@description The project uses CMake as compilation helper. It should compile on the three major box flavors (linux, windows, mac). However, as of december 2014, it has only been tested on linux Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 14.04. @prerequisites 1. CMake (>= 2. Visualization Toolkit -VTK- (>=6.1.0) 2.1 Steps Open CMake Select the soruce and the binary folder Select the desired version of generator to compile (Visual Studio 12 2013) and click on configure and wait until the options are enabled, and the make sure 2.2 Required cmake flags: BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON BUILD_TESTING OFF Module_VtkGUISupportQt ON Module_VtkGUISupportQtOpenGL ON Module_VtkGUISupportQtSql OFF Module_VtkGUISupportQtWebkit OFF 3. Insight Toolkit -ITK- (>=4.6.0) 3.1 Required cmake flags: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON Module_ITKVtkGlue:BOOL=ON 4. WARNING: Notes on compilation on MS-Windows As the time being (circa dec 2014), I've been using MSVC-2013 (compiler version 12). As expected, weird behavior is related to this config. Please take into account the following in order to have a successful compilation: 4.1 If you want to build the Qt-based code, please be sure that it was compiled with EXACTLY the same compiler you are using. 4.2 Since the dll load-unload procedure in MSWin is kind of magic, VTK should be compiled as shared libraries and ITK should be compiled as static libraries. This allows a correct execution of the SmartPointer's thus preventing anoying crashes. 4.3 If you found more problems in any MSWin config, please let us know at florez-l@javeriana.edu.co @cmake_flags BUILD_DEMOS:BOOL Build example applications? (most of them are command line) CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING Debug/Release? CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING Where to put installation products? (in windows this option has no use) ## eof - $RCSfile$