/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: PhilipsToBrucker.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2006/01/18 15:45:20 $ Version: $Revision: 1.5 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmDocEntry.h" #include "gdcmDicomDir.h" #include "gdcmDicomDirPatient.h" #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmFileHelper.h" #include "gdcmDirList.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmArgMgr.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmSerieHelper.h" #include /** * \brief * - explores recursively the given directory * - keeps the requested series * - orders the gdcm-readable found Files * according to their Patient/Study/Serie/Image characteristics * - fills a single level Directory with *all* the files, * converted into a Brucker-like Dicom, Intags compliant * */ typedef std::map SortedFiles; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START_USAGE(usage) " \n PhilipsToBrucker :\n ", " - explores recursively the given directory, ", " - keeps the requested series/ drops the unrequested series ", " - orders the gdcm-readable found Files according to their ", " (0x0010, 0x0010) Patient's Name ", " (0x0020, 0x000e) Series Instance UID ", " (0x0020, 0x0032) Image Position (Patient) ", " (0x0018, 0x1312) In-plane Phase Encoding Direction ", " (0x0018, 0x1060) Trigger Time ", " - fills a single level (*) Directory with *all* the files, ", " converted into a Brucker-like Dicom, InTags compliant ", " (*) actually : creates as many directories as Patients ", " -that shouldn't appear, but being carefull is better ! -", " ", " usage: ", " PhilipsToBrucker dirin=rootDirectoryName ", " dirout=outputDirectoryName ", " { [keep= list of seriesNumber to process] ", " | [drop= list of seriesNumber to ignore] } ", " [extent=image suffix (.IMA, .NEMA, .DCM, ...)] ", " [noshadowseq][noshadow][noseq] [verbose] [debug] ", " ", " dirout : will be created if doesn't exist ", " keep : if user wants to process a limited number of series ", " he gives the list of 'SeriesNumber' (tag 0020|0011) ", " drop : if user wants to ignore a limited number of series ", " he gives the list of 'SeriesNumber' (tag 0020|0011) ", " SeriesNumber are short enough to be human readable ", " e.g : 1030,1035,1043 ", " extent : DO NOT forget the leading '.' ! ", " noshadowseq: user doesn't want to load Private Sequences ", " noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number) ", " noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences ", " verbose : user wants to run the program in 'verbose mode' ", " debug : *developer* wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ", FINISH_USAGE // ----- Initialize Arguments Manager ------ gdcm::ArgMgr *am = new gdcm::ArgMgr(argc, argv); if (argc == 1 || am->ArgMgrDefined("usage")) { am->ArgMgrUsage(usage); // Display 'usage' delete am; return 0; } char *dirNamein; dirNamein = am->ArgMgrGetString("dirin",(char *)"."); char *dirNameout; dirNameout = am->ArgMgrGetString("dirout",(char *)"."); int loadMode = gdcm::LD_ALL; if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadowseq") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSHADOWSEQ; else { if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadow") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW; if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noseq") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSEQ; } if (am->ArgMgrDefined("debug")) gdcm::Debug::DebugOn(); bool verbose = am->ArgMgrDefined("verbose"); int nbSeriesToKeep; int *seriesToKeep = am->ArgMgrGetListOfInt("keep", &nbSeriesToKeep); int nbSeriesToDrop; int *seriesToDrop = am->ArgMgrGetListOfInt("drop", &nbSeriesToDrop); if ( nbSeriesToKeep!=0 && nbSeriesToDrop!