/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2007/03/27 11:38:02 $ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ /* Some old versions of VTK? ITK ? SeriesWriter weren't too much strict when they did the job. A lot of people has a lot of 'supposed to be Serie' directories that, actually, aren't at all. The following program converts them (hope so!) Le programme 'de convertion' s'utilise comme les 'filtres LibIDO' (mots-clés et valeurs par defaut). exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID ", Converts the a Dicom file inside a single-level Directory into a 'Single Study UID - Single SerieUID usage: exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID dirin=inputDirectoryName dirout=outputDirectoryName [studyUID = ] [patName = ] [Zspacing = ] [ { [noshadowseq] | [noshadow][noseq] } ] [debug] [verbose]", dirin : single-level Directory containing the images (no recursive parsing) dirout : will be created if doesn't exist studyUID : *aware* user wants to add the serie to an already existing study dirin : directory (un seul niveau) contenant les images dirout : directory de sortie (cree s'il n'existe pas); le nom des images est conservé. studyUID : si on veut *ajouter* la serie qui va etre creee a une study qui existe deja (il faut connaitre son Study UID) patName : nom du patient (ca peut servir pour y voir plus clair sur les logiciels cliniques) Zspacing : si c'est important pour la visu 3D. Ca servira a calculer le Slice Location (s'il n'existe pas deja) et la composante Z de ImagePositionPatient (s'il n'existe pas) // if Image Orientation (Patient) is not present // I create one, (as Axial) // if Image Position (Patient) is not present // I create one, incrementing zPositionComponent up by user supplied zSpacing // if Slice Location is not present // I create one, as zPositionComponent // */ #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmFileHelper.h" #include "gdcmCommon.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmDirList.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmArgMgr.h" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { START_USAGE(usage) "\n exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID :\n ", " Converts the Dicom files inside a single-level Directory ", " into a 'Single Study UID - Single SerieUID' file set ", " usage: exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID ", " dirin=inputDirectoryName ", " dirout=outputDirectoryName ", " [studyUID = ] [patName = ] [Zspacing = ] ", " [ { [noshadowseq] | [noshadow][noseq] } ] [debug] [verbose]", " ", " dirin : single-level Directory containing the images ", " (no recursive parsing) ", " dirout : will be created if doesn't exist ", " ", " studyUID : *aware* user wants to add the serie ", " to an already existing study ", " noshadowseq: user doesn't want to load Private Sequences ", " noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number) ", " noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences ", " verbose : user wants to run the program in 'verbose mode' ", " debug : developper wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ", FINISH_USAGE // ----- Initialize Arguments Manager ------ gdcm::ArgMgr *am = new gdcm::ArgMgr(argc, argv); if (am->ArgMgrDefined("usage") || argc == 1) { am->ArgMgrUsage(usage); // Display 'usage' delete am; return 0; } if (am->ArgMgrDefined("debug")) gdcm::Debug::DebugOn(); int verbose = am->ArgMgrDefined("verbose"); std::string patName = am->ArgMgrGetString("patname", "g^PatientName"); float zSpacing = am->ArgMgrGetFloat("zSpacing", 1.0); const char *dirIn = am->ArgMgrGetString("dirin"); const char *dirOut = am->ArgMgrGetString("dirout"); int userDefinedStudy = am->ArgMgrDefined("studyUID"); const char *studyUID = am->ArgMgrGetString("studyUID"); // not described *on purpose* in the Usage ! int userDefinedSerie = am->ArgMgrDefined("serieUID"); const char *serieUID = am->ArgMgrGetString("serieUID"); int loadMode = gdcm::LD_ALL; if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadowseq") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSHADOWSEQ; else { if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noshadow") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW; if ( am->ArgMgrDefined("noseq") ) loadMode |= gdcm::LD_NOSEQ; } /* if unused Param we give up */ if ( am->ArgMgrPrintUnusedLabels() ) { am->ArgMgrUsage(usage); delete am; return 0; } delete am; // ------ we don't need Arguments Manager any longer ------ // ====== Deal with a (single level, single Patient) Directory ====== //std::cout << "dirIn [" << dirIn << "]" << std::endl; if ( ! gdcm::DirList::IsDirectory(dirIn) ) { std::cout << "KO : [" << dirIn << "] is not a Directory." << std::endl; return 0; } else { if (verbose) std::cout << "OK : [" << dirIn << "] is a Directory." << std::endl; } std::string systemCommand; std::string strDirNameout(dirOut); // to please gcc 4 std::cout << "Check for output directory :[" << dirOut << "]." <SetLoadMode(loadMode); f->SetFileName( it->c_str() ); if (verbose) std::cout << "file [" << it->c_str() << "]" << std::endl; if ( !f->Load() ) { if (verbose) std::cout << "fail to load [" << it->c_str() << "]" << std::endl; f->Delete(); continue; } // Load the pixels in RAM. fh = gdcm::FileHelper::New(f); uint8_t *imageData = fh->GetImageDataRaw(); // Don't convert (Gray Pixels + LUT) into (RGB pixels) ?!? if (!imageData) std::cout << "fail to read [" << it->c_str() << std::endl; fh->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(); fh->InsertEntryString(strStudyUID,0x0020,0x000d,"UI"); fh->InsertEntryString(strSerieUID,0x0020,0x000e,"UI"); fh->InsertEntryString(patName,0x0010,0x0010, "PN"); // Patient's Name // ================================================================================================== // This is a dirty heuristics, but no other way :-( // if Image Orientation (Patient) is not present // I create one, (as Axial) // if Image Position (Patient) is not present // I create one, incrementing zPositionComponent up by user supplied zSpacing // if Slice Location is not present // I create one, as zPositionComponent // // Aware use is free to supply his own one ! if (! f->CheckIfEntryExist(0x0020,0x0037) ) // 0020 0037 DS 6 Image Orientation (Patient) { fh->InsertEntryString("1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0",0x0020,0x0037, "DS"); //[1\0\0\0\1\0] : Axial char charImagePosition[256]; sprintf(charImagePosition,"0.0\\0.0\\%f",zPositionComponent); zPositionComponent += zSpacing; if (! f->CheckIfEntryExist(0x0020,0x0032) ) //0020 0032 DS 3 Image Position (Patient) fh->InsertEntryString(charImagePosition,0x0020,0x0032, "DS"); if (! f->CheckIfEntryExist(0x0020,0x1041) ) // 0020 0x1041 DS 1 Slice Location { sprintf(charImagePosition,"%f",zPositionComponent); fh->InsertEntryString(charImagePosition,0x0020,0x1041, "DS"); } } // ================================================================================================== fh->SetContentType(gdcm::UNMODIFIED_PIXELS_IMAGE); lastFilename = gdcm::Util::GetName( fullFilename ); std::string fullWriteFilename = strDirNameout + gdcm::GDCM_FILESEPARATOR + lastFilename; if (verbose) std::cout << "Write : [" << fullWriteFilename << "]" << std::endl; if (!fh->Write(fullWriteFilename)) { std::cout << "Fail to write :[" << fullWriteFilename << "]" << std::endl; } fh->Delete(); f->Delete(); } return 1; }