1 /*=========================================================================
4 Module: $RCSfile: vtkGdcmReader.cxx,v $
6 Date: $Date: 2007/09/04 16:21:50 $
7 Version: $Revision: 1.92 $
9 Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
10 l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
11 http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
13 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
15 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
17 =========================================================================*/
19 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 //===> Many users expect from vtkGdcmReader it 'orders' the images
23 // (that's the job of GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper ...)
24 // When user *knows* the files with same Serie UID
25 // have same sizes, same 'pixel' type, same color convention, ...
26 // the right way to proceed is as follow :
28 // GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper *sh= new GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper();
29 // // if user wants *not* to load some parts of the file headers
30 // sh->SetLoadMode(loadMode);
32 // // if user wants *not* to load some files
33 // sh->AddRestriction(group, element, value, operator);
34 // sh->AddRestriction( ...
35 // sh->SetDirectory(directoryWithImages);
37 // // if user wants to sort reverse order
38 // sh->SetSortOrderToReverse();
40 // // here, we suppose only the first 'Serie' is of interest
41 // // it's up to the user to decide !
42 // GDCM_NAME_SPACE::FileList *l = sh->GetFirstSingleSerieUIDFileSet();
44 // // if user is doesn't trust too much the files with same Serie UID
45 // if ( !sh->IsCoherent(l) )
46 // return; // not same sizes, same 'pixel' type -> stop
48 // // WARNING : all that follows works only with 'bona fide' Series
49 // // (In some Series; there are more than one 'orientation'
50 // // Don't expected to build a 'volume' with that!
52 // // -> use sh->SplitOnOrientation(l)
53 // // - or sh->SplitOnPosition(l), or SplitOnTagValue(l, gr, el) -
54 // // depending on what you want to do
55 // // and iterate on the various 'X Coherent File Sets'
57 // // if user *knows* he has to drop the 'duplicates' images
59 // sh->SetDropDuplicatePositions(true);
61 // // Sorting the list is mandatory
62 // // a side effect is to compute ZSpacing for the fle set
63 // sh->OrderFileList(l); // sort the list
65 // vtkGdcmReader *reader = vtkGdcmReader::New();
67 // // if user wants to modify pixel order (Mirror, TopDown, 90°Rotate, ...)
68 // // he has to supply the function that does the job
69 // // (a *very* simple example is given in vtkgdcmSerieViewer.cxx)
70 // reader->SetUserFunction (userSuppliedFunction);
72 // // to pass a 'Coherent File List' as produced by GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper
73 // reader->SetCoherentFileList(l);
77 // Actual limitations of this code
78 // when a Coherent File List from SerieHelper is not used (bad idea :-(
80 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 #include "gdcmFileHelper.h"
84 #include "gdcmSerieHelper.h" // for ImagePositionPatientOrdering()
86 #include "vtkGdcmReader.h"
87 #include "gdcmDebug.h"
88 #include "gdcmCommon.h"
90 #include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
91 #include <vtkImageData.h>
92 #include <vtkPointData.h>
93 #include <vtkLookupTable.h>
95 vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGdcmReader, "$Revision: 1.92 $")
96 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkGdcmReader)
98 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 // Constructor / Destructor
100 vtkGdcmReader::vtkGdcmReader()
102 this->LookupTable = NULL;
103 this->AllowLookupTable = false;
104 //this->AllowLightChecking = false;
105 this->LoadMode = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::LD_ALL; // Load everything (possible values :
109 this->CoherentFileList = 0;
110 this->UserFunction = 0;
113 // this->Execution=false; // For VTK5.0
115 this->KeepOverlays = false;
118 vtkGdcmReader::~vtkGdcmReader()
120 this->RemoveAllFileName();
121 this->InternalFileNameList.clear();
122 if(this->LookupTable)
123 this->LookupTable->Delete();
126 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 void vtkGdcmReader::PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
130 this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
131 os << indent << "Filenames : " << endl;
132 vtkIndent nextIndent = indent.GetNextIndent();
133 for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = FileNameList.begin();
134 it != FileNameList.end();
137 os << nextIndent << it->c_str() << endl ;
141 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 * Remove all files from the list of images to read.
