]> Creatis software - clitk.git/blob - vv/vvDeformableRegistration.cxx
added functionality for OBJ meshes. Untested.
[clitk.git] / vv / vvDeformableRegistration.cxx
1 #include <sstream>
2 #include <cstdlib>
3 #include <string>
4 #include <ctime>
6 #include <QThread>
7 #include <QApplication>
8 #include <QDir>
9 #include <QMutexLocker>
11 #include "vtkVOXImageWriter.h"
12 #include <vtkImageData.h>
14 #include "clitkCommon.h"
15 #include "vvSlicerManager.h"
16 #include "vvDeformableRegistration.h"
17 #include "vvImage.h"
18 #include "vvImage.h"
19 #include "vvImageReader.h"
21 vvDeformableRegistration::vvDeformableRegistration(vvImage::Pointer image,unsigned int ref,\
22         unsigned int iter,  unsigned int nthread,double a, double s,std::string output_f,unsigned int stop) :
23         mImage(image),
24         refimage(ref),
25         nb_iter(iter),
26         n_thread(nthread),
27         progress(0),
28         stop(stop),
29         alpha(a),
30         sigma(s),
31         output_filename(output_f),
32         aborted(false)
33 {
34 }
36 void vvDeformableRegistration::abort()
37 {
38     aborted=true;
39     std::system("killall deformableregistration");
40     std::system("killall clitkVFMerge");
41 }
43 unsigned int vvDeformableRegistration::getProgress()
44 {
45     QMutexLocker locker(&progress_mutex);
46     unsigned int retval=progress;
47     return retval;
48 }
50 void vvDeformableRegistration::cleanup(int frame_number) //remove temporary files
51 {
52     std::string temp_dir=mTempPath.toStdString();
53     for (int i=0;i<frame_number;i++)
54     {
55         std::stringstream filename;
56         filename << temp_dir << "/deformation_" << i << ".vf";
57         std::system((std::string("rm ") + filename.str()).c_str());
58     }
59     for (int i=0;i<frame_number;i++)
60     {
61         std::stringstream filename;
62         filename << temp_dir << "/temp_" << i << ".vox";
63         std::system(("rm " + filename.str()).c_str());
64     }
65     std::stringstream filename;
66     filename << temp_dir;
67     std::system(("rm -r " + filename.str()).c_str());
68 }
70 void vvDeformableRegistration::partial_run(int low_index,int high_index,int refimage,std::string ref_file)
71 {
72     std::string temp_dir=mTempPath.toStdString();
73     DD(ref_file);
74     DD(low_index);
75     DD(high_index);
76     for (int i=low_index;i<high_index;i++)
77     {
78         if (aborted)
79             break;
80         if (i==refimage)
81             continue;
82         std::stringstream filename;
83         std::stringstream registration_command;
84         filename << temp_dir << "/temp_" << i << ".vox";
85         std::stringstream output_vf;
86         output_vf << temp_dir << "/deformation_" << i << ".vf";
87         registration_command << "deformableregistration -r " << ref_file
88             << " -d " << filename.str() << " -o " << output_vf.str()
89             << " --alpha=" << alpha
90             << " --sigma=" << sigma
91             << " --stop=" << stop
92             << " --iter=" << nb_iter;
93         if (i>low_index && i-1 != refimage) //if possible, use the previous computations to speed up the process
94         {
95             std::stringstream old_vf;
96             old_vf << temp_dir << "/deformation_" << i-1 << ".vf";
97             registration_command << " --vf=" << old_vf.str();
98         }
99         DD(registration_command.str());
100         std::system(registration_command.str().c_str());
101         progress_mutex.lock();
102         progress++;
103         progress_mutex.unlock();
104     }
105 }
107 void vvDeformableRegistration::run()
108 {
109     clock_t start,finish;
110     start=clock();
111     vtkVOXImageWriter * vox = vtkVOXImageWriter::New();
112     std::stringstream command;
113     std::string ref_file;
114     mTempPath=QDir::tempPath()+QString("/vv-")+QString::number(qApp->applicationPid());
115     QDir temp_qt_dir;
116     DD(temp_qt_dir.mkpath(mTempPath));
117     std::string temp_dir=mTempPath.toStdString();
118     DD(temp_dir);
119     std::vector<vtkImageData*> images=mImage->GetVTKImages();
120     for (unsigned int i=0;i<images.size();i++)
121     {
122         std::stringstream filename;
123         filename << temp_dir << "/temp_" << i << ".vox";
124         vox->SetInput(images[i]);
125         vox->SetFileName(filename.str().c_str());
126         if (i==refimage)
127             ref_file=filename.str();
128         vox->Write();
129     }
130     vox->Delete();
131     progress++;
132     int reg_per_thread=static_cast<int>(images.size()-1)/n_thread;
133     int remainder=static_cast<int>(images.size()-1) - reg_per_thread*n_thread;
134 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_thread) schedule(static)
135     for (int i=0;i<static_cast<int>(n_thread);i++)
136     {
137         ///Static scheduling
138         int remainder_shift=((i<remainder)?i:remainder);
139         unsigned int start_image=i*reg_per_thread+remainder_shift;
140         unsigned int end_image=((i+1)*reg_per_thread+remainder_shift+((i<remainder)?1:0));
141         if (end_image<=refimage)
142             partial_run(start_image,end_image,refimage,ref_file);
143         else if (start_image<=refimage)
144             partial_run(start_image,end_image+1,refimage,ref_file);
145         else
146             partial_run(start_image+1,end_image+1,refimage,ref_file);
147     }
148     if (aborted)
149     {
150         cleanup(images.size());
151         return;
152     }
153     command.str("");
154     int computed_vf=(refimage==0)?1:0; //index of an image that isn't the reference image
155     command << "clitkZeroVF -i " << temp_dir << "/deformation_" << computed_vf << ".vf -o "  << temp_dir << 
156         "/deformation_" << refimage << ".vf";
157     DD(command.str()); //create zero VF for the ref image
158     std::system(command.str().c_str());
159     command.str("");
160     command << "clitkVFMerge ";
161     for (unsigned int i=0;i<images.size();i++) command << temp_dir << "/deformation_" << i << ".vf ";
162     command << " --xorigin " << images[0]->GetOrigin()[0];
163     command << " --yorigin " << images[0]->GetOrigin()[1];
164     command << " --zorigin " << images[0]->GetOrigin()[2];
165     command << " -o " << output_filename << std::endl;
166     DD(command.str());
167     std::system(command.str().c_str());
168     cleanup(images.size());
169     if (aborted)
170     {
171         std::system(("rm " + output_filename).c_str());
172         return;
173     }
174     vvImageReader reader;
175     reader.SetInputFilename(output_filename);
176     reader.Update(VECTORFIELD);
177     finish=clock();
178     DD((finish - start)/static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
179     mOutput=reader.GetOutput();
180 }