointer to the bitmap header
213 pHead = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)lpVoid;
216 //CxMemFile hFile(lpVoid,dwSize);
218 //copy the bitmap header
219 memcpy(&head,pHead,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
220 //check if it's a top-down bitmap
221 bool bTopDownDib = head.biHeight<0;
222 if (bTopDownDib) head.biHeight=-head.biHeight;
224 if(!Create(head.biWidth,head.biHeight,head.biBitCount)){
225 GlobalUnlock(lpVoid);
229 SetXDPI((long)floor(head.biXPelsPerMeter * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5));
230 SetYDPI((long)floor(head.biYPelsPerMeter * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5));
232 /*//copy the pixels (old way)
233 if((pHead->biCompression != BI_RGB) || (pHead->biBitCount == 32)){ //<Jรถrgen Alfredsson>
235 // set the internal header in the dib
236 memcpy(pDib,&head,sizeof(head));
237 // get the bitfield masks
239 memcpy(bf,lpVoid+pHead->biSize,12);
240 // transform into RGB
241 Bitfield2RGB(lpVoid+pHead->biSize+12,bf[0],bf[1],bf[2],(BYTE)pHead->biBitCount);
242 } else { //normal bitmap
243 memcpy(pDib,lpVoid,GetSize());
246 // <Michael Gandyra>
247 // fill in color map
248 bool bIsOldBmp = (head.biSize == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER));
249 RGBQUAD *pRgb = GetPalette();
251 // number of colors to fill in
252 int nColors = DibNumColors(pHead);
254 /* get pointer to BITMAPCOREINFO (old style 1.x) */
256 for (int i = nColors - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
257 pRgb[i].rgbRed = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtRed;
258 pRgb[i].rgbGreen = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtGreen;
259 pRgb[i].rgbBlue = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtBlue;
260 pRgb[i].rgbReserved = (BYTE)0;
263 /* get pointer to BITMAPINFO (new style 3.x) */
265 for (int i = nColors - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
266 pRgb[i].rgbRed = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbRed;
267 pRgb[i].rgbGreen = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen;
268 pRgb[i].rgbBlue = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue;
269 pRgb[i].rgbReserved = (BYTE)0;
274 // <Michael Gandyra>
275 DWORD dwCompression = pHead->biCompression;
276 // compressed bitmap ?
277 if(dwCompression!=BI_RGB || pHead->biBitCount==32 || pHead->biBitCount ==16) {
278 // get the bitmap bits
279 LPSTR lpDIBBits = (LPSTR)((BYTE*)pHead + *(DWORD*)pHead + (WORD)(GetNumColors() * sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
280 // decode and copy them to our image
281 switch (pHead->biBitCount) {
285 if (dwCompression == BI_BITFIELDS || dwCompression == BI_RGB) {
286 // get the bitfield masks
288 memcpy(bf,lpVoid+pHead->biSize,12);
289 // transform into RGB
290 Bitfield2RGB(lpVoid+pHead->biSize+12,bf[0],bf[1],bf[2],(BYTE)pHead->biBitCount);
292 // "unknown compression";
293 GlobalUnlock(lpVoid);
300 // get the bitfield masks
303 if (dwCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) {
304 memcpy(bf,lpVoid+pHead->biSize,12);
309 bf[2] = 0x1F; // RGB555
312 memcpy(info.pImage, lpDIBBits + offset, head.biHeight*((head.biWidth+1)/2)*4);
313 // transform into RGB
314 Bitfield2RGB(info.pImage, bf[0], bf[1], bf[2], 16);
321 switch (dwCompression) {
324 BYTE status_byte = 0;
325 BYTE second_byte = 0;
328 BOOL low_nibble = FALSE;
329 CImageIterator iter(this);
331 for (BOOL bContinue = TRUE; bContinue; ) {
332 status_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
333 switch (status_byte) {
335 status_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
336 switch (status_byte) {
337 case RLE_ENDOFLINE :
340 low_nibble = FALSE;
347 // read the delta values
350 delta_x = *(lpDIBBits++);
351 delta_y = *(lpDIBBits++);
353 bits += delta_x / 2;
354 scanline += delta_y;
358 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
359 BYTE* sline = iter.GetRow(scanline);
360 for (int i = 0; i < status_byte; i++) {
361 if ((BYTE*)(sline+bits) < (BYTE*)(info.pImage+head.biSizeImage)){
364 *(sline + bits) |= (second_byte & 0x0f);
366 *(sline + bits) |= (second_byte & 0xf0)>>4;
370 *(sline + bits) = (BYTE)(second_byte & 0x0f)<<4;
372 *(sline + bits) = (BYTE)(second_byte & 0xf0);
376 if ((i & 1) && (i != (status_byte - 1)))
377 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
379 low_nibble = !low_nibble;
381 if ((((status_byte+1) >> 1) & 1 ) == 1)
382 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
388 BYTE* sline = iter.GetRow(scanline);
389 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
390 for (unsigned i = 0; i < status_byte; i++) {
391 if ((BYTE*)(sline+bits) < (BYTE*)(info.pImage+head.biSizeImage)){
394 *(sline + bits) |= (second_byte & 0x0f);
396 *(sline + bits) |= (second_byte & 0xf0)>>4;
400 *(sline + bits) = (BYTE)(second_byte & 0x0f)<<4;
402 *(sline + bits) = (BYTE)(second_byte & 0xf0);
405 low_nibble = !low_nibble;
415 BYTE status_byte = 0;
416 BYTE second_byte = 0;
419 CImageIterator iter(this);
421 for (BOOL bContinue = TRUE; bContinue; ) {
422 status_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
423 if (status_byte==RLE_COMMAND) {
424 status_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
425 switch (status_byte) {
426 case RLE_ENDOFLINE :
435 // read the delta values
438 delta_x = *(lpDIBBits++);