146 void vtkGdcmReader::RemoveAllFileName(void)
148 this->FileNameList.clear();
153 * Adds a file name to the list of images to read.
155 void vtkGdcmReader::AddFileName(const char* name)
157 // We need to bypass the const pointer [since list<>.push_bash() only
158 // takes a char* (but not a const char*)] by making a local copy:
159 this->FileNameList.push_back(name);
164 * Sets up a filename to be read.
166 void vtkGdcmReader::SetFileName(const char *name)
168 vtkImageReader2::SetFileName(name);
169 // Since we maintain a list of filenames, when building a volume,
170 // (see vtkGdcmReader::AddFileName), we additionaly need to purge
171 // this list when we manually positionate the filename.
172 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Clearing all files given with AddFileName");
173 this->FileNameList.clear();
177 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 * Configure the output e.g. WholeExtent, spacing, origin, scalar type...
182 void vtkGdcmReader::ExecuteInformation()
184 // if(this->Execution) // For VTK5.0
187 // this->Execution=true; // end For VTK5.0
188 this->RemoveAllInternalFile();
189 if(this->MTime>this->fileTime)
191 this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = 0;
193 if ( this->CoherentFileList != 0 )
195 this->UpdateFileInformation();
199 this->BuildFileListFromPattern();
200 this->LoadFileInformation();
203 if ( this->TotalNumberOfPlanes == 0)
205 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File set is not coherent. Exiting...");
209 // if the user has not set the extent, but has set the VOI
210 // set the z axis extent to the VOI z axis
211 if (this->DataExtent[4]==0 && this->DataExtent[5] == 0 &&
212 (this->DataVOI[4] || this->DataVOI[5]))
214 this->DataExtent[4] = this->DataVOI[4];
215 this->DataExtent[5] = this->DataVOI[5];
218 // When the user has set the VOI, check it's coherence with the file content.
219 if (this->DataVOI[0] || this->DataVOI[1] ||
220 this->DataVOI[2] || this->DataVOI[3] ||
221 this->DataVOI[4] || this->DataVOI[5])
223 if ((this->DataVOI[0] < 0) ||
224 (this->DataVOI[1] >= this->NumColumns) ||
225 (this->DataVOI[2] < 0) ||
226 (this->DataVOI[3] >= this->NumLines) ||
227 (this->DataVOI[4] < 0) ||
228 (this->DataVOI[5] >= this->TotalNumberOfPlanes ))
230 vtkWarningMacro(<< "The requested VOI is larger than expected extent.");
231 this->DataVOI[0] = 0;
232 this->DataVOI[1] = this->NumColumns - 1;
233 this->DataVOI[2] = 0;
234 this->DataVOI[3] = this->NumLines - 1;
235 this->DataVOI[4] = 0;
236 this->DataVOI[5] = this->TotalNumberOfPlanes - 1;
241 this->DataExtent[0] = 0;
242 this->DataExtent[1] = this->NumColumns - 1;
243 this->DataExtent[2] = 0;
244 this->DataExtent[3] = this->NumLines - 1;
245 this->DataExtent[4] = 0;
246 this->DataExtent[5] = this->TotalNumberOfPlanes - 1;
248 // We don't need to set the Endian related stuff (by using
249 // this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian() or SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian()
250 // since the reading of the file is done by gdcm.
