0. Pre-requisites ----------------- cpPlugins is developed in C++11 and makes extensive use of VTK (>=7.0) and ITK (>=4.10). Qt (=4.8) could be used at will. In order to compile it, you will need a development environment that includes: - A decent C++11 compiler. If you use g++ (on linux-like machines) or Xcode (on Mac boxes) you should be ok. On Windows, is rather difficult (thanks Microsoft?), but it is recommened to use the MinGW environment. - make. - git, if you want to gain access to the latest versions of every package. - GLUT. - whatever your compiler complains about... ;-) On this manual, all third party packages will be downloaded and compiled on the ~/sources path and will be installed on the ~/local path. If you want to follow exactly the same commands, please execute the next commands on your console before continuing: $ cd $ mkdir -p sources $ mkdir -p local 1. Qt compilation ----------------- Although native Qt4.8 installers can be found on most platforms, you could face the (really ugly) Qt compilation process, specially if you are on Windows or MAC. However, the normal compilation is rather simple: - download your qt4.8 source code: $ cd ~/sources $ wget http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.7/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7.tar.gz - On linux, configure the native Qt compilation chain: $ cd ~/sources $ mkdir -p qt-binaries-4.8.7 $ cd qt-binaries-4.8.7 $ ~/sources/qt-source-4.8.7/configure \ -release -opensource -shared -fast \ -optimized-qmake -confirm-license \ -prefix ~/local ## eof - $RCSfile$