439 delta_y = *(lpDIBBits++);
442 scanline += delta_y;
446 int nNumBytes = sizeof(BYTE) * status_byte;
447 memcpy((void *)(iter.GetRow(scanline) + bits), lpDIBBits, nNumBytes);
448 lpDIBBits += nNumBytes;
449 // align run length to even number of bytes
450 if ((status_byte & 1) == 1)
451 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
452 bits += status_byte;
456 BYTE *sline = iter.GetRow(scanline);
457 second_byte = *(lpDIBBits++);
458 for (unsigned i = 0; i < status_byte; i++) {
459 if ((DWORD)bits<info.dwEffWidth){
460 *(sline + bits) = second_byte;
463 bContinue = FALSE; //don't delete: we are in memory, it is not as with files
473 // "compression type not supported";
474 GlobalUnlock(lpVoid);
481 //normal bitmap (not compressed)
482 memcpy(pDib,lpVoid,GetSize());
485 GlobalUnlock(lpVoid);
487 if (bTopDownDib) Flip();
493 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
495 * Transfer the image in a bitmap handle
496 * \param hdc: target device context (the screen, usually)
497 * \return bitmap handle, or NULL if an error occurs.
499 HBITMAP CxImage::MakeBitmap(HDC hdc)
505 // this call to CreateBitmap doesn't create a DIB <jaslet>
506 // // Create a device-independent bitmap <CSC>
507 // return CreateBitmap(head.biWidth,head.biHeight, 1, head.biBitCount, GetBits());
508 // use instead this code
509 HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
511 HBITMAP bmp = CreateDIBSection(hMemDC,(LPBITMAPINFO)pDib,DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBit32, NULL, 0);
512 if (pBit32) memcpy(pBit32, GetBits(), head.biSizeImage);
517 // this single line seems to work very well
518 //HBITMAP bmp = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)pDib, CBM_INIT,
519 // GetBits(), (LPBITMAPINFO)pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
520 // this alternative works also with _WIN32_WCE
522 HBITMAP bmp = CreateDIBSection(hdc, (LPBITMAPINFO)pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBit32, NULL, 0);
523 if (pBit32) memcpy(pBit32, GetBits(), head.biSizeImage);
527 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
529 * Bitmap resource constructor
530 * \param hbmp : bitmap resource handle
531 * \param hpal : (optional) palette, useful for 8bpp DC
532 * \return true if everything is ok
534 bool CxImage::CreateFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbmp, HPALETTE hpal)
541 // get informations about the bitmap
542 GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm);
543 // create the image
544 if (!Create(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmBitsPixel, 0))
546 // create a device context for the bitmap
547 HDC dc = ::GetDC(NULL);
552 SelectObject(dc,hpal); //the palette you should get from the user or have a stock one
553 RealizePalette(dc);
557 if (GetDIBits(dc, hbmp, 0, head.biHeight, info.pImage,
558 (LPBITMAPINFO)pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS) == 0){ //replace &head with pDib <Wil Stark>
559 strcpy(info.szLastError,"GetDIBits failed");
560 ::ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
563 ::ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
568 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
570 * icon resource constructor
571 * \param hico : icon resource handle
572 * \return true if everything is ok
573 * \author []; changes [Arlen Albert Keshabian]
575 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
576 bool CxImage::CreateFromHICON(HICON hico)
578 if (!Destroy() || !hico)
581 bool l_bResult = true;
584 GetIconInfo(hico,&iinfo);
587 GetObject(iinfo.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &l_Bitmap);
589 if(l_Bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 32)
591 BITMAPINFO l_BitmapInfo;
592 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
593 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = l_Bitmap.bmWidth;
594 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = l_Bitmap.bmHeight;
595 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = l_Bitmap.bmPlanes;
596 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = l_Bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
597 l_BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
599 RGBQUAD *l_pRawBytes = new RGBQUAD[l_Bitmap.bmWidth * l_Bitmap.bmHeight];
601 HDC dc = ::GetDC(NULL);
605 if(GetDIBits(dc, iinfo.hbmColor, 0, l_Bitmap.bmHeight, l_pRawBytes, &l_BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
606 l_bResult = CreateFromArray((BYTE*)l_pRawBytes, l_Bitmap.bmWidth, l_Bitmap.bmHeight, l_Bitmap.bmBitsPixel, l_Bitmap.bmWidthBytes, false);
610 ::ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
615 delete [] l_pRawBytes;
619 l_bResult = CreateFromHBITMAP(iinfo.hbmColor);
624 mask.CreateFromHBITMAP(iinfo.hbmMask);
632 DeleteObject(iinfo.hbmColor); //<Sims>
633 DeleteObject(iinfo.hbmMask); //<Sims>
637 #endif //_WIN32_WCE
638 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
639 long CxImage::Draw(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, RECT* pClipRect, bool bSmooth)
641 return Draw(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, pClipRect,bSmooth);
643 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
645 * Draws the image in the specified device context, with support for alpha channel, alpha palette, transparency, opacity.
