Gdcm Developpers
DashBoard (look for a "Build Name" containing GDCM)
First you should be familiar on how to
recompile, install and test
gdcm from the
sources obtained with cvs.
Please adopt the
coding style.
CVS policy
- All the commits should be atomic. They must preserve the compilation
in order to prevent checkouts with broken code.
- All the commits must correspond to a state of the code where ctest
runs and has no failing subtest. Always run ctest before commiting.
- you can start ctest in verbose mode through the command
ctest -V >& log
- you can start a single test through ctest with
ctest -R FailingTestName -V >& log
Compiler flags policy
When working with gcc please use the following flags when
configuring the cmake variable CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
-g -O0 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wunused-variable -Wunused-parameter
-Wunused-function -Wunused -Wno-system-headers -Wno-deprecated
Sending the result to kitware's dashboard (optional)
Use ctest -D Experimental.
The results should appear in
Kitware's dashboard
under the name of your machine (uname). For ease of use you can
change the SITE variable in your CMakeCache.txt to something more
accurate such as: GDCM-my_machine_name. The entry will then be within
the "Experimental Builds" entry.