#ifndef __bbSlicerForegroundmaskingBRAINS_h_INCLUDED__ #define __bbSlicerForegroundmaskingBRAINS_h_INCLUDED__ #include "bbSlicer_EXPORT.h" #include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CreationTool.h" namespace bbSlicer { class bbSlicer_EXPORT ForegroundmaskingBRAINS : public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox { BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE ( ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ; // GENERATED ARGS BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( inputVolume , std::string ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( outputROIMaskVolume , std::string ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( outputClippedVolumeROI , std::string ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( otsuPercentileThreshold , double ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( thresholdCorrectionFactor , double ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( closingSize , double ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( ROIAutoDilateSize , double ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( outputVolumePixelType , std::string ); BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT ( numberOfThreads , int ); // EO GENERATED ARGS BBTK_PROCESS ( Process ) ; void Process ( ) ; private: void execute ( std::string lib , int _argc , char * _argv[] ) ; } ; BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , bbtk::AtomicBlackBox ) ; BBTK_NAME ( "ForegroundmaskingBRAINS" ) ; BBTK_AUTHOR ( "Hans J. Johnson, hans-johnson -at- uiowa.edu, http://wwww.psychiatry.uiowa.edu" ) ; BBTK_DESCRIPTION ( "This tool uses a combination of otsu thresholding and a closing operations to identify the most prominant foreground region in an image." ) ; BBTK_CATEGORY ( "Segmentation.Specialized" ) ; // GENERATED DESCRPTION BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , inputVolume , "inputVolume" , std::string, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , outputROIMaskVolume , "outputROIMaskVolume" , std::string, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , outputClippedVolumeROI , "outputClippedVolumeROI" , std::string, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , otsuPercentileThreshold , "otsuPercentileThreshold" , double, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , thresholdCorrectionFactor , "thresholdCorrectionFactor" , double, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , closingSize , "closingSize" , double, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , ROIAutoDilateSize , "ROIAutoDilateSize" , double, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , outputVolumePixelType , "outputVolumePixelType" , std::string, ""); BBTK_INPUT(ForegroundmaskingBRAINS , numberOfThreads , "numberOfThreads" , int, ""); // EO GENERATED DESCRIPTION BBTK_END_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX ( ForegroundmaskingBRAINS ) ; } #endif // __bbSlicerForegroundmaskingBRAINS_h_INCLUDED__