251 // But we do need to set up the data type for downstream filters:
252 if ( ImageType == "8U" )
254 vtkDebugMacro(<< "8 bits unsigned image");
255 this->SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
257 else if ( ImageType == "8S" )
259 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Cannot handle 8 bit signed files");
262 else if ( ImageType == "16U" )
264 vtkDebugMacro(<< "16 bits unsigned image");
265 this->SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort();
267 else if ( ImageType == "16S" )
269 vtkDebugMacro(<< "16 bits signed image");
270 this->SetDataScalarTypeToShort();
272 else if ( ImageType == "32U" )
274 vtkDebugMacro(<< "32 bits unsigned image");
275 vtkDebugMacro(<< "WARNING: forced to signed int !");
276 this->SetDataScalarTypeToInt();
278 else if ( ImageType == "32S" )
280 vtkDebugMacro(<< "32 bits signed image");
281 this->SetDataScalarTypeToInt();
283 else if ( ImageType == "FD" )
285 vtkDebugMacro(<< "64 bits Double image");
286 this->SetDataScalarTypeToDouble();
288 //Set number of scalar components:
289 this->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(this->NumComponents);
291 this->fileTime=this->MTime;
294 this->Superclass::ExecuteInformation();
296 //this->GetOutput()->SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent();// For VTK5.0
297 //this->BuildData(this->GetOutput());
299 //this->Execution=false;
300 //this->RemoveAllInternalFile(); // End For VTK5.0
304 * Update => ouput->Update => UpdateData => Execute => ExecuteData
305 * (see vtkSource.cxx for last step).
306 * This function (redefinition of vtkImageReader::ExecuteData, see
307 * VTK/IO/vtkImageReader.cxx) reads a data from a file. The data
308 * extent/axes are assumed to be the same as the file extent/order.
310 void vtkGdcmReader::ExecuteData(vtkDataObject *output)
312 vtkImageData *data=vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(output);
313 data->SetExtent(this->DataExtent);
315 /* if ( CoherentFileList != 0 ) // When a list of names is passed
317 if (this->CoherentFileList->empty())
319 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Coherent File List must have at least a valid File*.");
323 else if (this->InternalFileNameList.empty())
325 vtkErrorMacro(<< "A least a valid FileName must be specified.");
330 // data->AllocateScalars(); // For VTK5.0
331 // if (this->UpdateExtentIsEmpty(output))
335 //} // end For VTK5.0
337 data->AllocateScalars(); // For VTK5.0
338 if (this->UpdateExtentIsEmpty(output))
343 //void vtkGdcmReader::BuildData(vtkDataObject *output) // For VTK5.0
345 // vtkImageData *data = this->AllocateOutputData(output); // end For VTK5.0
347 data->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->SetName("DicomImage-Volume");
349 // Test if output has valid extent
350 // Prevent memory errors
351 if((this->DataExtent[1]-this->DataExtent[0]>=0) &&
352 (this->DataExtent[3]-this->DataExtent[2]>=0) &&
353 (this->DataExtent[5]-this->DataExtent[4]>=0))
355 // The memory size for a full stack of images of course depends
356 // on the number of planes and the size of each image:
357 //size_t StackNumPixels = this->NumColumns * this->NumLines
358 // * this->TotalNumberOfPlanes * this->NumComponents;
359 //size_t stack_size = StackNumPixels * this->PixelSize; //not used
360 // Allocate pixel data space itself.
362 // Variables for the UpdateProgress. We shall use 50 steps to signify
363 // the advance of the process:
364 unsigned long UpdateProgressTarget = (unsigned long) ceil (this->NumLines
365 * this->TotalNumberOfPlanes
367 // The actual advance measure:
368 unsigned long UpdateProgressCount = 0;
370 // Filling the allocated memory space with each image/volume:
372 size_t size = this->NumColumns * this->NumLines * this->NumPlanes
373 * data->GetScalarSize() * this->NumComponents;
374 unsigned char *Dest = (unsigned char *)data->GetScalarPointer();
375 for (std::vector<GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File* >::iterator it = InternalFileList.begin();
376 it != InternalFileList.end();
379 this->LoadImageInMemory(*it, Dest,
380 UpdateProgressTarget,
381 UpdateProgressCount);
385 this->RemoveAllInternalFile(); // For VTK5.0
389 * vtkGdcmReader can have the file names specified through two ways:
390 * (1) by calling the vtkImageReader2::SetFileName(), SetFilePrefix() and
392 * (2) By successive calls to vtkGdcmReader::AddFileName()
393 * When the first method was used by caller we need to update the local
396 void vtkGdcmReader::BuildFileListFromPattern()
