============================= Third Part Library ========================== 1. Install from /home/davila/public_html/creatools_back_site/crea_Developer_Tools/v4 - mingw-64 V7.3 Version x86_64 Add int the sytem PATH: <..InstalationPath..>\mingw-w64\x86_64-7.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin - cmake 2.8.12 >= - wget - basic-miktex-2.9.6753-x64.exe - nsis-3.03-setup.exe - 7z - git Install Options -No GUI -Git from commandline Recommended -OpenSSL -Use Windows console - git (ssh-agent ssh-add) configuration : Move the scripts/bashrc to .bashrc in Windows-User-Home - key ssh: copy the id_rsa version 2 in \.ssh (see mail ups rsa 2) 2. Clone creaToolsTools -Cambiar la branch (mingw64) -En creaToolsTools\Install_mingw64\Install_ThirdParty\install_All.bat ajustar el path de: cmakeBin thirdpartyGenerationBase wget zipPath -En creaToolsTools\Install_mingw64\Install_ThirdParty\scripts\tpl_variables.bat - Verificar que es TRUE y FALSE 3. Compile Third Party Library (tpl) install-All.bat ::Nota, correr todo para bajar los fuentes, el ( unzip 7z ) no lo enuentra en la segunda corrida cuando se quite la opcion de clean y download se renombran los source automatidacmente (OJO con wxWindgets, hay que hacerlo a mano) ============================= Creatools ========================== 0. Configuration -Instalar basic-miktex-2.9.6753-x64.exe -plink: configurar en creaToolsTools\Install_mingw64\Install_CreaTools/creatools.bat A. set GIT_SSH=C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe or comment this line. B. set bash=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe -ssh: Exportar la llave generada en linux en formato ppk. cargar la llave con pagent. (doble click en el archivo ppk) 1. Install crea_TPdlls--4.1.0-win64.exe 2. creatools.bat Configurar el directorio de salida 3. ?????????? scripts/gitcall.bat configurar bien la variable, que depende donde esta instalado git set bash=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe