gdcm download page

Download current sources

In order to retrieve the bleeding edge version (or any previous version) of gdcm please refer to the gdcm cvs access page.

Packaged distributions of gdcm last stable version 1.0 (Feb 14 2005)

Please refer to the news on version 1.0 for more information on the features of this release. Note: The corresponding sources must be retrieved through cvs (see gdcm cvs access) with the cvs tag Version1_0 e.g.
cvs co -r Version1_0 gdcm.

Packaged distributions of gdcm last stable version 0.6 (June 8 2004)

Please refer to the news on version 0.6 for more information on the features of this release. Note: The corresponding sources must be retrieved through cvs (see gdcm cvs access) with the cvs tag Version0_6 e.g.
cvs co -r Version0_6 gdcm.

Packaged distributions of gdcm version 0.4 (February 6 2004)

Please refer to the news on version 0.4 for more information on the features of this release. Note: The corresponding sources can be retrieved through cvs (see gdcm cvs access) with the cvs tag Version0_4 e.g.
cvs co -r Version0_4 gdcm.

Packaged distributions of intermediate version of Apr 20 2004

RPM for rh9 and fc1 (sources and binaries).

Packaged distributions of gdcm previous stable versions