398 this->RemoveAllInternalFileName();
400 // Test miscellanous cases
401 if ((! this->FileNameList.empty()) && this->FileName )
403 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Both AddFileName and SetFileName schemes were used");
404 vtkErrorMacro(<< "No images loaded ! ");
408 if ((! this->FileNameList.empty()) && this->FilePrefix )
410 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Both AddFileName and SetFilePrefix schemes were used");
411 vtkErrorMacro(<< "No images loaded ! ");
415 if (this->FileName && this->FilePrefix)
417 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Both SetFileName and SetFilePrefix schemes were used");
418 vtkErrorMacro(<< "No images loaded ! ");
422 // Create the InternalFileNameList
423 if (! this->FileNameList.empty() )
425 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Using the AddFileName specified files");
426 this->InternalFileNameList=this->FileNameList;
430 if (!this->FileName && !this->FilePrefix)
432 vtkErrorMacro(<< "FileNames are not set. Either use AddFileName() or");
433 vtkErrorMacro(<< "specify a FileName or FilePrefix.");
439 // Single file loading (as given with ::SetFileName()):
440 // Case of multi-frame file considered here
441 this->ComputeInternalFileName(this->DataExtent[4]);
442 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Adding file " << this->InternalFileName);
443 this->AddInternalFileName(this->InternalFileName);
447 // Multi file loading (as given with ::SetFilePattern()):
448 for (int idx = this->DataExtent[4]; idx <= this->DataExtent[5]; ++idx)
450 this->ComputeInternalFileName(idx);
451 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Adding file " << this->InternalFileName);
452 this->AddInternalFileName(this->InternalFileName);
458 * Load all the files and set it in the InternalFileList
459 * For each file, the readability and the coherence of image caracteristics
460 * are tested. If an image doesn't agree the required specifications, it
461 * isn't considered and no data will be set for the planes corresponding
464 * The source of this work is the list of file name generated by the
465 * BuildFileListFromPattern method
467 void vtkGdcmReader::LoadFileInformation()
469 GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *file;
470 bool foundReference=false;
474 for (std::list<std::string>::iterator filename = InternalFileNameList.begin();
475 filename != InternalFileNameList.end();
478 // check for file readability
480 fp = fopen(filename->c_str(),"rb");
483 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Unable to open file " << filename->c_str());
484 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Removing this file from read files: "
485 << filename->c_str());
487 InternalFileList.push_back(file);
493 file=GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File::New();
494 file->SetLoadMode( LoadMode );
495 file->SetFileName(filename->c_str() );
498 // Test the Dicom file readability
499 if(!file->IsReadable())
501 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Gdcm cannot parse file " << filename->c_str());
502 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Removing this file from read files: "
503 << filename->c_str());
506 InternalFileList.push_back(file);
510 // Test the Pixel Type recognition
511 type = file->GetPixelType();
512 if ( (type != "8U") && (type != "8S")
513 && (type != "16U") && (type != "16S")
514 && (type != "32U") && (type != "32S") )
516 vtkErrorMacro(<< "Bad File Type for file " << filename->c_str() << "\n"
517 << " File type found : " << type.c_str()
518 << " (might be 8U, 8S, 16U, 16S, 32U, 32S) \n"
519 << " Removing this file from read files");
522 InternalFileList.push_back(file);
526 // Test the image informations
529 foundReference = true;
530 GetFileInformation(file);
532 vtkDebugMacro(<< "This file taken as coherence reference:"
533 << filename->c_str());
534 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Image dimensions of reference file as read from Gdcm:"
535 << this->NumColumns << " " << this->NumLines << " "
538 else if(!TestFileInformation(file))
544 InternalFileList.push_back(file);
549 * Update the file informations.
550 * This works exactly like LoadFileInformation, but the source of work
551 * is the list of coherent files
553 void vtkGdcmReader::UpdateFileInformation()
555 this->InternalFileList=*(this->CoherentFileList);
558 for(gdcmFileList::iterator it=InternalFileList.begin();
559 it!=InternalFileList.end();
564 GetFileInformation(*it);
571 * Get the informations from a file.
