# include stuff INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/ ) SET(EXAMPLE_SOURCES #names starting with 'ex' are examples exBuildUpDicomDir exReadPapyrus exReadWriteFile exAnonymize exAnonymizeNoLoad # without loading the Pixel Data exColorToRGB exGC exImageLighten exOverlaysACR #the following are utilities PrintDicomDir PrintDocument PrintFile FindTags MakeDicomDir AnonymizeDicomDir # without loading it as a gdcm::DicomDir #the following will be transformed into 'examples', or 'utilities' # or will be removed # # Better you don't use them (not fully checked ...) #test FlatHashTablePrint TestCopyDicom TestChangeHeader TestFromScratch TestWrite TestWriteSimple Volume2Dicom WriteDicomSimple WriteRead ) FOREACH(name ${EXAMPLE_SOURCES}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${name}.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${name} gdcm) INSTALL_TARGETS(/bin/ ${name}) ENDFOREACH(name)