@echo off echo ----------------------------------- echo ---Setting Environment Variables--- echo ----------------------------------- set thirdpartyGeneration= set buildType= ::The following line sets wxWidgets version. Set it ON if you want to compile wxWidgets 2.8.12 ::The following line set swxWidgets version. Set it OFF if you want to compile wxWidgets 2.9.3 set wxStable= ::Set the following line ON if you want to force x86 compilation set forcex86=OFF echo thirdpartyGeneration=%thirdpartyGeneration% echo buildType=%buildType% echo wxStable=%wxStable% echo ----------------------------------- echo ---End Setting Global Variables---- echo ----------------------------------- echo ----------------------------------- echo -------Calling Scripts------------- echo ----------------------------------- echo starting time time /t date /T set scripts=%cd%\scripts cd %scripts% echo Calling download_ThirdPartySW.bat call download_ThirdPartySW.bat %thirdpartyGeneration% %buildType% %wxStable% >> downloadThirdParty.log 2>&1 cd %scripts% echo Calling install_thirdparty.bat start /wait install_thirdparty.bat %thirdpartyGeneration% %buildType% echo Calling generateThirdPartydllsExe.bat cd %scripts% start /wait generateThirdPartydllsExe.bat %thirdpartyGeneration% %buildType% echo Calling generateThirdPartyLibExe.bat cd %scripts% start /wait generateThirdPartyLibExe.bat %thirdpartyGeneration% %buildType% cd.. echo ----------------------------------- echo -------End of the Script----------- echo ----------------------------------- echo ending time time /t date /T pause exit