572 * These informations are required to specify the output image
575 void vtkGdcmReader::GetFileInformation(GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *file)
577 // Get the image caracteristics
578 this->NumColumns = file->GetXSize();
579 this->NumLines = file->GetYSize();
580 this->NumPlanes = file->GetZSize();
582 if (CoherentFileList == 0)
583 this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->NumPlanes*InternalFileNameList.size();
585 this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->NumPlanes*CoherentFileList->size();
587 this->ImageType = file->GetPixelType();
588 this->PixelSize = file->GetPixelSize();
590 this->DataSpacing[0] = file->GetXSpacing();
591 this->DataSpacing[1] = file->GetYSpacing();
593 // Most of the file headers have NO z spacing
594 // It must be calculated from the whole GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Serie (if any)
595 // using Jolinda Smith's algoritm.
596 // see GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper::ImagePositionPatientOrdering()
597 if (CoherentFileList == 0)
598 this->DataSpacing[2] = file->GetZSpacing();
601 // Just because OrderFileList() is a member of GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper
602 // we need to instanciate sh.
603 GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper *sh = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::SerieHelper::New();
604 sh->OrderFileList(CoherentFileList); // calls ImagePositionPatientOrdering()
605 this->DataSpacing[2] = sh->GetZSpacing();
609 // Get the image data caracteristics
610 if( file->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
612 // I could raise an error is AllowLookupTable is on and HasLUT() off
613 this->NumComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
617 this->NumComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
622 * When more than one filename is specified (i.e. we expect loading
623 * a stack or volume) we need to check that the corresponding images/volumes
624 * to be loaded are coherent i.e. to make sure:
625 * - they all share the same X dimensions
626 * - they all share the same Y dimensions
627 * - they all share the same ImageType ( 8 bit signed, or unsigned...)
629 * Eventually, we emit a warning when all the files do NOT share the
630 * Z dimension, since we can still build a stack but the
631 * files are not coherent in Z, which is probably a source a trouble...
632 * When files are not readable (either the file cannot be opened or
633 * because gdcm cannot parse it), they are flagged as "GDCM_UNREADABLE".
634 * This method returns the total number of planar images to be loaded
635 * (i.e. an image represents one plane, but a volume represents many planes)
638 * Test the coherent informations of the file with the reference informations
639 * used as image caracteristics. The tested informations are :
640 * - they all share the same X dimensions
641 * - they all share the same Y dimensions
642 * - they all share the same Z dimensions
643 * - they all share the same number of components
644 * - they all share the same ImageType ( 8 bit signed, or unsigned...)
646 * \return True if the file match, False otherwise
648 bool vtkGdcmReader::TestFileInformation(GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *file)
650 int numColumns = file->GetXSize();
651 int numLines = file->GetYSize();
652 int numPlanes = file->GetZSize();
654 unsigned int pixelSize = file->GetPixelSize();
656 if( file->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
657 numComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
659 numComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
661 if( numColumns != this->NumColumns )
663 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File X value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
664 << file->GetFileName().c_str()
665 << ". Found " << numColumns << ", must be "
666 << this->NumColumns);
669 if( numLines != this->NumLines )
671 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File Y value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
672 << file->GetFileName().c_str()
673 << ". Found " << numLines << ", must be "
677 if( numPlanes != this->NumPlanes )
679 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File Z value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
680 << file->GetFileName().c_str()
681 << ". Found " << numPlanes << ", must be "
685 if( numComponents != this->NumComponents )
687 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File Components count doesn't match with the previous ones: "
688 << file->GetFileName().c_str()
689 << ". Found " << numComponents << ", must be "
690 << this->NumComponents);
693 if( pixelSize != this->PixelSize )
695 vtkErrorMacro(<< "File pixel size doesn't match with the previous ones: "
696 << file->GetFileName().c_str()
697 << ". Found " << pixelSize << ", must be "
705 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
708 * Remove all file names to the internal list of images to read.
710 void vtkGdcmReader::RemoveAllInternalFileName(void)
712 this->InternalFileNameList.clear();
716 * Adds a file name to the internal list of images to read.
718 void vtkGdcmReader::AddInternalFileName(const char *name)
720 char *LocalName = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
721 strcpy(LocalName, name);
722 this->InternalFileNameList.push_back(LocalName);
727 * Remove all file names to the internal list of images to read.