646 * \param hdc : destination device context
647 * \param x,y : (optional) offset
648 * \param cx,cy : (optional) size.
649 * - If cx or cy are not specified (or less than 0), the normal width or height will be used
650 * - If cx or cy are different than width or height, the image will be stretched
652 * \param pClipRect : limit the drawing operations inside a given rectangle in the output device context.
653 * \param bSmooth : activates a bilinear filter that will enhance the appearence for zommed pictures.
655 * \return true if everything is ok
657 long CxImage::Draw(HDC hdc, long x, long y, long cx, long cy, RECT* pClipRect, bool bSmooth)
659 if((pDib==0)||(hdc==0)||(cx==0)||(cy==0)||(!info.bEnabled)) return 0;
661 if (cx < 0) cx = head.biWidth;
662 if (cy < 0) cy = head.biHeight;
663 bool bTransparent = info.nBkgndIndex >= 0;
664 bool bAlpha = pAlpha != 0;
666 //required for MM_ANISOTROPIC, MM_HIENGLISH, and similar modes [Greg Peatfield]
667 int hdc_Restore = ::SaveDC(hdc);
671 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
672 RECT mainbox; // (experimental)
674 GetClipBox(hdc,&mainbox);
675 HRGN rgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(pClipRect);
676 ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc,rgn,RGN_AND);
681 //find the smallest area to paint
682 RECT clipbox,paintbox;
683 GetClipBox(hdc,&clipbox);
685 paintbox.top = min(clipbox.bottom,max(clipbox.top,y));
686 paintbox.left = min(clipbox.right,max(clipbox.left,x));
687 paintbox.right = max(clipbox.left,min(clipbox.right,x+cx));
688 paintbox.bottom = max(clipbox.top,min(clipbox.bottom,y+cy));
690 long destw = paintbox.right - paintbox.left;
691 long desth = paintbox.bottom - paintbox.top;
693 if (!(bTransparent || bAlpha || info.bAlphaPaletteEnabled)){
694 if (cx==head.biWidth && cy==head.biHeight){ //NORMAL
695 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
696 SetStretchBltMode(hdc,COLORONCOLOR);
698 SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 0, 0, cy,
699 info.pImage,(BITMAPINFO*)pDib,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
701 //pixel informations
702 RGBQUAD c={0,0,0,0};
703 //Preparing Bitmap Info
705 memset(&bmInfo.bmiHeader,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
706 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
707 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth=destw;
708 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight=desth;
709 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1;
710 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount=24;
711 BYTE *pbase; //points to the final dib
712 BYTE *pdst; //current pixel from pbase
713 BYTE *ppix; //current pixel from image
714 //get the background
715 HDC TmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
716 HBITMAP TmpBmp=CreateDIBSection(hdc,&bmInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&pbase,0,0);
717 HGDIOBJ TmpObj=SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpBmp);
725 long ew = ((((24 * destw) + 31) / 32) * 4);
726 long ymax = paintbox.bottom;
727 long xmin = paintbox.left;
728 float fx=(float)head.biWidth/(float)cx;
729 float fy=(float)head.biHeight/(float)cy;
731 for(yy=0;yy<desth;yy++){
732 dy = head.biHeight-(ymax-yy-y)*fy;
733 sy = max(0L,(long)floor(dy));
734 psrc = info.pImage+sy*info.dwEffWidth;
735 pdst = pbase+yy*ew;
736 for(xx=0;xx<destw;xx++){
737 dx = (xx+xmin-x)*fx;
738 sx = max(0L,(long)floor(dx));
741 if (fx > 1 && fy > 1) {
742 c = GetAreaColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, fx, fy, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
744 c = GetPixelColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
749 if (head.biClrUsed){
750 c=GetPaletteColor(GetPixelIndex(sx,sy));
752 ppix = psrc + sx*3;
753 c.rgbBlue = *ppix++;
754 c.rgbGreen= *ppix++;
759 *pdst++=c.rgbGreen;
764 //paint the image & cleanup
765 SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc,paintbox.left,paintbox.top,destw,desth,0,0,0,desth,pbase,&bmInfo,0);
766 DeleteObject(SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpObj));
769 } else { // draw image with transparent/alpha blending
770 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
771 //Alpha blend - Thanks to Florian Egel
773 //pixel informations
774 RGBQUAD c={0,0,0,0};
775 RGBQUAD ct = GetTransColor();
776 long* pc = (long*)&c;
777 long* pct= (long*)&ct;
778 long cit = GetTransIndex();
781 //Preparing Bitmap Info
783 memset(&bmInfo.bmiHeader,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
784 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
785 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth=destw;
786 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight=desth;
787 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1;
788 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount=24;