=0) { std::cout << "KEEP and DROP are mutually exclusive !" << std::endl; delete am; return 0; } char *extent = am->ArgMgrGetString("extent",".DCM"); // if unused Param we give up if ( am->ArgMgrPrintUnusedLabels() ) { am->ArgMgrUsage(usage); delete am; return 0; } delete am; // we don't need Argument Manager any longer // ----- Begin Processing ----- if ( ! gdcm::DirList::IsDirectory(dirNamein) ) { std::cout << "KO : [" << dirNamein << "] is not a Directory : " << std::endl; exit(0); } else { std::cout << "OK : [" << dirNamein << "]" << " is a Directory" << std::endl; } std::string systemCommand; if ( ! gdcm::DirList::IsDirectory(dirNameout) ) // dirout not found { std::string strDirNameout(dirNameout); // to please gcc 4 systemCommand = "mkdir " +strDirNameout; // create it! if (verbose) std::cout << systemCommand << std::endl; system (systemCommand.c_str()); if ( ! gdcm::DirList::IsDirectory(dirNameout) ) // be sure it worked { std::cout << "KO : not a dir : [" << dirNameout << "] (creation failure ?)" << std::endl; exit(0); } else { std::cout << "Directory [" << dirNameout << "]" << " created" << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Output Directory [" << dirNameout << "]" << " already exists; Used as is." << std::endl; } std::string strDirNamein(dirNamein); gdcm::DirList dirList(strDirNamein, true); // get recursively the list of files /* std::cout << "---------------List of found files ------------" << std::endl; dirList.Print(); */ gdcm::DirListType fileNames; fileNames = dirList.GetFilenames(); gdcm::SerieHelper *s; // Needed only to may use SerieHelper::AddSeriesDetail() s = gdcm::SerieHelper::New(); /* std::cout << "---------------Print Serie--------------" << std::endl; s->SetDirectory(dirNamein, true); // true : recursive exploration s->SetUseSeriesDetails(true); s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0018, 0x1312); s->Print(); */ gdcm::File *f; gdcm::FileHelper *fh; /* std::cout << "---------------Print Unique Series identifiers---------" << std::endl; std::string uniqueSeriesIdentifier; for (gdcm::DirListType::iterator it = fileNames.begin(); it != fileNames.end(); ++it) { std::cout << "File Name : " << *it << std::endl; f = gdcm::File::New(); f->SetLoadMode(gdcm::LD_ALL); f->SetFileName( *it ); f->Load(); uniqueSeriesIdentifier=s->CreateUniqueSeriesIdentifier(f); std::cout << " [" << uniqueSeriesIdentifier << "]" << std::endl; f->Delete(); } */ if (verbose) std::cout << "------------------Print Break levels-----------------" << std::endl; std::string userFileIdentifier; SortedFiles sf; s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0010, 0x0010, false); // Patient's Name s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0020, 0x000e, false); // Series Instance UID s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0020, 0x0032, false); // Image Position (Patient) s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0018, 0x1312, false); // In-plane Phase Encoding Direction s->AddSeriesDetail(0x0018, 0x1060, true); // Trigger Time for (gdcm::DirListType::iterator it = fileNames.begin(); it != fileNames.end(); ++it) { f = gdcm::File::New(); f->SetLoadMode(loadMode); f->SetFileName( *it ); f->Load(); // keep only requested Series std::string strSeriesNumber; int seriesNumber; int j; bool keep = false; if (nbSeriesToKeep != 0) { strSeriesNumber = f->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x0011 ); seriesNumber = atoi( strSeriesNumber.c_str() ); for (j=0;jDelete(); continue; } } // drop all unrequested Series bool drop = false; if (nbSeriesToDrop != 0) { strSeriesNumber = f->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x0011 ); seriesNumber = atoi( strSeriesNumber.c_str() ); for (j=0;jDelete(); continue; } } userFileIdentifier=s->CreateUserDefinedFileIdentifier(f); //std::cout << " [" << // userFileIdentifier << "]" << std::endl; // storing in a map ensures automatic sorting ! sf[userFileIdentifier] = f; } std::vector tokens; std::string fullFilename, lastFilename; std::string previousPatientName, currentPatientName; std::string previousSerieInstanceUID, currentSerieInstanceUID; std::string previousImagePosition, currentImagePosition; std::string previousPhaseEncodingDirection, currentPhaseEncodingDirection; std::string writeDir, currentWriteDir; writeDir = gdcm::Util::NormalizePath(dirNameout); SortedFiles::iterator it2; previousPatientName = ""; previousSerieInstanceUID = ""; previousImagePosition = ""; previousPhaseEncodingDirection = ""; int sliceIndex = 0; int frameIndex = 0; gdcm::File *currentFile; for (it2 = sf.begin() ; it2 != sf.end(); ++it2) { currentFile = it2->second; fullFilename = currentFile->GetFileName(); lastFilename = gdcm::Util::GetName( fullFilename ); tokens.clear(); gdcm::Util::Tokenize (it2->first, tokens, "_"); currentPatientName = tokens[0]; currentSerieInstanceUID = tokens[1]; currentImagePosition = tokens[2]; currentPhaseEncodingDirection = tokens[3]; if (previousPatientName != currentPatientName) { previousPatientName = currentPatientName; if (verbose) std::cout << "==== new Patient " << currentPatientName << std::endl; previousPatientName = currentPatientName; previousSerieInstanceUID = ""; //currentSerieInstanceUID; previousImagePosition = ""; //currentImagePosition; previousPhaseEncodingDirection = ""; //currentPhaseEncodingDirection; currentWriteDir = writeDir + currentPatientName; if ( ! gdcm::DirList::IsDirectory(currentWriteDir) ) { systemCommand = "mkdir " + currentWriteDir; if (verbose) std::cout << systemCommand << std::endl; system ( systemCommand.c_str() ); } } if (previousSerieInstanceUID != currentSerieInstanceUID) { if (verbose) std::cout << "==== === new Serie " << currentSerieInstanceUID << std::endl; previousSerieInstanceUID = currentSerieInstanceUID; previousImagePosition = ""; //currentImagePosition; previousPhaseEncodingDirection = ""; //currentPhaseEncodingDirection; } if (previousImagePosition != currentImagePosition) { if (verbose) std::cout << "=== === === new Position " << currentImagePosition << std::endl; previousImagePosition = currentImagePosition; previousPhaseEncodingDirection = ""; //currentPhaseEncodingDirection; sliceIndex += 1; } if (previousPhaseEncodingDirection != currentPhaseEncodingDirection) { if (verbose) std::cout << "==== === === === new PhaseEncodingDirection " << currentPhaseEncodingDirection << std::endl; previousPhaseEncodingDirection = currentPhaseEncodingDirection; } frameIndex++; if (verbose) std::cout << "--- --- --- --- --- " << (it2->second)->GetFileName() << std::endl; if ( gdcm::Debug::GetDebugFlag()) std::cout << "--- --- --- --- --- " << it2->first << " " << (it2->second)->GetFileName() << " " << gdcm::Util::GetName( fullFilename ) << std::endl; // Transform the image to be 'Brucker-Like' // ---------------------------------------- // Deal with 0x0019, 0x1000 : 'FOV' int nX = currentFile->GetXSize(); int nY = currentFile->GetYSize(); float pxSzX = currentFile->GetXSpacing(); float pxSzY = currentFile->GetYSpacing(); char fov[64]; sprintf(fov, "%f\\%f",nX*pxSzX, nY*pxSzY); currentFile->InsertEntryString(fov, 0x0019, 0x1000, "DS"); // Deal with 0x0020, 0x0012 : 'SESSION INDEX' std::string chSessionIndex; if (currentPhaseEncodingDirection == "ROW") chSessionIndex = "1"; else chSessionIndex = "2"; // suppose it's "COLUMN" ! currentFile->InsertEntryString(chSessionIndex, 0x0020, 0x0012, "IS"); // Deal with 0x0021, 01020 : 'SLICE INDEX' char chSliceIndex[5]; sprintf(chSliceIndex, "%04d", sliceIndex); std::string strChSliceIndex(chSliceIndex); currentFile->InsertEntryString(strChSliceIndex, 0x0021, 0x1020, "IS"); // Deal with 0x0021, 01040 : 'FRAME INDEX' char chFrameIndex[5]; sprintf(chFrameIndex, "%04d", frameIndex); currentFile->InsertEntryString(chFrameIndex, 0x0021, 0x1040, "IS"); std::string strExtent(extent); std::string fullWriteFilename = currentWriteDir + gdcm::GDCM_FILESEPARATOR + lastFilename + strExtent; /* systemCommand = "cp " + fullFilename + " " + fullWriteFilename; std::cout << systemCommand << std::endl; system ( systemCommand.c_str() ); */ // Load the pixels in RAM. fh = gdcm::FileHelper::New(currentFile); fh->GetImageDataRaw(); // Don't convert (Gray Pixels + LUT) into (RGB pixels) ?!? fh->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(); fh->Write(fullWriteFilename); fh->Delete(); } }