@description The project uses CMake as compilation helper. It should compile on the three major box flavors (linux, windows, mac). However, as of december 2014, it has only been tested on linux Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 14.04. @prerequisites 1. CMake (>= 3. Visualization Toolkit -VTK- (>=6.1.0) 3.1 Required cmake flags: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON 4. Insight Toolkit -ITK- (>=4.6.0) 4.1 Required cmake flags: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON Module_ITKVtkGlue:BOOL=ON @cmake_flags BUILD_DEMOS:BOOL Build example applications? (most of them are command line) CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING Debug/Release? CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING Where to put installation products? (in windows this option has no use) ## eof - $RCSfile$