790 BYTE *pbase; //points to the final dib
791 BYTE *pdst; //current pixel from pbase
792 BYTE *ppix; //current pixel from image
794 //get the background
795 HDC TmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
796 HBITMAP TmpBmp=CreateDIBSection(hdc,&bmInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&pbase,0,0);
797 HGDIOBJ TmpObj=SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpBmp);
798 BitBlt(TmpDC,0,0,destw,desth,hdc,paintbox.left,paintbox.top,SRCCOPY);
801 long xx,yy,alphaoffset,ix,iy;
803 long ew = ((((24 * destw) + 31) / 32) * 4);
804 long ymax = paintbox.bottom;
805 long xmin = paintbox.left;
807 if (cx!=head.biWidth || cy!=head.biHeight){
809 float fx=(float)head.biWidth/(float)cx;
810 float fy=(float)head.biHeight/(float)cy;
814 for(yy=0;yy<desth;yy++){
815 dy = head.biHeight-(ymax-yy-y)*fy;
816 sy = max(0L,(long)floor(dy));
818 alphaoffset = sy*head.biWidth;
819 pdst = pbase + yy*ew;
820 psrc = info.pImage + sy*info.dwEffWidth;
822 for(xx=0;xx<destw;xx++){
823 dx = (xx+xmin-x)*fx;
824 sx = max(0L,(long)floor(dx));
826 if (bAlpha) a=pAlpha[alphaoffset+sx]; else a=255;
827 a =(BYTE)((a*(1+info.nAlphaMax))>>8);
829 if (head.biClrUsed){
830 ci = GetPixelIndex(sx,sy);
833 if (fx > 1 && fy > 1) {
834 c = GetAreaColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, fx, fy, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
836 c = GetPixelColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
841 c = GetPaletteColor(GetPixelIndex(sx,sy));
843 if (info.bAlphaPaletteEnabled){
844 a = (BYTE)((a*(1+c.rgbReserved))>>8);
849 if (fx > 1 && fy > 1) {
850 c = GetAreaColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, fx, fy, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
852 c = GetPixelColorInterpolated(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f, CxImage::IM_BILINEAR, CxImage::OM_REPEAT);
857 ppix = psrc + sx*3;
858 c.rgbBlue = *ppix++;
859 c.rgbGreen= *ppix++;
863 //if (*pc!=*pct || !bTransparent){
864 //if ((head.biClrUsed && ci!=cit) || ((!head.biClrUsed||bSmooth) && *pc!=*pct) || !bTransparent){
865 if ((head.biClrUsed && ci!=cit) || (!head.biClrUsed && *pc!=*pct) || !bTransparent){
866 // DJT, assume many pixels are fully transparent or opaque and thus avoid multiplication
867 if (a == 0) { // Transparent, retain dest
869 } else if (a == 255) { // opaque, ignore dest
870 *pdst++= c.rgbBlue;
871 *pdst++= c.rgbGreen;
872 *pdst++= c.rgbRed;
873 } else { // semi transparent
875 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbBlue)>>8);
876 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbGreen)>>8);
877 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbRed)>>8);
886 iy=head.biHeight-ymax+y;
887 for(yy=0;yy<desth;yy++,iy++){
888 alphaoffset=iy*head.biWidth;
891 ppix=info.pImage+iy*info.dwEffWidth+ix*3;
892 for(xx=0;xx<destw;xx++,ix++){
894 if (bAlpha) a=pAlpha[alphaoffset+ix]; else a=255;
895 a = (BYTE)((a*(1+info.nAlphaMax))>>8);
897 if (head.biClrUsed){
898 ci = GetPixelIndex(ix,iy);
899 c = GetPaletteColor((BYTE)ci);
900 if (info.bAlphaPaletteEnabled){
901 a = (BYTE)((a*(1+c.rgbReserved))>>8);
904 c.rgbBlue = *ppix++;
905 c.rgbGreen= *ppix++;
906 c.rgbRed = *ppix++;
909 //if (*pc!=*pct || !bTransparent){
910 if ((head.biClrUsed && ci!=cit) || (!head.biClrUsed && *pc!=*pct) || !bTransparent){
911 // DJT, assume many pixels are fully transparent or opaque and thus avoid multiplication
912 if (a == 0) { // Transparent, retain dest
914 } else if (a == 255) { // opaque, ignore dest
915 *pdst++= c.rgbBlue;
916 *pdst++= c.rgbGreen;
917 *pdst++= c.rgbRed;
918 } else { // semi transparent
920 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbBlue)>>8);
921 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbGreen)>>8);
922 *pdst++=(BYTE)((*pdst * a1 + a * c.rgbRed)>>8);
931 //paint the image & cleanup
932 SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc,paintbox.left,paintbox.top,destw,desth,0,0,0,desth,pbase,&bmInfo,0);
933 DeleteObject(SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpObj));
937 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
938 if (pClipRect){ // (experimental)
939 HRGN rgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&mainbox);
940 ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc,rgn,RGN_OR);
945 ::RestoreDC(hdc,hdc_Restore);
948 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
949 long CxImage::Draw2(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect)
951 return Draw2(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
953 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
955 * Draws (stretch) the image with single transparency support
956 * \param hdc : destination device context
957 * \param x,y : (optional) offset
958 * \param cx,cy : (optional) size.