729 void vtkGdcmReader::RemoveAllInternalFile(void)
733 for(gdcmFileList::iterator it=InternalFileList.begin();
734 it!=InternalFileList.end();
740 this->InternalFileList.clear();
743 void vtkGdcmReader::IncrementProgress(const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
744 unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
746 // Update progress related for bad files:
747 updateProgressCount += this->NumLines;
748 if (updateProgressTarget > 0)
750 if (!(updateProgressCount%updateProgressTarget))
752 this->UpdateProgress(
753 updateProgressCount/(50.0*updateProgressTarget));
759 * Loads the contents of the image/volume contained by char *fileName at
760 * the dest memory address. Returns the size of the data loaded.
762 /*void vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
763 std::string fileName,
765 const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
766 unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
768 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Copying to memory image [" << fileName.c_str() << "]");
770 GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *f;
771 f = new GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File();
772 f->SetLoadMode( LoadMode );
773 f->SetFileName( fileName.c_str() );
776 LoadImageInMemory(f,dest,
777 updateProgressTarget,
778 updateProgressCount);
783 * Loads the contents of the image/volume contained by GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File* f at
784 * the Dest memory address. Returns the size of the data loaded.
785 * \ param f File to consider. NULL if the file must be skiped
786 * \remarks Assume that if (f != NULL) then its caracteristics match
787 * with the previous ones
789 void vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
790 GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *f,
792 const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
793 unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
798 GDCM_NAME_SPACE::FileHelper *fileH = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::FileHelper::New( f );
799 fileH->SetUserFunction( UserFunction );
801 fileH->SetKeepOverlays ( this->KeepOverlays);
803 int numColumns = f->GetXSize();
804 int numLines = f->GetYSize();
805 int numPlanes = f->GetZSize();
808 if( f->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
809 numComponents = f->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
811 numComponents = f->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
812 vtkDebugMacro(<< "numComponents:" << numComponents);
813 vtkDebugMacro(<< "Copying to memory image [" << f->GetFileName().c_str() << "]");
816 // If the data structure of vtk for image/volume representation
817 // were straigthforwards the following would be enough:
818 // GdcmFile.GetImageDataIntoVector((void*)Dest, size);
819 // But vtk chooses to invert the lines of an image, that is the last
820 // line comes first (for some axis related reasons?). Hence we need
821 // to load the image line by line, starting from the end.
823 int lineSize = NumComponents * numColumns * f->GetPixelSize();
824 int planeSize = lineSize * numLines;
828 if( fileH->GetFile()->HasLUT() && AllowLookupTable )
830 // to avoid bcc 5.5 w
831 /*size = */ fileH->GetImageDataSize();
832 src = (unsigned char*) fileH->GetImageDataRaw();
833 unsigned char *lut = (unsigned char*) fileH->GetLutRGBA();
835 if(!this->LookupTable)
837 this->LookupTable = vtkLookupTable::New();
840 this->LookupTable->SetNumberOfTableValues(256);
841 for (int tmp=0; tmp<256; tmp++)
843 this->LookupTable->SetTableValue(tmp,
844 (float)lut[4*tmp+0]/255.0,
845 (float)lut[4*tmp+1]/255.0,
846 (float)lut[4*tmp+2]/255.0,
849 this->LookupTable->SetRange(0,255);
850 vtkDataSetAttributes *a = this->GetOutput()->GetPointData();
851 a->GetScalars()->SetLookupTable(this->LookupTable);
856 //size = fileH->GetImageDataSize();
857 // useless - just an accessor; 'size' unused
858 src = (unsigned char*)fileH->GetImageData();
861 unsigned char *dst = dest + planeSize - lineSize;
862 for (int plane = 0; plane < numPlanes; plane++)
864 for (int line = 0; line < numLines; line++)
866 // Copy one line at proper destination:
867 memcpy((void*)dst, (void*)src, lineSize);
870 // Update progress related:
871 if (!(updateProgressCount%updateProgressTarget))
873 this->UpdateProgress(
874 updateProgressCount/(50.0*updateProgressTarget));
876 updateProgressCount++;
878 dst += 2 * planeSize;
884 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------