gdcm download of version 0.1
- Sources
- For
a compressed tarball is available
- The full sources of version 0.1 can be retrieved
through cvs (see gdcm cvs access)
with the cvs tag April2003 e.g.
cvs co
-r April2003 gdcm
- Win32
- Sorry but the Kernel Win32 packaging starts at version 0.4.
- Windoze self installer of gdcmPython
gdcmPython-0.1.win32-py2.2.exe for Win32 (expects Python2.2.x).
- GNU/Linux RPM packages
- Gdcm kernel
Sorry but the Kernel rpm packaging (both sources and binaries)
starts at
version 0.3.
- GdcmPython (source and binaries)