959 * - If cx or cy are not specified (or less than 0), the normal width or height will be used
960 * - If cx or cy are different than width or height, the image will be stretched
962 * \return true if everything is ok
964 long CxImage::Draw2(HDC hdc, long x, long y, long cx, long cy)
966 if((pDib==0)||(hdc==0)||(cx==0)||(cy==0)||(!info.bEnabled)) return 0;
967 if (cx < 0) cx = head.biWidth;
968 if (cy < 0) cy = head.biHeight;
969 bool bTransparent = (info.nBkgndIndex >= 0);
971 //required for MM_ANISOTROPIC, MM_HIENGLISH, and similar modes [Greg Peatfield]
972 int hdc_Restore = ::SaveDC(hdc);
976 if (!bTransparent){
977 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
978 SetStretchBltMode(hdc,COLORONCOLOR);
980 StretchDIBits(hdc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 0, head.biWidth, head.biHeight,
983 // draw image with transparent background
984 const int safe = 0; // or else GDI fails in the following - sometimes
985 RECT rcDst = {x+safe, y+safe, x+cx, y+cy};
986 if (RectVisible(hdc, &rcDst)){
987 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
988 // True Mask Method - Thanks to Paul Reynolds and Ron Gery
989 int nWidth = head.biWidth;
990 int nHeight = head.biHeight;
991 // Create two memory dcs for the image and the mask
992 HDC dcImage=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
993 HDC dcTrans=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
994 // Select the image into the appropriate dc
995 HBITMAP bm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, nWidth, nHeight);
996 HBITMAP pOldBitmapImage = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dcImage,bm);
997 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
998 SetStretchBltMode(dcImage,COLORONCOLOR);
1000 StretchDIBits(dcImage, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight,
1003 // Create the mask bitmap
1004 HBITMAP bitmapTrans = CreateBitmap(nWidth, nHeight, 1, 1, NULL);
1005 // Select the mask bitmap into the appropriate dc
1006 HBITMAP pOldBitmapTrans = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dcTrans, bitmapTrans);
1007 // Build mask based on transparent colour
1009 if (head.biBitCount<24) rgbBG = GetPaletteColor((BYTE)info.nBkgndIndex);
1010 else rgbBG = info.nBkgndColor;
1011 COLORREF crColour = RGB(rgbBG.rgbRed, rgbBG.rgbGreen, rgbBG.rgbBlue);
1012 COLORREF crOldBack = SetBkColor(dcImage,crColour);
1013 BitBlt(dcTrans,0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, dcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
1015 // Do the work - True Mask method - cool if not actual display
1016 StretchBlt(hdc,x, y,cx,cy, dcImage, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, SRCINVERT);
1017 StretchBlt(hdc,x, y,cx,cy, dcTrans, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, SRCAND);
1018 StretchBlt(hdc,x, y,cx,cy, dcImage, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, SRCINVERT);
1020 // Restore settings
1021 SelectObject(dcImage,pOldBitmapImage);
1022 SelectObject(dcTrans,pOldBitmapTrans);
1023 SetBkColor(hdc,crOldBack);
1024 DeleteObject( bitmapTrans ); // RG 29/01/2002
1025 DeleteDC(dcImage);
1026 DeleteDC(dcTrans);
1030 ::RestoreDC(hdc,hdc_Restore);
1033 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1034 long CxImage::Stretch(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, DWORD dwRop)
1036 return Stretch(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, dwRop);
1038 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1040 * Stretch the image. Obsolete: use Draw() or Draw2()
1041 * \param hdc : destination device context
1042 * \param xoffset,yoffset : (optional) offset
1043 * \param xsize,ysize : size.
1044 * \param dwRop : raster operation code (see BitBlt documentation)
1045 * \return true if everything is ok
1047 long CxImage::Stretch(HDC hdc, long xoffset, long yoffset, long xsize, long ysize, DWORD dwRop)
1049 if((pDib)&&(hdc)) {
1050 //palette must be correctly filled
1051 #if !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
1052 SetStretchBltMode(hdc,COLORONCOLOR);
1054 StretchDIBits(hdc, xoffset, yoffset,
1055 xsize, ysize, 0, 0, head.biWidth, head.biHeight,
1056 info.pImage,(BITMAPINFO*)pDib,DIB_RGB_COLORS,dwRop);
1061 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1063 * Tiles the device context in the specified rectangle with the image.
1064 * \param hdc : destination device context
1065 * \param rc : tiled rectangle in the output device context
1066 * \return true if everything is ok
1068 long CxImage::Tile(HDC hdc, RECT *rc)
1070 if((pDib)&&(hdc)&&(rc)) {
1071 int w = rc->right - rc->left;
1072 int h = rc->bottom - rc->top;
1074 int bx=head.biWidth;
1075 int by=head.biHeight;
1076 for (y = 0 ; y < h ; y += by){
1077 if ((y+by)>h) by=h-y;
1079 for (x = 0 ; x < w ; x += z){
1080 if ((x+z)>w) z=w-x;
1081 RECT r = {rc->left + x,rc->top + y,rc->left + x + z,rc->top + y + by};
1082 Draw(hdc,rc->left + x, rc->top + y,-1,-1,&r);
1089 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1090 // For UNICODE support: char -> TCHAR
1091 long CxImage::DrawString(HDC hdc, long x, long y, const TCHAR* text, RGBQUAD color, const TCHAR* font, long lSize, long lWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, bool bSetAlpha)
1092 //long CxImage::DrawString(HDC hdc, long x, long y, const char* text, RGBQUAD color, const char* font, long lSize, long lWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, bool bSetAlpha)
1095 //get the background
1097 if (hdc) pDC=hdc; else pDC = ::GetDC(0);
1098 if (pDC==NULL) return 0;
1099 HDC TmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
1100 if (hdc==NULL) ::ReleaseDC(0, pDC);
1101 if (TmpDC==NULL) return 0;
1105 m_pLF=(LOGFONT*)calloc(1,sizeof(LOGFONT));
1106 _tcsncpy(m_pLF->lfFaceName,font,31); // For UNICODE support
1107 //strncpy(m_pLF->lfFaceName,font,31);
1108 m_pLF->lfHeight=lSize;
1109 m_pLF->lfWeight=lWeight;
1110 m_pLF->lfItalic=bItalic;
1111 m_pLF->lfUnderline=bUnderline;
1112 m_Font=CreateFontIndirect(m_pLF);
1113 //select the font in the dc
1114 HFONT pOldFont=NULL;
1116 pOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(TmpDC,m_Font);
1118 pOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(TmpDC,GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
1121 SetTextColor(TmpDC,RGB(255,255,255));
1122 SetBkColor(TmpDC,RGB(0,0,0));
1124 SetBkMode(TmpDC,OPAQUE);
1125 //Set text position;
1126 RECT pos = {0,0,0,0};
1127 //long len = (long)strlen(text);
1128 long len = (long)_tcslen(text); // For UNICODE support
1129 ::DrawText(TmpDC,text,len,&pos,DT_CALCRECT);
1130 pos.right+=pos.bottom; //for italics
1132 //Preparing Bitmap Info
1133 long width=pos.right;
1134 long height=pos.bottom;
1135 BITMAPINFO bmInfo;
1136 memset(&bmInfo.bmiHeader,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
1137 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
1138 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth=width;
1139 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight=height;
1140 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1;
1141 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount=24;
1142 BYTE *pbase; //points to the final dib
1144 HBITMAP TmpBmp=CreateDIBSection(TmpDC,&bmInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&pbase,0,0);
1145 HGDIOBJ TmpObj=SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpBmp);
1146 memset(pbase,0,height*((((24 * width) + 31) / 32) * 4));
1148 ::DrawText(TmpDC,text,len,&pos,0);
1151 itext.CreateFromHBITMAP(TmpBmp);
1153 y=head.biHeight-y-1;
1154 for (long ix=0;ix<width;ix++){
1155 for (long iy=0;iy<height;iy++){
1156 if (itext.GetPixelColor(ix,iy).rgbBlue) SetPixelColor(x+ix,y+iy,color,bSetAlpha);
1161 if (pOldFont) SelectObject(TmpDC,pOldFont);
1162 DeleteObject(m_Font);
1164 DeleteObject(SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpObj));
1170 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1172 long CxImage::DrawStringEx(HDC hdc, long x, long y, CXTEXTINFO *pTextType, bool bSetAlpha )
1177 //get the background
1179 if (hdc) pDC=hdc; else pDC = ::GetDC(0);
1180 if (pDC==NULL) return 0;
1181 HDC TmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
1182 if (hdc==NULL) ::ReleaseDC(0, pDC);
1183 if (TmpDC==NULL) return 0;
1187 m_Font=CreateFontIndirect( &pTextType->lfont );
1189 // get colors in RGBQUAD
1190 RGBQUAD p_forecolor = RGBtoRGBQUAD(pTextType->fcolor);
1191 RGBQUAD p_backcolor = RGBtoRGBQUAD(pTextType->bcolor);
1193 // check alignment and re-set default if necessary
1194 if ( pTextType->align != DT_CENTER &&
1195 pTextType->align != DT_LEFT &&
1196 pTextType->align != DT_RIGHT )
1197 pTextType->align = DT_CENTER;
1199 // check rounding radius and re-set default if necessary
1200 if ( pTextType->b_round > 50 )
1201 pTextType->b_round = 10;
1203 // check opacity and re-set default if necessary
1204 if ( pTextType->b_opacity > 1. || pTextType->b_opacity < .0 )
1205 pTextType->b_opacity = 0.;
1207 //select the font in the dc
1208 HFONT pOldFont=NULL;
1210 pOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(TmpDC,m_Font);
1212 pOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(TmpDC,GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
1215 SetTextColor(TmpDC,RGB(255,255,255));
1216 SetBkColor(TmpDC,RGB(0,0,0));
1217 SetBkMode(TmpDC,OPAQUE);
1218 //Set text position;
1219 RECT pos = {0,0,0,0};
1221 // get text length and number of lines
1222 long i=0, numlines=1, len=(long)_tcsclen(pTextType->text);
1225 if ( pTextType->text[i++]==13 )
1229 ::DrawText(TmpDC, pTextType->text, len, &pos, /*DT_EDITCONTROL|DT_EXTERNALLEADING|*/DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT );
1231 // increase only if it's really italics, and only one line height
1232 if ( pTextType->lfont.lfItalic )
1233 pos.right += pos.bottom/2/numlines;
1235 // background frame and rounding radius
1236 int frame = 0, roundR = 0;
1237 if ( pTextType->opaque )
1239 roundR= (int)(pos.bottom/numlines * pTextType->b_round / 100 ) ;
1240 frame = (int)(/*3.5 + */0.29289*roundR ) ;
1241 pos.right += pos.bottom/numlines/3 ; // JUST FOR BEAUTY
1244 //Preparing Bitmap Info
1245 long width=pos.right +frame*2;
1246 long height=pos.bottom +frame*2;
1247 BITMAPINFO bmInfo;
1248 memset(&bmInfo.bmiHeader,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
1249 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
1250 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth=width;
1251 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight=height;
1252 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1;
1253 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount=24;
1254 BYTE *pbase; //points to the final dib
1256 HBITMAP TmpBmp=CreateDIBSection(TmpDC,&bmInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&pbase,0,0);
1257 HGDIOBJ TmpObj=SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpBmp);
1258 memset(pbase,0,height*((((24 * width) + 31) / 32) * 4));
1260 ::DrawText(TmpDC,pTextType->text,len, &pos, /*DT_EDITCONTROL|DT_EXTERNALLEADING|*/DT_NOPREFIX| pTextType->align );
1263 itext.CreateFromHBITMAP(TmpBmp);
1264 y=head.biHeight-y-1;
1268 if (pTextType->smooth==FALSE){
1269 itext.Threshold(128);
1271 //itext.TextBlur();
1274 //move the insertion point according to alignment type
1275 // DT_CENTER: cursor points to the center of text rectangle
1276 // DT_RIGHT: cursor points to right side end of text rectangle
1277 // DT_LEFT: cursor points to left end of text rectangle
1278 if ( pTextType->align == DT_CENTER )
1280 else if ( pTextType->align == DT_RIGHT )
1284 //draw the background first, if it exists
1286 if ( pTextType->opaque )
1289 for (ix=0;ix<width;ix++)
1292 ixf = (int)(.5+roundR-sqrt((float)(roundR*roundR-(ix-roundR)*(ix-roundR))));
1293 else if ( ix>=width-roundR-1 )
1294 ixf = (int)(.5+roundR-sqrt((float)(roundR*roundR-(width-1-ix-roundR)*(width-1-ix-roundR))));
1298 for (iy=0;iy<height;iy++)
1300 if ( (ix<=roundR && ( iy > height-ixf-1 || iy < ixf )) ||
1301 (ix>=width-roundR-1 && ( iy > height-ixf-1 || iy < ixf )) )
1304 if ( pTextType->b_opacity > 0.0 && pTextType->b_opacity < 1.0 )
1306 RGBQUAD bcolor, pcolor;
1307 // calculate a transition color from original image to background color:
1308 pcolor = GetPixelColor(x+ix,y+iy);
1309 bcolor.rgbBlue = (unsigned char)(pTextType->b_opacity * pcolor.rgbBlue + (1.0-pTextType->b_opacity) * p_backcolor.rgbBlue );
1310 bcolor.rgbRed = (unsigned char)(pTextType->b_opacity * pcolor.rgbRed + (1.0-pTextType->b_opacity) * p_backcolor.rgbRed ) ;
1311 bcolor.rgbGreen = (unsigned char)(pTextType->b_opacity * pcolor.rgbGreen + (1.0-pTextType->b_opacity) * p_backcolor.rgbGreen ) ;
1312 bcolor.rgbReserved = 0;
1313 SetPixelColor(x+ix,y+iy,bcolor,bSetAlpha);
1316 SetPixelColor(x+ix,y+iy,p_backcolor,bSetAlpha);
1321 // draw the text itself
1322 for (ix=0;ix<width;ix++)
1324 for (iy=0;iy<height;iy++)
1326 RGBQUAD pcolor = GetPixelColor(x+ix,y+iy);
1327 RGBQUAD tcolor = itext.GetPixelColor(ix,iy);
1328 if (tcolor.rgbBlue!=255){
1329 float a = tcolor.rgbBlue/255.0f;
1330 pcolor.rgbBlue = (unsigned char)(a * (pcolor.rgbBlue - p_forecolor.rgbBlue) + p_forecolor.rgbBlue );
1331 pcolor.rgbRed = (unsigned char)(a * (pcolor.rgbRed - p_forecolor.rgbRed) + p_forecolor.rgbRed ) ;
1332 pcolor.rgbGreen = (unsigned char)(a * (pcolor.rgbGreen - p_forecolor.rgbGreen) + p_forecolor.rgbGreen );
1333 pcolor.rgbReserved = 0;
1334 SetPixelColor(x+ix+frame,y+iy-frame,pcolor,bSetAlpha);
1335 //SetPixelColor(x+ix+frame,y+iy-frame,p_forecolor,bSetAlpha);
1341 if (pOldFont) SelectObject(TmpDC,pOldFont);
1342 DeleteObject(m_Font);
1343 DeleteObject(SelectObject(TmpDC,TmpObj));
1348 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1349 void CxImage::InitTextInfo( CXTEXTINFO *txt )
1352 memset( txt, 0, sizeof(CXTEXTINFO));
1354 // LOGFONT defaults
1355 txt->lfont.lfHeight = -36;
1356 txt->lfont.lfCharSet = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET; // just for Central-European users
1357 txt->lfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
1358 txt->lfont.lfWidth = 0;
1359 txt->lfont.lfEscapement = 0;
1360 txt->lfont.lfOrientation = 0;
1361 txt->lfont.lfItalic = FALSE;
1362 txt->lfont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
1363 txt->lfont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
1364 txt->lfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
1365 txt->lfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
1366 txt->lfont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
1367 txt->lfont.lfPitchAndFamily= DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE ;
1368 _stprintf( txt->lfont.lfFaceName, _T("Arial")); //use TCHAR mappings <Cesar M>
1371 txt->fcolor = RGB( 255,255,160 ); // default foreground: light goldyellow
1372 txt->bcolor = RGB( 0, 80,160 ); // default background: light blue
1375 txt->opaque = TRUE; // text has a non-transparent background;
1376 txt->smooth = TRUE;
1377 txt->b_opacity = 0.0; // default: opaque background
1378 txt->b_outline = 0; // default: no outline (OUTLINE NOT IMPLEMENTED AT THIS TIME)
1379 txt->b_round = 20; // default: rounding radius is 20% of the rectangle height
1381 _stprintf( txt->text, _T("Sample Text 01234รตรป")); // text use TCHAR mappings <Cesar M>
1382 txt->align = DT_CENTER;
1387 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1388 long CxImage::LayerDrawAll(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, RECT* pClipRect, bool bSmooth)
1390 return LayerDrawAll(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, pClipRect,bSmooth);
1392 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1393 long CxImage::LayerDrawAll(HDC hdc, long x, long y, long cx, long cy, RECT* pClipRect, bool bSmooth)
1397 while(pLayer=GetLayer(n++)){
1398 if (pLayer->Draw(hdc,x+pLayer->info.xOffset,y+pLayer->info.yOffset,cx,cy,pClipRect,bSmooth)==0)
1400 if (pLayer->LayerDrawAll(hdc,x+pLayer->info.xOffset,y+pLayer->info.yOffset,cx,cy,pClipRect,bSmooth)==0)
1407 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1409 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////